🥇 | kissi1977 | 65 | |
🥈 | Artie Effham | 44 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | Pastahead | 37 | ⤴️ |
#4 | Mistress of the Obvious | 32 | ⤴️ |
#5 | DarkSpuddle | 31 | ⤴️ |
#6 | MoxieMolly | 26 | ⤴️ |
#7 | tHe_pOst | 25 | ⤴️ |
#8 | Mad Dudy and jenrose | 20 | ⤴️ |
#10 | Skent | 19 | ⤴️ |
#11 | Late nite Ramen and blik | 18 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Adatur | 17 | ⤴️ |
#14 | King Stupid, Mana Yachanichu and whizdad | 16 | ⤴️ |
#17 | Ultranibbles and godless heathen | 15 | ⤴️ |
#19 | Caldric, GadTheHero, Nikademus, Zanchvegas and mflGrMp | 14 | ⤴️ |
#24 | koMmiEs and ooshNaga | 13 | ⤴️ |
#26 | Dannyb0y, Maddog Doan, SkyElf, TwirlyRotini, Zock, testostronaut and the_loath_ranger | 12 | ⤴️ |
#33 | Archipelago71, Clubbrz L337, DosBoot, JekCromium, Longuine, Mac_Gyver, Slym, The Mighty Tard, Wagr, Wiggin and spooky kid | 11 | ⤴️ |
#44 | Beljeferon, Catatonia, Hawksmoor, Lord Stefano, Lotan, Noskilz, Scattaloquarious, alvinliu and wondersherL | 10 | ⤴️ |
#53 | Bjornhilde, Bruce Garetz, CA Dude, Dibzdevil, Gulluoglu, HIlFSdepp, Niven the Squeamish, Poncho the Sane, Shaudius, TAFKAP77, Veracity, dagwoodmcd, eskimodave, john1008, mskc, murphs and sciFIwiZ | 9 | ⤴️ |
#70 | Babaganoosh, Depro Fundis, Dibzannia, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Empra1234, IdHitIt, JawG, Magister30, Muush, Roman_the_evil, Splotz, bordemstirs, sage1125, silly_na and turk112587 | 8 | ⤴️ |
#85 | Aequeus, Antic the Fearless, BlueThunder, Chelonia, Crysalim, DarkStanley, Darkling, Darmut eDrien, Django, Donavin69, General_Herpes, IceColdFever, InspectorX, Jherskow, Kurtispj, Logmo, Lord Googyll, Lord Harkstead, Lotta Potz, Mahi_mahi_wings, MrDeFault, Nanna BuBu, Pegathy, PlutoOfPluto, Potlug, Snugglypoo, StaffordMeister, Theon, VelmaVelma, Will the Warrior, WoofWoof, hohofolderol, myrth77, queenoftheNAUGHTiez and takenoko | 7 | ⤴️ |
#120 | Asimantos, AuntBeast, Backdoorbandit, BobDoleSuperior, CeruleanArcher, Chez, Cthulu_Zombie, Demonic, DerMagus, DocGonzo, DuRhone, Eggbert, FatQuack2, Ferrex, Galafrone, Ishavriel, JAD, LuckyPuck, LustyPirateWench, MachineMainframe, Maclind, MadBloodletter, Magic2729, MrTowel, NewTexas, O_Dog, PeterTosh, Poison_Taquito, QGrav42, Sativarg, Seodfac, Shadow Tiger, Stabotron, Tazy, Triffels, Two__T, Vorthox, darius180, demonizer, icKygiRl, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kof, ladderman, lupus4, medusa, minders, raynstorm, saucybandit and welt | 6 | ⤴️ |
#169 | Airika, Astraios, Biblio1, Boesbert, Chadomancer, Chish, CoupleK, Cri, Crunch10000, DellyBelly, Duncan MacLeod, Dust, Extirpator, FiNrot Crapbag, Fokai, Forkbende, FufuBunnySlayer, Gleamglade, Glitch, Grumble Guy, GryWizard, Hairshirt, Helix Fossil, IMPaLIX, Jo_Anonomous, Killjoy, Lepton614, Lis, Lord Finisher, Mars the Infomage, Mecha, Mikachu, MoxieContin, Naked Knight, Noodle_Appendage, Nychiesel, Ocoma, Oldsfrk, Omnibus, Optimus747, Philosofik, Porny Stroker, Ppaps, ProfEssorjEllybEaN, Pumpkinheadme, Quackosaur, Rawk The Slayer, Regmar Kinczuk, Rolagza, Shadow_Falcon, SmileyByte, Stan Maskelyne, Steelheadon, TamerAlt, The Antisanity, Thraxus, TimDrake, UPJIceman, Verdigris97, Von Poncy, Wembley Fraggle, Yarple, agargan, bluespacething, boy howdy, deathsausage, floriSSanTTi, geekrockgirl85, kirByllAmA, kirahvikoira, magyk285, marnaza, mousicle, nardo polo, noinamg, osc630, payguhn, rexfelis, rhod_hook, tindrum and yardbird G08 | 5 | ⤴️ |
#250 | Agapanthus, Antfattener, Ashes, AssTractionHero, Avanar, Bert of the Northwest, CYJ, Castiel, Celsey, Crym, Cullots, Daps, Darz, Davolta, DementedFae, Disneyrocks, Don Quai Poncerello, DrunkDuckie, Duddy01, EXOR169, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eldricson, Elranthan, Ephesos, EvenHart, Fish Food230, Flaming Turtle, Fredrikson, FrenchiePoo, Gaephrius, George Gay, Gu0y1, Hojo Hominygrits, Itsatrap, Jezdar, JoseCuervo, Kareth, Kaspersai, KingFelix, Knitbone, LaBoheme, Lagomorpho, Lord of the Souls, Macdaddy, Mairsil, Meat_Curious, Miridian, Mitza, Mojo Rising, Mokume, Mongrel the Apathetic, NeverEndingGlory, Nobody22, Obnoxio The Clown, PapaCap, Parastra, PeKaJe, Protector of Felines, Qdo, Quagdogg, RawrPepsiCola, Retro_Thrusters, Rosarinita, Rydet42, Sasori_uk, Saucy_ash, Sceptileus, Schlurp, Senor Velasco, Sheik Ahmed, ShoTheBandit, Sir Brian, Snavley, Snork Maiden, Solve_Omnis, Stony Porker, Subacai, Terrapin_Man, The Funktipus, TheDarkOne, Transplanted_Entwife, Tyramon, WayneXtreme, Werefrog, Wilfenite, Wulfwyn, ahamster, aliciawonderland, annamonster, burgin, corkpork, derpherp, freddie four fingers, goom, hax0r, jackman6, koutetsu, monopolyman001, mylittlebrother, mylittlesister, outintheopenHermit, sarspastic, tarfu92, w_ron_g, x_LordBloodSorrowGothRaven_x and zoutroi | 4 | ⤴️ |
#356 | Achmedkhalim, Akuji, Al K Hall, Allikat, Ander Hammer, AnyLameName, Athanatos, BARON VON KILL, Badde Hugs, BeefBurglar, BenzDoc, BillyWin, Blanky, Bloodlust, BlueWasabi, BrittyBear, BuRNJoB420, Caplin, Casteel, ChaoticGalen, Chewbud, Chicken in Black, CiaraCat, Cleo, Coalface, CosmoCornelius, Crovax1234, DAMNEDguy, Daqh Kiri, Devore, Dinin, Dirx, DraconisUK, Dutton, EarWaxMax, EaterOfSorrow, Eddie Trojan, Eevilcat, Elayne, ElronBean, Eron, Euan McLeod, Faust, Fickle Fig, Filboid Studge, Fossa, Framistan, Ganguran, Gaucho, Generic Hero, Goblingrin II, Goobertina, Grokly, HeavnzRogue, HerculesRomanus, I Eat Lotsa Babies, IAmATurnip, Ima Bycch, Infopowerbroker, Isladar, JR Trolkin, Jeddiah, Kallo, Karnyvore, Khaostastic, KingArt, Kyrial, Lungbutter, MagonKody, Mansausage, Martavius, MaxEarWax, MisterDoobs, MolotovH, Moraglar Khilen, Mr_GlitterBall, Mrmongoose, Mystic_Potato, Nithhad, OPpen, Orlando, PajamaJustice, Park, Pinkytoe, Proxy, Ramidan, Ravenous Muffin, Rethgif, Rhatt, RobLobster, Sal the Rapacious, Satns_sphnctr, Sinister Loathing, Skipr, SnackAttack, Someuser14, SqrtTwo, Stargazer67, Stethorel, Stinkman06, Suant_KaliMa, SuperMentos, Super_Pizza7, SuzyQs, Tannerhaus, Targrod, TastesLikeChicken, TawnyBrawn, TehUberAnge, Tenebrius, Terion, The Rogue Fedora, The Weretree, TheOtherSpike, ThiefAlt, Thou Shalt Perish, ToadSlayer11, TripleAC, Ucibius, Van Diemens, Viral_Effigy, Vlinderke, Volvo, Von Bek, Voraligne, WITCHBOT, Wheezer, Wolf Kain, Wolffauer, Yatsufusa, Zimmydoom, Zirrrus, Zolobatron, buffyangel, bulbocapnine, demarcis, demchak, flying jo, gLEnN_zhoU, grease monkey, greatauntSALLY, gwesj, homefrombasic, hotdeth, icy toes, joanne4ever, l4g0s, muntingdalaga, orasfir, pLaster, prIncssTACO, sarah_white, shadman, simply_pasta, ungratefuljester, violet wanda, yanGdEMei, zacius, zeroblah and zombiedust | 3 | ⤴️ |
#516 | Ahira, Akrim, Alex Spence, Alice Dente, Amanda28, Androcles Antepasta, Angry1, Arsenal, AspDIY, BTK87, BadThunder, BakaPyrite, Bari DaBlenda, Bartendantalus, Bean, Bearskinrug, Berith, Biffle, BlueBaker, BlueStu, Bluewoods, BobThorton, Bofink, BoiRDee, BongSwatMatt, Bookworm5991, BuZZT, CBParker, Callot, Castle Greycat, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chaosblackwing, Charlatan, ChaseZ, CheeZy, Cheesecake102, Chim, Clawleone, Cobain Dougans, CorranH, CreOsOTe, Cyria, Dammit Janet, DarkCalisto, DarkNewton, DeathofPasta, Deatvert, Deimos, Devitt, Dimloep, Disco Tsunami, Doctor Nick, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dragonslayer91, DreamTune, Dreama, DrunkenFrog, DukeOfLoathing, El Gigante Elegante, Elemenstor, Evey Jane, Evil Spawn of Molly, Fearborn, Fedhax, Fire Knight, FratFever, Fundamagargle, Gawd uv Rawk, Giobblin, Gogglz, Gradis, HIYOUYOUSUCK, Higgy, Hoboscat, Hunkpapa, Hyzenthlay, I am here_why, Ibaslomofo, Jark, Jazz Mister, Jeny, Jessalyn, Jesusisagurl, Jiminy, Joell, Jor_El, JoshZero, Juanita Cuervo, Kaen, Kalismaal, Kaluna, Keator, Kemistry, Kevin, KingSuperGinny, Klingybun Fistelvase, Kneegrow, Knifebende, KoL Honey, Kriana, L Teal, LAMPayatot, LaNz, LadyDelilah, Landar II, LeafRivr, Lethamyr, Leuitikon, Linguinelad, Lita Kino, Lord Kobel, LordGrape, Luke, Malik, Mammy_Yokum, Mandrake1, Manion, MarioB, Markishnesss, MasterGasser, Meat Miner, Metal_Mickey, Mictlan, MiniMe1, Miss Chievous, MonkeeBuddah, Morahs_Sale_Multi, MoxieMozzie, MrBlack, MrSpeed, Mr_Parks, Muffinator, MzSabrina2, NIUGuber, Nanimonai3, NeuroticPunk, Nim, Nuurgle, OHogan, OOnuthin, Olekeg, Onion Dagger, Oracle of Wuffing, Othniel, Ouchfest, Ozark, PandaPants, Papilionoidea, Pastatizer2, Pendulass, Penne Basil, Phil de Pants, Phreakyphobic444, Picklechicken Cupcake, Princess Erin, Pringle, Psyche, Quaxalot, Que Chan Mok, RICArdo madGello, Ranava, Raug, Razorpack, RedBeard LSN, RevMattMacabre, RichardRahl, Rikenslope, Rikmach, Roma, Roman Runner, Rooster21, Ruby Eyes, S3w3rGn0m3, Sarafina826, Schrotflinte the Bold, ScotlandsFinest, Scypher999, Sennin, SexyMomma, ShaggyJDub, Shale, She Who Twaddles Turnips, Shishogan, Shogun42, Sinthy, Sjakie, Skiema, Skirmish, Sklar, Sluggoman, SmugBastage, Soft Noodle, SolarVoltage, Solipsistic Realist, Sololord, Some Bloke, Soul Crusher, Spindle Legged Stork, Splendor, Sprucer, StaticMan, Svidrigailov, SweetLeaf, SwordsRCool, TaPol, Thanonikes, That One Guy23, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Great Tatro, The Possum Trot, TheCarrot, TheGhost, The_Infamous_El_Guapo, Thucydides, Thurgoodness, TillyMcMuffin, TongueKing, Tricksy, Trompe Loeil, TurdHerder, Turleyron, TwistUp, TychoMagneticAnomaly, UGZ_Log, Vaneswprd, Vanir, Vbfreak_21, VeIStrAn, ViCiCcI, Wandering Tramp, Warped12002, Wendil, White Chocolate, WickedTitties, Wolfman6666, Wussy Pride, Zarqon, Zat, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zoomba, Zs bee, Zs_and_Ys, aClArie, amid, apisguy, artichoke2011, blitzdout, bobbens, busybugs, c00lb0t, cZarth, capn castom, catchops, crimsnferret, dennisrmull, edgeways, eitak, evaine, fezi, fr8inator, frost_maze, furagu, gatekeeper66, gthegreat, gunfighter, hatefulthings, hiimchels, ilda, irishmin, jEEni, jaxman123, jayenright, jcrkk, jmk_saint, kakakeke, killemall, kimi405, kissenger, lassaebola, lhart7907, linkster, lulubelle1956, madamkiss, mai, manisc, mansho, miso saucy, nEFF, pOOx, phantom fox, poopslAve, post_it_note, quizkidPatrick, quoisme, ragnarok_now, ramaSod, rgarz1, rifforama, rubian77, sUgaRhigH, shkspr, slotwin, spemik85, stuffandthings, sutaru, tRoUBlefacE, thE uPsTaiRs FrAnK, thankyouformybroccoli, theyodacoffeebandit, thundergrrL, twiHARD4eva, unisus80, valump6, valys, warbird108, werefish, xDanELx, xJulietx, xephyne, xshootmeinthesmilex, yarrrrrble2, yogini and zippyboingo | 2 | ⤴️ |
#839 | AHHKellyClarkson, Aasimar42, Accidentaldente, AccordionStu, AdjectiveFool, Aduine, AeonfLux iii, Aerdrie, Aeslyn, AgentRocko, Ahorriblesn, Akaiya, Alaric Rex, Albino Bigfoot, AlectoPerdita, AlephYin, Alexstrasza, Algor_Langeaux, Alien_Octopus, Alldarker, Alomir, AltrashiKurobara, Amaravalde, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Andralynn, AntiMoron, Antunar, Aramail, ArashiKurobara, Arc9, ArcaneSpirit, ArchsageAthos, Argrus, Army, Arsinoe83, Artful Dodgerr, Arties Son, Asarelah, Ashfox, Ashles, Asinine, AspicioAvis, Astin, Asuki, AuDz, Autumn Rose, Autumnwinds, Avena, Ayatollah, Azendral, BAbyDufus, BabelFist, BabySmasher, Bakken, Balloffire90, Baltar, Balzoid, Baron Munchhausen, Baron von Chickenpants, BassGuitarBill, Beanieatrix, Beat Bachs, Beavis P_Ness, BeefThief, Ben786, Bernardo, Bernini, Betrayer, Betty Page, Bevanz, Bibli0phile, Bifferwine, BigdoG, BigglesWorth, BillDaKat, BishopTutu, BjM, Black Swordsman, BlackJake200, BlackThunder, Black_Cat, BlasphemousPhilosopher, BleachedBaby, Bleeko, BlindMonk, Bloodwiggle Bob, BlueSeashell, Blzbob, Bo Peep No Sheep, BobbyJones, Bobmar, BorDeaUX523, Botvinnik, Bozo the Ozob, Brandizzle, Brass_Bandito, Brennil Skybar, Brickus, BrioTrain99, Brirad, Broken Golem, Bryce, Brynna, Bryx, BuDnOtBuDDy2, Bubo, Buff Muscularo, Burning Monkey, Butt Pirate, CBomb, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caillean, Canine, Capsr, Capt Spaulding, CaptainRondo, Caravaggio, Cardini, Cashflake, CelesstialRaine, Cepa, Ceredwin, Chacho, Chadsworthy, Chanifean, Chaos Kitten, ChaoticNeutral, CharlesBumgaurd, Charon the Hand, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, CheddarWhiskey, Chef Ross, Chezyourmom, Chibz, Chickenkong, China_Blue, Choolies, Chrysalis, Chunky Spelunky, ChupaCalvin, Cicadalek, Cinder, Cira Scavin, Circaea, Circe, Clovis III, Clow Reed, Club, Clubby McClubberson, Cobbweb, CoconutHalf, CodSmack, CofLBelgarion, Cold Pizza, Coogi Hat, Crabcancer and Cratus | 1 | ⤴️ |