Grave Disturbance

#198"caramel" orange3
#4820-lb can of rice and beans1
#97Accordion of Jordion1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#150Baja sopapilla6
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
🥇Book of Old-Timey Carols1
#180Camp Scout pup tent1
#63Caveman Dan's favorite rock1
#116Cheer-Up soda5
#117Chester's Aquarius medallion1
#174Chester's cutoffs1
#7Choco-Mint patty572
#290Copper Alpha of Sincerity9
#322Crimbo Factory surprise box4
🥈Crimbo smile1
#39Dad's brandy2
#26Doc's Fortifying Wine3
#1103El Sombrero De Lopez2
#2386Elder Turtle Shell1
#66Flamin' Whatshisname6
#187Frat Army FGF25
#776Galapagosian Cuisses1
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#214Grateful Undead T-shirt2
#654Green Clover of Justice3
#1142Heimandatz's heart1
#73Hodgman's garbage sticker1
#48Hodgman's lobsterskin pants2
#377L.I.M.P. Stock Certificate15
#552La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez2
#528Lederhosen of the Night2
#30Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab1
#221New Zealand iced tea32
#1272Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#465Pink Heart of Spirit2
#111Psychotic Train wine4
#1073Safari Jack's moustache1
🥇SalesCo sample kit1
#25Shakespeare's Sister's Accordion5
#27Staff of the Grand Flambé1
#27Staff of the Grease Trap1
#35Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals1
#34Staff of the Kitchen Floor1
#65Staff of the Short Order Cook1
#77Staff of the Teapot Tempest1
#50Staff of the Walk-In Freezer1
#61Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron1
#25The Big Book of Every Skill2
#79The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 31
#60The Lot's engagement ring1
#702The Mariachi's guitar case2
#1564Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette1
#426Thwaitgold ant statuette3
#29Thwaitgold harvestman statuette3
#251Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette1
#1292Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette1
#1153Thwaitgold woollybear statuette1
🥇Time Lord Badge of Honor1
#205Wand of Oscus1
#1117Yakisoba's hat1
#1613Yellow Moon of Compassion1
#614Zim Merman's guitar1
#1171Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#24Zu Mannkäse Dienen (used)1
#333abandoned candy1
#120accordionoid rocca1
#34alarm accordion3
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
#1882anniversary gift box2
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
#10anti-freeze cream1
#17anti-pain cream2
#115antique accordion1
#7432badass belt1
#120baritone accordion1
#72beard incense2
#328beer-scented teddy bear1
#40black Crimbo ball754
#297black and white cracker1
#285blind-packed capsule toy20
#917blue striped oyster egg5
#981borg sock monkey1
#148bottle of Evermore1
#96bowl of mernudo10
#12bowl of petunias1
#135brain preservation fluid1
#91bread man5
#130buñuelos Jaliscos6
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#287bunny liver25
#185calavera concertina1
#298can of V-111
#68can of mixed everything2
#391chintzy accordion pin1
#1349club necklace5
#252comfy pillow1
#312commemorative war stein91
#48crystalline cheer2,812
#4cup of lukewarm tea1,310
#615deadly lampshade1
#206death blossom1
#883diamond necklace8
#209dingy planks1
#118disassembled clover1,000
#580distilled fortified wine3
#656donkey flipbook1
#585dope gangsta bling-bling1
#25dried gelatinous cube1
#296executive mime flask1
#225fancy seashell necklace53
#15fiberglass fedora1
#634filth-encrusted futon1
#5flagstone fleece1
#48flan del mar9
#64flour cookie6
#459freezin' bindle1
#1448friendly cheez blob1
#123frozen banquet17
#12gabardine gunnysack1
#200glass of bourbon1
#130glass of herbal tequila13
#222glistening oyster egg1
#263glow-in-the-dark wristwatch1
#135gold tooth3
#99golden gum1
🥇goo magnet1
#321gooified animal matter1
#288gooified mineral matter2
#210gooified vegetable matter9
#80graveyard snowglobe1
#3140grue egg5
#983guy made of bee pollen1
#67hand-carved staff1
#1378handful of confetti28
#173handful of tips1
#83haunted paddle-ball1
#1071heart necklace7
#1209heart of the volcano3
#28homeopathic mint tea8
#5hot mint schnocolate539
#245huge bowl of candy1
#133hunk of granite12
#1092ice-cold six-pack1
#576inflatable duck1
#569java cookie1
#2028lavender polka-dot oyster egg1
#413leprechaun hatchling1
#36liquid SONAR3
#563lucky bottlecap1
#45lump of Brituminous coal482
#1349mad scientist's sock monkey1
#194makeshift crane1
#57mama's squeezebox2
🥇map to Dolph Bossin's hideout1
#199mariachi hat29
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#19mime army infiltration glove1
#25mime army insignia (intelligence)1
#17mime army insignia (psychological warfare)1
#18mime army insignia (sanitation)1
#228mime army rations1
#73mime pocket probe1
🥇mime-proof sunglasses1
#85miming boots1
#93miming gloves1
#74muffled muffuletta5
#18neg grog3
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#1370off-white plastic oyster egg3
#119office-supply crossbow1
#96ojo de pez burrito10
#236old sweatpants314
#440opera mask1
#189out-of-tune biwa1
#806party hat1
#688pat-a-cake pendant1
#63peace accordion2
#173pearlescent oyster egg3
#70perfume-soaked bandana1
#248petit 4.14
#190petit fortran4
#27phase-tuned shield generator belt1
#2033phish stick1
#256pile of useless robot parts1
#132plain candy cane4
#301plastic guitar4
#15polyester pad1
#17polyester peeler1
#14polyester pettipants1
#430puce paisley oyster egg6
#80pygmy concertinette1
#75ram-battering staff2
#505really dense meat stack13
#2227red paisley oyster egg1
#88red shirt2
#90red-hot boilermaker2
#1555roasted marshmallow1
#1763rubber WWBD? bracelet4
#630rubber WWJD? bracelet12
#980rubber WWSPD? bracelet8
#547rubber WWtNSD? bracelet13
#461sabre-toothed lime cub1
#36samurai turtle helmet1
#64scotch on the rocks9
#559scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil1
#368shimmering rainbow sand1
#153shiny stones62
#133shot of mescal13
#95silver salt-shaker2
#1045solid gold bowling ball12
#40space blanket8
#1175spade necklace6
#104spangly mariachi pants7
#155spangly mariachi vest2
#90spangly sombrero8
#122spooky sound effects record1
#988squirming egg sac1
#672stained mattress1
#1799stainless steel scarf1
#2243stainless steel shillelagh1
#1582stainless steel skullcap2
#72stale Cheer-E-Os15
#118stale cheer wine8
#9star pop8
#234still-beating spleen1
#493stinkin' bindle1
#1501stolen accordion3
#129stolen meatpouch1
#70strange helix fossil1
#1330stray chihuahua1
#1025stuffed Cheshire bitten46
#1632stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech31
#1576stuffed angry cow32
#1779stuffed astral badger29
#1760stuffed baby gravy fairy30
#1463stuffed cocoabo34
#1271stuffed flaming gravy fairy40
#1069stuffed frozen gravy fairy47
#1495stuffed hand turkey35
#1236stuffed mind flayer42
#1579stuffed scary death orb33
#1191stuffed sleazy gravy fairy42
#1381stuffed snowy owl36
#1499stuffed spooky gravy fairy35
#2164stuffed stinky gravy fairy23
#1487stuffed undead elbow macaroni35
#177sweet rims1
#167syncopated turtle1
#43teacher's pen1
#535teeny-tiny magic scroll1
#495tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer4
#506tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory4
#937tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer1
#928tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer1
#928tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer1
#613tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg1
#944tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer1
#604tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign3
#502tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer4
#189tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree3
#623tiny die-cast factory worker elf3
#927tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf1
#567tiny die-cast goose a-laying1
#549tiny die-cast killing bird1
#947tiny die-cast middle-management elf1
#741tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf2
#612tiny die-cast stocking-stuffer elf3
#174tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming3
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#1140tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear2
#889tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type2
#2809tiny plastic Black Knight2
#3176tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#1324tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter1
#36tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#881tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel2
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#101tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#101tiny plastic Crimbot1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#343tiny plastic Duke Starkiller3
#1097tiny plastic Father McGruber2
#3121tiny plastic Felonia1
#173tiny plastic GORM-81
#246tiny plastic Gary Claybender4
#2787tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester2
#1112tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist2
#3882tiny plastic Iiti Kitty1
#467tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker2
#168tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#3074tiny plastic Knob Goblin King1
#3958tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#3872tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#775tiny plastic Lord Flameface1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#24tiny plastic Mirth2
#1315tiny plastic Norville Rogers1
#3860tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#40tiny plastic Penny1
#25tiny plastic Professor What2
#1336tiny plastic Scott the Miner1
#2121tiny plastic Spam Witch3
#2744tiny plastic Spunky Princess2
#3061tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#67tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare1
#172tiny plastic Toybot1
#108tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#4021tiny plastic angry bugbear1
#1121tiny plastic angry space marine2
#954tiny plastic batbugbear3
#856tiny plastic bee swarm4
#834tiny plastic beebee gunners4
#1107tiny plastic black ops bugbear2
#3953tiny plastic brainsweeper1
#3903tiny plastic briefcase bat1
#968tiny plastic bugaboo3
#1341tiny plastic buzzerker1
#951tiny plastic cavebugbear3
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#3911tiny plastic cubist bull1
#3935tiny plastic demoninja1
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#100tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#3842tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus1
#3909tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker1
#866tiny plastic fire servant2
#3917tiny plastic fluffy bunny1
#37tiny plastic food lab1
#2816tiny plastic fruit golem2
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#2794tiny plastic handsome mariachi2
#4595tiny plastic hermit1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#962tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear3
#8064tiny plastic killer bee1
#3891tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box1
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3835tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#71tiny plastic mime executive1
#72tiny plastic mime functionary1
#73tiny plastic mime scientist1
#74tiny plastic mime soldier1
#1122tiny plastic moneybee2
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#3996tiny plastic ninja snowman1
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#881tiny plastic peacannon2
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#101tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#2172tiny plastic senile lihc3
#857tiny plastic spiderbugbear2
#3834tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#861tiny plastic the Free Man2
#192tiny plastic warbear1
#178tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#3848tiny plastic whitesnake1
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#3847tiny plastic zmobie1
#770tofurkey gravy11
#319tomb ratchet1
#95toy accordion1
#1384toy train1
#503tropical orchid2
#70ultra-deluxe cupcake1
#143universal biscuit8
#177unused walkie-talkie3
#1495vertebra of the Bonerdagon2
#47void burger29
#44void lager28
#60void stone28
#287warbear hoverbelt piecepart2
#36white Crimbo ball840
#91willowy bonnet1
#102yule pup1

Wow, that's 60,591 items total!

what items are this player missing?