Jocko Homo's head

Jocko Homo's head

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This is Jocko Homo's monkey head, which you took as a trophy because hey, free monkey head. Can't pass that up.







#5Sherm Firmwood60




#7Foxy Boxy51




#9Schik and Wendil43


#11Nikademus and Tibbiara40








#16Hojo Hominygrits32






#19Splotz, Yendor and caducus28






#24Agburanar, Ereinion, Skipr and hoohaw25


#28Ultranibbles and kirahvikoira24


#30Artie Effham, BloodDoner, Fig Bucket, Infopowerbroker, Noskilz, Ruby Eyes and Transplanted_Entwife23


#37KennyMan666 and Noodlebowl22


#39Gryphon_2 and KingFelix21


#41Erik the Lemming, Rutger von Horeburg, Werefrog, iaruk and kirByllAmA20


#46MOTH and Smiling Spectre19


#48MeowTiger, Phred Green, Xenthes and mooingsheep18


#52BabyScarface, ChevellemanX, HotCha0, KingArt, Phalocrocorax, SarcasMage, Zulu Romeo and footrest17


#60Framistan, Lord Kobel, MoxieMolly, Nurbleface, QVamp, Rabbit House, TQuilla and myrth7716


#68Farflier, Foggort, Sean Clannery, Sololord, hekiryuu, mclean and salticid15


#75AltaZorn, FredericaBlue, Gaffa, Hanson The Mighty, Lady Tomo, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, MojoMonkey, Nashtinka, Nodosaurus, PapaCap, Pyctsi and Triplebass14


#87Apollyon, BatBrat, Blastphemist, Bobje Ratata, Donavin69, DosBoot, DuRhone, Grimdel, Hamusutaa, Mana Yachanichu, Master Grimwulf, Pat McGroin, Perkk, Rokusho999, SadOatcakes, Salsus, gulaschkanone, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, tbell30 and tbell3113


#107Bluewoods, Casteel, Doctor Nick, Hison, IAmTheManWithNoName, Keldar the Unbrave, Kemistry, MadddddDog, Nion, Pastahead, Sasori_uk, Sheena Concertina, ToKoLoSH, gianterq, no one 1 and rodneymom12


#123Amish Information Systems, AnAngryBlade, BikeThief, BleepBlorp, Bodhazapha, Casca, Delilah Jones, Etienne De Crunaeyere, George P Burdell, Jark, JizzMasterZero, Jokei, JoshZero, KAIN, Lew_b81, Lizmeis, Loathariette, Lord Stefano, Mahi_mahi_wings, Mega Ogg Boolbar, MooFrog, O_Dog, PolyesterMan, SandyFlash, Tzabor, WhopperJr, Y0U, Zs bee, i_eat_food, mansho and meh_64_1211


#154A Gressive Coffee Addict, Babaganoosh, CafeBoob, Cedric E Collingswood III, Choo Choo, Eenee, Foggy, GecoLupesco, Lildogg747, Maharito, MarcyRoni, MarioB, Microwave, Misha_Z, Ms Bus Driver, NTesla, Nekosoft, Siennaschall, Spij, Sweet Honey, Tom808, Veeder, elbie, lAidAK, natedog20x6, nworbetan and xKiv10


#181Afrogumby, Archham, Archipelago71, Bigquack, BlackVelveteen, Boadicea, Cactus Pillow, Chadomancer, Churchie, Defying, KOLOKI, Kolyn, Leef, Mashiro, Monkey Death Cart, MrSqueezeBox, Que Chan Mok, Russer Butter, Scattaloquarious, Skent, Slugshadow, Spazmodic, SpiderMcFly, Tazy, Viper20, Volvo, Wiseworm, chalon9, gnoCCo, miniLizmeis, mondemon and oSfish9


#213Ahnotahm, Batisaw, Brew Geared, Bruce Garetz, Captain Comrade, Chocolust, Damine, ErnieR, Erwaro, Gbuphallow, Grantasaurus, Haggas, Higardi, Itsatrap, Jantastic, Jeff Jeff, Jesusisagurl, Kyta, Mellissaleo, Miles Bluefalls, Mr Bignuts, Owlish, PSY, Prestige, RD Methuselah, Rosarinita, Serenia, SnackAttack, Solazy, Soror 666, Splaterpunk, Terrapin_Man, W0rm, Walking, Winya, Yatsufusa, Yerizael, allen_zhangcool, aukermdr, fiddlybits07, intrepidcat, stannius, testostronaut, thexmanlight and williabr8


#258ChanBot, Chyld, Colendez, CrazyCatLady, D L, Delecti, Eddie Trojan, Guyy, Hoboscat, Hunkpapa, Ilyia, Jherskow, Journ_O_LST_3, Killer Tune, Kyndi, L to the P, Landamus, Lindiwe, Mac_Gyver, MainGaler, MaryAchi, Mayabird, Meenee, Mistress of the Obvious, Modgnik, Mollie, MonkeyLlama, Nanimonai3, Poit Narf, Sal the Rapacious, Shaman_Drood, ShinyPlatypus, Silentmusketeer, Skuke Lietalker, Spoonbende, Sumo, TheBrent, Vampiregrrl, Velvet Knight, Wyvern Soul, Zare, magic miss ile, mansh0, payguhn, rpxx, the_postman and tindrum7


#305Akadia, Algen, Boccolotti, CancerMan, Chartan, Cheloni, Crooker, Cupcakes of Hell, Daring Doug, Deadmanwalking, Discdeath, ElroyJetson, Elux Lucis, FMguru, GT1, General_Herpes, Grym Reeper, Hairshirt, Icon315, Idu, InsomniAxeMurderer, Jererry, JerseyBoy, Johnatton, KoL Honey, Kugli, LissaGail, Lordhyperion, Lotsaluck, MagonKody, Malakite1976, Mamasita, Meinee, Merihand, Mipselled, OldBobLeashed, Optimus747, Orcmors, PlastikObst, PrehensileSpine, Psychoticynic, Roger Ramjet, Rotund, SRO, Saddler, Sans the Comic, Starbearer, THEdiscobandit18, TechRat, Terps, The Ghostly Shadow, TheArtfulDodger, TillyMcMuffin, Turtlegeuse, Vey Aeyna, Willy the Small, Yarple, Yavnik, ZedINGale1, Zombie Hojo Hominygrits, aenimus, andrew3, cheesedude, ciderboy, coconutpiemaker, daisymom, deathsausage, kamikaze_watermelon, mart, mstieler, riebeck and takenoko6


#377Amarand, Arc9, AspDIY, Aubra, BaddeMulti, Big Evil, Borishaughingoff, Busch Light, Candice Dick, Caplin, Catalyst, ChasteGalahad, Colt45Style, Cyrilis, DEDZ, Danishe, DarkSpuddle, DeFalen, Dude2004, DudeCats, EarWaxMax, Edda, ErisDiscordia, Fairtao Clitus, Fickle Fig, Ginpeporimeg, Glitch, Goobertina, GrammarWhore, HadesSL, HellBane, Irresponsibility, Jasper_Claire, Jett, Jizwink, Joeyjoejoejr, Junestar, King Stupid, Kwon, Lady Harkstead, Loachette, Loathario, Lord Boozeraven, Lord Harkstead, Luke, Lxndr, Lyle332, MammaBear, Moee, MogamboRanger, Mr Nooodles, MsTakened, Nappa, Nienor, Nomnominus Rex, Noodletarian, OD, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, PastryofDeath, PatTheGreat, PokeyMan, Poncho the Sane, Pr0nWayne, Prima Vera Angelhair, Romeo614, Sadglad, Samotheus, Satns_sphnctr, ShakenNotStirred, Silver_Fire, SkullRock, Slothpyle, Snott, Stabotron, Stethorel, StickFigurine, SuperYepa, TVirus26, The Big O, The Woo, Three_Eye, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE, TinyplasticZutroy, Tolim, TwinkleTwirl, Verdigris97, WadeMcBob75, Wagr, ZaruYache, Zazalof2, car_cajun, creatureparade, gracie thorn, jmsprout, justinarms, katcob, lopey, lupus4, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, mlhuff12, octopodey, shkspr, snarkosaurus, theBananagod, viandebaiser and whizdad5


#483Abarth, Adam1WPI, Adeleine, Adonisrules, Aevum Decessus, Akaiya, Alfredo Boyardee, Assur, Augon, Autumnwinds, Bassvamp, Bioland, CannonFoddah, CaptainSnarge, Ceirdwyn, Chickenkong, CoconutHalf, CoupleK, Cousin_Daisy, DaMule, Dannyb0y, DeathToRudy, Demicanadian, Dirty Immigrant, Dol, Eoline, Farfalle al Dente, FatQuack2, Fearborn, Ferner, Fork Pastawalker, FurryBird, G1R, GGXTCC, Galapagos James, Goobris, Graev, Grandpa Joe, Gryphon, Hadrien, HayzeusChristo, Hrag, IP_69_16_150_196, IceColdFever, Immelan, Innis, InspectorX, Jade Nightingale, Javamonkey, JoJobi, Josette, Kana, KillerNoj, Kopi11, Liquid Sasquatch, MC_Macro, Mage Kessu, Magnamanus, Malachi Constant, Methusalah, MiniSamurai, Minuit, MrTowelThree, MrTowelTwo, Nescire, Nohbody, Odd Alfred, Pageturner, Perigueux, QueVee, Rand0m__her0, RikAstley, Rokov, Rolagza, Romv, Rowenthus, S3ren1ty, Sativarg, Seasick Sarah, Serhina, Sharp Dressed Man, Shytalk, Simetra, SinPro, SlappyJack, Snorktapus, Sorryboss, SparkleBeast, Spooch, Spramen, StevieRay, Stinkman06, TamCoan, Tanliel, Telia, The Hangman, ThePeace22, Tommy, Tristifer, Van Diemens, Vigilamus, Warren, Wheremydemonslie, WhippingBoy, WpwW, Xaldri, Xandor, Xiombarg, Zanchvegas, Zeklan, Zerg_Rush, Zola, alegna, biggergbs, billybobfred, cpenny86, dyffrynTHEdrunkenGAEL, e7ora, futinc, garanimalstains, grovel, hohofolderol, icy toes, jcdenton666, jeanbern, jesabele, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, knighty knight, magyk285, mynameistall, ohNOanotherPUTZ, pl_walker, queer girl, sillyMoose, tarfu92, tecani, txranger, usmu, xEggy and xtuesdayx4


#623Adapt, Adeeda, Aickman, Albatince, Andrella, Ansuz07, Aramada, ArthurDent7, Asshysteria, Barton26, BeefThief, Beezar, Betmen Brkic, Biff Demiclaws, BloodyJakeKidd, BlueThunder, BorisTheSpider, Bruno2788, BuZZT, Byoho, Captain Tragedy, ChesterArthurXXI, Chicken in Black, Chineselegolas, Choolies, CreOsOTe, CrispEaterz, Curbludgeon, DJ Dungeon, DJWaz, Damasta, Damuckle, Darmut eDrien, Darth Ceder, DeDiddlyDawg, Deatvert, Decil, DickLeaky, Dingo Boy, Dirk Gently, DiscoFevaDiva, DiscoKiller, DocGonzo, DrunkenBob, DuctTape, Duke Larry, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Efftien, EggNogIceCream, Er_Murazor, EricDraven26, Evil Dead Ned, Evil Taco, FURj, False Dragon, Felix Croc, Flammo, Flegel, FranswahPetite, Frodo Ramone, GTone, Gaephrius, Gaijin, Garganelli, God_of_Muffins, Grand Puuba, Grandmaster Tygon, GraniteGrizz, GreatWyrmGold, Grenmark, Grief, Gulluoglu, HHHolmes, HasteBro, Helicam, Herustari, Hledjolf, Hooligan72, Hrotli, Hsilwo, Hyperhail, IAmtheDisco, Ian Hooligan, Ihernglass, Irma La Douce, Issolta, Izhebel, J Random Adventurer, JR Trolkin, JToomey, Jef, JennaMaroney, Joe Friday, Kavakava, Kbpikachu, Kenshin93, Keogh, Kingdom Of Celibacy, Kinttavo, Knifebende, Kooky Kirby, Kreegah, Krendel, Larry_the_Disco_Bandit, LastChans, Le_Chuck, Leiaz, Leoman, Lifeson, LlamaMonkey, Locke Trufeld, Longuine, Lorad, Maddog Doan, Mairsil, MauveBerry, Mco, MeatballMarinaraMaster, MiniLizard, Miss Chievous, Monarch309, Mongrel the Apathetic, MrEragon, Mudflail, Muush, Mybloodyself, MysticalMolly, Newbot, Not Quite Zen, NotHere, NotaSandwich, Numenor, Nyx, Oldbot, Omnibus, Onion Dagger, Padoogie, Pal, Peskil, Phil_N_Groovy, PhilmASTErpLus, Phleefi, Pokey the Brave, PolkaDot, PungentFungi, Quackosaur, Queubus, Raezlyn, Ramonphilius, Random String of Letters, Reecie Buttercups, RouxBechamel, Roy, RuthiePee, Saqa, Sarkbo, Selexor, Seth_OS, Shalegrey, Sir Jimeth, Six Ferrets, Slippery Sue, Slugfly, SneakyPeter, Soba Rigatoni, Space Ace, SquirrelsOnFire, StaticMan, Strobus, SturgeontheGreat, Sunesi, Sutaru33, Swarley, SwordsRCool, TaPol, Targrod, TeaseMe, Testudiney, ThatsHowIBeatShaq, The Blue Wizard, The Conqueror Worm, The Mushboom, TheMightyDOOM, ThePig, Therealtahu, ThreeEye, Timewraith, Tirronius, Tomania, Tze, UomoDellaPasta, Walowitz, Waz, WeatherWarrior, WhollyCrap, Wraithtech, XinK, Zelda Ziti, Zob Rombie, aLhAnNA, aja minor, alphaxion, anakha, anirak, awaj2006, cajun_tiger, cakeytaste, camil77, conversation killer, ddawnr, dungbeetle, el Finch, elzie, evilMatt, excellente, frodoBatman, frogger, gaihtf, graethynne, halfdrunkhalfelf, howhowhow, hush, kynik, lavender_, lilwen, maude finch, minders, mootboot, morvita, nachothesecond, nordmert, omgwtfBBQ1234567890, opacus, pastadigitator, piplup, poorlydrawnman, reinstag, s l a y e r, selevite, shysharp, sith35, slotwin, soandso, spriteless, staygold, t4kato, targlez, thE tRAveLiNg RetArD, theDork, trailflyer, trimas, vpnLibrarian, weish, windmom, windracer, x_Elysium_x, zombiedust, zoutroi and ztrauq3


#882AChickCalledLeah, ARdIllIto, Abnegazzar, Ackyri, Aeslyn, Alf, AltheWeird, Amyetti, Anthony Bourdain, Anuranthrope, AnxiousHyrax, Aravagantos, ArcusLex, Ardsnard, Arket, Ataradan, Athanatos, AvocadoPirate, Ayatollah, BWF Jeff, Balala, BanditoburritO, Bauble, Bearskinrug, Beavis P_Ness, BettyAlfredo, BigPickle, BlackfireTheUnmaker, Blitz the Assassin, Blzbob, BobDoleSuperior, Boondoggle The Magnificent, Boris The Spider, Boxy Brown, BubbaNDN, Bufferin Head, BustaMcJohnson, CaptainCavemaniac, CarlFrancolino, CarltheChemist, Charasan, Chezyourmom, Christineressiatulanie, ClaudioFratelino, Cpow83, Crabcancer, CrassMandoo, Cri, CrowManyClouds, Crowbar, Crunch10000, CthulhuFlavorRamen, CuddlyBear, Cutey, DJ_Tobymac, DaGimpster, Dakios, DanElectro, Dancing Puma, DandE, DarkNewton, DaveyDukes, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Deimos, Demonsquiggle, Dibbin, Dick Rogers, Dirx, Doctor Jones, DoctorWeebl, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doz, Dr Danger, DrHaggis, DrPlacebo, Dr_Bruiser, DrinkMakerJoey, Drothar the Omniscient, Dubs Freely, Dysis, Dyzzyah, Eggsaladdin, Eihachew, ElVatoLoco, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Eloquent Rune, Enevhar, FLCL fan6, Fallen, FatQuack, FettucineQueenie, Fiery1, Filmore, Flaming Turtle, Fluchtpunkt, Flurry, Forneus Brewer, FrankNBeans, Front Earsman, Gehenna, GentleFluter, Gestrel, Gifted, Gleamglade, Glerf, Gnocchus, Gracious Gasoline Crotch, Granite_Grizz, Grantastic, Griffonics, Grimm Tooth, Grinder, Hagen Black, Han FalconFlyer, HarlequinofMasochism, HaxJester, Hellboy 2009 and High Voltage2
