Zim Merman's guitar

Zim Merman's guitar

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This is the guitar once played by Zim Merman, the mumblin', stumblin', folk-singin' hero of the hippy army. It's a really, really nice guitar, what with the inlaid mother-of-pearl neck, and the solid mahogany bridge, and the solid gold tuning knobs, and the nice lady.

🥇flying Fish the 2nd1,948


🥉Mistress of the Obvious277






#6Kingdom Comics187














#13Artie Effham61


#14Rebel SMURF60






#17Sir Jefe35




#19ChevellemanX and General_Herpes29


#21Lord Kobel28


#22Lokiator, Yendor and agargan27


#25Ay7k, Poncho the Sane, Squeegee McDoo and blik26


#29Mana Yachanichu23




#31AltaZorn, DMag_oshc and MadMatt20


#34FMguru and SpaceBandit19


#36InspectorX, kirByllAmA and whizdad18


#39BaBaBing, Frogstomp and Ultranibbles17


#42Galapagos James, General Woundwort, GhostRider, Harml3ss, Louis of Apshai, Raullen and Swinka16


#49ACMuseum, PolyesterMan, Rolagza, Terrapin_Man and mskc15


#54BrassOnes, GorgeousGeorge, HackandStabby, Lady Tomo, SRO, Solve_Omnis, Spikeboi2007, dune rune and johnnyreb14


#63Django, GadTheHero, Lord Stefano, Mashiro, MrSqueezeBox, Skent, salticid and stuffandthings13


#71Hagen Black, Magister30, Mansausage, Mongrel the Apathetic, Prima Vera and cptjsparrow12


#77Archipelago71, Betty Page, Caldric, Donavin69, Longuine, Mac_Gyver, Ms Bus Driver, Snarla and spooky kid11


#86Escaflowne, Hrotli, Isladar, Kurtispj, Lxndr, Sal the Rapacious, Theophrastus and lupus410


#94MagFitch, Rokusho999, Scattaloquarious, Wiseworm, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, lopey and misque9


#101Babaganoosh, Bobje Ratata, CyberTurtle, Kugli, Moonflame, Nickles, Ranava, Vampiregrrl, sistinas and testostronaut8


#111Aleril, Blizzy, GecoLupesco, MadBloodletter, Maniac Paul, Mystic_Potato, PrenIqueezEr, Secret_treaties, ShinyPlatypus, Splotz, Tristifer, petreska and queenoftheNAUGHTiez7


#124Bodhazapha, Boxy Brown, ChesterArthurXXI, Dannyb0y, DarkStanley, Darmut eDrien, Deimos, Doctor Nick, Farfalle al Dente, Frodo Ramone, Hairshirt, HotCha0, Isobelle, Kolyn, LeafRivr, Lew_b81, Malenkaja Prinzessa, Snugglypoo, Soba Rigatoni, Sololord, The Deaner, Tinfoil Chef, Zanchvegas, bluebear, bunter, hoohaw, jWang, madamkiss, monkey boy4, myrth77, sensibleb, xXxSnappyxXx and zeroblah6


#157Ass Pounder, Azoun, Biznatch, BunnyStalker, CBParker, DVB, Davolta, DeDiddlyDawg, Duckmartins, GiftOfGab, Gluek, Godspeed, HadesSL, Hunkpapa, Lungbutter, Maddog Doan, Magic2729, Mekgineer, Monarch309, Pixie Styx, Pringle, Ramonphilius, Retro_Thrusters, RisenJihad, Rumour Rhemer, SCOTTICUS, Samuel24881, SaulTheBoss, SlappyJack, Snapper Head, Sprucer, StinkPickle, TwoHearted_Flail, Tz_BG, Viki, WeatherWarrior, bumblebea, corkythewinelord, dementia13, hotdeth, iMMASMASHYOFACE, nimrod_1, raorn, spemik85 and windracer5


#202Amagalan, Arthur Dent, Belly16, CA Dude, Candice Dick, Captain Sensitive, CecilBTurtle, Cheesecake102, ClubberLang, DeathofPasta, Depro Fundis, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Fiery1, Flaming Turtle, Ganguran, Greycloak, Hastings, Higgy, Jebustheathiest, LiamAndMe, Lord of the Souls, LuckyPuck, Mark_O_Matic, Mars the Infomage, Miridian, MonkeeBuddah, Ninja Karl, Noskilz, Olorin, Radcliff247, Regdab, Roy, SchrodingerCat, Sparemeister, Stormkeeper, Taest, Tebryn, Teider, Thane, The Possum Trot, Tom808, Vaan the Nasty, VidSboku, Wagr, Yorick, Zero Cool, Zs bee, aenimus, booleancat, cakyrespa, cheesedude, crash bang boom, dark lotus, flykitty, froodian, have2hunt, jackman6, kaotix, maliphik, piLyongpiLay, raynstorm, schneepat, shkspr, tehDangrUs, xKiv and xanatos_s4


#269Adonisrules, Agent006, Alter_Ego, AltrashiKurobara, Androcles Antepasta, AnxiousHyrax, ArashiKurobara, Asbestos Felt, Ashes, AssTractionHero, BigdoG, Biggre, Bioland, Bloodlust, BloodyJakeKidd, BlueWasabi, Blzbob, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainRandom, CarltheChemist, Casteel, Chineselegolas, Clinto_Bean, Crazy Bob, Delilah Jones, Diatonic, Dreama, EdGein, EhSteve, ErstwhileWarrior, Felix Croc, Fellatrix, Gracious Cymbals, Gredashe, Greystoke, Hasand, High Voltage, Hulyen, Idu, JR Trolkin, Kaspersai, Keranita_ye, Kerrian, Landar, LarfSnarf, LastChans, Legend Killers, Liam, LoneWolf1541, Lord Goober, LuvLuvChef, MadddddDog, Magna Clubber, Ming Merciful, Mishau, MissGnomer, MorriesOtherAccount, Mr Grey, Nanimonai3, Nasher, Oldsfrk, Ozark, PatTheGreat, Perchorin, PlastikObst, ROdger_FLint, RaZ, Rhyet Swordmistress, Sajer the Forgotten, Schmaltz, Selkielass, SentiuS, Shannon the Psychic, Sharif DelMonte, Silver Raven, Smiley Doobinator, SpiderMcFly, Stabotron, Stinkman06, Sundew, TTBoyArDee, Tarc, TheBrent, TheDarkOne, Themrog, Toes, Two__T, Unzeitgeist, Wild Bormida, WiseFather, Wraithkin, Xen of Borg, Yarple, Zyrtec, amanojaku, chalon9, chaosagent, chinadoll, darabont, darkjoy, eibbeD, eskimodave, fFATsgnAL, grovel, howlin_mad, jlchamberlain49, ladderman, nrpgnome, silly_na and takenoko3


#379Accordion Abuser, Adatur, Agapanthus, Ahnotahm, Alex Spence, Allikat, Ansuz07, Antfattener, Aravagantos, Arket, Arkose Realgar, Atomic Dog, BanditoburritO, Barbarian, BarrytheFerret, BeefThief, BeerHead, Behoimi, BigSchtick, Bo Peep No Sheep, BobDoleSuperior, BranNew, Caplin, Cavaloso, Choolies, Coldshade, Corporal Pibb, Count Scrofula, Crinkum Crankum, Daffrid, DeathlessDragon, Decomposer, Demicanadian, Disco Dancing, Don Quai Poncerello, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Efelo, Ekeinos, Entwhistle, Enzian, Eron, Evangelist_Nine, Failed3k, Felyndaer, Ferrex, Flybynight, Foryst, FrankNBeans, Furbulae, Grimm Tooth, GryWizard, HNWombat, Habib the Unsightly, Happy Squirrel, HatshepsutLecter, Higardi, Hison, HoPPa, HolBrook, Hulihuli, Invariel, Jill Apagos, Jimmy da Pooh, Jinzo Fusilli, Joltykun, JoshuaGrey, Kaboon, Karen, Kari Filth, KatTheBrat, KatanaMaster, KentKronos, Keyhole, Kharmic Justice, Laucian, LeaMystery, Legomancer, Lilandra, LissaGail, Lita Kino, LobsterHime, Lord Juan, Lord_of_Ants, Love_N_Sadness92, LoverPrimeNumbah, Luke, LustyPirateWench, MTPockets, Managwa, Master Grimwulf, Miss Informed, MisterDoobs, Moosenoise, MotherMary13, Muhfin, MzSabrina2, Neuromancer, NeverWashThis, Nohurtme, Northern Sahaqiel, Nuts N Bolts, Nymall, OHogan, Orcmors, Otto of Prussia, Paanin Diaz, ParadoX, Pasta Far Eye, Pasta Thief, PastaPhallus, Peyote, Phantom Stag, PinballLizard, Pioc, Poison_Taquito, PokeyMan, Postlapsaria, Ppaps, PrinceParadox, Pumpkinheadme, Pyctsi, RD Methuselah, Ransak_the_Elder, Rashy, Raylin, Rogorx_THEmadd, RoidRage, Rutger von Horeburg, SBD, Sai Guru, Saucyazor, Siloslider, SirSpanksAlot, Skirmish, Smiley, SnackAttack, Sporty Spice, StaffordMeister, Stinksap, Suken, Svidrigailov, TRiGDOR, TamerAlt, Tariya Bonedigger, TastesLikeChicken, Taylorwulf, Teazzer, The Muffin Man, Theralyn, TillyMcMuffin, Timewraith, Timmers, Tirronius, TitanMetalShark, Truckdriver999, Ucibius, Valarauko, Volotani, Wandering Tramp, Wilfenite, WillGruff, Wireus, Wyked2, Wylin, Xaxor, Xena_2, XinK, XmgBautista, Yarble, Yasmine, Zacharygolf, Zariaidan, Zeklan, Zelgar the Savage, Zounds, apisguy, badaduci, bbhunghk, blace89, boy howdy, cece, completebastich, crystal_ingram, darius180, demonizer, domingo, dumpybabe, ePITAthx1, effensee, geekrockgirl85, geopetal, girlina, goldentree, guitargod, gwesj, halfdrunkhalfelf, hellfire15, hollow49, home_grown75, hotpoo, iamSoupCombust, icy toes, jcrkk, john1008, jwh1994, kissenger, lard0, lord bitchalot, mhwombat, muntingdalaga, mylittlebrother, neKO_CHan314, octopodey, pLaster, phreeq, pneuma08, pollywoggles49315, punicron, ramenteflon, riebeck, roseakin, sciFIwiZ, scout42, suwakia, tanstaafl, targlez, theBananagod, trimas, tsubume, tush the pastagirl, vryangry, vulvacrust, w_ron_g, xsvenn, xtuesdayx, zOod, zombiedust and zootaroonee2


#617A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ADDemon, Aaramir North, Aariana, Aasimar42, AbuBamsry, Abunai, Accidentaldente, Ace Palarum, Aeron, Aevum Decessus, Aguro, Akiiki, Al Frodo, Alcolmiztli of the Equator, AlenAlda, Alexandrine, Aliilla, Alldarker, AlmAlphiA, Alomir, AltheWeird, AltonTan, Alucir, Alvdbar the forager, Amaris, AnchoPete, Andrew the Hunter, Angel of Music, AngelicHapa, Angua von Uberwald, Angum, Angus Mac, Anna Rexia, Anne with an e, Anonymouse, Anta, Anthalessa, Anton LeTigre, Antoni, Arckanghel, Ardlen, Argrus, Aristabulus, Aroura, Arska, Arties Son, Arya Stark, AsDFg, Asinine, AspDIY, Astin, Astrane, AsylumS12, Ataxophobia, Athanatos, AuntBeast, Auntie Pasta, AutymnJade, Avanar, Avatar_of_Chaos, Axt71, Aybara, Azarael, Azreal, B A Takaline, BAbyDufus, BC_Goldman, BabaRam dAss, BabyBees, BabyGirlTigger05, Badde Hugs, Bandit B, BanditAlt, Banesworth, Barbierella, Bassvamp, Bastil, Battleduck, Bearskinrug, BeaverFan, Beavis P_Ness, Beleg_strongbow, Beljeferon, Ben786, BenzDoc, Bevanz, Big Evil, BikeThief, Bil the Hero, Billad, Billfred, Billybob VI Esq, BiloxiJones, BlakAcid, Blit, Blitz the Assassin, Bloody Sam Hackham, Bloodyfish, BluTriffid, BlueSeashell, BlueThunder, Bluewoods, Bob_Pesterfello, Bobathan McJekt, Boberalla, Bobrobert, Bodito, Boesbert, Bogger275, BoiRDee, BongSwatMatt, Bonnikers, Boondog_Dan, Boozy Weather, BorDeaUX523, Bork, Bortlby, Bozo the Ozob, Brandytook, Brannon, Brickus, Brirad, Bruleemix, BubbIeWrap, Bubbles, Bucky Lazac, Bunegeria, Bunny the Barista, BuzzsawPirate, CDF4796, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CalvinTheHobb, CapHector, Capn Gnarly, CaptainRondo, CaptainSilly, CaptnAmazing, Casie, Cassapolka, Castiel, Catachresis Rex, Catalanche, Ceasar Slaad, ChE clarinetist, Charasan, CharliePaige, Chartan, Chase_Darkthorne, Cheesy One, Cheesyname, Chinizz, Chymes, Cindipool, Circe, Clown420, Club, CoPBuffBot, Cobain Dougans, Cobwebs, CoconutHalf, CodSmack, Cold Pizza, Coldrain, Colodner, Colympian, Cookie, Cool Coo, Corlain, Corran Katarn, Cosmic Hippo, Cosmosis Kwik, Coud, Cpow83, CrackMaster 3000, Craft, CrassMandoo, CreOsOTe, Cres, Cristao, Crow660, Cryptodira, Crysalim, CsCaudata, CuddlyBear, Culnar, Cy Mann, Cynden, Cytosine, DCon, DJ Dungeon, DTMaster, DaBaddestHic, Da_Gimp_1, Dabobaluie, Daft Punk, Dah Cheese, Daja, Dakios, Dalyia, Damascus, Danucal, Danza, Daphen, Darkenmeat, Daultimate, Dazzle, DeathKnight668, Dedsox, Deedsy, Defenseman, Dendrovore, Dessalvara, Destaven Fireheart, Deth Halo, Devan, Devdogg, DeviSevere, DevilCreme, DhabNuhr, Dibzannia, Dick Rogers, Dine on a Kiss, Disco Tsunami, Dita of the Motley, DocSauce, Doggie Bear, Doktor_Bamuse, Dolly, DownriverRatt, DrEvi1, DrHaggis, Drac, Drachefly, DreamTune, Drondh, Duckie Sweetleaf, Duffinator, Dyynamo, EEPiccolo, EarWaxMax, Earl Good Boi, Edrobot, Effovex, Efilnikcufecin, EggNogIceCream, Eggsaladdin, Einherjar, El Geedo, El Juno, El Lombris, El Vibrato, ElGrande, ElVatoLoco, Ellis D, ElronBean, EmKay, Emerilla, Emhgee, Emmett, Enameless, Erebus2161, EricDraven26, Eroquin, ErsatzHipHop, Erudan, EternalPain, Ethan Norrington, Euphie, Evil Dead Ned, Evil Moog, Evilnerd, ExAcademic, EyeYam, FIREBALL TIMMY, FLFf, Faded, Falcon01, Fallen2004, Faloran, FarceFenrir, Fargblabble, FarmerDan, FeaRLeSS_Gaia, Fearium, Fenric, Filipe_Tremere, Finngall, FirstMateNora, Fish Food230, Flared, Flash Gordon, FleetwoodMacTruck, Flora, Fogfrog, FoneBone, Ford Fairlane, Forneus Brewer, Foxxy_Cleopatra, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Fred Beff, Friznik, Froggie Legs, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, Fuzzy Nipplelips, Fyrn, Galafrone, Game panda, GamesMaster, GarrisonKiller, Garthim, Gauln, Gaunt, Gazan, Gehanii Grimsane, Gelbstich, Gen Eric Cola, Genbu Cosplayer, Genghis Cohen, Geologygirl, Georgeasaurus, Geske, Ghent, Ghostface Killah, Giantsumatranrat, Giobblin, Glerf, Gmorg, Gohan4, Going Home, Golfclub, GolfinNinja, Gorg, Gorillo, Gourdy, Gracefire, Grand Puuba, Grandmaster Tygon, Grandpa_Jeb, Grave Disturbance, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, GreenAiden555, Greeny30, GrendelPrime, Grime Jello, GrimlockR2D2, Grinch, Gringo Ibn Castle, Grooob, Gruezelda, Gruh, Guinevere, Gunner_Hawke931, GunsNRosesN1, Guppopolis, Gustalph, Guthlaf, Guvnor Butterfingers, Guy Bone, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackMaster321, HairyAngel, HalfManHalfMachine, Halfwayhouse, Hallan Meras, Halueth, HammeredOne, Han FalconFlyer, HansGruber, HappyBizu, HappyDeadChicken, Hare Raiser, Harry Canyon, HastiferArken, Hatred_Jr, Hcaz and Head_Moid1
