
#413Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#181Ancient Saucehelm10
#72Apathargic Bandersnatch1
#100Blue Diamond of Honesty5
#254Colander of Em-er'il8
#884Copper Alpha of Sincerity2
#230Deactivated O. A. F.3
#290Disco 'Fro Pick9
#244El Sombrero De Lopez9
#228Elder Turtle Shell9
#1442Green Clover of Justice1
#1285Iron Beta of Industry2
#84Lead Zeta of Chastity2
#145Libram of Candy Heart Summoning1
#83Libram of Divine Favors1
#112Libram of Love Songs1
#45Libram of Pulled Taffy1
#54Moping Artistic Goth Kid1
#1199Nickel Gamma of Frugality2
#1272Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#526Order of the Silver Wossname1
#10Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog3
#815Pink Heart of Spirit1
#233Purple Horseshoe of Honor1
#88Rainbow's Gravity2
#259Red Balloon of Valor1
#336Scalp of Gorgolok8
#53Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome2
#73Small Medium1
#140Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts1
#11The Groose in the Hoose1
#69Travoltan trousers1
#249Uranium Omega of Temperance1
#623Yellow Moon of Compassion5
#441Zinc Delta of Tranquility3
#109adhesive tape dolly1
#1454anniversary gift box3
#1193astral mushroom1
#6black candygram25
#450bowl of lucky charms1
#48box of bear arms1
#508box of sunshine657
#78burnt flower317
#110candy cornucopia1
#2681evil teddy bear1
#9green candygram145
#1078handful of confetti38
#134imitation nice watch1
#7lavender candygram117
#141llama lama cria1
#105misshapen animal skeleton1
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#19orange candygram99
#273petrified time2
#4pink candygram208
#95plastic pumpkin bucket1
#115sane hatrack1
#40smoldering box3
#54spooky rattling cigar box2
#42time helmet1
🥇time sleigh1
#140time sword1
#43time trousers1
#2307tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer3
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#16white candygram71
#17yellow candygram220
#125yuletide troll chrysalis1

Wow, that's 2,030 items total!

what items are this player missing?