sane hatrack

sane hatrack

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This is a perfectly calm, inanimate piece of furniture primarily used for the storage of hats. It'd be handy to have around the house, unless it flipped its lid and went mad. But really, how likely is that?





#4Birdy, Tzabor, gonepostal and willied16


#8Buzzbuzz and Harml3ss5


#10Abikum, Adamdude, Bellyfuss1, Gauln, Hippie Dude, Leg o Lam, TKman1111, TheGreatOne and dimi3sky4


#19AJ_Rimmer, AmaraMagma, Draven1, EdFlash, Goodch, Jinya, Klowns, Mr_Jiggy, PacHINKOid, Riff, Tits Magee, Woahoho, blik, dfens73, eav, elarrina, mwahaha and wumbology3


#37Babaganoosh, Bandanaman, Cephyr, ClubberLang, ColdLakePromontory, CreOsOTe, Danger, Devore, DiscoAsco, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Dutton, Egs, ElronBean, FlerN_Dip, Fogfrog, Grayson, Grokly, Hayashida, Howling Rhombus, Itamaram, J1mmy, Jpatton, Kerchara, Lillith, Lord_of_Ants, MTM_Fminus, Nuheen, Orlando, PLUTONIUM, Poring Slayer, Pranksta, PuppyKisses, Rammerking, Rufus the Sequenced, Samantha Carter, StinkyWizzleteats Mall Multi, Tagliatelle, Vaginal Bloodfart, VeighS, Verg, WakeoftheBounty, YertElita, Yohman, Zaranthos, Zinnia, alfabit, bigcalm, biggreensupreme, brirye, cakyrespa, cdmoyer, diSCwORldiaN, eibbeD, eusst, evilstevie, fabrezio, furagu, hohofolderol, imthebigchief, john1008, jonnyjonny, joyrekz, justhappytobehere, kahroo, kashara, mEtropoliskID, mikelj, mmcbride, msin11, murphs, revel, rosedblood, scratch, sub, theKMT, unisus80, whitebear and yodaBABE2


#115APOCALYPSE THROB, AZgaRD, Aeslyn, Aestro, AgentRocko, AlephYin, AlienMarky, Amanda28, Amos Trask, Anakhra, AndrewTwarog, Androcles Antepasta, Arbos, Arc9, Archham, Ardsnard, Artie Effham, Ashallond, Asinine, AspicioAvis, Astraios, Augon, AuntBeast, AuroraGirl, AxiS Shadowbane, BAbyDufus, Babycakes, Bashy, Bazo, Beezu, BenzDoc, Bigbadbongo, Biohazzard, BlueBurro, BlueToad, BobbyNoPants, Boo_Hiss, Brainiac, Busta_Rhymes, BuyMEaRound, Caldric, CapHector, CaptainRondo, Catatonia, CathyOak, Catypoo, Ceirdwyn, Cenuij, ChristieBunny, Cocytus, Cosmosis Kwik, Crawly, Crunchy Hamster, CuriousGeorge, Dadacanaidu, Dah Cheese, Darmut eDrien, Darth Elmo, DasFrannen, Defenseman, Deimos, Demicanadian, Depro Fundis, Detention Monitor, DiNo_gS, DiscoDoris, DiscoGrim, Disneeyore1, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Doktor Noodles, Donavin69, Doodicus Maximus, Dr Strange, DrEvi1, Dr_Bruiser, DrunkenFrog, EPsonIC, Earth3141, EdsCool666, Ekirhal, El_Pirateo, ElainesBar, Emerilla, Eniteris, Escaflowne, FFiXMaster, FUzzy moNKeY, Farfalle al Dente, Firekast, Fish_and_Chips, Frankenberry, Frisbee, Frobisher, GSPS, Gaddse, Gemelli, Gleamglade, Gogoglovitch, Gonain, Gortsaus, Gracefire, Gretta Dean, Grommitt, Gromph, Grosspointte, Gwinnifred, HCN, HOldeRofSecrEts, Half Man Half Biscuit, Hatred_sheep, Haxxi, Heliouse, Hunkpapa, I said therefore, IMPaLIX, Immelan, Incarante, Jack Norris, Janine White, Jaydog, JenZahara, Jenn654, Jesus, Jherskow, JimHip, JimRules, Jimmeh42, JimmyJunk, Johnatton, Jonze, Juliet, Juntao, Kai85, Karmelya, Keptuvis, Kethoth, KitiaranYC, Klowni Hermanni, KnightOfTheRound, Krendel, Krinex, LaNz, LadyDelilah, Laftcadio, Lance_Lake, Landar II, Lew_b81, Lewy210, LoafingOaf, LobsterHime, Longuine, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord T1000, LordBobXIII, Lufskar, LustyPirateWench, LuvLuvChef, LynxShaman, Lyxia, Mac_Gyver, Madballs, Maeldwyn, MagFitch, Malosavich, Marcella, Mardie, Mariani, Market Demon, Marm, Master Bates, MeatMachine, Melon Squeezer, Merric, Mikel, Mistress of the Obvious, Mitchell, Mme_Defarge, Mondayne, Monkey Snort Soul Killah, Mookieproof, Mr HeadCase, NEURION, Naigg, Nasher, Natedogg, Nectaris, Nepo, Nikademus, Noskilz, Nuurgle, OHogan, OdMom, Otep, PC_Goldman, PSY, Pacone, Pakalolo, Pastahead, PathetiC, Percilus, Pertelote, PhilipJFry, Phlegmatic Phil, Pidgeons, PigRAT, PimpingWolfwood, Pixie Styx, Pixsi, PixySnot, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, PorcupineSpader, PremiumCut, Quagdogg, RENEGADE ROY, Rata Tooey, RedIrish, RedNeckReb, Rentsy, RigaTony, RockClimb, Rohan25, RubyLucky, Ryouki, S3phirothsdemise, SaintDogbert, Salem, Sapper, Satanic Claw, Satire, Saturday Night Fever, Savral, ScUd RuCkInS, Schwetty, Screw_You, SekJal, Sharkleberry Fin, Shellhead, SiLeNt bOb, Sicila, SlightlyEvil, Smoking Tongue, Snickles, SnoopyKIWI, Snugglypoo, Soda Popinski, SourMilk, Spiff, Spiffie, SpinneNetz, Splaily, Sporks, Spygame, Stargazer67, StraySatyr, Strumsie, SuM41, Suant_KaliMa, SwinginCelt, Sylpher, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TIny PlaStic impY, Tanivan, Tapsimancer, Tarantio, TechSmurf, The Broodwich, The Ghostly Shadow, The Godfather, The Possum Trot, TheBryant, TheLetterM, TheOtherSpike, Thucber, Thyforrest, Tolteca, Triantiwontigongolop, Tricksy, TurtleGirlPower, Tutori, Tz_BG, Uknitty, VelmaVelma, Verminous, Voltara, Warped12002, Whistlepig, WikkiD, Wilks, Wombaticus Ad Nauseam, WoodPigeon, Wylin, Xaod, Xortag, Yarple, Yendi, Yendor, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zero Cool, Zokuu, alacrity, ale, amextex, archon7777, b10b, badfeet, blubikbeneenvis, caducus, chacmool, clydefrog, cowmanbob, cthulhuette, darius180, dawg water, delFuego, delvis_one, domd, flerdle, fleshbot, fxer, gaihtf, geekvoid, gharp, giggles61920, girlina, hAckNslAy, hellskidoo, impactnoise, jWang, jackman6, jalana, jamfan14, jcrkk, jzen, kerdel, kidMissile, kitarakir, krodoc, lenny larker, mad ophelia, madamkiss, maestro13, moopill_2, morjax, morwen, mr_bibiloni, ms_gwyn, nerfherder, nevena, nivgod, noinamg, nvx, oIlyeye, oMa, omegageek, papertygre, phel, philbb, radicalpenguin, rastlehoff, raynstorm, rehbdan, rtaylor, rwnBiAD, shogie, sky88rule, smacfarl, smallboy, somoya, spineblaZe, spooq, spr0cket, squishy_one, tepesh, tilley, trapper737, tush the pastagirl, tuttle freely, ungarro, whizdad, wombatiam and yayamcg1
