Grandpa Joe

#675-hour acrimony13
#652A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
#437Argarggagarg's fang4
#431Asleep in the Cemetery4
#55Bastille Battalion cheese wheel1
#222Benetton's Medley of Diversity1
#563Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook2
#502Blizzards I Have Died In2
#1502Bulky Buddy Box1
🥇Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium (well-read)1
#560Drowsy Sword33
#49Every Day is Like This Sundae1
#432Frosty's frosty mug3
#1442Green Clover of Justice1
#547Heimandatz's heart3
#667Hodgman's blanket1
#481Jocko Homo's head4
#835Kissin' Cousins1
#17Lens of Violence1
#1063Let Me Be!1
#849Maxing, Relaxing1
#44Mer-kin darkbook2
#25Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey478
#632NPZR chemistry set1
#78Oh, the Humanitini1
#302Ol' Scratch's salad fork4
#25PB&J with the crusts cut off459
#1001Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster6
#16Pantaloons of Hatred1
#1452St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket1
#21Staff of Simmering Hatred1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#951Tales of a Kansas Toymaker1
#398The Art of Slapfighting2
#45The Gingerbread Vigilante's Handbook1
#702The Mariachi's guitar case2
#96The Six-Pack of Pain1
#98The Thorax's Codex of Tormenting Plants1
#41Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette16
#348Thwaitgold buzzy beetle statuette1
#986Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette3
#53Thwaitgold mosquito statuette18
#235Thwaitgold nymph statuette4
#1035Thwaitgold termite statuette2
#934Travels with Jerry1
#15Ultra Mega Sour Ball3
#511Yakisoba's hat3
#651Zu Mannkäse Dienen2
#857adorable seal larva3
#82angst burger9
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#126antique Canadian lantern1
#84antique nutcracker figurine4
#185baby cuddlefish1
#1206baby killer bee4
#32bad rum and good cola1
#109balanced antler1
#664balloon monkey2
#1102blood flower3
#53body spradium2
#1327box of sunshine145
#37brain preservation fluid7
#62breakfast mess240
#140breakfast miracle1
#63browser cookie2
#62carrot claret1
#6chalk chalice1
#472cocoa egg19
#16defective Game Grid token1
#47depleted Grimacite hammer1
#32depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt1
#911designer handbag2
#27eau de mort2
#83eggman noodles2
#72eldritch distillate1
#927enchanted leopard-print barbell6
#37extra-greasy slider100
#310fertilized ghuol egg1
#626friendly cheez blob4
#4735fuzzy dice1
#172gamma nog2
#185gin-soaked blotter paper3
#58glass of bourbon11
#59glass of raw eggs1
#203grilled mooseflank5
#27grouper fangirl2
#3896grue egg3
#46hacked gibson5
#1159handful of confetti35
#56herb brownies420
#63jar of fermented pickle juice40
#38leftover pasty1
#413leprechaun hatchling1
#590macaroni duck4
#605magical pony: Pearjack1
#643magical pony: Shutterfly1
#600magical pony: Uniquity1
#71mime army shotglass1
🥉moosemeat pie301
#107muskox-skin cap1
#84plastic bazooka1
#34plush hamsterpus1
#92portable dam1
#204pretty flower1,324
#300primitive candy cane1
#74pristine walrus tusk2
#610really dense meat stack10
#416rewinged stab bat1
#262runny fermented egg1
#967sandwich of the gods7
#35sleazy fairy gravy6
#326sleeping wereturtle2
#390solid gold bowling ball48
#146spice melange1
#34status cymbal1
#784stray chihuahua3
#1642stuffed Baron von Ratsworth19
#7816stuffed Cheshire bitten2
#408stuffed Hodgman1
#6269stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech4
#1753stuffed Meat17
#3170stuffed alien blob1
#4834stuffed angry cow7
#7014stuffed astral badger3
#6370stuffed baby gravy fairy4
#5649stuffed cocoabo5
#1319stuffed crazy bastard sword3
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#7024stuffed frozen gravy fairy3
#2146stuffed gray blob3
#7022stuffed hand turkey3
#1565stuffed key18
#1679stuffed martini2
#5754stuffed mind flayer5
#1850stuffed mink15
#2314stuffed monocle8
#471stuffed ninja snowman10
#5811stuffed scary death orb5
#2253stuffed shoulder parrot7
#5354stuffed sleazy gravy fairy6
#6196stuffed snowy owl4
#7795stuffed spooky gravy fairy2
#768stuffed spooky mushroom11
#6924stuffed stinky gravy fairy3
#1803stuffed teddy butler16
#2303stuffed tin of caviar8
#1771stuffed treasure chest12
#5781stuffed undead elbow macaroni5
#179stuffed walrus1
#137synthetic dog hair pill1
#105time residue1
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#484tiny plastic Duke Starkiller2
#785tiny plastic Gary Claybender1
#776tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#1315tiny plastic Norville Rogers1
#2119tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy3
#40tiny plastic Penny1
#3904tiny plastic Spam Witch1
#4021tiny plastic angry bugbear1
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#3911tiny plastic cubist bull1
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#6072tiny plastic killer bee2
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#428traditional Crimbo cookie1
#3145tree-eating kite1
#863unusual disco ball3
#121voodoo snuff12
#166warbear gyro1
#436warbear metalworking primer1
#399yellow candygram1

Wow, that's 4,298 items total!

what items are this player missing?