yule pup

yule pup

🥇Mistress of the Obvious25




#4JB77 and Pastahead13


#6Stan Maskelyne11


#7Christopher Pike, Dr Ragon, Lord Stefano, Mick Bagger, Nikademus, TheForce, saldon and soma3310




#16SkyPiglet, Spazmodic and bulbocapnine8


#19Finalstuff, GoodKnYght and Whampyri7


#22Bubba9265, CrapMachine, Hojo Hominygrits, Momshroom, SupernovaMe and barBara strisaNd6


#28Captain Insano, Hamo_Boy, JAD, Mister Theft, Mistress Darkmoon, Mondavidave, Skent, Volc, Zinnia and romanlv5


#38AtlanteanScion, BC_Goldman, Coldram3n, Crazy Larry, Doz, FredRulz, Jehanmandeville, Shizzle42, Spramen, jenrose, kirByllAmA, siege72 and testostronaut4


#51Beljeferon, Birdy, Erathaol, Eroquin, Framistan, GraniteGrizz, Leg o Lam, Mariani, Oldsfrk, Phantom Stag, Scudworths, Terrapin_Man, Triskelion, Ugotponed12, Xyll, coderanger, de nisovan, mflGrMp and moORtEnsOn3


#70BlakAcid, Boesbert, Diane, DiscoKiller, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Grimdel, Hairshirt, Hermitess, JerseyBoy, LunaDancer, MinaPoe, Mr_GlitterBall, Murnjendoof, Philosofik, Plucky, Rubius, Ryo_Sangnoir, Snickles, Soba Rigatoni, Space Ace, TechRat, The Dashing Protagonist, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Triffels, UNNaMEd004, deadleeplatapus, fractalnavel, futinc, meh_64_12, mskc, phyllis dietrichson and whizdad2


#102Achernar, AdenOvirus, Aduine, AelfRhianN, Akael, Allis, Allora, AlmAlphiA, Anatoly Stromboli, Andranovich3, Antic the Fearless, AnxiousHyrax, Arbos, Aro CantCatchABreak, Ashfox, Augon, Ayyno, BadLuckBlacky, Beavis P_Ness, Behoimi, Binary Dragon, Blakeatwork, Blastphemist, BlueMoon31, BluemOOn pOrtal Of presents, Bradley Morris, Brew Geared, Brirad, Bubbamonicus, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caliginos, CaptainRondo, CaptainUrsus, Charasan, CheGuevara, Chelonia, Chompkins, Crumbling Buttercookie, Cryanger, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Dane Rain, Dantes_Love, Dark_Adonis, Darzil, DataVortex, Deatvert, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Dr Strange, Dreadark, DudeMcBob, ElVatoLoco, Elayle, Emerilla, Ereinion, Erichwanh, ErisDiscordia, Ev3r, Eyeball, Farfetchedchild, Frogstomp, Fronobulax, GT1, Gargonite, Genbu Cosplayer, GenisSageAceAttourny, Grave Disturbance, Guy Bone, H473N4, HOldeRofSecrEts, HP 48GX, HappyDeadChicken, Hiroto, IdeDude, Idiot, Ima Weiner, Immelan, Issimgur, Itsatrap, Jeff Jeff, Jitsaki, Junestar, KapmK, Kemistry, Ketchupynugget, Kickass Skrull, Kill3rQu33n, KillerNoj, Kindly Good Sir Chachi, KitiaranYC, Kitsunegami, Kneegrow, Kreegah, Kyron, Laa, Lack Luster, LastChans, LeMuffin, LegumeLord, Lord Kobel, LordHaplo, Mac_Gyver, Magister30, Magnus Thunderblade, Maxstick, MayaMina, Michael303, Misha_Z, Mister Edge, Mister Jinkles, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkieboy, Morticle, Mother Russia, MotherMary13, Motrax, Mr Knee, MuggleGal, My Name is Jim, Myrmaker, MysticalMolly, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, Nightvol, NotHere, NukebOy1313, OkamotoSan, OldBobLeashed, Opa Wulfen, Oroku Saki, PanSolo, Pando the Gourmet, ParadoX, Perire, Perkk, Picta the Painted, PigRat, Princess Erin, PsyMar, Psyche, Rainmaker709, RalphCheeseman, Ransak_the_Elder, Ranzer, Rawonall, Rosarinita, Ryllwyn, Sal the Rapacious, Sandish, Sans the Comic, Sceptileus, Schweetie, ScotlandsFinest, Scrogal, SealClubberForLife, ShawnD, Sigurd Sigurdsson, SnackAttack, Snott, Snugglypoo, Someuser14, Son of Yoduh, Splendor, SwordsRCool, TPlunkette, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tanliel, ThaiNichole, The Annihilator, The Dictator, The GREAT Stubb, The Rogue Fedora, The Wishing Well, TheJessieKirk, ThePig, The_Dancing_Viagra, The_Pwner, ThirdStrike1, ThunderGate, Tibbiara, Tom808, TriggerOfHel, Turtle Juice, Veeder, Wapow, Wraithtech, WreckedEm, Xande1, ZaphodB42, Zennie, amicrobial, andreihui, arbalaragan, ashvixen, bauhaus, bidet to you, bnlcaholik, bobbanana432, busstop82, caducus, chickenmaan3, cobain dougans, coffindodger, cpenny86, davidsan, dune rune, eQerxar, eddo, egadstar, ellie3, eusst, fungalMonk, grovel, hamofmight, hekiryuu, ilguk, ilovetrees, italia_stallion, jewells of cheese, kirahvikoira, kylesaurusrex, l33t_7h3iF, learnedone, legom7, lethalbyte, loir1, lupus4, mat9h, minTy giaNT, mr_bibiloni, noinamg, ora henry, proven, quoisme, rosa blanco, runeslayer, scorpionxx, sensibleb, shaggy100, shootgun47, stu22, sugarpop, taltamir, wiggleboy, xKiv and xaznmunkey1
