
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
#814Blizzards I Have Died In1
#588C.H.U.M. knife1
#183C.H.U.M. lantern1
#699Frosty's frosty mug1
#16Frosty's iceball1
#667Hodgman's blanket1
#173Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin1
🥈Junior Adventurer's kit11
#6Junior Adventurer's merit badge1
#83Libram of Divine Favors1
#849Maxing, Relaxing1
#597Mr. Joe's bangles1
#1173Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster5
#6STYX deodorant body spray1
#129Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome1
#973Sensual Massage for Creeps1
#140Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts1
#946Summer Nights1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#136The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder1
#934Travels with Jerry1
#183Venus flytrap1
#678anniversary balloon1
#853anniversary gift box5
#147apathetic lizardman doll1
#643bed of coals1
#570bowl of fishysoisse1
#3981box of sunshine14
#110candy cornucopia1
#167cheap toaster11
#555concentrated garbage juice1
#568corncob pipe1
#99cotton candy cocoon1
#597cup of infinite pencils1
#43dead guy's piece of double-sided tape1
#615deadly lampshade1
#1117enchanted leopard-print barbell4
#743extra-greasy slider1
#634filth-encrusted futon1
#498flamin' bindle1
#578frayed rope belt1
#459freezin' bindle1
#562frigid air mattress1
#170fuzzy dice18
#82gilded lily1
#54haiku katana2
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#697jar of fermented pickle juice1
#581jar of squeeze1
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#609lewd playing card3
#105little box of fireworks1
#1295little paper umbrella1
#141llama lama cria1
#590long-stemmed rose1
#563lucky bottlecap1
#80naughty origami kit1
#133packet of mayfly bait1
#582panhandle panhandling hat1
#1206piece of wedding cake1
#1613pork elf goodies sack1
#554right half of a heart necklace1
#1175sandwich of the gods5
#115sane hatrack1
#511sleazy bindle1
#554spooky bindle1
#140spooky rattling cigar box1
#672stained mattress1
#493stinkin' bindle1
#70stinky cheese ball1
#152stuffed yeti1
#776stuffed zmobie1
🥇styrofoam peanuts1
#508three-tiered wedding cake1
#6tin rations3
#8trusty torch1
#600voodoo snuff1
🥈washboard shield1
#5white-label gin3

Wow, that's 153 items total!

what items are this player missing?