anniversary balsa wood socks

anniversary balsa wood socks

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This is a pair of socks made out of sticks of light, flexible balsa wood. They're given only to those intrepid adventurers who have played Kingdom of Loathing for eight years. Eight years! I mean, that's as many beers as there are in a six-pack! Balsa wood is the traditional gift for eighth anniversaries, because after eight years, you've put in all the work you're going to, and you're ready to settle down and do some arts and crafts. Happy Anniversary, and thanks for playing!

🥈A F Clubber, A Goblin, A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ADDemon, AHHKellyClarkson, AK377CRS, ARgon07, ARthuR the human, Abnegazzar, AbuBamsry, Accidentaldente, Accordiologist, Ace Of Swords, Achernar, Adam1WPI, Adamantois, Adelberta The Feckless, Adiem, Adite, Admiral, Aeero, AelWyn, AelfRhian, Aellinsar, Aeralis, Aerin Frost, Aeslyn, AfroDwarf, Agapanthus, Agburanar, AgriCola, Ahdar Musicstopper, Ahorriblesn, Airicus, Ajnintactics, Akael, Akaiya, Aken0008, AkiraisJen, Akirasan, Al Alizzeza, Al Frodo, Alan Gorealan, Albino Bigfoot, AlchemyRocks, Aldarana, Aldieb, Alex of Eden, Alex the Best, Alexandrine, Alf, Alfredo Boyardee, Alfredo_of_Earl, Algen, Allis Chalmers, Allora, AlmostMeek, Aloestril, Alphonse Skybar, Altaira, Altrissa, Amagalan, AmandaJo, Amarna, AmberRane, Ambrose Thrall, Ameliorate, Amish Information Systems, Ampseconds, AnEvilTwin, Ana, Anaeri, Andalusia, Andranovich3, AndyNormal, Angafirith, Angel Hair, Angelorum, Angry Elf, Anita Coffee, Anixs, AnnaStacia, Anthalessa, Anthony, Antic the Fearless, AnxiousHyrax, Apollyon, Aravis Tarkheena, Arbiter_24, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, ArchangelUK, Archipelago71, Architects of the Apocalypse, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Arcticwolf15, Ardnajela, Area 51, Argwarg, Arithil, Arket, Arnida, Aro CantCatchABreak, ArtfulTodger, Artie Effham, Arzea, As_the_palace_burns, AscendingOrder, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Aschen, Asimantos, AssHat, AssTractionHero, Asshysteria, Astaeroth, Asterdw, Asterea, Atade, AtalayaLeda, Ataug, Ataxophobia, Athanatos, AtlantiCat, AtomicLobstarrrs, AtomicLobsters, Atreyuu, Atronach, Attila, Autumn1983, Autumnwinds, Avoca, Awnnree Bastiche, Awsumat92, Ay7k, Ayasymi, Aybara, Azarael, Azeron, Azrane, Azura, BALATRO_LETUM, BB Karo, BBHood217, BELsambAR, BMyers, BUTTONS13, BWIceSoldier, BabyBees, BabyDragon26, BabyGasolineFairy, BabyScarface, BabyYoshi, Bacchus, Badarse Larse, Badassrocker, Badde Hugs, Bahke, Bale Frend, Baloonda, Baltar, Balton, Bananahead12, Bandanaman, BanditAlt, Banditman5, Bank of KoL, Bank of Muush, Baranduin, Barbarian, Baron Meriwether, Baron Von Chrys, Baron von Sykes, BaronessRatsworth, Baronsamsquee, BarrytheFerret, Basha59, Bassvamp, Bastil, Batwood17, Bawb21, Bayushi, Beaches, Beagle, Bean, Bearskinrug, Beastyclaire, Beat Bachs, Beatstick, Beavis P_Ness, Beckstar, Bedroom Eyes Pacino, BeeGeeSlave, BeefBurglar, BeelzeBear, Beethoven, Beleg_strongbow, Belegbast, Belgarath, Belgarion670, Beljeferon, Belly16, Ben Wu, Benjamin Brown, Benjamintino, Bernoulli, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, Betty Wrong, Bevanz, Bewitched, Bible Black, Biffle, Big Drewser, Big Evil, BigBoss, BigPickle, BigVinnie, Bigb00gie, Bigba Dron, Bigbadbongo, Bigdaddy913, Bigquack, BikeThief, Billthe3, BillyFail, BillyWin, BimboBarbie, Binaanne, Bingohost_age, BiohAZArdMan, Bioland, Birdy, BitchBoy, Bixington, Biznatch, BlackAce, BlackJackFool, BlackShadowShade, BlackShield, BlackVelveteen, Blackhorseman, BlakAcid, Blakeatwork, Blarbe, BlasphemousPhilosopher, Blazer, Blixxx, Blizzy, Bloodlust, Bloodmoore, Bloody, Blox, BluTriffid, BlueBaker, BlueBurro, BlueOx, BlueThunder, Bluntor, Bo Peep No Sheep, Bo Pokeweed, BoBo, Boadicea, Bob Dole, Bob the Undertaker, BobSagetBees, Bobje Ratata, Bobrobert, Bobsuruncle, BoiRDee, Bombastus, Bombos II, Bonekicker, Boo_Boy525, Booberry, Boomhower, BoozeBandit91, BorisTheSpider, Bork, Bounty_Hunter, BowToChris, Bowldipper, BoxinRa, Brain, Brammie, Bran, Brandalf, Brandon0981, Brennil Skybar, Breulz, BrianSpud33, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brinkyhats, Brirad, BrittyBear, Broche, Brocktoon, Brodacious, Broken Golem, Brone Filius, Bronwyn, Bruno2788, BrvYnky, Bryn 23011, BuGzZ, BuRNJoB420, Buarainech, BubbRubb, Bubba9265, BubbaNDN, Buffer Than You, Buffomatic, Bulletproof, Bundy81881, Bunegeria, Bunkertor7, Burk, Busaiku, Busch Light, Bushido, Bushwiggler, Busturr, Butt Pirate, ButtHeadFred, BuyMEaRound, CHAZ918, CHeeSEbuTT, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caffeine, Cairnarvon, Calculus, Callum, CalvinTheHobb, Camlost, Cantor Malus, Caplin, Capn Gnarly, Capntastic, Capoke, Cappas420, Cappy Carl, Captain Funky, Captain Insano, Captain Scotch, Captain Tragedy, Captain Zen, CaptainPapaya, CaptainRondo, CaptainSnarge, CaptainSpam, Carnot, Carny Asada, Casca, Castiel, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, CatBurgler, Cat_Killer, Catt Although, Caulfield, CaySedai, CecilBTurtle, Celsey, Ceredwin, Chalks, Chara, Character1, Charasan, Charbroiled, Charlatan, Charles the Cat, Charlesque, Charlie, CharmingMimi, ChasteGalahad, Chazriel, CheGuevara, Chedley, CheesCake, Cheesemeister, Cheesy Noodle, ChefRachael, Cheloni, Chelonia, Chester Bogus, ChesterArthurXXI, Chibi Ninja, Chieftan Mews, ChinaMANbobalOO, Chipperdamonk, Chocolate Man, ChocolateNaruto, Chocolust, Chow Chow, ChrisMcG, Christineressiatulanie, Chunky_boo, Cindipool, Cinnaman, Clackling, Clarity, Cloudy J, Club, Clubberella, ClubberoX, Clubby McClubberson, Clubby McClubs, Cobain Dougans, Cobwebs, Cod, Colbert, Cold Pizza, Coldshade, Colendez, CollectAllFive, Colossus of Chronic, Colympian, ComTechDave, CombatWombat, Comrad Red, ComradeKraken, Comrade_Petrof, Cookiemonster123, CoolandAverageGuy, Coppy the Copper, Corporal Pibb, CosmicPickle, Coulrophobia, Cpro33, Crab Legs, Craggle, CrapMachine, Crapbucket, CrassMandoo, Crawldad, CrazyCatLady, CreOsOTe, Creelie, Cres, Crex, Crimbo Muush, CrimboElf, CrimsonShadow, Crinkum Crankum, Crispin, Cristiona, Cristiona the Femmessiah, Croft465, Crono666, Cruel Itch, Crumbling Buttercookie, Crystalline, Cupcakes of Hell, Curbludgeon, Curt, Cutey, CyberTurtle, CyberWar, Cynemem, Cypher3, Cyrean, Cyrilis, Cysteine, D L, D3tox, DALEKSECOND, DFH, DJ AV, DJRubberducky, DJWaz, DMag, DMag_oshc, DVB, DYLAN, DaBaddestHic, Da_Gimp_1, Daelm, Daffrid, Dafro, Dagless, Dah Cheese, Dakotadog, Daltonator, Damascus, DancinMachine, DancingLarry, Daniel25, Danielle Marie, Danishe, Dannyb0y, DanteDim, Darene, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkAngel, DarkCalisto, DarkGuyHades, DarkMaiden, DarkSpuddle, Dark_Magic, Dark_Ragu, Darkane, Darkgeneral, Daron, Darth Grapefruit, Darth Lenore, Darth Traci, DarthCrimbo, Das_Keet, Dashing, DataVortex, DavidMcC, Davolta, Day_Walker, Dazz, DeGrassi, Dead_Phoenix, DeadlyAngel, Deadmanwalking, Deadnight Warrior, Deadpan, DeaksDeetee, DeathAngel, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, DeathsHangnail, Deatvert, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Decay, Decil, Deeliteful, Defenestrating_Professor, Defenseman, Deg, Delilah, Demicanadian, Demonic_Penguin, Demonsquiggle, Denizen_of_the_Dark, Derek_M_Taylor, DesertMagic, Desert_Eagle, Deshwitat, Desiderata, Desktop, Desmondman1, Dessalvara, Destre, DevilishOne, Devilon, Diamond Lily Bart, Dibbin, Dibzannia, Dibzdevil, DickLeaky, DidloDiddly, Digan, Digit, Dilplunk, Dingo Boy, Dink_smallwood, Dinpig, Dinsdale67, Dirk Gently, Dirty Hippie in a Clean Dress, Dirus Canis, Disco Stu25, DiscoFevaDiva, DiscoKiller, DiscoShen, DiscordantSong, Disposable Hero, Dizhei, DizzyJ, DoOdLe1, Doc Johnson, Doctor Daft, Doctor Worm, DoctorThaddeusPaine, DoctorWeebl, Doctor_Mubobo, Dominion, Don the Failure, Donkey Forker, Dont_Care, Dontkillmezach, Doodlebug, Doodooking, DoomAwaits, DoomKnight2, DorianEzra, Dorkzilla, Dorngen, Doryna, DosBoot, Double_D777, Doz, Dpfran, Dr Ragon, Dr Strange, DrBoneGagger, DrEvil92, DrHaggis, DrKirre, DrOctogon, DrZaius, Dr_Paine, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Dracholm, Draco The Silly, DraconisUK, Dracul Mihawk, Drag0n, Dragon76, DragonOfMany, Drar, Dreabob, Dreadful Penny, DreamBreaker, Dreama, Dredhorn Longstride, Drippy, Drive Thru, Drooid, DrownedWoods, Druss, Dryhad, DuRhone, DuckNUTZ, Ducky, Dude2004, DudeMcBob, Dumb333, Dumbo, Dungannon, Durf, DuskKetla, Dussk, Dust Bunny1, Dysis, Dyzzyah, EDS Smash, EL_Zoido, ERJ1024, Eadric Martona, EarthStone, EaterofCinnabar, Ecce Idle, Eclipsing, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Eenee, Eetchoo, Eevle, EffingClassy, Efftien, EggNogIceCream, Eggbert, Egidio, Eileen, EiriasValar, El Changito Mal, El Diablo Jefe, El Guapo, El Ponando, El Zaban, ElVatoLoco, Electra, Electro, Eleval, EliteJeff123, Ellis D, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Eloquent Rune, Elsinor, Elyas Machera, Emerilla, Emhgee, EmoKittens, Emtu, EnderNightshade, Enevhar, EnigmaWolf, Eoline, Eorache, Eoraptor, Ephraim, Er_Murazor, Erathaol, Erebus2161, Ereinion, EricMills, ErisDiscordia, Eristottle, Ermidor, ErnieR, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Eskemo, EskimoBlueKim, Etheria, Etsuko, Euan McLeod, Euphie, Evil Dead Ned, Evil Muffin, Evil Spawn of Molly, Evil Taco, Evil Twin of Jick, EvilKOLBot, EvilPanda, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Exor, Eyeball, FIEND, FOOD, FURj, Fabian920, Faeries Wear Boots, FairyCharmed, Falcon, Famoth83, FantasticSpandex, FarmChick, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Fata Morgana, Faustus Fusilli, Fearborn, FearlessX, Feldhorn, Felix Croc, Felyndaer, Feng Shweez, Ferner, Fernir, FerrusManus, Fessor Eli, Fetarina, Fianor, Ficlogic, Fiery1, Figfewdisgewd, Fijikin, Finalstuff, Finners101, FionaFairhame, FireFreak91287, Firestorm ZERO, FireyPhoenix, Fitje, Flammo, Flanders, Flita, FoB, Follyhall, Fonzo, Footstorm, Force of Light, Fork Pastawalker, Forneus Brewer, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frank Shliman, Franklin D Roosevelt, FranswahPetite, Freckleguy, FreezerBurn, Freman, FriedCookies, FrogNinja, Frogstomp, Fronobulax, FrozenGummyBear, Frumious B, Fryguy9, Fujiko, Fujikos Contest Multi, Fundamagargle, Furbulae, Fuzzinskaya One Eye, Fuzzled, Fuzzy Blue Elf, FuzzyElf, FyggNuuton, Fyll, G1R, G28401, GAH, GCByzantine, GCNRULES1, GGXTCC, GLWill, GMK, GMoneyClip, GPS_Knee, GWAR, GadTheHero, Gaenovas, Gaephrius, Gaijin_Grl, Galapagos James, Ganomex, Garath_McGrath, Garioch, Garlyle, Gatito, Gatorbait, Gauth, Gavvo, Gedren, Gehenna, Genbu Cosplayer, General Tiberius, General_Herpes, General_Kurt, GentleFluter, George P Burdell, Gerbilman, Gerfas, Geske, Getafix, Ghent, Ghostface Killah, Giboc, Gigglii, Gilgala, Gingdingthing, Ginger23, Girmluhk, Glitch, Glittermoon, Glittersnorter, Glops, Gloria Teasdale, Glukthar, Gmorg, Gmuffin, Gnocchi Masala, Go Freud Yourself, God_Of_Fire, GoddessSixx, Godspeed, Gofer, Gogar, GogoGogo, Golden Stew, GoldenRgnrk, Goldman Sachs, Golemix, Gonkdroid, Goobernostrum, Goobertina, GoodEats, GoodKnYght, Goofyboots, Gord Downie, Gorgonzilla, Gorillo, Gorrilla Hands, Goth, GpHerder, Graev, GrammarWhore, Grandpa_Jeb, Grapplejack, Grave Disturbance, Gravedigger, Gravy Spasm, GrayVTrain7, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, GreatWyrmGold, Gredashe, GreenIce, GreenKnight90, GrendelPrime, Grey Sage, Greycloak, Greylin, Greywolf87, Grime Jello, Grimm Tooth, Grinder, Grippingworm, Grizzled the Grizzly, GroggBeoir, Grogum, Grokly, Grollo, GroundZero, Gruezelda, Gruh, GuerrillaHermit, Guimoiun, Guis, Guiseppi, Gunther Maplethorpe, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HCS, HHHolmes, HIDINGHERMIT, HOldeRofSecrEts, HaQuim, HackandStabby, HadesSL, Hagnk the Tagnk, Hairshirt, Hakar, HalfwayBaked, Halibut, Halloween, Halnon, Hamadryad, HamsterishOne, Hamusutaa, Hanabishi, Handmade Mocha, Hannibal Smith, HansGruber, Hanson The Mighty, Haplo, Happimael, Happy Bunny, HappyDeadChicken, HappyEngineer, Happychaos, Hareless, HarlequinGoddess, HarlequinofMasochism, Harnan, Harpsichordo, Harukodo, HasteBro, Hatereliminator, Hatred_sheep, HawkinVXN, Hawksmoor, Hawumph, Hayden Kinsman, HeWhoKnowsNaught, He_Who_Smokes_Bitches, HeavenboundFluke, Heavy Q, Hekatchu, HellBane, Hellfire_Death, Hennesey the Girth, Hepcat Merkin, Herm, Hermit_Boy, Herustari, Hey_Allen, Hifly123, HighD, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Highbulp, Highpockets, Hippie Boy, Hippie Dude, Hix, Hnetu, Hoaxmetal, HobNobber, Hobart, Hobbes557, HoboBob24, Hobs Goblin, Holmboy, HolyKraP, HolyWarrior, Honesty, Horngore Oxpoot, HorusForelock, Hostility Incarnate, Hot Mamma, Hot Pho, HotCha0, HowardthyDuck, Howjaloo, Hrotli, Hsilwo, Hubler, Hulyen, HumanSlayer, Humbi, Hustle, HybridDragon, HyperKitti, I AM ED, I Wrestled A Bear Once, I g g y, I has a club, IAmATurnip, IAmTheManWithNoName, IAmtheDisco, IAreBacon, IMTEHWALRUS and I_AM_ZOOL_BOWDOWN1
