Thwaitgold ant statuette

Thwaitgold ant statuette

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This is a tiny statue of an ant made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. It reminds you of the importance of knowing your place -- of filling the role you were born to fill. It also reminds you how awesome it is being able to carry many times your body weight.



🥉Oh forget it and Pants_O_Rama20


#5Disco Lord Ross19


#6Bella Goth, Evincar, St Thomas Pornificus and iaruk18




#11Bunkertor7, Darzil, InspectorX, Love Me, Rosella and Volc16


#17Deckard, Drengnikrafe, Maikeruu, Michael303, guubear and psYcho_strEsS15


#23Nigella Noswal, Rejem, Snott and Zirrrus14


#27Casanova, DaisyMaesy, Fig Bucket, Kadamazaki, Nychiesel, Tachyonic Particle, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste and Vampirate13


#35Dead_Phoenix, Eseph, JLE, LastChans, Mia_Devon, Morgana Rose, Solve_Omnis, Thumbtack, didion, rufuskin and talas30012


#46Batisaw, Curbludgeon, Eroquin, Frogstomp, Jokei, Merlinus Pastorian, SvenTS, Totentanz, ZaphodB42, duck3, magermagician and stuffandthings11


#58Alien_Octopus, Archham, BleepBlorp, Chyld, DarkSpuddle, DiscoShen, DuRhone, Fessor Eli, Heeheehee, Hunglikehorse, KeltiThePastaQueen, King Stupid, Lord Stefano, MoxieMolly, ProfessorKilljoy, SchrodingerCat, The Oaktinator, UomoDellaPasta, Zoomba, jodez4 and littlelolligagged10


#79Bruce Garetz, Cannonarm, Durf, Gemelli, Kentonio, KevZho, LizardKing, Mopie, PrOphetOftheeNd, RNGHeHateMe, Random Lee, Rinnith, Scarf, Silent Trystero, SpiderMcFly, Wyked2, Zanthia, conversation killer, cptjsparrow, fugarqueen, gulaschkanone, kakakeke, mojonix, paffers and sleepy G9


#104ChipmunkDJE, Dave the Mild, Gnocchi Masala, Hannibal Smith, Jeedai, JennaMaroney, JerseyBoy, Jezdar, Jinzo Fusilli, Jizmak The Destroyer, Kurtispj, Mayoress, Mezzo_soprano, Mme_Defarge, MrBunn, Pineapple of Despair, Professor_Underscore, PsyMar, Tantio, Tom Sawyer, VanDamien, WhiteWizard42, aenimus, core_gRip, eXtyNT, jenovus, maddsurgeon, myrth77 and pandajackk8


#133Aerin Frost, Ahuilztli, Bale, BorisTheSpider, Chaosblackwing, Chelonia, Destre, Diabolico, Ereinion, Grk, Hetzer, Isladar, Jawise, Jaylee, LlamaMonkey, Lobster, Lord Harkstead, LumberingOaf, Malhaku, Metraxis, MonkeyLlama, Neran, Rabid Alpaca, Ragudantalus, Roy, Sakaki, SarcasMage, Schik, Scyld, Seth_OS, Sir Biff, Stonecat, TechRat, Twistedbutterfly, Waldoze, Witchita, XXavier, YankaTexee, basbryan, bigevildan, ckb1, darkcodelagsniper, eddo, hngkong, ikusat, nonvegan, ohNOanotherPUTZ, payguhn and stealthhunter7


#182AllTheBetterToEatYouWithMyDear, Allis, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Ba11zTheHero, BaronessRatsworth, BatBrat, Bayushi, Belly16, Cheesecake102, Chickencha, Chipchaw, Comrade_Petrof, DJ Dungeon, DeadlyAngel, Dessalvara, Dryke, Evil Dead Ned, Explorifice, Eyeball, GamesMaster, Ghostbear, Graymalkin, Gringdor, Hellno, Juliiw, Karl_T, KennyMan666, Kooky Kirby, Lady Harkstead, LastMinuteName, Lexitrix, Macdaddy, Master Grimwulf, Mathesis, Meaticus, MegaBee, Mister Jinkles, Mr Knee, Mr Saxophone, Mystery_Wolf, Noskilz, Patamunzo Lingananda, Pithlit, PokeyMan, Psyche, Queen Diem, SparkleBeast, Spiffie, Splotz, Stormcaller58, Story, Sven of the Dead, SwenQ, The Captain, The Zombie Penguin, Velcro Pouncer, Wagr, WhopperJr, Yesmaster, acm, axecat, bizzarodebbie, bjackleg, caelea, cheesedude, creatureparade, dorian78, dyffrynTHEdrunkenGAEL, llamastrich, metool, pork shanks, thefatlady, umnitza and windracer6


#256Aduine, AlphacatFelidae, Anonemuss, Borishaughingoff, Cheesecookie, ChevellemanX, Colbert, Cyrean, CyroN, DVB, Dagless, DanaO, Deafgeek, Eevilcat, ElectricChairJ, Fernir, FurballNinja, Gerbilman, HIDINGHERMIT, Halloween, Hammered, Handhand, Herustari, Highbulp, Isnotakat, JayPro22, Khari, KidCharlemagne, Kirian, Kugli, Lxndr, Mehified, Melon, Minuit, Mista Slawf, Muhfin, Nashtinka, Prestige, Que Chan Mok, RebusSohal, Rogue Cat, Rusty Knight, Sativarg, Shytalk, SisterCoyote, Slothpyle, Smedley, Soldan, SonataSword, Stephie, SweetPotatoeFries, Tarragon, Tatorlicious, The Hangman, TokiSilver, Tz_BG, Vacuumus, Xande1, Zare, ZombieWomble, bSmith, cameron, cymen, glebs, gourry_gabriev610, gvalKO, iagouaros, lazy_fire, mat9h, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, tRoUBlefacE, takenoko, theres a party in my tummy, thug4less, turtlelove101 and vordai5


#332AdjectiveFool, Alpha Omicron, Alsier, Ammo, Bellegante, BluTriffid, Chibz, Chunky_boo, Cookie, CrzyMdScntst123, Curt, EdFox, Er_Murazor, Ezandora, Fart Scauce, FinaiAttack, FitzTheDestroyer, Furbulae, Gbuphallow, Gordito, Grogum, Gullwhacker, Hadean, Hunkpapa, ILILILI, Jill Apagos, Joquie, Josim, KbobK, Khurby, Lineoleum, Little Larry, Logan Five, Lojo, Lord_Josh, Lufskar, Lyle332, LynxShaman, Marge, Maria Mafaldine, MonkeyMan200, Mrs Rittenhouse, Ms Bus Driver, Nanna BuBu, Natattack, NewtMaster, PeKaJe, PolyesterMan, Qpnaosc, RLBond86, Random String of Letters, Ripkus, Sal the Rapacious, SandyFlash, Seaxburh, Shrike42, Skeyin, Slugshadow, Snerf, Spaghetti The Mighty, Sprocket14, Sweet Honey, The Narrator, TheDiplomat, Three_Eye, Thud the Barmaid, Tiny Plastic Pez, TrichomonasVAG, Tyme, Wallace, WeaverPen, Willwork4food, Wookiez, Wraithtech, Yarvin, Ypp, Zalabim, Zinc Saucier, ads18789, biGNINJa, blik, darkgreycat, davidnjw, dotts, excellente, fewyn, ghienel, greycat, harumph, i_eat_food, isNot, kashieda, martini salad, shummie and tHegERb4


#427AXEBLADE, Adite, Archon386, Asa, Asgreth, Ashles, Asimantos, Aubra, BabyScarface, Bigfatelf, BowToChris, CafeBoob, Cantor Malus, CaptainSpam, Celtic, Corwin, CrimsonNeko, CripzyChiken, Delilah Jones, DemonBlades, Demonsquiggle, Discdeath, DiscoFevaDiva, Don the Failure, Drakono82, Dumb333, Elachim, FaeRiEDancer, FishFishFish, FlyingHusky, Garthim, Gloria Teasdale, GrEEnKing01, Grave Disturbance, GrayVTrain7, Hamusutaa, Hawumph, Hobart, IAmATurnip, IcLubYou, Indefinida, Itsatrap, JadedSaint, Kaela Wyrdbringer, KapmK, Kara Rae, Keptuvis, KingBobson, KingFelix, KingPlum, Knud, Kyta, Leannan Sidhe, Levykid, Lew_b81, LiamAndMe, Lokiator, LouTini, Lucy Star, MagicToast, Magna Clubber, ManaUser, MechanicalArm, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mekgineer, MelKatts, MightyMichi, Mirrorshades, Monkey_poo, MrSqueezeBox, Orc Rogue, PestoSauce, Phunky D, Pixel Knight, Prima Vera Angelhair, PsychicBologna, RacWade, Raccoon, Roa, Roguebandit, SalMonella, Seafret, Sean Clannery, Shadoweh, ShadyCheez, ShawnD, ShinyPlatypus, Shrue, Siloslider, Sir Indy, Sir Tuck, Skipr, Slick Sam, SpacedMan, Sputnik, Stormfox, Straywolf, Sunesi, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tastee Boi, TheGreatReferencer, Tiaan, Trinity_Dalfae, Tuga, Ultismurf, Uncle Jack, Vanir, Ven Naul, Weakling, Werefrog, Wiggles, Zinnia, acce245, ann ihlator, apenny, benhen, dark lich of doom, disco basket, dragooner007, exkep, flames, hagwench, kimmiebum, liddlemonster, mhweaver, miniLizmeis, monkeyv, outintheopenHermit, phantom fox, saveuR, scullyangel, tindrum, tongrobert, tuqui1glitch, tyman12349, xEggy and ztrauq3


#564A Bee Sees, Adeeda, Agburanar, Ajon, Akatosh, AlchemicalPanda, Alldarker, Andrella, Apollyon, ArtixBot, Asdfghx, Asmodais, AzAngel, BFlakes, Babaganoosh, Badassimus Prime, BaddeMulti, Batman080580, Biefstuk, Biobob, Blackhorseman, BlanketThief, Blizzy, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, Boogiecleaver, BoxofOwls, Brar the Crusader, Brel, Buffer Than You, Candlestick Maker, CarltheChemist, Chazriel, Cheesy Noodle, Chef of No Return, ChesterArthurXXI, Cinnaman, Clarinet, Club, ComradeKraken, CoveredinBees, Crack_Rock_Beat, Crazybone, Cynemem, DancinMachine, Darkfacimile, DeathNight, Derpins32, DidloDiddly, Dinsdale67, DirkDagon, DiscordantSong, DocRosey, Doctor Murphle, Doglover3716, Doryna, Dr_Stangelove, Dragonpaws, DruTheBored, Duckmartins, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Elayle, ElenaMarie, Elflet, Euan McLeod, FSM Worshiper, Falcon, Fedora, Flibbidigibblets, Four Fig Newtons, Foxy Boxy, FranswahPetite, GadTheHero, Gallagen, Gawea, Geooo, Ginpeporimeg, Gnocchus, Gooeysquirrel, GorgeousGeorge, Graklyn, Grenedle, Griffonics, Gryphon, Guyy, HalpMe, Hamstersar, Happydance, HastiferArken, HayzeusChristo, Helicam, HellBane, Iktome, Infested_Jerk, Ironbar Blackfinger, Irresponsibility, J Random Adventurer, Jack S, JackieW, Jon_the_ACE, Juan Taco, Kaine, Keator, Kellidan, Ken, Kerrigan, Kharmic Justice, KillxthexJoy, Kol Miners Daughter, Kyros42, LINEal, LeePopsicle1, Leiaz, LevelZero, Lime_Burner, Little Kara, Loathmast, Loch Lomond, Lord Bezoar, MOTH, Magic2729, Mana Yachanichu, Mangled Pumpkin, MayaB, Melon Squeezer, Methusalah, Mideon, Mike Antleg, Miles Bluefalls, Mistress of the Obvious, Montheo, Moraglar Khilen, MotherMary13, MrFatso, Mukiba, Mxyzptlyk, Mytovald, Naode, Nathew, Neromaycry, NightShadeQueen, Nihilistic Circle, Nirvanaboy, Nuria, Oldsfrk, Oliver Sudden, Omnibus, Original_Pez, Orphious804, Owlish, Pa amb Tomaquet, Papaya4Lyfe, Parastra, PastaDurf, Paugus, Peekous, Philosofik, Plimsolls, PlunderBunny, Psycomaniac, Qballz, QuinnRi, Razorsoup, Riley37, River_Song, Ronic, Ruby Eyes, Ryebread, SRO, SadOatcakes, SantasAssassin, Segatron, Sessorach, Shaman_Drood, Shamsham, Shieldhowl, Shrek, Shugars, Shure Song, Sichel, Siennaschall, SilverTechnoColoredPinkClan, SinPro, Sir Screwloose, Slash Kamei, SnackAttack, SnarLier_Bear, Somebody314, Southwest, Spiders Everywhere, SpitinThyme, Stereo Therapy, Strange Al, Stylus_Index, SuperJen, SuperYepa, Sweetie Belle, TaraMANe, TaranWanderer, TeeEmEff, Teresa, Tibbiara, Timboalogo, Tom808, Tombsice, TonyV, Tortoman, Trathnona, Trebe, Triffels, TripWood, Turtlini, Tyralan, Upforit, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Valo666, Vampiregrrl, Van Diemens, Vernatio, Volemak, Volteccer, Volvo, WickedViolet, WoodPecker, XmasCobra, Zen00, Zs bee, abcq2, angst in the butt, awaj2006, baddddmonkey, beta dog, betsie, billybobsteve, blisterguy, blitsnik, buckethead4563, coconutpiemaker, cpenny86, cyborgstan, cz36bandit, d111111, dalryaug, de nisovan, deadinthebrain, enigmator, fergyball88, furriezrghey, glimb, gruper4, gyrosscope, kiddietron, kynik, minion1stclass, mocking_bird, mohobo, mousicle, noob_meat, nq2holic, pitties, regenald, reggaejessie, robert butler, rosa_hale, shkspr, snowskye, sworisbreathing, thantos913, wildflowered, wrldwzrd89, xKiv and xwingace2


#835A Gressive Coffee Addict, A2Z, AFaKaz, Aaramir North, Acen, Actually Steve, Aellinsar, Aeralis, Aeroplane, Ahorriblesn, Airicus, Aivilo, Akael, Akrim, Al Frodo, Alan Gorealan, Alfredo Boyardee, AltheWeird, Amish Information Systems, Amra, Analbumcover500, Ancientofearth, Anguaskye, Anthony Bourdain, AnyLameName, Aramada, Arcane_the_Sage, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, ArchAngel771, Archondelnoche, Ardikey, ArgonZero, Arkannoyed, AshleyC, Astartus, Astinex, Astorius, AtomicPopcorn, Auntie Pasta, Autumnwinds, Avandor, Avena, AvocadoPirate, Axt71, Azatoth_Zombie, B A Takaline, BAz2201, BacchicApollo, Bad Seagull, BadWillow, Bagel Brigade, Balton, Bandanaman, BarArdo, Bassvamp, Bauble, Bearskinrug, Beasticon, Beat Bachs, Beatstick, Beavis P_Ness, Bee money, BeefThief, Beljeferon, Biff Demiclaws, BigDingle, BigLebowski1, Bigquack, Billy Bitchcakes, BillysBalloon, Bioland, Biznatch, BjM, BlackVelveteen, BlackfireTheUnmaker, Blakeatwork, Blastphemist, Blazewolf32, Blbbo, Bleeko, BloodDoner, Bloodlust, BlortHorc, Bo634713, Boadicea, Bob the Warrior Queen, BobBrewer, Bobje Ratata, Boesbert, BoiRDee, Bonekicker, Boo_Boy525, Boozy Weather, Born Identities, Braggadochio, Brandon_The_Sage, Brenea, Brirad, Brono Trigger, Bruno2788, BryghtRose, BuRNJoB420, BubbIeWrap, Bubicus, Bunnygrrl, Busch Light, ButterflyGirlKMC, CHrIshelma, CK_, CNminus, CafeBabe, Cairnarvon, Cairne65, CalvsiE, CannonFoddah, Cannonfire40, CapHector, Captain Comrade, Captain Marvelous, Captain Sensitive, Captain Tragedy, Captain Yaksworth, Captain Zen, CaptainOats, CaptainZeep, CathyOak, Cavatellia, CecilBTurtle, Cedric E Collingswood III, Celsey, Character1, Charasan, Charlescomm, Chartan, Cheat Ball, Cheesewrangler, Cheloni, Chiasa, Chromatic Walnut, Chrtrptnt, Chrysoares, ChunkyGnocchi, Cinnabah, Clawleone, Click_Clack, Cobwebs, CombatSeal, CoolFlame, CoolandAverageGuy, Corant, Corporal Pibb, CoyoteGrrrl, Cpow83, CrazyCatLady, Creepermania9, Croft, CronoTalon, Cthuid, CyberTurtle, DJ_Tobymac, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Danielle Marie, Danishe and Danny271
