Thwaitgold cockroach statuette

Thwaitgold cockroach statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a cockroach made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. When all of your other statues have been disintegrated by nuclear bombs, this one will still be there. Not that you'll be around to appreciate it.

🥇Lord Kobel and Zanthia23




#5JLE and Kurtispj18


#7Cheesy Noodle17


#8Bale, Eroquin, Keogh and Mattematical14


#12Aramada, Lxndr, Veracity, Zorns Lemma, capn castom, ckb1 and randomx00713


#19Alan Gorealan, Aubra, Bubicus and Hugbert12


#23Jokei, LastChans, Morgana Rose and Starbearer11


#27Drakono82, Ima Blonde, Infopowerbroker and Lord Stefano10


#31Asterdw, Gringdor, InspectorX, KingFelix, Phil_N_Groovy, Splotz, TechRat, apenny and maxsnotwick9


#40Archham, Boesbert, Bonekicker, Chadomancer, Chunky_boo, Cpow83, DragoriusXp, Ezandora, Hepcat Merkin, HotTomato, KentKronos, Lobster, Makito, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Michael303, Mitochondrial Steve, Thumbtack, Tibbiara, Tombot, W0rm, cameron, eXtyNT, exixx, exkep, kirahvikoira, octopodey and rufuskin8


#67Amish Information Systems, Asmodais, Aunt Bettie, Borishaughingoff, CaptainUrsus, Chelonia, Chibz, DeathofPasta, DocRosey, Don the Failure, Foggort, Josim, Macdaddy, PeKaJe, Perkk, Phuata, Qalthos, Rand0mmaN, Spiffie, Spramen, Sven of the Dead, Thanonikes, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste, TwoLions, Vulcan9009, evil ed, hoohaw, jeanbern and poorlydrawnman7


#96Adite, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Biznatch, Darzil, Discdeath, Drar, Durf, Gawd uv Rawk, Gemelli, Gordito, Guthlaf, Jeedai, Jizmak The Destroyer, Lokiator, Lynn Gwynny, Magister30, MiB, Mindy, MonkeyMan200, Mr Knee, Mukiba, Murphy Brawn, Noskilz, Pineapple of Despair, SUGbert, Shrike42, Sprocket14, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Zulu Romeo, cyborgstan, dextrial, eXtYnt2, isNot, udon_rouge, vannflyhite and worthawholebean6


#132A Gressive Coffee Addict, A2Z, BarArdo, Belly16, Butts McGruff, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chaosblackwing, Cheesecookie, ChesterArthurXXI, Comrade_Petrof, Dessalvara, Destre, DosBoot, DrPlacebo, DuRhone, Eisler, End of Time, Fundamagargle, Gawea, GrooVay, Johnatton, Kol Miners Daughter, Larsi, Mangled Pumpkin, MonkeyPants23, Mopie, Mr_GlitterBall, MrcyBorg, Nekosoft, NeonHusky, SOOLAR THE SECOND, Squeegee McDoo, Tiaan, Turtlini, UnusualScar, Ven Naul, Ypp, Zavulon, abbywill, balbriggan, busstop82, darkcodelagsniper, greycat, jojomojo, larsi_kolbot and neugents5


#178Agburanar, Akatosh, Allis, Ampersans, Babaganoosh, Bee money, Bigquack, BorisTheSpider, CathyOak, Chromatic Walnut, Duke Larry, Elayle, Ereinion, Galapagos James, Gerbilman, Griffin777_, Gryphon_2, Helix Fossil, Honesty, J Random Adventurer, Joy, Kerrigan, KidCharlemagne, Kreegah, Krisjekwakje, MagicToast, Mme_Defarge, Nik, Nostus, Nurbleface, Oldsfrk, Pedersen, ProfessorKilljoy, Ragudantalus, Raymond Kinger, RedOne, SRO, SadOatcakes, Samog, SaulTheBoss, Smackers, SnackAttack, Soupenza, SupernovaMe, Tarrah Ryza, Tastee Boi, Trinity_Dalfae, WhollyCrap, Xande1, Yendor, Zinnia, adeyke, dark lich of doom, davidsan, dr3wrocks, fuzzything44, krae, myrth77, occupanther, panne, payguhn, rainierburger, roTINHell, shakezoola, shoptroll, sniffles, thug4less, virGINmary and windracer4


#247AXEBLADE, Amra, Arual, BacchicApollo, Balton, Batsubabe, Beljeferon, Biff Demiclaws, Blbbo, Charasan, Charlesque, ChevellemanX, DVB, DeadlyAngel, DeathNight, Dragonpaws, Efftien, ErnieR, Euan McLeod, FearlessX, Fig Bucket, Footstorm, Gaephrius, GrayVTrain7, Hasand, HayzeusChristo, Hellno, Infernau, Itsatrap, Jimothe, Johnny V, JudySeagram, Julitewn, Kirbydude616, Lizmeis, Longuine, Master Tortellini, Melon Squeezer, Mobilis, Psyche, PungentFungi, Raynor Markson, Ridiculy, Ryo_Sangnoir, Shelldor, Sherm Firmwood, Skipr, Slick Sam, Spicey McHaggis, Stereo Therapy, Stroganof Guy, SuperJen, Trebe, Tremayne, Triffels, Xero Storm, acm, axecat, de nisovan, disco basket, drgillybean, hngkong, jxqz, l33t_7h3iF and smoots3


#312AdjectiveFool, AltheWeird, Axt71, BDluttrull, Batisaw, Beleg_strongbow, BigLebowski1, Blackhorseman, Boogiecleaver, Brinkyhats, ButterflyGirlKMC, Celtic, Corant, Crex, DanaO, Derpins32, Devlin, Dinsdale67, Dirk Dinkler, Donavin69, Eluria, Foggy, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Garganelli, GeneGene, General_Kurt, Hairshirt, Hamusutaa, Happydance, Hardcore Foamy, Hawumph, Higgleton, Horngore Oxpoot, Hsilwo, ILILILI, Jaeshala, Jehanmandeville, Joquie, Kamis, Kara Rae, Keldar the Unbrave, Kenosaki, Khavren, King, King Stupid, Lanthir_nara, LeePopsicle1, Lincoln Home, Lord of Cake, Macaroni the Bent, Madchipmunk, Major159, Mayoress, Mike Antleg, Minkseru, Mirrorshades, Mister Tambourine Man, Mogwoggle, MoxieMolly, Nikademus, Ninjazombie, NoHassles, Novusuna, Pich Phenix, Prestige, Queen Zo, RAWberry400, Ripkus, Sairindhri, ShinyPlatypus, Shrek, Sir Indy, SisterCoyote, Slugshadow, SomethingAboutWindmills, SorenHauter, Stanislavia, Steve Fiddlehead, The Hangman, TheEruditeCarrot, ToffyTom, TriggerOfHel, UnkleDirtNap, Vaikyuko, Vigilamus, Volc, Volvo, WhoWantsToKnow, Williewanks, WiseFather, Xaldri, Xilundra, Zs bee, arbalaragan, biggreencow, bobdindian, catchops, chickenmaan3, espedair, estrojenn, fewyn, halfpenny, hyperme, icy toes, jjx175, kirByllAmA, kissi1977, lord linguino, magyk285, miniLizmeis, minion1stclass, reaighn, williabr, xKiv and x_Elysium_x2


#428ALAVG, Actually Steve, Aeralis, Ahorriblesn, Akael, Aleril, Ancientofearth, Anguaskye, Anonemuss, Apoptosome, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Arzea, AshleyC, AtomicPopcorn, Avandor, AvocadoPirate, Azizal, Azryhael, Azulien, BC_Goldman, BFlakes, Baltar, Bandanaman, Barry Tight, Batman080580, Bayushi, BillysBalloon, Biobob, Birdson, Blastphemist, Bloodlust, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, Bobomancer, Boozy Weather, Brandon_The_Sage, Brenea, Brew Geared, Brirad, Bruno2788, BuRNJoB420, BubbIeWrap, Busch Light, CK_, CafeBabe, Cagey Bee, Caitt, CalvsiE, Cancer Caboose, Captain Scotch, Captain Sensitive, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainCavemaniac, CaptainRondo, CaptainZeep, Cavatellia, Chron X, Chrysoares, Clawleone, Cobwebs, CombatSeal, Convictoria, Cookie, Corporal Pibb, Courtenay, Crack_Rock_Beat, Crazybone, Croft, Cruithne, Cynemem, Cyrean, DALEKSECOND, DJ Dungeon, Dah Cheese, Dahlie, DancesWithHobGoblins, DanteDim, Darth Lenore, Darth Twinkie, Dave the Mild, Daywalker, DeFalen, DeGrassi, Deadmanwalking, Deafgeek, DeaksDeetee, DirkDagon, DiscoShen, DiscordantSong, DjTeriyaki, Donutmaster, Doryna, Doughy Goo, Dr Ragon, Draconik, Dreamtears, Drewsie, DrownedWoods, Dryhad, Duddy01, Duvi, Dysis, Eclipsing, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Eevle, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Elpizothegreat, Embodiment, Emerilla, Erik the Lemming, Eyeball, Famoth83, Fatbob, Felgar, Ferocion, Fewmbert, Figfewdisgewd, FitzTheDestroyer, Frogstomp, Full Metal Jackie, Furian, Fyll, GadTheHero, GamesMaster, Ganomex, Gauln, Gedren, Genbu Cosplayer, George P Burdell, Gladstone, Glaister, Golfball, Goobertina, GorgeousGeorge, Grantasaurus, Graymalkin, GreatWyrmGold, Greylin, Grushvak, Guy Bone, HIDINGHERMIT, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, Hamfish, Hammered, HastiferArken, Herr Doktor Kleinfurz, Hinrich, HowardthyDuck, Hrotli, Hunkpapa, I have no hair, I said therefore, IAmtheDisco, Icon315, Il Cazzo, Imjachary1, Iridia, Irma La Douce, Isibeal, Izhebel, Izumiko, JAD, JMowgli1, Jack Harlequin, JayPro22, Jef, Jeff_3PO, Jeffio, JenZahara, Jeny, JerichoShade, JerseyBoy, Jibbly, Jinzo Fusilli, John Tesh, JoshZero, Juan Taco, Jugger, Kaela Wyrdbringer, Kafl, Kale Grace, KapmK, Kariin, Kariolo, Karptisyold, Kastaguy, KastleKrusher, Kavakava, Kayyisti, Kemistry, KennyMan666, Kenshin93, Kentonio, Khutulun, Kingdom Of Celibacy, Kinof, Kirana, Kittenbabble, Kopi11, Krakenna, Kyas, Kyzyx, Lady Tomo, Laorin, Lasagne, Laserrobotics, LeaMystery, LeafRivr, Lexitrix, LinkFromLoZ, Llamasoup, Loch Lomond, LordWallyWartbottom, Loys, Lucelle Ball, Lyle332, MOTH, Mad Matt, Major Meat, Major Woodrow, Majsju, Mana Yachanichu, MarenG9, Maria Mafaldine, Marlon Shakespeare, MayaB, Mco, MeGrimlock, MelKatts, Mifdsam, Miguelius, Misha_Z, Mister Edge, Mister Jinkles, Modgnik, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mooker, Moon, Morgain, MotherMary13, Multifarion, Murphalicious, Murrman, Mxyzptlyk, Myrmaker, MzSwan, Nabo81, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, NeogrimXIII, Neotrup, Neran, NeuviIlette, Nezt50, Nightvol, NikoNoes, Nithle, Nocsha, Nonia, Noone, Not another Bob, NotHere, OHogan, OOnuthin, Ogmok, Otto of Prussia, Owlish, Pa amb Tomaquet, PacHINKOid, Pai Anee, Palinchron, Pando the Gourmet, Pants_O_Rama, Pasta_Saucy, Pastahead, Pastino Pastarino, Pasztot, Pat McGroin, Patchy, Paugus, PepperCheez, Perpetua, Pestoned, Phillip the Cheessteak, Philosofik, PigPower, PigRAT, Pinge, Pinkkae, Plute0, PoolNoodler, PrehensileSpine, Prima Vera Angelhair, PureSax, PurplescreamII, QLou, QVamp, Quickbaby, RNGHeHateMe, Rabbit House, Rag Nymph, Ralar, Random String of Letters, RebusSohal, Reuben Sammitch, Ri Betani, Rick Tyger, Riley37, Rinnith, Rock N Rolla, Roguebandit, Ron_dogg, Rouxdolgh, Ruperts Minion, Ryo Noodlestorm, Saddler, Sal the Rapacious, Samitefan1, Samotheus, SandyFlash, SauceressCeres, Sayomi Kuronuma, Scytale, Sendaben, Serhina, Sethiroph, Shadoweh, Shakara, Sharuy, Sheber, Sheepdip, Shizzle42, Sir Biff, Sir Phil Shady, SkullRock, SkullZMinus, Slayer_Dragonwing, Slothpyle, Smex, Smiling Spectre, Snarkypants, Soba Rigatoni, Soft Drive, Solve_Omnis, SonataSword, Space Ace, SpaceFart, Spice Trader, SpiderLink, Spleenmaster, Splendor, St Thomas Pornificus, Stenson, Strong 3, Stylus_Index, Styre, Svetlana, Sweet Honey, Sweetokra, SyntheticSoul, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tango Rose, Taz, TehMorganator, Terrapin_Man, The Buccinator, The Fake Phoenix, TheKidlet, TheLetterM, TheMightyDOOM, ThePeace22, Theshyflasher, Thingamore, ThisisCarl, Thoth19, Thruddle, Thud the Barmaid, TillyMcMuffin, Timmy Linguini, Tortamir, Tortellini Joe, Totentanz, Tressa, Trick Deck, Tristifer, Tsukan, Tuga, Turtle Joe, Tweekums, Tweeky, TwirlyRotini, Tylere, Tyralan, Uncanny Adventurer, Uriel3ca, Valdus, Versil, Vesiv, Vicerious, Violet42, VioletRay, Vitellozzo, WaFFle_Reaper, Wapow, Watermill Barbosa, Weakling, White Candy, Wolfman6666, Wyvern Soul, Xanulin, Xopher_tm, YanYing, Yarple, Yarvin, Ygmar, Yo Its Joe, Zaravin, Zeklan, Zerg_Rush, Zerous, Zerstoren, Zirrrus, Zombie Feynman, a930, abcq2, albrong, aly77777, amytrip, anansi, angst in the butt, babberton, beaBEAST, billybobfred, blisterguy, bluespacething, bnlcaholik, bob the biter, caducus, cakeyblazed, cakeytaste, caroldanvers, catlover55, cheesyramen, chocofungi, dapanda, darabont, darkraven, dementia13, dfunkt, digitrev, dingo13and7, donutine, dumfulio, eChophANTom, eltrov, eppin, eskimodave, fergyball88, ghienel, glimb, governing butt surfer, gracie thorn, groggarth, grognak2000, grovel, gruper4, guaranteed, hellskidoo, herocaim, hoodoodle, hrdahl, hugslut, hypax, iaruk, icklefifi, idk anything, industrialpunk, invader doom, jaXal, jamie101022, jaspermeer, johnsorc, jon diaz, kashieda, katzva, kwhauck, lakings14, lazy_fire, lkgundel, lopey, lorien, lupus4, mARty mcfly, man tater, mangofeet, mark4851, mclean, ninety6days, nixon66, ohNOanotherPUTZ, ora henry, pastacooker100, penitence, pickten, psYcho_strEsS, pyroxgame, queer girl, reinstag, rgarz1, rickpay, rifforama, ronie macorole, rosa_hale, rossy boy, saucyBABE, scole, scorpionxx, sensibleb, sillyMoose, snow_clone, surrealkitten, tajian, tbell30, tbell31, the Left Hand Jack, theDork, themildone, threebullethamburgler, tjalle, totallyinnocentpasserby, uNnameD004, vertmem, wakela, werewolfman2, whizdad, wind0wlicker, window_licker, woem, wrldwzrd89, xXxSnappyxXx and zErTlY141
