
#88Choker of the Ultragoth1
#490Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket1
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#126Frost™ brand sword1
#3898Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet1
#614Zim Merman's guitar1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#7432badass belt1
#671beer helmet1
#745bejeweled pledge pin1
#346big bad voodoo mask1
#32bounty-hunting pants1
#38bounty-hunting rifle1
#96bubble bauble bow1
#98can cannon1
#402can of maces2
#153cast-iron legacy paddle1
#585dope gangsta bling-bling1
#290dusty eighth caudal vertebra1
#305dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra1
#291dusty first caudal vertebra1
#278dusty fourth caudal vertebra1
#290dusty left first front claw1
#302dusty left first rib1
#311dusty left fourth rear claw1
#322dusty left tenth rib1
#296dusty left ulna1
#296dusty right first rear claw1
#288dusty right first rib1
#293dusty right fourth rear claw1
#308dusty right ninth rib1
#293dusty right second rib1
#307dusty right thumb1
#291dusty right tibia1
#314dusty right twelfth rib1
#288dusty third thoracic vertebra1
#799filthy lucre42
#126flaming cardboard sword1
#63flypaper staff1
#563giant foam finger1
#1168goth kid t-shirt1
#122grease gun1
#656green clay bead7
#5204handful of confetti1
#505keg shield1
#529kick-ass kicks1
🥈laser cannon1
#3384obsidian dagger1
#207ocarina of space12
#929pink clay bead2
🥈plexifoam chin strap1
#631purple clay bead2
#488rave whistle1
🥈silicon-infused gluteal shield1
#3789spectre scepter1
#1478spooky hockey mask1
#69squeaky staff1
#207superamplified boom box1
#667vampire collar1
#2525vampire duck-on-a-string1

Wow, that's 123 items total!

what items are this player missing?