🥇 | Marge | 143 | |
🥈 | ckb1 | 91 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | Boesbert | 64 | ⤴️ |
#4 | Sherm Firmwood | 63 | ⤴️ |
#5 | PacHINKOid | 59 | ⤴️ |
#6 | Lokiator | 54 | ⤴️ |
#7 | Transplanted_Entwife | 53 | ⤴️ |
#8 | Foxy Boxy | 52 | ⤴️ |
#9 | Nikademus | 42 | ⤴️ |
#10 | Solve_Omnis | 40 | ⤴️ |
#11 | Tibbiara | 35 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Schik | 34 | ⤴️ |
#13 | ChevellemanX | 33 | ⤴️ |
#14 | kirahvikoira | 31 | ⤴️ |
#15 | Splotz | 30 | ⤴️ |
#16 | Erik the Lemming, Hojo Hominygrits, Yendor and caducus | 28 | ⤴️ |
#20 | hoohaw and iaruk | 26 | ⤴️ |
#22 | BabyScarface and dementia13 | 25 | ⤴️ |
#24 | KAIN, MOTH and gianterq | 23 | ⤴️ |
#27 | KennyMan666 | 21 | ⤴️ |
#28 | Artie Effham | 20 | ⤴️ |
#29 | Biznatch, Bodhazapha, Ereinion, TQuilla and cameron | 19 | ⤴️ |
#34 | Foggort, Framistan, Monarch309, Rabbit House, SarcasMage and myrth77 | 18 | ⤴️ |
#40 | Cpow83, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, SpiderMcFly, Zulu Romeo, hohofolderol and queenoftheNAUGHTiez | 17 | ⤴️ |
#46 | AnAngryBlade, DuRhone, Lady Tomo, Nurbleface, PastaPhallus, Ralar, Spazmodic, StaticMan, tbell30 and tbell31 | 16 | ⤴️ |
#56 | Ahnotahm, Fig Bucket, JoshZero, Noskilz, Romv and salticid | 15 | ⤴️ |
#62 | BleepBlorp, Chartan, Hanson The Mighty, Master Grimwulf, Mr_GlitterBall, QVamp, SadOatcakes, Sean Clannery, Veeder and elbie | 14 | ⤴️ |
#72 | Agburanar, Bigquack, Bluewoods, Skipr, Slugshadow, TechRat, Ultranibbles and footrest | 13 | ⤴️ |
#80 | Amish Information Systems, Cactus Pillow, Gaffa, Grimdel, HotCha0, IAmTheManWithNoName, Keldar the Unbrave, Lord Stefano, Miles Bluefalls, Scattaloquarious, Tom808, nworbetan, payguhn and taltamir | 12 | ⤴️ |
#94 | Archipelago71, BatBrat, Chef_Rannos, Discdeath, ErnieR, Jantastic, Jokei, KingArt, Mega Ogg Boolbar, MeowTiger, Ms Bus Driver, Paran, Phalocrocorax, Rokusho999, Spij, chickenmaan3, gnoCCo, mclean, mooingsheep and natedog20x6 | 11 | ⤴️ |
#114 | Archham, Batisaw, Bruce Garetz, D L, DerMagus, DosBoot, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Higardi, King Stupid, Kyta, Landamus, Lizmeis, Mana Yachanichu, MrSqueezeBox, Nion, PolyesterMan, Salsus, ShinyPlatypus, Werefrog, Xandor, Yarple, daisymom, futinc, i_eat_food, kamikaze_watermelon and no one 1 | 10 | ⤴️ |
#140 | AltaZorn, Blastphemist, Bobje Ratata, Icon315, Jeff Jeff, JizzMasterZero, Leef, LinkFromLoZ, Lord Kobel, Lxndr, Microwave, Misha_Z, Nescire, OldBobLeashed, Pastahead, Perkk, Rosarinita, Sans the Comic, SexInYourCoffee, Terrapin_Man, Tzabor, Warren, rpxx, williabr and xKiv | 9 | ⤴️ |
#165 | Afrogumby, Akadia, Apollyon, Casca, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chadomancer, CrazyCatLady, DancinMachine, Delilah Jones, Donavin69, Erwaro, Farflier, Foggy, Hamusutaa, KingFelix, Kingdom Of Celibacy, Lew_b81, Lildogg747, LuxNecronis, MojoMonkey, MooFrog, NTesla, O_Dog, Prestige, Psychoticynic, SRO, Saddler, Siennaschall, Skent, SnackAttack, Snugglypoo, Turtlegeuse, Velvet Knight, Vey Aeyna, Viper20, Volvo, Walking, Wiseworm, aukermdr, chaosagent, gulaschkanone, htat, kagero, lAidAK and theBananagod | 8 | ⤴️ |
#210 | Anuvar, Aramada, Aubra, Bioland, BlackVelveteen, Candice Dick, Choo Choo, Colendez, CreOsOTe, Crooker, Frodo Ramone, George P Burdell, Grantasaurus, Guyy, Hairshirt, HellBane, InspectorX, Kolyn, Luke, MarcyRoni, Mashiro, Nashtinka, PSY, Poit Narf, PrehensileSpine, Prima Vera Angelhair, RantWilliams, Rotund, Sal the Rapacious, Skuke Lietalker, Slothpyle, Spoonbende, Stabotron, The Ghostly Shadow, Wagr, Willy the Small, Winya, Xaldri, Zelda Ziti, billybobfred, justinarms, riebeck and whizdad | 7 | ⤴️ |
#253 | Ay7k, BloodDoner, Boris The Spider, Busch Light, CafeBoob, ChanBot, Chocolust, Chyld, DarkSpuddle, Dysis, Edda, ElroyJetson, Felix Croc, Gbuphallow, Grym Reeper, Gryphon_2, HadesSL, Hoonk, Infopowerbroker, Jererry, Kana, Kopi11, Kyndi, Lespectre, Lindiwe, Linknoid, Lordhyperion, Mac_Gyver, MammaBear, Mayabird, Minuit, Mr Bignuts, PapaCap, PatTheGreat, Phred Green, Roger Ramjet, Rolagza, Serhina, ShakenNotStirred, Snott, Soba Rigatoni, Soror 666, Splaterpunk, Starbearer, Sweet Honey, TaPol, ThePig, Three_Eye, Verdigris97, WhollyCrap, WhopperJr, Yatsufusa, Yerizael, Zs bee, chalon9, graethynne, grovel, mansho, mondemon, rodneymom, shkspr, stuffandthings, takenoko, targlez, thexmanlight and txranger | 6 | ⤴️ |
#319 | Adeleine, Aravagantos, Autumnwinds, Baeltor, Batsubabe, Boadicea, Brew Geared, ChasteGalahad, Colt45Style, CoupleK, Damasta, Dannyb0y, Dirk Gently, Dirx, Doctor Nick, Efelo, Efftien, Etienne De Crunaeyere, FatQuack2, Fearborn, Fork Pastawalker, Frogfactory, GecoLupesco, GorgeousGeorge, GrammarWhore, GreatWyrmGold, Immelan, Irresponsibility, Junestar, Keogh, Kugli, Malakite1976, MarioB, Mco, Mellissaleo, Merihand, Mr Nooodles, Nanimonai3, Nomnominus Rex, Olorin, Optimus747, OrochiDP, Phleefi, PokeyMan, Pthere, Rutger von Horeburg, Sasori_uk, Sativarg, Silentmusketeer, StickFigurine, SuperYepa, TeaseMe, The Woo, TheArtfulDodger, TwinkleTwirl, Van Diemens, Vigilamus, WeatherWarrior, Wussy Pride, Zombie Hojo Hominygrits, cakeytaste, cathartes, dyffrynTHEdrunkenGAEL, excellente, garanimalstains, icy toes, jmsprout, lupus4, miniLizmeis, misfitnotnitwit, sage1125, sinisTeR dUdE, vpnLibrarian and x_Elysium_x | 5 | ⤴️ |
#393 | AndromacheNoble, Babaganoosh, Balala, Big Evil, BloodyJakeKidd, Boccolotti, Boxy Brown, Byoho, CancerMan, CannonFoddah, CarltheChemist, Ceirdwyn, Clarkus, Cupcakes of Hell, DJ Dungeon, Darmut eDrien, Demicanadian, Demonsquiggle, DiscoKiller, Doz, Dragen3, DudeCats, Duke Larry, FMguru, Flammo, Galapagos James, Glitch, GraniteGrizz, Hamon, HaxJester, Hooligan72, Hrotli, Ihernglass, Itsatrap, Jark, Jibbly, Joeyjoejoejr, Johnatton, KillerNoj, Kizehk, Kwon, LastChans, Lilandra, Locke Trufeld, LouTini, Lyle332, Magister30, Magnamanus, Malik, Mikachu, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkey Death Cart, MsTakened, Nappa, Neuromancer, Nienor, NoctiBeard, Noodletarian, Nydidia, OD, Perren, Pinky Golden, Pokey the Brave, Poncho the Sane, Purplenick, Que Chan Mok, QueVee, Rishi Sunak, Rowenthus, Ruby Eyes, Sadglad, Samitchdoo, SandyFlash, Sarghi, Sarkbo, Serenia, Sharp Dressed Man, Shogun42, Simetra, Sinister Loathing, Six Ferrets, Sleigh Belle, Sluggoman, Snotten, Spramen, Squeegee McDoo, Sunesi, Targrod, Terps, The Conqueror Worm, TinyLady, Tommy, Tz_BG, Vampiregrrl, W0rm, Zeklan, Zob Rombie, andrew3, awaj2006, c2t, cheesedude, deathsausage, hekiryuu, jcdenton666, jeanbern, jojobu, koneone, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, mansh0, mart, mstieler, mynameistall, oSfish, octopodey, sillyMoose, staygold, tekDragon, tindrum, xtuesdayx and zombiedust | 4 | ⤴️ |
#513 | Ackyri, Adam1WPI, Adonisrules, Alf, Allikat, Arc9, Beezar, Bruno2788, Brushie, BuZZT, Caplin, Charasan, Cheesecake102, Cheloni, ChesterArthurXXI, Chicken in Black, ChocolateNaruto, Christineressiatulanie, Churchie, Curbludgeon, DEDZ, DaMule, Damuckle, DandE, DeFalen, Deadmanwalking, Defying, Desquall, Dude2004, Dyzzyah, Eenee, ElVatoLoco, ErisDiscordia, Evil Taco, FLFf, False Dragon, FatQuack, Fireproof Cheese, Flaming Turtle, Forsquilis, FrankNBeans, FranswahPetite, FredericaBlue, FurryBird, Gaephrius, General_Herpes, Goobertina, Goobris, Gracefire, Graev, Graf von Steiff, Grandpa Joe, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, HayzeusChristo, Helicam, Herustari, Hison, Hrag, Hunkpapa, IceColdFever, Ilyia, Jack S, Jasper_Claire, JayPro22, Jesusisagurl, Journ_O_LST_3, Kavakava, Kelne, Kemistry, Khavren, Kinttavo, Kirbydude616, Klaithe, Knitbone, Kooky Kirby, Krendel, LarfSnarf, Le_Chuck, Leannan Sidhe, Leiaz, LiamAndMe, Linguinka, Liquid Sasquatch, LlamaMonkey, Lord_Josh, Lotsaluck, LuckyPuck, Lynn Gwynny, MagonKody, Masutakusu, Mathew I, Meinee, Methusalah, Metraxis, Mideon, Miridian, MissT, Mistress Darkmoon, MonkeyLlama, MontyPythn, Moraglar Khilen, MoxieMolly, MoxieMozzie, Musikat, Muush, Mybloodyself, MysticalMolly, Needabettername, Nfika, Nohbody, Nyx, OOnuthin, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, Oveja, Owlish, Pal, Phil_N_Groovy, PhilmASTErpLus, Pippi Pie, Plastikmaniac, Princess Erin, PsyMar, Quackosaur, RD Methuselah, Ramonphilius, Ranava, Ricanna, RichardRahl, Rod Of Ruin LOL, Rokov, Samotheus, ScUd RuCkInS, Selma, Shaman_Drood, Shaudius, Sheena Concertina, Silver_Fire, Simon the Mystificator, SkullRock, Slaek, Slippery Sue, Smiling Spectre, Someuser14, Sorryboss, Soth13, Soubrette, SparkleBeast, Steam, Stinkman06, Sumo, Swinka, TamCoan, Tanliel, TastesLikeChicken, Telia, Teresa, The Big O, TillyMcMuffin, Tiny Plastic Apiphobe, Tolim, Tristan Whiteflame, UomoDellaPasta, Valryia, WadeMcBob75, WhippingBoy, Wolfman6666, WonkerBonker, WpwW, Y0U, Zanchvegas, ZaruYache, Zazalof2, aenimus, agargan, alegna, alphaxion, baconistasty, beaverface25, biggergbs, bunter, conversation killer, countryred, eFloss, fewmets, fiddlybits07, frodoBatman, gwesj, harumph, icKygiRl, intrepidcat, jadefishes, jambosque, kaihern, kasanax, koutetsu, kynik, lavender_, lucyinthesky, magyk285, minders, mrf, mskc, mtfns, nachothesecond, ohNOanotherPUTZ, pork shanks, puddin_up, reinstag, shabbie johnson, shaggy100, t4kato, tecani, testostronaut, the_postman, viandebaiser, wakela, whats_her_face, wickedwillie44, xEggy and xiexingwu | 3 | ⤴️ |
#733 | A Gressive Coffee Addict, Abnegazzar, Adeeda, Akaiya, Algen, AltheWeird, Altoholic, AlwaysInADream, Andyzero, Anthony Bourdain, Anuranthrope, AnxiousHyrax, ArcusLex, Ardikey, ArthurDent7, AshleeSimpson, Asixton, Asshysteria, Assur, Ataradan, Augon, AuntieM, Aussie Mamba, AvocadoPirate, Ayatollah, Azarid, Azeron, BRRITO, BaddeMulti, Bahl Sachs, BanditAlt, Banditman5, Bao, Barton26, Beavis P_Ness, Biff Demiclaws, BlueBaker, BlueThunder, BobDoleSuperior, Bofink, Boondoggle The Magnificent, Botassium, BrightButt The Defenestrator, BriteSponge, BubbaNDN, BustaMcJohnson, CabooseTheOneAndOnly, Cagey Bee, Caillean, Captain Zen, CaptainRondo, CaptainSnarge, Catalyst, Chef Jeff, Chelonia, Chickenkong, Chim, Chipchaw, Chira, Circe, Club, CofLBelgarion, Coindom Lathe, Corbusier, CrassMandoo, Cri, Crunch10000, CuddlyBear, Cyrilis, Da_Gimp_1, Dakios, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Decil, Delecti, DickLeaky, Dignity God, DocGonzo, Dol, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr Danger, DrunkenBob, Dubs Freely, Eggsaladdin, ElenaMarie, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Elnya, Eloquent Rune, Empra1234, Enevhar, Eoline, Er_Murazor, Erichwanh, Evil Dead Ned, Evil_Manson_Chick, Extrem1s, FURj, Felisleo, Ferner, Filmore, Flegel, Fluchtpunkt, G1R, GGXTCC, Garganelli, Ginpeporimeg, Glwenn der Tapfer, God_of_Muffins, Gracious Gasoline Crotch, Grand Puuba, Grimm Tooth, Gromulus, Gulluoglu, Guvnor Butterfingers, Haggas, Hannibal Smith, HasteBro, HastiferArken, Homusexual, Ian Hooligan, Icnochys, Idu, InsomniAxeMurderer, Invisible Purple Pixie, Ishamaell, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Issolta, Izhebel, J Random Adventurer, JADE Dragon piece, JK Phoenix, JRRTolkienNut, JackieW, Jade Nightingale, Jaolen, JerseyBoy, Jill_Bob, Josette, Joshiskoolguy, Juan Taco, Julia Child, K2_Fujative, Kara Rae, Kenshin93, Killer Leader500, Killer Tune, KingSavage, Knights Who Say Neeee, L to the P, L0tech, LMTR14, Larry Trousers, Lavion, Legend Dan, Lemonade Lucy, Liam, Lifeson, LilyNoire, LittleVietnameseDoctor, Loathario, Longuine, Lord Googyll, Lord_Towers, Lord_of_Ants, Lotan, Lotta Potz, Loys, Lungbutter, Lunos, Lyndis, MC_Macro, Maddog Doan, Madz, Magic2729, MainGaler, Mairsil, Major John, Major Meat, Mamasita, Managwa, Marie Elin, Mathfalda, Meenee, Melville_Addison, Mipselled, Miss Chievous, Mistress of the Obvious, Mixie, Mocmo, Moee, Mr Hunts, Ms Adventure, Mykah, Mystiballs, Mystic_Potato, NardoLoopa, Narkybeast, Necrogetti, NeverEndingGlory, Newbot, Nim, Nodosaurus, Nonner, Notchinus, Numenor, Odd Alfred, Oldbot, Omnibus, Onion Dagger, Orcmors, Ouchfest, PMega, Padoogie, ParadoX, PastryPusher, Pelsboble, Perigueux, Peskil, Phanpy, PlutoOfPluto, Poops, Porny Stroker, Prima Vera, Puffin Fancier, Pumpkinheadme, PungentFungi, Qaianna, Queubus, RICKErscotT, Randomrape, Rata Tooey, Reuben Sammitch, Riget123, RikAstley, RisenJihad, Roonygc8, Rosemary Gulasch, Roy, Russer Butter, Ryan_Galen, Rylynn, Sacez, Saluna, Samantha Carter, SawCee, Scrying, Sehket Bast Ra, Senor Velasco, Seth_OS, Seyjan, Sezja, ShaBob, Shake it Baby, Shao Mi, Silver Raven, Sir Clement the Meek, Sir Jimeth, SirGar, Slugfly, Smedley, Snarla, Snorktapus, Sololord, Some Bloke and SpitinThyme | 2 | ⤴️ |