
#105"Remember the Trees" Shirt1
#46Black Angus blackburger1
#104Carol of the Bulls1
#103Carol of the Hells1
#101Carol of the Thrills1
#132Crimbeau de toilette1
#160Crimbo candle1
#82Crimbo tattoo kit1
#88Crimbolex watch1
#179Crimboysters Rockefeller1
#39Doc Clock's thyme cocktail1
#205Dust bunny1
#240Eldritch snap1
#32Kudzu salad1
#14Mansquito Serum1
#19Miss Graves' vermouth1
#40Mr. Burnsger1
#7The Author's ink1
#17The Inquisitor's unidentifiable object1
#41The Jokester's pants1
#43The Jokester's wig1
#22The Mad Liquor1
#13The Plumber's mushroom stew1
#126antique Canadian lantern1
#32bad vibroknife1
#109balanced antler1
#76beaver punch (cherry)1
#75beaver punch (papaya)1
#91beaver punch (peach)1
#54black brandy1
#2563black paisley oyster egg1
#2665black striped oyster egg1
#2374blue polka-dot oyster egg1
#2621blue striped oyster egg1
#209brilliant oyster egg1
#117chakra malt1
#266chakra sludge1
#129chakra-mental wine1
#139contract enforcement stick1
#60deadfall branch1
#126eldritch alignment spray1
#40eldritch concentrate1
#72eldritch distillate1
#388eldritch effluvium1
#88eldritch elixir1
#70eldritch essence1
#92eldritch extract1
#160eldritch ichor1
#89eldritch mushroom1
#60eldritch mushroom pizza1
#73eldritch rub1
#42eldritch scanner1
#63flask of port1
#212gleaming oyster egg1
#222glistening oyster egg1
#321gooified animal matter1
#308gooified mineral matter1
#309gooified vegetable matter1
#294grilled mooseflank1
#174hot watered rum1
#196hunk of granite1
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#2306lavender plastic oyster egg1
#1764lavender striped oyster egg1
#49little piece of steel1
#195lustrous oyster egg1
#108mafia filofax1
#69mafia middle finger ring1
#46mafia organizer badge1
#80mafia pinky ring1
#76mafia thumb ring1
#210magnificent oyster egg1
#1983mauve paisley oyster egg1
#2254mauve plastic oyster egg1
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#128mime army camouflage kit1
#228mime army rations1
#153mime army superserum1
#205mime army wine1
#182mime eraser1
#88moosemeat pie1
#107muskox-skin cap1
#56nega-mushroom wine1
#373negative lump1
#124negotiatin' hammer1
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#2532off-white plastic oyster egg1
#1733off-white polka-dot oyster egg1
#241pearlescent oyster egg1
#84plastic bazooka1
#92portable dam1
#42potion of spiritual gunkifying1
#300primitive candy cane1
#114pristine walrus tusk1
#134protection stick1
#2252puce polka-dot oyster egg1
#2536red plastic oyster egg1
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#97replica bat-oomerang1
#97roll of meat1
#262runny fermented egg1
#209scintillating oyster egg1
#197shovelful of dirt1
#69silent A1
#138silent B1
#59silent C1
#63silent D1
#57silent E1
#77silent F1
#64silent G1
#135silent H1
#203silent I1
#173silent J1
#46silent K1
#149silent L1
#191silent M1
#69silent N1
#242silent O1
#212silent P1
#87silent Q1
#62silent R1
#69silent S1
#65silent T1
#64silent U1
#75silent V1
#123silent W1
#186silent X1
#67silent Y1
#121silent Z1
#217stale Cheer-E-Os1
#217stale cheer wine1
#130steel drivin' hammer1
#180thick walrus blubber1
#189tiny bomb1
#428traditional Crimbo cookie1
#251warehouse key1
#53worksite credentials1
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#2816yellow plastic oyster egg1
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#194yule gruel1
#102yule pup1

Wow, that's 147 items total!

what items are this player missing?