Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette

Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a masked hunter (reduvius personatus) made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. You can't glean its motives, but you can only assume it intends to hunt.

🥈Guy Bone29






#5Borishaughingoff, Gawea, JLE and taltamir18


#9Boesbert and Vhalantru17


#11Smighty, biggergbs and ckb116


#14Ereinion, Frogstomp, Lord Kobel, Marge, cameron, dapanda, lAidAK, neuRosia demenTaTas and ohNOanotherPUTZ15


#23Abarth, Dinsdale67, Drakono82, Framistan, NoctiBeard, Pineapple of Despair, Ralar, Slugshadow, THE MANCER THAT EXPELS PASTA, iaruk and quoisme14


#34ALAVG, Alan Gorealan, Aramada, Aubra, Bigquack, Eroquin, Jef, Jeff Jeff, Jeff_3PO, Mattematical, MonkeyPants23, Oztrich, Perire, Spazmodic, Squeegee McDoo, Starbearer, Stroganof Guy, UNnaMEd004, Veracity, Xero Storm, adeyke, kirahvikoira, txranger and wind0wlicker13


#58Beljeferon, Durf and exixx12


#61Daqh Kiri, Jokei, Sethiroph and alBATross11


#65DudeMcBob, Hepcat Merkin, Lady Tomo, Lord Stefano, Mme_Defarge, Rinnith, Turtlini and Volvo10


#73Perkk and Sherm Firmwood9


#75Captain Scotch, Cheesy Noodle, ChevellemanX, Ima Blonde, Lobster, Logan Five, MinaPoe, gaUsIE, rufuskin and windracer8


#85Chelonia, Fallen, Hugbert, KingFelix, NeonHusky, Nescire, Stormwolfenstein, Volc, apenny, de nisovan, exkep, jzkQm and kokille7


#98Amish Information Systems, Ayyno, Butts McGruff, Chadomancer, Josim, Magister30, MonkeyMan200, Mr Knee, Murrman, Orc Rogue, Phuata, PigRAT, Tiaan, TriggerOfHel, White Candy, Yarvin, Zanthia, bucketss, estrojenn and window_licker6


#118BC_Goldman, Corant, DocRosey, Huncat, Morgana Rose, Nikademus, Noskilz, Orgre45, Slick Sam, TwoHearted_Flail, caducus and verbim5


#130A2Z, BDluttrull, DancinMachine, DeadlyAngel, Fundamagargle, Jeffio, Julitewn, LarfSnarf, Larsi, LexiconMage, Machevort, Neran, Ripkus, SRO, SUGbert, Saddler, Skent, Son of Yoduh, Terrapin_Man, The Hangman, Triffels, Wonky Legface, awaj2006, idk anything and isNot4


#155Achernar, Akael, Allis, AltheWeird, Bandanaman, Bonekicker, Don the Failure, Doryna, DosBoot, FitzTheDestroyer, FredRulz, Hairshirt, Hiroto, MysticroniNCheese, Oldsfrk, Phillammon, Qalthos, Ragudantalus, Shelldor, Skipr, SnackAttack, TQuilla, Tarrah Ryza, ThePig, TillyMcMuffin, Triskelion, Yendor, Zinnia, jaXal, jodez4 and woem3


#186ANameILike, Amyetti, BarArdo, Blastphemist, Boogee_Man, Brenea, BustaMcJohnson, Cactus Pillow, CaptainRondo, Comrade_Petrof, Devlin, Dewey Metalgears, DoubleGold, Dr Ragon, Dragonegger2, DrthTater, Fig Bucket, Fitje, Grantasaurus, Hammered, HastiferArken, Howdy Masterson, Infernau, Isaac Flooper, Joey747e, KapmK, Khutulun, KidCharlemagne, Kol Miners Daughter, LilyBugBandit, Mirrorshades, Mister Theft, Mr Dark, MrCrayon, MuggleGal, Myrella, Myrmaker, Paran, Philosofik, Ponkipo, Rouxdolgh, Sal the Rapacious, ShadyCheez, ShinyPlatypus, Spiffie, Stalh, Stan Maskelyne, Stereo Therapy, Svata, The Fig Master, Tremayne, Yerizael, capn castom, chickenmaan3, dringly pringly, evilmoxie, hamofmight, hrdahl, jmasta, krae, lACEy jONEs, mclean, minion1stclass, mockable, rosa_hale and shoptroll2


#252A Gressive Coffee Addict, Actually Steve, Akira_the_noob, Aldo13, Aleril, Alex the turtle tamer, Ampersans, Ancientofearth, AnneOnAMouse, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Ardikey, Ardnajela, Arual, AshleyC, Asmodais, Asterdw, Astorius, AtomicPopcorn, Aunt Bettie, Avena, AvocadoPirate, Axt71, Baalbarith, Baltar, Bananaguns, Batisaw, Bayushi, Beraydin, BillysBalloon, Blackhorseman, Bladele, BlortHorc, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, BorisTheSpider, Boxof, Brakkon, Brammie, Brandon_The_Sage, Brew Geared, Brocktoon, Busch Light, ButterflyGirlKMC, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caitt, Caliginos, Captain Sensitive, Captain Yaksworth, Captain Zen, CaptainUrsus, CaptainZeep, CathyOak, CatsCookies2005, Cavatellia, Cedric E Collingswood III, Celtic, ChaoticGalen, Character1, Charasan, ChesterArthurXXI, Chili man, ChrisMcG, Chromatic Walnut, Cir Senam, Click_Clack, Cobwebs, CombatSeal, Cookie, Corporal Pibb, Crack_Rock_Beat, CrazyCatLady, CreOsOTe, Croft, Curt, Cysteine, CzARiNA, DJ Artyom, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Damasta, DanteDim, DatLok, Daywalker, DeFalen, DeaksDeetee, Derpins32, Destre, DiamondT, Die Howler, Dirk Dinkler, DirkDagon, DiscoShen, DrPlacebo, Drar, DrownedWoods, Dryhad, DudeCats, Dysis, Dyzzyah, Eadric Martona, Eclipsing, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Efftien, Eileen Alphabet, Elayle, Elmo_The_Thundergod, End of Time, EndisNi, Erik the Lemming, Eyeball, Felgar, Felix Croc, Fewmbert, Figovia, FinalShowdown, FirstChurchOfLuigism, Foamy The PastaMancer, Funnel, Furian, Fyll, GadTheHero, Gaephrius, GamesMaster, GeneGene, George P Burdell, Glaister, Gleamglade, Gloria Teasdale, GrammarWhore, Grapplejack, Grave Disturbance, GrayVTrain7, Gredashe, Grimeaper, Gringdor, Gryffe, Gryphon_2, Gustavo Kingsberry, Guthlaf, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, Hamfish, Hamusutaa, HansGruber, Haroldine, Hasand, Hawumph, HayzeusChristo, HellBane, Herr Doktor Kleinfurz, Herustari, Hison, Honesty, Hortus, Hustle, Iceheart, Imjachary1, Iridia, Irma La Douce, Italian Necromancer, JAD, JMowgli1, Jack Harlequin, Jeedai, Jehanmandeville, JerseyBoy, Jesara, JettaBar99, Jezdar, Jizmak The Destroyer, Johnatton, Johnny V, Journ_O_LST_3, Juan Taco, JugaJo, Jynnan Tonnyx, Kafl, Kana, Kariin, Kawamura, Kazyan, Kemistry, Kenosaki, Kenshin93, Khlamedaea, KingBobson, Kingdom Of Celibacy, Kirana, Kjvkw, Klaranth, Kreegah, KweenIsabelle, LadyApplesauce, Lanthir_nara, Lazyareyou, LeafRivr, LeonSky, Lincoln Home, LinkFromLoZ, Linknoid, Llamasoup, Loathmast, Lonora, Lucelle Ball, LukeMcNuke, Lyle332, MCScaredOfBees, MYTHICDABOSS, Mafusail, Major Woodrow, Major159, Majsju, Making Poutine Everyday, Makito, Man Who Go Boo, Mana Yachanichu, Mangled Pumpkin, Marlon Shakespeare, McCrusthead, McNally86, Mco, MeGrimlock, MelKatts, Melville_Addison, Midnus, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Minerslave4, MinhDuc, Misha_Z, MissT, Mister Edge, Mister Jinkles, Mister Tambourine Man, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkieboy, Mooker, MoondogKP, Moose_Drool, Mopie, MotherMary13, MoxyMoe, MrSpeed, Mr_GlitterBall, Mrs Rittenhouse, Murnjendoof, Mushada, Mushashi, Muush, MzSwan, Natedogg, Necrophage, Nekosoft, Neuviilette, Nightvol, Nik, Nonia, Noone, OOnuthin, Odd Alfred, Oedipus_Ren, Omnibus, OneToMany, PacHINKOid, Pando the Gourmet, Partasah, Pasta_Saucy, Pastamancer Wrier, Pat McGroin, Pinge, PlasticZ, Plorg, Plute0, Poncho the Sane, Pop Sonny, Prestige, Professor Time, PzyCotix, Quickbaby, Rag Nymph, Rand0mmaN, Raymond Kinger, Reuben Sammitch, Ri Betani, RichardRahl, River_Song, Road_eo, Roguebandit, Ryo Noodlestorm, Ryo_Sangnoir, SPAGgoatee, SadOatcakes, SalMonella, Sans the Comic, Saucemaster Dan, SauceressCeres, Saufia, Scubaduba21, Sexy Lexy, Shadance, ShadowMonkey1224, Shaman_Drood, Sharky, SharkyRo, Shayol Ghul, Sheber, Shizuyo, SilenceHand, Simetra, SinisterUrge, Sinthos, Sir Indy, Sir Phil Shady, Six Ferrets, Slayer_Dragonwing, Slothpyle, Smackers, Smex, Snugglypoo, SomeoneInATree, Space Ace, SpaceFart, SpiderLink, Spiggot, Splendor, Spramen, Sprocket14, Steve Fiddlehead, Stu Dious, Styre, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SupernovaMe, Sweetokra, TH1CC, TallinnIsLit, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tarjmov, Taz, TeaseMe, Teck, Terrabull, ThatsHowIBeatShaq, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste, The Buccinator, The Dashing Protagonist, The Phantom Wiggler, The Silence 7x, TheLetterM, TheLogicalGhost, ThePeace22, TheRayness, TheSkedaddle, Thingamore, Thumbtack, Tibbiara, Tim_Enchanter, Tom Paris, Tomato Bob, Tombot, Tortamir, Trinity_Dalfae, TwinkleTwirl, TwirlyRotini, Tyralan, Uncanny Adventurer, Uncle Ruckus, UnusualScar, Urban_Kenobi, Vaikyuko, Valdus, Valo666, VariusAvus, Ven Naul, Vicerious, Vigilamus, Vincent Chen, Violet42, VioletRay, W0rm, Weakling, WeatherWarrior, Wendel XD, Wendigo, Westcliffe, WhippingBoy, WhoWantsToKnow, Wraithtech, WreckedEm, Xaldri, Xopher_tm, YanYing, Yarple, Ygmar, Ypp, Zasqdddas, Zerg_Rush, Zerous, Zeuxippe, Zog_the_Flatulent, Zorax The Questionable, Zorns Lemma, acm, albrong, aly77777, anthem13, aukermdr, auverus, bSmith, babberton, balbriggan, basbryan, bearsdotzone, bidet to you, bigevildan, blitsnik, bnlcaholik, breakingamber, camil77, caroldanvers, cashmaster omega, chocofungi, clubtheseals, cowman13, darkraven, davidsan, deadtravle, dementia13, dextrial, dfunkt, dotts, drgillybean, dumfulio, eemdub, elffaW, ellie3, eppin, eskimodave, euryale, evil ed, falconinthedive, footrest, ghienel, gracie thorn, groggarth, guaranteed, hellskidoo, herocaim, hoohaw, hugslut, hyperme, icklefifi, industrialpunk, jaspermeer, jewells of cheese, jomax, jon diaz, kiwi and lemon, knineu02, kwhauck, larsi_kolbot, lazy_fire, legom7, lonesomedwarf, lorien, lupus4, mARty mcfly, malentar, mbp92, misqellaneous, moose the turtle, mrblonde07, mskc, nhojemon, nixon66, occupanther, octopodey, pasta_slasher, pastacooker100, payguhn, poorlydrawnman, qoppa, rickpay, rifforama, rossy boy, sOup OF can, saucyBABE, scole, sensibleb, shakezoola, shkspr, shootgun47, sillyMoose, spaghettigirl, surrealkitten, testostronaut, threebullethamburgler, thug4less, tookums, totallyinnocentpasserby, udon_rouge, umnitza, vannflyhite, vertmem, vortex2365, wafLtrOnic, wakela, xoutkastx3, zErTlY14 and zmobieDementor1
