
#267Asleep in the Cemetery6
#77Benetton's Medley of Diversity2
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
#205C.H.U.M. knife5
#145Chorale of Companionship1
#33Elron's Explosive Etude3
#212Frosty's carrot1
#432Frosty's frosty mug3
#195Frosty's nailbat1
#214Frosty's old silk hat1
#230Hodgman's blanket6
#134Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times1
#173Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin1
#166Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top1
#99Hodgman's varcolac paw1
#356Kissin' Cousins3
#238Let Me Be!6
#462Mr. Joe's bangles2
#216Ol' Scratch's ash can1
#128Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork1
#100Ol' Scratch's manacles1
#201Ol' Scratch's salad fork7
#93Ol' Scratch's stove door1
#100Oscus's flypaper pants1
#108Oscus's garbage can lid1
#195Oscus's pelt1
#175Prelude of Precision1
#211Ralph IX cognac1
#658Sensual Massage for Creeps2
#627Summer Nights2
#592Tales from the Fireside2
#612Travels with Jerry2
#17Zombo's empty eye1
#182Zombo's grievous greaves1
#187Zombo's shield1
#105Zombo's shoulder blade1
#85Zombo's skull ring1
#192Zombo's skullcap1
#28battered old top-hat1
#293bed of coals3
#183bowl of fishysoisse5
#311comfy coffin4
#284concentrated garbage juice3
#83deadly lampshade10
#204dense meat stack3,000
#198extra-greasy slider12
#439filth-encrusted futon2
#498flamin' bindle1
#376frayed rope belt3
#459freezin' bindle1
#562frigid air mattress1
#520frozen banquet3
#54haiku katana2
#184hobo fortress blueprints1
#202jar of fermented pickle juice11
#159jar of squeeze6
#443lewd playing card5
#432lucky bottlecap2
#20mostly rat-hide leggings1
#12photoprotoneutron torpedo4,121
#145sleazy bindle5
#183spooky bindle5
#269stained mattress4
#493stinkin' bindle1
#448tin cup of mulligan stew2
#82voodoo snuff17

Wow, that's 7,310 items total!

what items are this player missing?