Yellow Moon of Compassion

Yellow Moon of Compassion

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This medal was awarded to you by the Council of Loathing, for starting (and finishing) a war between the Frat Orcs and the Hippies.









#6Tiny Plastic Nitocris100










#11Simon the Mystificator72






#14BabyScarface and Sundkvist65






#18King Stupid58


#19Mongrel the Apathetic56




#21Batisaw, Lord_Josh and SleepingDragon54








#27KAIN and Wallace50


#29Allis, Cloudy J, DVB and Snarf4048


#33Punsoe and Que Chan Mok46


#35Amish Information Systems, Jahamana, Tzabor and eFloss44


#39CursedGrimoire, Jehanmandeville and OOnuthin42


#42entchen and rpxx40




#45Prestige and cZarth38


#47Squeegee McDoo, The Woo, adeyke, rufuskin and snurg36


#52Aubra, ChevellemanX, Magister30 and Sativarg35


#56Major Meat and warebar34


#58Evil Dead Ned, KingArt, Scyld and minders33


#62Bauble, BoiRDee and PatTheGreat32




#66Chickenkong, Kyta and wolverinero7930


#69MarioB, Volvo, queenoftheNAUGHTiez and sAuRman leRoux29


#73DerMagus, DownriverRat, Eroquin and hoohaw28


#77BuRNJoB420, SadOatcakes, Tibbiara and Vigilamus27


#81Pants_O_Rama, Schik, Starbearer, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste and sue26


#86Corwin, Evincar, Jezdar, disco basket and werrez25


#91Mr Nice, PacHINKOid, Volc, Yendor and tbell3024


#96ErnieR, Mister Tambourine Man, Nekosoft and moopill23


#100Amarand, Archipelago71, DuRhone, JLE, LaRoni, Snott, Tricksy, hellskidoo and stuffandthings22


#109AmandaJo, Biznatch, Joquie, Madelyn North, Ms Bus Driver, Nurbleface, PolyesterMan, Starker, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE, camelheel and ohNOanotherPUTZ21


#120LastChans, Maikeruu, NotJim, Ranava, Thumbtack and Ucibius20


#126Archham, Athanatos, DownriverRatt, Ezandora, MrSqueezeBox, PlastikObst, Prima Vera Angelhair, Scattaloquarious, Shogun42, Zerg_Rush, mmcbride, mondemon and salticid19


#139ArashiKurobara, Don Quai Poncerello, ElGrande, JayTenda, Jibbly, Kostej Kostejsson, LazyLoki, Lost, Mahi_mahi_wings, Mana Yachanichu, Ulysse, gruper4 and snowette18


#152Buzzbuzz, Furian, Glukthar, JoshZero, KidCharlemagne, Kwon, MarcyRoni, MooFrog, Phalocrocorax, Tannerhaus, WhyMan, Zair, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, koutetsu and thE tRAveLiNg RetArD17


#167Artie Effham, Cat_Killer, Dave of the Hill People, Derbina, Durf, Euan McLeod, Fiery1, KLImTog, Lokiator, Muush, Strife, The Queen of Hearts, TheOtherSpike, Xahil, bigevildan, bogseyluke and fxer16


#184Bluewoods, Foxy Boxy, Grinder, Jardis, Mitchell, Murrman, Nitocris, OGL, PhilThese, Ripkus, SarcasMage, Zulu Romeo, ckb1, littlecatb, rgarz1, tarfu92, the40ftboy and thug4less15


#202Accordion Abuser, Agburanar, Biff Demiclaws, Busch Light, Campbella, Castle Greycat, DarkSpuddle, Disco Dancing, Drothar the Omniscient, Efelo, FatQuack, FearlessX, Frodo Ramone, GanGan, Gezol, Guiseppi, HackandStabby, Kaine, Lizmeis, Lord Stefano, Nappa, Nikademus, QLou, Ramonphilius, RedNeckReb, Rokusho999, Sasori_uk, Steam, jCoWLeY and mrf14


#232AprilFools, Athruien, Bobsuruncle, DosBoot, Hulyen, IAreBacon, Jantastic, JanvierBellefeuille, JerseyBoy, Lord Kobel, Mac_Gyver, Nickles, Ozark, Sarghi, Sir Cheddar, Steelheadon, VoltTacklE, Warren, Wole, Zanch Pornoflict, spored and zeroblah13


#254Bubba321, Chartan, Coldrain, Crunchy Hamster, Dannyb0y, Defying, Eyeball, Framistan, Higardi, KingFelix, Kurtispj, LivingDeadGrrl, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, MagonKody, Master Grimwulf, PhilipJFry, Puchie, Slothpyle, SnakeSauce, Static, StrLikeCrazy, The Big O, TheArtfulDodger, XaLyRD, deelystan, wartired and welt12


#281AltaZorn, Balala, Bruce Garetz, Chef Jeff, Colendez, Derrikan, Fignut, Greystoke, GtM2, GustAvuS, Hut Sut Rawlson, JakAtk, JiK4eva, Johnatton, Keogh, Korel, Mayabird, Placeholder, Prima Vera, RD Methuselah, RICKErscotT, Radcliff247, RenRetard, Sal the Rapacious, ScotlandsFinest, SerinBites, ShakenNotStirred, Sherm Firmwood, SnackAttack, Snugglypoo, Stormkeeper, TacLess Cat, The Full Metal Archivist, TheVarian, Tone Def, Tyrmon, Vandaahl, dornbeast, eppin, flykitty, gnoCCo, jackman6, kirByllAmA, mtfns, philthecat, sunbird, txster, xain, xanatos_s and yoioY11


#331Azaling Six, Babaganoosh, Bad Karma, Baka, CyberTurtle, Darmut eDrien, Dirk Gently, Ereinion, Evanzedd, Galafrone, InSinYou8, JennyUnderpants, Jesusisagurl, Kugli, MonkeyMan200, NCSorcerer, PSY, Pastahead, PeRReRs, PokeyMan, Quackosaur, Russer Butter, Rusty Cell, SleepIsTheBrotherOfDeath, Solazy, Squall Thrawn, Starkid, Ultranibbles, blik, fret669, ghienel, hekiryuu, ratqueen, scratch and sub10


#366Aevum Decessus, Alan Gorealan, Aughtuvtoon, AvocadoPirate, Caplin, Chasing, Daffrid, Delilah Jones, ErisDiscordia, Farflier, Food Reef, FrankNBeans, GCByzantine, Galapagos James, HasteBro, IceColdFever, K2_Fujative, Kudoso, Mad Dudy, Mekgineer, Methusalah, Nossidge, Parse, Rabbit House, RazorGerbil, Rebeccah Sharp, Rotund, Sharp Dressed Man, Shrapnel, SporkWielder, SuantKaliMa, ToKoLoSH, Werefrog, Xaldri, ZatoIchi, Zyrac, azunak, blider, bumcheekcity2, caelea, cometdave, crazyeddy, diordna, dyffrynTHEdrunkenGAEL, i_eat_food, mattAT, myrth77, omgwtfBBQ1234567890, psychoPath, sciFIwiZ and takenoko9


#417A Gressive Coffee Addict, Afrogumby, AuntBeast, BigPickle, Cactus Pillow, CancerMan, Candice Dick, Casteel, Cheesy One, Chicken in Black, CrassMandoo, ElainesBar, Extirpator, HadesSL, Jansan, Joorrke, Lew_b81, Lord_of_Ants, LuvLuvChef, Magic2729, Mathfalda, Meezer_Wrangler, Mrs Rittenhouse, Nasher, Odinsatan, Perchorin, Poncho the Sane, Rude_Badger, Ruleroflight, ShinyPlatypus, Sluggoman, So and So, Sunday, Tareei, Tekrunner, TheBrent, TunaTaco, Twixy, Velvet Knight, Weatherboy, Wiseworm, Wolfman6666, Xu Bhu, YorickU54, ZaruYache, Zob Rombie, amy_55555, bunter, cptjsparrow, deathshade, fungalMonk, gamma_RAy, ickeygooey, lindsay lohan, motoXXXozzy, muskratlike, talas300, taltamir and xKiv8


#476AltrashiKurobara, AngelD, Angra Mainu, BWF Jeff, Baron von Wurlitzer, Brew Geared, Captain Tragedy, D L, DrHaggis, Earl Hickey, ElVatoLoco, Eoghnved, Fork Pastawalker, George P Burdell, Graev, HammeredOne, Hsilwo, Immelan, Irresponsibility, Izhebel, Jack S, Jererry, JizzMasterZero, Josim, Juub, Kemistry, Kipling, Lorad, MikeMar, Motegar, Notchinus, Nymall, Olmec, Owlish, Poinf, PuttyMcman, ROdger_FLint, RaZ, Rogar7209, Sir Bum, Sir Jefe, Skent, StormCrow42, Timewraith, Tommy, Volteel Biblio, Wagr, Zephro, abcq2, bluehair, cankergIRL, crystal_ingram, evilrat, greycat, hippee, ilitchev, jonbly, jsoh, knlbr, mattDB, spemik85, tannenzaepfle, trimas and twiHARD4eva7


#540Agliata, AntiPasta, Ashallond, Baeltor, Beljeferon, BobDoleSuperior, Bodhazapha, Boris The Spider, CDF4796, Chef Raz, DaDuke, DancinMachine, Doctor Nick, Dr Danger, Drew Carey, DrunkenBob, FatQuack2, Frogstomp, Ghostface Killah, Grchwrkz, High Voltage, HotCha0, InspectorX, Issolta, J Mo, JLE2, Jett, Kovacs, Kreegah, Lady Tomo, Lanshaft, Legalese, Lord_Towers, LouTini, MaCareno, Marge, Mehified, Mirrorshades, Mistress of the Obvious, Moraglar Khilen, Ninga, Omnibus, Paugus, PrenIqueezEr, PuppyBucket, Rabid Alpaca, Ranged Lunatic, Referencer, Roma, Rsm_lazarus, Seth_OS, Snotten, Splotz, Sputnik, StinkyWizzleteats, Stormfire, Strahan Runeshadow, Swiffer, The Kytan Apprentice, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, TillyMcMuffin, Tomahto, Viridinia, Vkkhamul, W0rm, WhiteSnakeMoan, Xenthes, Xyriene, Yatsufusa, Yorick, Zelda Ziti, akaean, baledorthian, eitak, glebs, hellsfruition, hyuuint, iMMASMASHYOFACE, infern0, j00s, jonrock, kirahvikoira, mskc, mtnfs, nagyss and wickedwillie446


#626Airicus, Antirrhinum, BaBaBing, BakaPyrite, Baron Meriwether, Bobje Ratata, Boondog_Dan, BuZZT, Casca, Cerebrum, Cheesecake102, Chef_Rannos, Cpow83, DanElectro, Darth Vidar, Denker, DiscoFevaDiva, Dr Ozvx, Dr_Bruiser, Dust, Er_Murazor, Eviljuanita8, Faress, Foggy, GecoLupesco, Georgeasaurus, Gleamglade, Gluek, GreatWyrmGold, Gryphon, Jafo, Jherskow, Johnny Yen, JuneM, Laa, LissaGail, Lucilla Teatime, Lyriana, Majromax, Majsju, Malakite1976, Marie Elin, Miss Chievous, Moonshae, NTesla, OhMahGourd, Pageturner, Partasah, Pasta Far Eye, PastaLaVistaBaby, Phoenix Flame, Quialiss, Rainmaker709, Rawoul, Sadglad, ShineyBucket, SkyElf, SmileyByte, Smiling Spectre, Snarla, Soba Rigatoni, Solum, Some Bloke, Spiffie, Splaterpunk, Sporty Spice, Steestee, Sticklle, Stormfox, Strobus, Tanliel, Terion, The Raging Beerseeker, TheOrdinarySpork, TimmyT, TogashiKokujin, Tombot, Vampiregrrl, Viki, WiseFather, WpwW, Yawsh, Zanchvegas, archely, baconistasty, bigcalm, blazingthunder, cameron, cheeser, diSCwORldiaN, dontSing, ePITAthx1, evilMatt, evilmoxie, evilspoons, flerdle, gleeman, harumph, horkman, j00, jackASS, jamfan14, jeanbern, jmsprout, jzkQm, lazy_fire, lethalbyte, loot weasel, mhwombat, moobs, oodleook, petreska, pooponastick, soelo, somoya, teh swabs, tristan, wildflowered, youngerpants and zeroflexflyer5


#746ABooRCKS123, AlBassoon, Another_Player, Apollyon, ArchangelUK, Ardlen, Atronach, Aximili, BlackVelveteen, BlueWasabi, Bokodasu, Borishaughingoff, BrooklynNellie, Caillean, Captain Zen, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chadomancer, DJ Dungeon, DJ_Tobymac, Dibzdevil, Dirty Immigrant, Donavin69, Dysis, EEPiccolo, ElroyJetson, Evangelist_Nine, Eventvwr, Ferrex, Frisbee, Gayle, Goooheroes, GpHerder, Han FalconFlyer, HedwARDs, HideInMyShell, Hojo Hominygrits, Hrotli, Invariel, Islington, Jark, Justarius, Kaelis, Kara Rae, Kareth, KoolfuZ, LarfSnarf, LarryB, LiamAndMe, Lord Juan, Love Me, MainGaler, Marfu, Masterblue, Metraxis, Mewoko, Miss_Kala, MolotovH, Muhandes, Myrtle, Nanimonai3, Nathan1025, NoctiBeard, Nomad, Nomnominus Rex, Nota70, NotaSandwich, Oacaxa, Orgo, Orlando, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, Ouchfest, Paran, Pasta Thief, PastryPusher, Phoenix512, Pimaw3n, Plorg, Poit Narf, Powchekny, Psyko1, Queubus, Ralar, RandomExtremity, Rashmooga, Rickatonni, Rishi Sunak, RobLobster, Roonygc8, RoyalTonberry, Ruby, SZINN, SaintDogbert, Salsa Joe, SdoGoo32, SealclubberX, Shadowhope, Shaudius, Simon Sludge, SkraveLe, Slappy the Werewulf Muff, Slith Warlord, Solve_Omnis, Space Ace, SpasticDancer, Stan Maskelyne, Steel Nut Dave, StickFigurine, Sweet Honey, Terrapin_Man, The Muffin Man, ThePeace22, ThrowAChairAtMe, TimRem, Tinfoil Chef, Torin, Transplanted_Entwife, Two__T, Tze, UnkleDirtNap, Vorthox, WangoTango, Wolf Lord, YDOC, Zock, Zumacher, canniBALLS, clalibus, cymen, decapod_claw, delgard, eMule, erTEST1, exixx, have2hunt, home_grown75, howlin_mad, jackal73, jairen1, locavoracious, magnetman, mattTX, mikelj, panne, phishfOOD, savaloy, shaktinah, spoothbrush, tanstaafl, threebullethamburgler, trill, txsteroo, warjunkie, whizdad and zingdol4


#900A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Adonisrules, Adze, Aegis Black, Akaiya, Akieal, Akrim, Alcor, Ammishdave, Androcles Antepasta, Arket, Ascensor, Auntie Pasta, AuroraGirl, Ayatollah, BAHZAHKAH, BabyGirlTigger05, BambooRick, BeefThief, Bevanz, BigglesWorth, Birdy, BlindOne, Boometh, BronMac, CannonFoddah, Capn Gnarly, Cephyr, ChesterArthurXXI, Cloakblade, CofLBelgarion, Conan the Numismatist, CorranH, CoupleK, Craft, Crazy Jimmy, Crumpet, Cupcakes of Hell, Cyris Flare, DJWaz, Dae su Oh, Dafro, Dark Lord Poofy, Darsabre, Daya, DeathToRudy, Deathlycat, Delilah, Demicanadian, Deucebot, Dibzannia, Doctor Jones, Dogilicious, DraconisUK, Druss, Dyzzyah, ELDoktor, Edwin the Fantastic, Ekeinos, Enzian, Erichwanh, Espieglerie, FURj, Fearborn, Fedhax, Felyndaer, Finners101, FirmaMentalFalcon, Flanders, Ford Fairlane, ForteSP, Ftunch, Funktopus, Garfnobl, Gargon123, Gitaroo Man, Gracefire, Gradis, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Grollo, Hamusutaa, Hard Headed Woman, Hasand, Helix Fossil, Inflatable Susan, Irony Chef, J Random Adventurer, JR Trolkin, Jabbie, Jander, Jef, Joell, Junestar, Karl_T, Kethy, Kirika, L to the P, Lana Sorcery, Large Axe and Lena Linguine3
