old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie

old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie

Wiki linkwiki

This is a wrapped present with a tag reading:

To: %playername
From: Uncle Crimbo

"Man, I've had enough of this newfangled, bells-and-whistles crap. The best toys are the old toys, kid. These things are classics, and it wouldn't kill you to use your imagination a little, you know? Anyway, happy Crimbo, kid, and don't put your eye out."


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇1337 sn4x0r, A Inconspicuous Person, ADeadHeart, AKU, APPLE BLOSSOM, AbBrCyDaEn, Absinth, AccordionBoy, Aces44, AdmiralBob, Adrien, AeQUitAs, Afrogumby, AgentRocko, Agony, Akapish, Akirasan, Akros, Alannus Mirage, Aldus, Aleman, AliceCat, Alice_Rayne, Allora, AlmAlphiA, AlricTheGoofy, AltaZorn, Altoid, Amlethus, Amos Trask, Amrothlin, Anavrin, Andrella, Andrewski, Androcles Antepasta, Angra Mainu, AngrierKid, AnonymousZC, AntZ, Antfattener, Antic the Fearless, AnubisTutankh, Anubisection, ArchCrazyFool, Archham, Archipelago71, Ardsnard, ArgonZero, Arkose Realgar, ArsianDuck, Arthas, Arutha, Asgaroth, Asgeirr, Ashes, Ass Pounder, At On But For In Off Out By To, Atan, Aunt Flo, AvalonHunter, AxiS Shadowbane, Axilla Schmutz, Axis_of_Justice, Ayla, Azoun, AzureDrake, BAHUMBUG, BBB ebaby, BELsambAR, BLAscott, BaBaBing, Babaganoosh, Babycakes, Bacon Stoned, BaddeMulti, Badmojo, Baggerschmakle, Baldwin, Baloonda, Balzoid, BanditAlt, BarbarianBob77, Baron Mind, Battali, Batwood17, Baxter, Baythan, Bazo, BeastyPlayerOfSaucyness, Beastyclaire, Beaver Kings Slave, Beelzebubble, BeerHead, BelieveInNothing, Beljeferon, Beren, Bernini, Bete Noire, Bibicu, Biff Demiclaws, Big Boss, Big Deedler, BigBadWolf, BigKevinm84, BigKevinm844, Big_Green_Bump, Bingohost_age, BiohAZArdMan, Birdy, BlackJackkol, BlackMagus, BlackThunder, BlakWido, Blastphemist, Bloeme, Blondie, Bloody, BlueBurro, BlueThunder, Blues, Bob the Tea, BoboMonkey, Bobofred, Boccolotti, Boel, Boi_of_DOOM, Bombastus, Boo_Hiss, BoozerBear, Boozetron, Boozman, Borachio, Borax The Clean, Bran, Brandytook, BraveLitleToasty, BreadStickMonkey, Brew Geared, Brianna, BrickTracy, Brirad, Broken Golem, Brom the Wise, Brulak, Btrfly9IRL, Bubba9265, Buff_God, BuggerOff, BurntKechup5, BuyMEaRound, CA Dude, CNCaudata, CSS_puke, Caillean, CainTheGreat, Calatan, Calis, Cantryboy, CapHector, Caplin, Cappas420, Cardern, Careman2, Cares, Catalina, Catan, CathyOak, CaveCrawl, Ceasarious, Cecilias Nightingale, Ceelgohsplatt, Ceirdwyn, Cendiane, Cereal Killer 024, CeruleanArcher, Chainsaw, ChaosDestroyer, Charlie, Chartan, Cheese Invader, Cheeseboyardee, CheezyGrits, CheezyZombie, Chester Meatpot, Chevy Chase, Chez, Chickenkong, Chineselegolas, Chiori Blackember, Chocolate Puma, Chocomeister, Chondara, Choolies, Christoph, Chrono Mage, Cir Senam, ClassicColour, Cloud Vaan, Club, Clubbrz L337, Cobain Dougans, CobaltDawn, CodeSourcerer, Communist China, Contrickster, Corielle, CornSlasher, Corso, Cosmic Hippo, Cothan, Cowdude101, CraZy_JesS, Crack, Crawldad, Crazy Larry, CrazyCatLady, Crease, CrescentFresh, Criaturo, Crimbo in July, CrispEaterz, Cristiona, Cromeboy, Crono666, CsCaudata, Cucumber Stan, Curly Howard, Cuz, DaBaddestHic, Dad, Dah Cheese, Damasta, Damuckle, Dan The Third, Daniel Lockheart, Daniel25, Dante Kinkade, Darien Hawk, Dark Frank, Dark Quakor, DarkMaiden, DarkZangoose64, Darkgamr, Darkgamr72, Darkrift, Darmut eDrien, Darth Elmo, DarthB1, DarthDudley, DarthThaddeus, Darwin, DataVortex, Daya, Dazzle, Death by Gnocchi, Deathridge, DebbilsDuckie, DeckApe, Defman, Deimos, Demius, Deonish, Der Zilla, DerMagus, Deranged Cat, Derek_M_Taylor, Dernic, Destaven Fireheart, Deth Walker, Devd, DevilCreme, Dhampire73, Diane, Dicekay, Diebels, Digit, Dii, Dill_Dough, Dimack, Dirty Immigrant, DisComBoBulAteD, DiscoAsco, DiscoBlahBlah, Diss, Dman1, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, DocValance, Doctor Brew, Doctor Fabolus, DoctorRotelle, DoctorThaddeusPaine, Doodicus Maximus, Dootsie, DorianEzra, Double D, Dough123, Dr Moxie, Dr Newdell, DrEvi1, DrWolf, DraconisalaRomanadvraTreylunda, Dragoon Sage, Dread Pirate Roberts1, DreamertK, DrgnMaster, Dron, Drool, DropShock, DrunkDuckie, DrunkenBob, DrunkenFrog, Duffkiligan, DumstaDunka, Duty, Dyad, EAT PIE, ELRIC064, EPsonIC, EXOR169, EarL LLama, Earl Good Boi, EbolaWoman, Edgy, EggNogIceCream, Eiesser, Eisbrecher, Ekirhal, El Pato, ElVatoLoco, El_Pirateo, ElainesBar, Elffie, Eliahna, Elmo_The_Thundergod, ElronBean, ElroyJetson, Emanon176, Emerilla, Eniteris, Eralath, Erik Raven, ErisDiscordia, Eroz, Escaflowne, Eseche, Ethanson, Etheralled, Eugene, EvilTwinSkippy, Evileness, Ewie, EyeYam, Eyowzitgoin, FIRE GOPHER, FUzzy moNKeY, FairyCharmed, Fallstonite, Fangotang, FarCrySmokeStack, Farfalle al Dente, Farfetchedchild, Farmer Lister, FavouritePrincess, Fawfulhasfury, Fell, Fellatrix, Fembot ArtsyPantS, Femicas, Femme Bot, FengShuiNinja, FettucineQueenie, Fianor, Ficksquoose, FiendAlmighty, Fineldar, Firdrim, Firestorm ZERO, Fish_and_Chips, FishyBug, FlerN_Dip, Fluffie, Foamy The PastaMancer, ForteSP, Fox Demon Shippo, Fragn0rf, FredRulz, Free Martha, FrickityFrickFrickFrick, FriedCheese, FriedFish, Frisbee, Frobisher, Fryguy9, Fujiko, Fuz, Fuzz Monkey, Fyrdina Ellic, GAH, GT1, GWAR, G_God, Gaddse, Galith, Gamaliel, GardenJai, Gargonite, Garnet Rene, Gauln, Gehngis, Gemma Blake, General_Herpes, Geologygirl, George Gay, Glamhag, Gluek, Glukthar, Gnomesquid, GoddessSixx, GoldenFox, Goldorak, Gone, Goobertina, Goopy Goober, Gordon McStats, GospelGeek, Gracefire, GrammarWhore, Grat Ponpitti, Gravy Spasm, Grayson, GreenKnight90, Gretta Dean, Grimdel, Grishny, Grokly, Grumpy_olde_farte, GtM2, GuitarHero2, Gunther Maplethorpe, Guymeperson, HMSRobotman, HOldeRofSecrEts, Ha1Ha1Ha, Habib the Unsightly, HammeredOne, Hard Day Eh, HardcoxDevi, Hargrave2, Harnan, Hawkie, Hayashida, HellBane, Hellbear88, Hen3ry, Hepcatjack, Hero of the Lidless, Hero_in_a_half_shell, Hex, Hi132, Hipcatjack, HippyNoodle, Hison, Hojo Hominygrits, HolyWarrior, HomeStar, HomeysTrader, HorseloverFat, HorusForelock, Hot Dark Gem, House, Howjaloo, Hulihuli, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Hurtster, I am here_why, I be Will, I g g y, IAmTheWalrus, I_am_the_Night, IanChesterton, Ibaslomofo, IceWorm, ImALurker, Imitation Plastic Uncle Crimbo, IndianJack, Inferno_dmn6, Infra Red, IntellectualWhore, Iron Chef AFS, Ironsides, Irony Chef, Ishavriel, Isladar, Itamaram, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, J1mmy, JADE Dragon piece, JAHruleU, Jadyte, Jadziel, James Lovelock, Janine White, Jansu, Japanosis, Jasonbot, JayCrow, JayDuck the Mildly Interesting, Jebustheathiest, Jed the Nifty, Jemini, Jest Phulin, Jesus, Jherskow, Jimmy da Pooh, Jizwink, JizzMasterZero, JoeyBaggadonuts, John the Red, JohnBeeks, Johnatton, Joorrke, Jorgensen, JoshingAround9, JoshuaGrey, Jubblegum, Julienne, Juntao, KItsune_tsuKI, KJ217, Kaboon, Kamesaurus, Kami_no_Musha, Kankushok, KaosFreak, KaosSmokeBob, Kara Rae, Kareth, KarmaHunter, Karnyvore, Kasey, Kat007, Katanga, Katarra, KathleenTurnerOverdrive, Kayarath, Kazer, Kedar, Kemistry, Keptuvis, Keripo, Kharendaen, Khavren, KicK, Kikki, Killerette, KiltsRUs, Kimmie, King Puff, King Texas, KingDrac, Kiona, Kitcats, KitiaranYC, Klebe, Kleo, Kly, KnightOfTheRound, Knotso Mu Che, Kolf, Kolina, KoolfuZ, Koolkevk, Kreamer, Kritin, Kruntus, Kugli, Kwycstix, La Lechuga de El Diablo, Ladle of Demiclaws, Lady Bladethrust, Lady Luck Fortuna, Lady_Capone, Laftcadio, Lailo, Larry Trousers, Laura Palmer, Laureleye, Lavaweasle7564, LdySaphyre, LeeKav, Leg o Lam, LegOMutton, LemonLimePirate, Leriach, Levis501, LiamAndMe, Lightwolf, Lil Jumper, LilQte, Lillith, Lindiwe, Linnay, LiquidFusion, Littlebro, Liz79, Lizzy_LaVey, LobsterHime, Locke1127, Login_Character Name, Logmo, LoisGriffin, Lomithral, Longuine, LoomisMalpo, Lord Apolon, Lord Kick in The Butt, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord Zathrus, Lord of the Souls, LordBobXIII, LordVadar, Lord_of_Ants, LotsaHair, Louishla, Lover of the Sexy Sly Fox, Luc1fer, Luc2fer, Luc3fer, Luc4fer, LuigiTheMagic, LuvLuvChef, LuxChroma, LyingSage, Lyxia, MAginiNjA, MAnicDepressive, MI4 REAL, MaCareno, Mabs, Mac_Gyver, Mac_n_Cheese, Maeldwyn, MagFitch, MageRed, MagnumXPS, Magnus Thunderblade, Mairsil, Majin Vlad, Major Mobius, MalLardo, Malathos, Malenkaja Prinzessa, Mallatan, MalosavichIn, Maltro, Malyce, Mamasita, Manendra, Manial, Mariance, Mariani, MariposaTheRegent, Marit Lage, Marlee, Marmalade Jane, Marmot, Mars the Infomage, Marshplank, MaryAnarchy, Master Mizara, Master Polka, MasterNick, Mathias186, Me Hokkien, MeatMaster, Mecha, Meester Slow, Meiana, Melia, MengCiLiang, Meranna, MiChAeLLaNg, Michael Landon, Mijunkin, Mike Czech, MikeWilliams, Mikel, MimiRiceCat, Minda, Mindy, Minerslave4, Mishey22, MishraAndUrza, Miss Sky, Missqt, MissyBay, Mistress of the Obvious, Mitchell, Mitchell_The_Trout, Mitsy, Mme_Defarge, Mogdor, Moggil, Mojonic, Mola_The_Great, Mongoose Dog, Monkey Snort Soul Killah, MonkeyCadaver, Monkeyboyjp, Monster Hunter 2, MooButter, MooFrog, Mookieproof, Moongoyal, MorbidSoup, MorganIsGrotty, MorriesOtherAccount, Mosy, Mother Posterior, MotherMary13, MoxFulder, MoxiousMouse, Mr Croup, Mr EkO, Mr Grogg, Mr HeadCase, Mr Magnifico, Mr Mart, Mr Matty, MrKeen, MrPresident, MrSqueezeBox, Mr_A, Mrmongoose, MrsPresident, Muertos, Muffus, Mukiba, Mynar, Mystic23, Mystic_Mim, Mythticalness, MzSabrina2, NCSorcerer, NE1_4PNIS, Naigg, Nailah, Nameless1, Nanna BuBu, Napat, NardoLoopa, Nassive, Natalia Borisovna, Natedogg, Naturally, Naughty Princess, Necco Wafer, Necroman, Necrophage, NegativeBisector, Neithyme, Neolink, Nerimo, Netheron, NeverNeverMe, Newman, Nightvol, Nightwraith, Nikademus, Nimnak, Niner, NinjaButler, NoUse, NobodysFool, NocturnuS13, Nodo2, Noelle, NooBnooB123, Norel, NotJim, Nota70, Nuke, Nurse Janeway, OD, OHogan, OOgy, Obnoxio The Clown, Ocoma, Octavarium, Old Ben Kenobi, Old Opal, Ominous, Orb, Original_Pez, OrionZ, Oro Kai, Oroku Saki, Oryhara, Otterbee, Ouphe, OvergrownGoblin, PLUTONIUM, PUFFY, Paanin Diaz, PacHINKOid, Pan Bwo Un, Panasonic Penguin, PansieMan, Pantsless, ParadoX, Pasta Thief, Pastahead, Pastatizer2, PathetiC, Paulo_Sanchez, PazSox, PeLLaTTa, Peachy Princess, Pebricent, PencilFetish, Pendulass, PenguinColor, Percilus, Peter_B9, Petite Mort, Petrus, PhatB, PhilThese, Phillllllllll, Phixius, Phoenix Flame, Phrim, Pidgeons, Piefight, Piggy Bank, Pimp Ninja, PinkLady, Pinky, PixySnot, Pizmotality von Porkulos, Pizzleman, Placeholder, PlastikObst, Plater, Playtoe, Plummy, PlunderBunny, Pokit Lynt, Polkapalooza, Poncho the Sane, Poohat, Pookie, PoolAce, Poring Slayer, Posen, Prague, Pranksta, PrecioSura, Presto Ragu, Prima Vera, Princess_Melody, Protomic, Psycho Sledge, Psyko, Puddingman, PuertoFunk, Pumpkinheadme, Pun, PuppyBucket, Purple Pixle Pixie, PurplePK, PurplePussyCat, Pyren, Pyro_Grl, QLou, Quaggie, QuantumMeruit, Quarklop, Quaxalot, QuiCksteR, Quisalas, RGlock, RICKErscotT, Rabidzora, Raging Fire, Rahenna, Raile, Ramonphilius, Randyandy, Rapu, Rathskellar, RattyLabray, Ravijnah, Rayi, Razorbell, Razorboy, Rebel SMURF, Recusant, RedFeniX, RedIrish, RedNeckReb, Red_Zinger, Redcap04, Redhandedstealer, Reens, Reepicheep, ReiDevJord, Reivax, Remat Eltrut, RenRetard, Requium, Retro_Thrusters, RettaBear, Reverend Chops, Rhiana, Rianya, Right2Wrong2000, Ritzenbunnik, RobbyAnalog, RoboMonkey, Robur Velvetclaw, Rocky du Casbah, Roger Ramjet, Rogue79, Rogueling, Romv, Rouver, Roxy, Rubber Toast, Ruby, Ruby Sandyman, RubyDallas, RubyLucky, Rutiger, Ryo_Sangnoir, Ryukaki, S3w3rGn0m3, SABER, SAUCE PAN, SDLynn, SNEEZER, SUspiCious looKING GAL, Sabina, Sadako, Sailintony, Samanthra, Sanguinarious, SarTokos, Sarafina826, SarahJane, Sarcastro, Sarge247, Sarghi, Sarten X, Sasori_uk, Satanic Claw, Satire, SatireSloth, Sativarg, SauceAlt, Sauceror Girl, SauceyMcPasta, SauciAnna, Saucy Sauceror, Saucy_ash, Saucyazor, Sausage Face, Sazzia, ScUd RuCkInS, Scarface, Scarydave, Schmaltz, Schmoola, Schpoon, Schwetty, ScoopKW, Scottydude, ScoutOwl, Scudworths, Secret Santa, Sen, Senorelroboto, Senorita Bonita, Septh, Seven Combusted Poliwags, Sexy Gecco, SexyMomma, Shad Grimgarvy, Shadow Song, ShadowTogetic, ShadowsLight, Shadowstorm, ShaggyJDub, Shamsham, SharK, Sharp Dressed Man and Shaudius1