#300 | 'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' sign | 6 |
#94 | Adventurer bobblehead | 1 |
#59 | Affirmation Cookie | 2 |
#28 | Agitated Turkey | 5 |
#103 | Alewife™ Ale | 21 |
🥈 | All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig | 1 |
#54 | Ambitious Turkey | 20 |
#33 | Amnesiac Ale | 2 |
#1229 | Argarggagarg's fang | 1 |
#431 | Asleep in the Cemetery | 4 |
#25 | Ass-Stompers of Violence | 1 |
#38 | BOOtonniere | 2 |
#247 | BRICKO brick | 440 |
#53 | Beignet Milgranet | 5 |
🥈 | Big Candy's tophat | 1 |
#210 | Blackfly Chardonnay | 21 |
#815 | Blizzards I Have Died In | 1 |
#12 | Bloody Nora | 26 |
🥇 | Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf | 1 |
#60 | Bordeaux Marteaux | 3 |
#75 | Bowlet | 1 |
#30 | Brain Food Pastaco | 1 |
#25 | Brand of Violence | 1 |
#62 | Breakfast Blast wine cooler | 2 |
#585 | Bulky Buddy Box | 5 |
#163 | C.H.U.M. knife | 6 |
#183 | C.H.U.M. lantern | 1 |
#97 | CSA cheerfulness ration | 77 |
#104 | Carol of the Bulls | 1 |
#105 | Carol of the Hells | 1 |
#101 | Carol of the Thrills | 1 |
#6 | Celsius 233 (singed) | 1 |
#37 | Centauri fish wine | 2 |
#16 | Cherrytastrophe wine cooler | 14 |
#119 | Chester's Aquarius medallion | 1 |
#182 | Chester's bag of candy | 1 |
#176 | Chester's cutoffs | 1 |
#83 | Chester's muscle shirt | 1 |
#90 | Chester's sunglasses | 1 |
#79 | Citrus Crush wine cooler | 1 |
#49 | Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau | 44 |
#17 | Cool Brunch Pastaco | 3 |
#31 | Cornbeefadon | 5 |
#344 | Corpse Island iced tea | 15 |
#29 | Covers-Your-Head | 1 |
#134 | Crimbeau de toilette | 1 |
#69 | Crimbo Candy Cookbook | 63 |
#161 | Crimbo candle | 1 |
#82 | Crimbo tattoo kit | 1 |
#12 | Crimbojito | 55 |
#53 | Crimbomega drive chain | 1 |
#179 | Crimboysters Rockefeller | 1 |
#917 | Crimbuck | 791 |
#42 | DUFRESNE Suds | 198 |
#31 | Dark & Starry | 3 |
#532 | Deactivated O. A. F. | 1 |
#35 | Drac & Tan | 6 |
#17 | Drapes-You-Regally | 1 |
#9 | Dreadsylvania Auditor's badge | 1 |
#140 | Dreadsylvanian Almanac page | 44 |
#24 | Dreadsylvanian seed pod | 13 |
#177 | Eau de Guaneau | 3 |
#13 | Energy Buzz Pastaco | 5 |
#630 | FDKOL commendation | 61 |
#181 | FDKOL hotcakes | 28 |
#30 | Falcon™ Maltese Liquor | 4 |
#30 | Fromage Pinotage | 8 |
#84 | Frosty's arm | 1 |
#432 | Frosty's frosty mug | 3 |
#215 | Frosty's old silk hat | 1 |
#121 | Frosty's snowball sack | 1 |
🥈 | Fuzzby | 1 |
#59 | Gets-You-Drunk | 2 |
#10 | Gin Mint | 51 |
#12 | Girdle of Hatred | 1 |
#10 | Gnollish sangria | 26 |
#33 | Gnomish sagngria | 2 |
#714 | Go-Wassail | 13 |
#209 | Goodfella contract | 245 |
#30 | Great Wolf's headband | 1 |
#12 | Great Wolf's left paw | 2 |
#59 | Green Velvet | 1 |
#760 | Heimandatz's heart | 2 |
#40 | Highest Bitter | 1 |
🥉 | Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians (used) | 1 |
#88 | Hodgman's almanac | 1 |
#202 | Hodgman's blanket | 7 |
#119 | Hodgman's bow tie | 1 |
#95 | Hodgman's harmonica | 1 |
#125 | Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics | 1 |
#66 | Hodgman's metal detector | 1 |
#97 | Hodgman's varcolac paw | 1 |
#41 | Hundred Headed IPA | 7 |
#55 | Hunger™ Sauce | 2 |
#19 | Ice Island Long Tea | 28 |
#878 | Imp Ale | 91 |
#408 | Instant Karma | 15 |
#39 | Jack-O-Lantern beer | 17 |
#136 | Jack-in-the-box | 37 |
#623 | Jocko Homo's head | 3 |
#20 | Jodhpurs of Violence | 1 |
#29 | Jungle Juice | 3 |
#76 | Knob pasty | 9 |
#27 | KoL Con 13 T-shirt | 101 |
🥈 | Krampus Horn | 1 |
#224 | La Fantasma y La Oscuridad | 2 |
#17 | Lens of Hatred | 1 |
#18 | Lens of Violence | 1 |
#383 | Let Me Be! | 4 |
#14 | Ludovico Pastaco | 3 |
#1112 | Mad Train wine | 19 |
#263 | Mae West with a fly in it | 1 |
#83 | Mark of the Bugbear | 3 |
#31 | Mark of the Ghost | 10 |
#85 | Mark of the Skeleton | 3 |
#68 | Mark of the Vampire | 4 |
#104 | Mark of the Werewolf | 2 |
#33 | Mark of the Zombie | 8 |
#29 | Mayor Ghost's cloak | 1 |
#23 | Mayor Ghost's khakis | 1 |
#28 | Mayor Ghost's toupee | 1 |
#66 | McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade | 68 |
#530 | McMillicancuddy's Special Lager | 1 |
#24 | Medical Pastaco | 1 |
#45 | Mini-Crimbot crate | 3 |
#17 | Mint Yulep | 15 |
#289 | Mr. Joe's bangles | 5 |
#58 | Muschat | 3 |
#10 | Mysterious Island iced tea | 35 |
#17 | Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence | 1 |
#217 | Ol' Scratch's ash can | 1 |
#128 | Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork | 1 |
#32 | Ol' Scratch's manacles | 2 |
#196 | Ol' Scratch's ol' britches | 1 |
#94 | Ol' Scratch's stove door | 1 |
#187 | Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat | 1 |
#41 | Orangemageddon wine cooler | 6 |
#187 | Oscus's dumpster waders | 1 |
#105 | Oscus's garbage can lid | 1 |
#194 | Oscus's pelt | 1 |
#140 | Pack of Alice's Army Cards | 11 |
#49 | Paint A Vulgar Pitcher | 4 |
#2364 | Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster | 1 |
#16 | Pantaloons of Hatred | 1 |
#23 | Pigsticker of Violence | 1 |
🥇 | Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed) | 1 |
#20 | Quaatorade™ | 4 |
#21 | R'lyeh | 10 |
#104 | Racisto Ruidoso | 4 |
#35 | Radberry Rip wine cooler | 8 |
#5 | Radio KoL Maracas | 1 |
#212 | Ralph IX cognac | 1 |
#525 | Ram's Face Lager | 23 |
#1463 | Retenez L'Herbe Paté | 1 |
#95 | Sacramento wine | 2 |
#716 | Safari Jack's moustache | 2 |
#7 | Science Notebook | 2 |
#357 | Sensual Massage for Creeps | 4 |
#69 | Shot of Kardashian Gin | 1 |
#20 | Simepore slime | 10 |
#78 | Sogg-Os | 6 |
#41 | Spant eggs | 1 |
#228 | Spooky Surprise Egg | 71 |
#11 | Staff of the Cozy Fish | 1 |
#627 | Summer Nights | 2 |
#153 | Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword | 1 |
#4 | TRIO cup of beer | 57 |
#279 | Tales from the Fireside | 4 |
#8 | Tea, Earl Grey, Hot | 101 |
#74 | Temps Tempranillo | 2 |
#67 | Tequiz Navidad | 2 |
#5 | The Big Book of Communism (used) | 1 |
#324 | The Cooler Out of Space | 7 |
#4 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 1 (used) | 1 |
#4 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 2 (used) | 1 |
#5 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 3 (used) | 1 |
#8 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 (used) | 1 |
#7 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 5 (used) | 1 |
#4 | The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 6 (used) | 1 |
#6 | Third Eye | 1 |
#44 | This Charming Flan | 3 |
#18 | Thor's Pliers | 1 |
#34 | Thriller Ice | 3 |
#28 | Thunkula's drinking cap | 1 |
#806 | Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette | 2 |
#428 | Thwaitgold cockroach statuette | 1 |
#526 | Thwaitgold mosquito statuette | 2 |
#673 | Thwaitgold spider statuette | 3 |
#2349 | Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette | 1 |
#19 | Time Cloak | 1 |
🥇 | Time Lord Badge of Honor | 1 |
#39 | Time Lord Participation Mug | 1 |
#38 | Transylvania Sling | 3 |
#225 | Travels with Jerry | 5 |
#365 | Typical Tavern swill | 11 |
#9 | Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards | 2 |
#32 | Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap | 1 |
#51 | VYKEA mead | 2 |
🥈 | Voluminous Radio Hat | 1 |
🥉 | Voluminous Radio Pants | 1 |
🥉 | Voluminous Radio Sneakers | 1 |
#204 | Wand of Oscus | 1 |
#18 | Warms-Your-Tush | 1 |
#80 | Ye Olde Meade | 22 |
#17 | Zombo's empty eye | 1 |
#182 | Zombo's grievous greaves | 1 |
#189 | Zombo's shield | 1 |
#105 | Zombo's shoulder blade | 1 |
#85 | Zombo's skull ring | 1 |
#191 | Zombo's skullcap | 1 |
#53 | accidental mutton | 1 |
#1576 | adorable seal larva | 1 |
#14 | aerogel anvil | 1 |
#13 | aerogel ascot | 1 |
#70 | agua de vida | 104 |
#92 | ancient oil painting of yourself | 2 |
🥈 | anniversary balsa wood socks | 1 |
🥇 | anniversary burlap belt | 1 |
#227 | anniversary chutney sculpture | 1 |
🥈 | anniversary concrete fedora | 1 |
🥈 | anniversary pewter cape | 1 |
🥈 | anniversary safety glass vest | 1 |
🥈 | anniversary tiny latex mask | 1 |
#97 | anticheese | 151 |
#138 | arrowgram | 11 |
#203 | astral mushroom | 73 |
#108 | baby cuddlefish | 2 |
#486 | baby killer bee | 20 |
#132 | bad penguin egg | 1 |
#34 | bad rum and good cola | 1 |
#180 | bag of GORF | 4 |
#176 | bag of GORP | 8 |
#89 | bag of QWOP | 73 |
#32 | bag of unfinished business | 2 |
#60 | balanced antler | 2 |
#59 | bark rootbeer | 7 |
#956 | barrrnacle | 11 |
#183 | beautiful rainbow | 1 |
#49 | beavermouth | 251 |
#293 | bed of coals | 3 |
#398 | beertini | 4 |
#73 | beery blood | 3 |
#42 | begpwnia | 310 |
#568 | bilge wine | 9 |
#28 | bishop cookie | 4 |
#276 | black & tan | 8 |
#712 | black paisley oyster egg | 7 |
#382 | black plastic oyster egg | 13 |
#352 | black polka-dot oyster egg | 15 |
#320 | black striped oyster egg | 15 |
#130 | blended frozen swill with a fly in it | 2 |
#67 | blind-packed capsule toy | 278 |
#281 | blind-packed die-cast metal toy | 21 |
#10 | blood roll-up | 2 |
#17 | blood sausage | 7 |
🥇 | blood-soaked sponge cake | 137 |
#329 | bloody beer | 41 |
#20 | bloody kiwitini | 1 |
#187 | blue paisley oyster egg | 16 |
#487 | blue plastic oyster egg | 10 |
#427 | blue polka-dot oyster egg | 10 |
#362 | blue striped oyster egg | 12 |
#168 | bottle of Crimbognac | 1 |
#37 | bottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPA | 2 |
#35 | bottle of Greedy Dog | 3 |
#49 | bottle of Lambada Lambic | 1 |
#45 | bottle of Old Pugilist | 2 |
#186 | bottle of Pinot Renoir | 9 |
#48 | bottle of Professor Beer | 2 |
#19 | bottle of Race Car Red | 4 |
#27 | bottle of Rapier Witbier | 4 |
#205 | bottle of cooking sherry | 9 |
#27 | bottle of fruity "wine" | 6 |
#924 | bottle of goofballs | 28 |
#95 | bottle of laundry sherry | 5 |
#538 | bottle of popskull | 2 |
#84 | bottle of wine | 20 |
#223 | bowl of fishysoisse | 4 |
#53 | bowl of maggots | 2 |
#47 | box of bear arms | 1 |
#1647 | box of sunshine | 100 |
#105 | boxed wine | 495 |
#73 | brainwave-controlled unicorn horn | 1 |
#963 | brine | 10 |
#128 | briny vinegar | 1 |
#23 | broberry brogurt | 3 |
#41 | brocolate brogurt | 1 |
#43 | browser cookie | 9 |
🥇 | bucket of anniversary lard | 1 |
#166 | bucket of honey | 12 |
#34 | buzzing mushroom wine | 2 |
#31 | can of Brütalbräu | 5 |
#43 | can of Drooling Monk | 3 |
#68 | can of Impetuous Scofflaw | 1 |
#44 | can of Rain-Doh | 1 |
#160 | can of Swiller | 33 |
#34 | can of the cheapest beer | 6 |
#1412 | canteen of wine | 5 |
#42 | carrot claret | 2 |
#124 | carton of rotten eggs | 35 |
#180 | centipede eggs | 23 |
#38 | chaos popcorn | 20 |
#74 | cheap Chinese beer | 3 |
#128 | cheer extractor | 1 |
#87 | cheerful antler hat | 1 |
#110 | chef-skull-in-the-box | 1 |
#81 | choco-Crimbot | 42 |
#3277 | club necklace | 1 |
#138 | clutch of dodecapede eggs | 4 |
#32 | cod cape | 2 |
#236 | comfy coffin | 5 |
#22 | complex mushroom wine | 4 |
#24 | contract enforcement stick | 163 |
#90 | cool mushroom wine | 3 |
🥉 | cooling iron helmet | 1 |
#360 | corncob pipe | 3 |
#369 | corpse on the beach | 14 |
#58 | corpsebite | 6 |
#553 | corpsedriver | 9 |
#286 | corpsetini | 18 |
#18 | crabsicle | 1 |
#239 | cream stout | 13 |
#198 | crown-shaped beanie | 1 |
#327 | cruelty-free wine | 6 |
#173 | cup of infinite pencils | 9 |
#196 | cup of primitive beer | 12 |
#62 | d20 | 62 |
#57 | d6 | 59 |
#67 | day-old beer | 10 |
#99 | deactivated MicroMechaMech | 2 |
#536 | designer handbag | 5 |
#36 | deviled egg | 37 |
#3289 | diamond necklace | 1 |
#12 | dice ring | 1 |
#16 | dice-shaped backpack | 1 |
#234 | dill | 147 |
#440 | disassembled clover | 133 |
#386 | distilled fortified wine | 6 |
#52 | drafty drawers | 1 |
#41 | dread tarragon | 1 |
#14 | dreadful roast | 9 |
#54 | dream of a dog | 2 |
#25 | dried gelatinous cube | 1 |
#21 | drive-by shooting | 4 |
#264 | drop of water-37 | 22 |
#472 | dusty bottle of Marsala | 24 |
#470 | dusty bottle of Merlot | 26 |
#495 | dusty bottle of Muscat | 21 |
#546 | dusty bottle of Pinot Noir | 17 |
#476 | dusty bottle of Port | 27 |
#469 | dusty bottle of Zinfandel | 22 |
#20 | eau de mort | 4 |
#51 | eerie fetish | 1 |
🥈 | eerily silent box | 1 |
#39 | eighth plague | 2 |
#43 | eldritch elixir | 3 |
#64 | eldritch mushroom | 2 |
#67 | electric Kool-Aid | 2 |
#63 | electronic dulcimer pants | 1 |
#35 | elemental caipiroska | 11 |
#44 | enchanted fire extinguisher | 1 |
#72 | epic wad | 10 |
#2680 | evil teddy bear | 1 |
#25 | exclusive club | 2 |
#13 | executive mime flask | 64 |
#36 | expensive champagne | 3 |
#164 | extra-greasy slider | 15 |
#175 | faded green protest sign | 1 |
#145 | faded red protest sign | 1 |
#34 | fancy beef jerky | 5 |
#20 | filet of The Fish | 10 |
#131 | filth-encrusted futon | 6 |
#308 | fine wine | 19 |
#1137 | fire | 3 |
#39 | fire axe | 1 |
#81 | fireman's helmet | 1 |
#13 | fishin' hat | 1 |
#63 | flamin' bindle | 8 |
#89 | flaming mushroom wine | 5 |
#46 | flask of port | 3 |
#70 | flat mushroom wine | 3 |
#56 | freezin' bindle | 8 |
#1458 | friendly cheez blob | 1 |
#285 | frigid air mattress | 3 |
#67 | frozen banquet | 24 |
#63 | fudge pocket square | 1 |
#1659 | fuzzy dice | 4 |
#85 | ghost beer | 9 |
#319 | ghost cucumber | 136 |
#29 | ghost pencil | 2 |
#51 | ghost pepper | 3 |
#551 | ghost pickle on a stick | 1 |
🥈 | ginger beer | 61 |
#4 | gingerbread wine | 138 |
#94 | glass of bourbon | 6 |
#31 | glass of raw eggs | 36 |
#105 | gloomy mushroom wine | 6 |
#158 | gold star | 6 |
#237 | green beer | 68 |
#250 | green candygram | 1 |
#116 | green eggnog | 1 |
#46 | grilled mooseflank | 64 |
#112 | grinning turtle | 2 |
#64 | groping claw | 1 |
#25 | gunner's daughter | 7 |
#35 | guts necklace | 2 |
#984 | guy made of bee pollen | 1 |
#59 | hacked gibson | 3 |
#54 | half-orchid | 209 |
#91 | hand grenegg | 2 |
#1377 | handful of confetti | 28 |
#292 | handful of honey | 11 |
#84 | haunted battery | 10 |
#132 | haunted bindle | 1 |
#14 | hell in a bucket | 11 |
#626 | hideous egg | 1 |
#283 | high-energy mining laser | 1 |
🥉 | hobo code binder | 1 |
#182 | hobo fortress blueprints | 1 |
#11 | hobo stogie | 2 |
#110 | holiday log | 2 |
#104 | hopping socks | 3 |
#17 | hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa | 9 |
#267 | hot hi mein | 1 |
#176 | hot watered rum | 1 |
#32 | hothammer | 2 |
#62 | ice porter | 10 |
#35 | ice rice | 3 |
#7 | ice skates | 1 |
#121 | ice stein | 3 |
#32 | ice wine | 2 |
#1177 | ice-cold Sir Schlitz | 16 |
#616 | ice-cold Willer | 53 |
#514 | ice-cold fotie | 31 |
#19 | iceberg lettuce | 2 |
#44 | iced plum wine | 3 |
#83 | icy mushroom wine | 4 |
#43 | jar of anniversary jam | 1 |
#158 | jar of fermented pickle juice | 14 |
#405 | jar of squeeze | 2 |
#372 | jar of swamp gas | 101 |
#911 | jerky coins | 5 |
#46 | junk yard | 4 |
#68 | kamicorpse-ee | 6 |
#81 | karma shawarma | 1 |
#147 | king cookie | 1 |
#1103 | kneecapping stick | 6 |
#80 | knight cookie | 1 |
#57 | knob mushroom wine | 4 |
#156 | knoll mushroom wine | 1 |
#58 | large tankard of ale | 1 |
#290 | lavender paisley oyster egg | 11 |
#492 | lavender plastic oyster egg | 8 |
#283 | lavender polka-dot oyster egg | 10 |
#35 | lavender striped oyster egg | 54 |
#23 | leftover pasty | 5 |
#283 | legitimate business on the beach | 1 |
#412 | leprechaun hatchling | 1 |
#34 | lesser grodulated violet | 635 |
#218 | lucky Crimbo tiki necklace | 1 |
#563 | lucky bottlecap | 1 |
#29 | magical sausage | 279 |
#75 | magnificent oyster egg | 9 |
#145 | mandarina colada with a fly in it | 2 |
#39 | martiny | 1 |
#576 | mauve paisley oyster egg | 5 |
#251 | mauve plastic oyster egg | 13 |
#524 | mauve polka-dot oyster egg | 6 |
#86 | mauve striped oyster egg | 30 |
#20 | meadeorite | 167 |
#36 | megacopia | 10 |
#16 | meteoreo | 335 |
#71 | mid-level medieval mead | 1 |
#73 | mime pocket probe | 1 |
#78 | miming beret | 1 |
#138 | mini-martini | 2 |
#10 | moon-amber necklace | 1 |
#100 | moonberry wine cooler | 13 |
#136 | mother's secret recipe | 1 |
#8 | mourning wine | 1 |
#18 | mouth-watering mayolus | 4 |
#32 | muddy skirt | 1 |
#165 | mugcake | 51 |
#25 | mulled berry wine | 5 |
#50 | mulled hobo wine | 1 |
#71 | natto-infused sake | 3 |
#15 | nega-mushroom | 74 |
#33 | negotiatin' hammer | 50 |
#196 | non-aged vinegar | 4 |
🥇 | novelty monorail ticket | 1 |
#292 | off-white paisley oyster egg | 8 |
#347 | off-white plastic oyster egg | 13 |
#406 | off-white polka-dot oyster egg | 8 |
#96 | off-white striped oyster egg | 25 |
#89 | oily mushroom wine | 5 |
#49 | old dry bone | 1 |
#4 | old patched suit-pants | 3 |
🥈 | old soft shoes | 3 |
#47 | one-day ticket to Conspiracy Island | 1 |
#29 | one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill | 7 |
#27 | one-day ticket to Spring Break Beach | 2 |
#21 | one-day ticket to That 70s Volcano | 8 |
#27 | overpowering mushroom wine | 4 |
#93 | overpriced "imported" beer | 3 |
#777 | pack of pogs | 8 |
🥇 | packet of tall grass seeds | 1 |
🥇 | packet of thanksgarden seeds | 1 |
#37 | painting of a glass of wine | 47 |
#243 | panhandle panhandling hat | 6 |
#17 | party beer bomb | 37 |
#6 | party platter for one | 56 |
#191 | pear tart | 1 |
#59 | peppermint rhino baby | 1 |
#57 | perfect cosmopolitan | 5 |
#67 | perfect dark and stormy | 3 |
#64 | perfect mimosa | 3 |
#69 | perfect old-fashioned | 2 |
#27 | pet bad vibe | 1 |
#332 | phish stick | 3 |
#64 | pickled egg | 4 |
#120 | pie man was not meant to eat | 23 |
#84 | pigeon egg | 35 |
#9 | pine cone necklace | 1 |
#48 | pixel beer | 2 |
#84 | plain old beer | 6 |
#84 | plastic bazooka | 1 |
#232 | plastic cup of beer | 9 |
#18 | plum wine | 108 |
#101 | pointy mushroom wine | 2 |
#15 | polyester pad | 1 |
#16 | polyester parachute | 1 |
#14 | polyester pulsera | 1 |
#180 | poodle skirt | 1 |
#19 | popcorn | 30 |
#16 | popular tart | 214 |
#69 | premium malt liquor | 51 |
#18 | primitive alien booze | 5 |
#114 | prismatic wad | 68 |
#29 | protection stick | 107 |
#142 | puce paisley oyster egg | 15 |
#113 | puce plastic oyster egg | 25 |
#223 | puce polka-dot oyster egg | 15 |
#408 | puce striped oyster egg | 6 |
#38 | pumpkin beer | 54 |
#131 | pumpkin pie | 1 |
#32 | punch-drunk punch | 33 |
#149 | purple corpsel | 2 |
#206 | queen cookie | 3 |
#301 | radiation-resistant helmet | 1 |
#34 | radio button candy | 33 |
#238 | red ale | 4 |
#161 | red balloon | 2 |
#109 | red paisley oyster egg | 24 |
#1391 | red plastic oyster egg | 3 |
#155 | red polka-dot oyster egg | 16 |
#47 | red red wine | 62 |
#47 | red-headed corpse | 8 |
#28 | reindeer hammer | 1 |
#25 | reindeer sickle | 1 |
#21 | remorseless knife | 4 |
#45 | reusable shopping bag | 1 |
#10 | reverse Tantalus | 14 |
#183 | roasted marshmallow | 216 |
#50 | robin's egg | 1 |
#76 | robot reindeer protocol B.L.I.T.Z.E.N. | 4 |
#70 | robot reindeer protocol C.O.M.E.T. | 6 |
#73 | robot reindeer protocol C.U.P.I.D. | 6 |
#64 | robot reindeer protocol D.A.N.C.E.R. | 6 |
#58 | robot reindeer protocol D.A.S.H.E.R. | 12 |
#63 | robot reindeer protocol D.O.N.N.E.R. | 9 |
#56 | robot reindeer protocol P.R.A.N.C.E.R. | 13 |
#76 | robot reindeer protocol R.U.D.O.L.P.H. | 4 |
#65 | robot reindeer protocol V.I.X.E.N. | 8 |
#212 | robotronic egg | 110 |
#95 | roll of Hob-Os | 17 |
#77 | rook cookie | 1 |
#8 | saffron antaravasaka | 1 |
#6 | saffron uttarasanga | 1 |
#1708 | sandwich of the gods | 2 |
#56 | sausage wonton | 5 |
#213 | scintillating oyster egg | 1 |
#299 | servo-assisted exo-pants | 1 |
🥇 | silent nightlight | 1 |
#30 | skeleton quiche | 4 |
#131 | skull of the Bonerdagon | 13 |
#80 | sleazy bindle | 7 |
#42 | slime-covered club | 1 |
#52 | smooth mushroom wine | 1 |
#43 | snow crab | 5 |
#53 | snowstick | 1 |
#19 | software bug | 1 |
#2036 | solid gold bowling ball | 3 |
#183 | soul doorbell | 1 |
#36 | space port | 5 |
#3321 | spade necklace | 1 |
#106 | spandex anniversary shorts | 1 |
#101 | spectral pickle | 246 |
#101 | spice melange | 2 |
#63 | splendid martini | 1 |
#107 | spooky bindle | 8 |
#833 | spooky hockey mask | 2 |
#107 | spooky mushroom wine | 4 |
#550 | spooky pirate skeleton | 1 |
#93 | stained mattress | 9 |
#32 | steel drivin' hammer | 69 |
#131 | stinkin' bindle | 5 |
#56 | stinky mushroom wine | 6 |
#71 | strange helix fossil | 1 |
#466 | strawberry wine | 1 |
#487 | stuffed Baron von Ratsworth | 92 |
#1435 | stuffed Cheshire bitten | 35 |
#410 | stuffed Hodgman | 1 |
#1743 | stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech | 29 |
#691 | stuffed Meat | 69 |
#1829 | stuffed alien blob | 3 |
#1154 | stuffed angry cow | 44 |
#1533 | stuffed astral badger | 34 |
#1288 | stuffed baby gravy fairy | 40 |
#1029 | stuffed cocoabo | 46 |
#592 | stuffed crazy bastard sword | 11 |
#898 | stuffed flaming gravy fairy | 55 |
#1544 | stuffed frozen gravy fairy | 34 |
#1247 | stuffed hand turkey | 41 |
#514 | stuffed key | 116 |
#1295 | stuffed martini | 4 |
#1184 | stuffed mind flayer | 44 |
#608 | stuffed mink | 78 |
#612 | stuffed monocle | 78 |
#1219 | stuffed scary death orb | 42 |
#737 | stuffed shoulder parrot | 29 |
#1790 | stuffed sleazy gravy fairy | 29 |
#1478 | stuffed snowy owl | 34 |
#1338 | stuffed spooky gravy fairy | 39 |
#1687 | stuffed spooky mushroom | 4 |
#1102 | stuffed stinky gravy fairy | 45 |
#623 | stuffed teddy butler | 78 |
#740 | stuffed tin of caviar | 65 |
#486 | stuffed treasure chest | 119 |
#1773 | stuffed undead elbow macaroni | 29 |
#16 | sweet party mix | 37 |
#56 | swirling mushroom wine | 1 |
#64 | synthetic marrow | 16 |
#22 | tailbone shield | 3 |
#134 | tangarita with a fly in it | 2 |
#153 | tankard of ale | 4 |
#105 | tasty tart | 15 |
#2033 | teddy bear | 1 |
#22 | tempura avocado | 4 |
#23 | tempura carrot | 4 |
#31 | tempura cucumber | 2 |
#53 | tempura radish | 1 |
#50 | the funk | 25 |
#79 | thermos full of Knob coffee | 11 |
#40 | thick walrus blubber | 240 |
#230 | thistle wine | 13 |
🥇 | time sleigh | 1 |
#17 | time-twitching toolbelt | 1 |
#33 | tin magnolia | 616 |
#32 | tiny bomb | 243 |
#162 | tiny bottle of absinthe | 170 |
#586 | tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree | 1 |
#3991 | tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf | 1 |
#65 | tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo | 1 |
#1763 | tiny plastic Axe Wound | 4 |
#1155 | tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type | 1 |
#267 | tiny plastic Big Candy | 1 |
#2815 | tiny plastic Black Knight | 2 |
#2050 | tiny plastic Boss Bat | 2 |
#61 | tiny plastic Café Elf | 1 |
#656 | tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter | 6 |
#221 | tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ | 1 |
#1157 | tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel | 1 |
#4313 | tiny plastic Crimbo elf | 1 |
#4232 | tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer | 1 |
#88 | tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva | 1 |
#101 | tiny plastic Crimbomega | 1 |
#87 | tiny plastic Crimborgatron | 1 |
#101 | tiny plastic Crimbot | 1 |
#827 | tiny plastic Father McGruber | 4 |
#2057 | tiny plastic Felonia | 2 |
#284 | tiny plastic Fudge Wizard | 1 |
#1752 | tiny plastic G Imp | 4 |
#175 | tiny plastic GORM-8 | 1 |
#88 | tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej | 1 |
#799 | tiny plastic Gary Claybender | 1 |
#2172 | tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser | 3 |
#1082 | tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester | 7 |
#1116 | tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist | 2 |
#1459 | tiny plastic Hellion | 5 |
#1471 | tiny plastic Iiti Kitty | 5 |
#169 | tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S. | 1 |
#2059 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin King | 2 |
#1451 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter | 5 |
#1475 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl | 5 |
#2775 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist | 2 |
#821 | tiny plastic Knott Yeti | 9 |
#77 | tiny plastic Knows About Chakras | 1 |
#73 | tiny plastic Krampus | 1 |
#778 | tiny plastic Lord Flameface | 1 |
#135 | tiny plastic MechaElf | 2 |
#1318 | tiny plastic Norville Rogers | 1 |
#2767 | tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy | 2 |
#2785 | tiny plastic Protagonist | 2 |
#875 | tiny plastic Queen Bee | 2 |
#772 | tiny plastic Rene C. Corman | 1 |
#83 | tiny plastic Rudolph the Red | 1 |
#765 | tiny plastic Scott the Miner | 5 |
#1441 | tiny plastic Spam Witch | 5 |
#1225 | tiny plastic Spunky Princess | 6 |
#91 | tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf | 1 |
#1192 | tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski | 4 |
#2061 | tiny plastic The Man | 2 |
#68 | tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare | 1 |
#172 | tiny plastic Toybot | 1 |
#2833 | tiny plastic Trouser Snake | 2 |
#238 | tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku | 1 |
#2160 | tiny plastic XXX pr0n | 3 |
#77 | tiny plastic Your Brain | 1 |
#303 | tiny plastic abominable fudgeman | 1 |
#111 | tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart | 1 |
#2859 | tiny plastic angry bugbear | 2 |
#1121 | tiny plastic angry space marine | 2 |
#78 | tiny plastic angry vikings | 1 |
#1083 | tiny plastic anime smiley | 7 |
#244 | tiny plastic animelf | 1 |
#2793 | tiny plastic apathetic lizardman | 2 |
#3981 | tiny plastic astronomer | 1 |
#73 | tiny plastic bad vibe | 1 |
#8132 | tiny plastic barrrnacle | 1 |
#1099 | tiny plastic batbugbear | 2 |
#2165 | tiny plastic beanbat | 3 |
#988 | tiny plastic bee swarm | 3 |
#835 | tiny plastic beebee gunners | 4 |
#844 | tiny plastic beebee queue | 4 |
#991 | tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar | 5 |
#960 | tiny plastic black ops bugbear | 3 |
#849 | tiny plastic blazing bat | 4 |
#2200 | tiny plastic blooper | 3 |
#2851 | tiny plastic brainsweeper | 2 |
#1218 | tiny plastic briefcase bat | 6 |
#1344 | tiny plastic bugaboo | 1 |
#861 | tiny plastic buzzerker | 4 |
#1357 | tiny plastic cavebugbear | 1 |
#8225 | tiny plastic coffee pixie | 1 |
#265 | tiny plastic colollilossus | 1 |
#2098 | tiny plastic conservationist hippy | 2 |
#2154 | tiny plastic cubist bull | 3 |
#3940 | tiny plastic demoninja | 1 |
#1454 | tiny plastic drunk goat | 5 |
#101 | tiny plastic exo-suited miner | 1 |
#1740 | tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus | 4 |
#3912 | tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker | 1 |
#668 | tiny plastic fire servant | 3 |
#1070 | tiny plastic fluffy bunny | 7 |
#1415 | tiny plastic fruit golem | 5 |
#6161 | tiny plastic ghuol whelp | 2 |
#1713 | tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers | 4 |
#1236 | tiny plastic goth giant | 6 |
#1053 | tiny plastic handsome mariachi | 7 |
#964 | tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear | 3 |
#1245 | tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box | 6 |
#8106 | tiny plastic levitating potato | 1 |
#71 | tiny plastic mime executive | 1 |
#73 | tiny plastic mime functionary | 1 |
#72 | tiny plastic mime scientist | 1 |
#74 | tiny plastic mime soldier | 1 |
#1346 | tiny plastic moneybee | 1 |
#973 | tiny plastic mumblebee | 3 |
#3998 | tiny plastic ninja snowman | 1 |
#57 | tiny plastic orphan | 1 |
#883 | tiny plastic peacannon | 2 |
#67 | tiny plastic protector spectre | 1 |
#59 | tiny plastic reindeer | 1 |
#8104 | tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime | 1 |
#1781 | tiny plastic scary clown | 4 |
#102 | tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit | 1 |
#1060 | tiny plastic senile lihc | 7 |
#1559 | tiny plastic skeletal reindeer | 1 |
#1738 | tiny plastic smarmy pirate | 4 |
#1127 | tiny plastic spiderbugbear | 1 |
#3839 | tiny plastic spiny skelelton | 1 |
#8229 | tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton | 1 |
#3939 | tiny plastic spooky vampire | 1 |
#8165 | tiny plastic stab bat | 1 |
#1743 | tiny plastic taco cat | 4 |
#226 | tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf | 1 |
#684 | tiny plastic the Free Man | 3 |
#2154 | tiny plastic topiary golem | 3 |
#314 | tiny plastic trollipop | 1 |
#4484 | tiny plastic turtle tamer | 1 |
#2754 | tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni | 2 |
#193 | tiny plastic warbear | 1 |
#178 | tiny plastic warbear fortress | 1 |
#2124 | tiny plastic warwelf | 3 |
#2110 | tiny plastic whitesnake | 3 |
#55 | tiny plastic wild beaver | 1 |
#1475 | tiny plastic zmobie | 5 |
#545 | toast | 1,679 |
#51 | tonguebone | 1 |
#939 | towel | 7 |
#67 | toy Crimbot mega face | 1 |
#67 | toy Crimbot power glove | 1 |
#64 | toy Crimbot rocket legs | 1 |
#62 | toy Crimbot super fist | 1 |
#50 | transparent pants | 1 |
#48 | twinkly powder | 1,071 |
#101 | twinkly wad | 5,615 |
#38 | two meat muck | 6 |
#59 | unflavored wine cooler | 50 |
#27 | unidentified drink | 286 |
#1127 | unusual disco ball | 2 |
#63 | upsy daisy | 241 |
#50 | used beer | 5 |
#275 | useless powder | 581 |
#8 | vengeful spirit | 5 |
#27 | very fancy whiskey | 10 |
#52 | vial of hot blood | 1 |
🥇 | wand of fudge control | 1 |
🥉 | warm war shawarma | 57 |
#46 | wasabi-infused sake | 8 |
#40 | wax banana | 1 |
#159 | white candygram | 3 |
#39 | white wine | 7 |
#12 | wicker ticker | 1 |
#91 | willowy bonnet | 1 |
#98 | wind-up meatcar | 109 |
#83 | wine spritzer | 15 |
#95 | wriggling severed nose | 1 |
#202 | yellow glowstick | 7 |
#382 | yellow paisley oyster egg | 7 |
#367 | yellow plastic oyster egg | 16 |
#130 | yellow polka-dot oyster egg | 15 |
#124 | yellow striped oyster egg | 17 |
#193 | yule gruel | 1 |
#104 | yule pup | 1 |
#54 | zombie | 3 |
#19 | zombie accordion | 1 |
#78 | zombie dinosaur egg | 1 |
#21 | zombie mariachi hat | 1 |
#29 | zombie mariachi pants | 1 |
#476 | zombie pineal gland | 10 |