
#3375-Alarm Saucepan1
#2232Ancient Saucehelm1
#1923Bonerdagon necklace2
#1674Boss Bat bling1
#2775Boss Bat britches1
#133Cloaca grenade125
#1429Cloaca-Cola shield1
#969Colander of Em-er'il3
#1669Dyspepsi grenade1
#1600Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#57Mr. Accessory3
#292Pasta Spoon of Peril1
#1611Scalp of Gorgolok2
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#2609anniversary gift box1
#53arrow'd heart balloon10
#4726badass belt6
#41black lotus4
#1818black paisley oyster egg2
#1464black plastic oyster egg2
#370black polka-dot oyster egg14
#1166black striped oyster egg4
#268black velvet box1
#667blue paisley oyster egg6
#1676blue plastic oyster egg2
#1674blue polka-dot oyster egg2
#2623blue striped oyster egg1
🥈blue traffic cone1
#527bottle of gin26
#360bottle of goofballs69
#191bottle of rum424
#422bottle of tequila51
#437bottle of vodka36
#626bottle of whiskey35
#1368box of sunshine137
#36bubbly potion487
#635can of Red Minotaur4
#4139candy cane2
#998cheap toaster2
#507colored-light "necklace"1
#2702easter egg balloon6
#871empty blowgun1
#78fake plastic grass22
#3222fuzzy dice2
#53ghost cucumber604
#3941gingerbread bugbear1
#1683green beer2
#2677grue egg7
#154icy mushroom wine2
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#475lavender polka-dot oyster egg6
#810lavender striped oyster egg3
#1942loaded serum blowgun1
#589long-stemmed rose1
#379magical mystery juice17
#1984mauve paisley oyster egg1
#1187mauve plastic oyster egg3
#939mauve polka-dot oyster egg3
#971mauve striped oyster egg4
#134off-white paisley oyster egg15
#1207off-white polka-dot oyster egg2
#631off-white striped oyster egg4
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#397picture of a dead guy's girlfriend2
#214plexiglass pinky ring1
#420portable corkscrew17
#24potted cactus17,000
#1436pretty flower6
#529puce paisley oyster egg5
#1422puce plastic oyster egg2
#756puce polka-dot oyster egg5
#592puce striped oyster egg4
#13ravioli hat17,000
#852red paisley oyster egg4
#1391red plastic oyster egg3
#838red polka-dot oyster egg4
#1079red striped oyster egg2
#9red traffic cone1
#1300rib of the Bonerdagon1
#10rose-colored glasses1
#15seal-clubbing club28,540
#146severed rocking horse head3
#1863stainless steel solitaire1
#774tattered scrap of paper1
#1115tiny plastic Crimbo elf9
#2897tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer2
#488tiny plastic Crimbo wreath7
#592tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo6
#1361tiny plastic hermit4
#2899tiny plastic sweet nutcracker2
#1040tree-shaped Crimbo cookie1
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#382yellow paisley oyster egg7
#967yellow plastic oyster egg6
#512yellow polka-dot oyster egg4
#1637yellow striped oyster egg1

Wow, that's 69,334 items total!

what items are this player missing?