Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette

Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a caterpillar made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. What will it be when it one day emerges from its thwaitgold cocoon? Who knows! Everything is insane!







#5Veracity and lAidAK24




#8Neran and The Amazing Mr Toothpaste21


#10Buried Anagram, G1R, LucaShoal and jojomojo18


#14Boesbert, Lobster, Nik, Spramen and jon diaz17


#19Infopowerbroker, Marge and andrough16


#22Cheesecookie, Gawea and White Candy15


#25Ima Blonde, Phil_N_Groovy and scullyangel14


#28Beardy Unixer, Lxndr, Macdaddy, Mafusail, MuggleGal, Redski, capn castom, kirahvikoira and xKiv13


#37Bale, Beljeferon, Drakono82, Eroquin, Foxy Boxy, JLE, Lord Stefano, MickyPain, SadOatcakes, Sherm Firmwood, TwoHearted_Flail, Yendor, Zanthia, Zerstoren, dementia13 and teh BRUCE12


#53Arkannoyed, Jokei, Julitewn, LastChans, MrMcFeely, Prima Vera Angelhair, SUGbert, garanimalstains and threebullethamburgler11


#62Borishaughingoff, CaptainRondo, Chromatic Walnut, Jizmak The Destroyer, Spiffie, exixx, gianterq, greycat and industrialpunk10


#71Aramada, Aubra, Bigquack, Busch Light, FXfghbg, Gordito, Hannibal Smith, Starbearer, TechRat, cameron, ebontane, littlelolligagged, quwertie and thug4less9


#85Celtic, Chibz, Damasta, Demonsquiggle, Disco Lord Ross, DiscoShen, Durf, ElectricChairJ, HIDINGHERMIT, Hasand, Hugbert, Irresponsibility, Mr Nooodles, Oztrich, Psata, Ragudantalus, Sakaki, SkyDrive, St Thomas Pornificus, Tibbiara, Tyche, UnusualScar, Van Diemens, YanYing, adeyke, fugarqueen, fureru23, futinc, oregeno and stuffandthings8


#115A2Z, Agburanar, Allis, AtomicPopcorn, Axt71, Brally, Cairnarvon, CannonFoddah, CathyOak, Chartan, Chelonia, ChesterArthurXXI, Chunky_boo, Corant, Dannyb0y, Dessalvara, Dinsdale67, DirkDagon, Donavin69, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Foggy, GadTheHero, Gawd uv Rawk, Hammered, Helicam, Hepcat Merkin, IAmtheDisco, Jawise, Joy, Kazyan, Kol Miners Daughter, Kurtispj, Larsi, Lord Kobel, MagicToast, Major Meat, MarxLenin, Mayoress, Michael303, Miles Bluefalls, Mishmash, Morgana Rose, MoxieMolly, Mukiba, Nekosoft, Pa amb Tomaquet, Pale, Pants_O_Rama, Pastahead, PeKaJe, PigRAT, Pooter the Flatuant, PungentFungi, Raymond Kinger, Rosella, SRO, Schik, Shelldor, ShinyPlatypus, Sir Tortell of Ini, Slothpyle, SnackAttack, Solve_Omnis, Spazmodic, SvenTS, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Thumbtack, Tiaan, Tombot, W0rm, Wheezer, Xandor, Xero Storm, abbywill, apenny, awaj2006, balbriggan, basbryan, bigevildan, blisterguy, caducus, creepypasta1, dapanda, dorian78, froodian, grognak2000, hellskidoo, hoodoodle, jWang, llamastrich, mat9h, metool, mockable, ohNOanotherPUTZ, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, shkspr, tbell30, tbell31 and williabr7


#214Actually Steve, Adeeda, Adite, AdjectiveFool, Akael, Akrim, Al Frodo, Alan Gorealan, AnAngryBlade, Anguaskye, Anonemuss, Archon386, Arual, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Asimantos, Asmodais, Aunt Bettie, AvocadoPirate, BC_Goldman, Babaganoosh, Balton, Batisaw, Batman080580, Bayushi, Bee money, Big Evil, BigDingle, BillysBalloon, Bioland, Bleeko, Bloodlust, Bobje Ratata, Bonekicker, BorisTheSpider, Boxof, Brinkyhats, Bubicus, CalvsiE, CaptainUrsus, CarltheChemist, Cayan, CecilBTurtle, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chadomancer, Chazriel, Chealsea, Cheat Ball, Cheesy Noodle, ChevellemanX, Chrtrptnt, Cobwebs, Comrade_Petrof, Cookie, Croft, Crunch10000, Cyrean, DVB, Darth Lenore, Darzil, DeaksDeetee, Delilah Jones, Destre, Discdeath, DiscordantSong, DocRosey, DoctorWeebl, Don the Failure, Doom_367, DoubleGold, DrPlacebo, Drar, Dregoth, DuRhone, DudeCats, EarthStone, Eclipsing, Efftien, Elayle, Eluria, End of Time, Ereinion, Erik the Lemming, ErnieR, Evil Dead Ned, Eyeball, FantasticSpandex, Fitje, Framistan, Frogstomp, Fundamagargle, Fyll, GaUSIE, GeneGene, General_Herpes, Glaister, Glitch, Gnocchus, Goldman Sachs, Gredashe, GrendelPrime, Gringdor, Grogum, Grushvak, Hamusutaa, HansGruber, Hanson The Mighty, Hippie Boy, Hiyamatic, Hojo Hominygrits, HotCha0, HotTomato, Icynewyear, Imjachary1, InspectorX, Isladar, Itsatrap, Izhebel, JDubbaYo, JackalKat, Jasper_Claire, Jeedai, Jef, Jeff_3PO, Jehanmandeville, JerseyBoy, Jesara, Jinzo Fusilli, Johnatton, Johnny V, Journ_O_LST_3, Juntao, KapmK, KentKronos, Keogh, Kerrigan, Khari, KidCharlemagne, Klatuu, Knackwurscht, Knud, Krisjekwakje, Kugli, KweenIsabelle, Kyta, LaRoni, LeafRivr, Lexitrix, Lincoln Home, Lokiator, LuciferShadowmere, Lyle332, Lynn Gwynny, MOTH, Macaroni the Bent, Magister30, Major Woodrow, Majsju, Mana Yachanichu, Mandoline, MarenG9, Mathesis, Mattematical, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Melon Squeezer, Mindy, Minuit, Mirrorshades, Misha_Z, Miss Sarah Jane Smith, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyMan200, MonkeyPants23, MontyPythn, Moon, Moon Moon, MoondogKP, Mopie, Mostachiollio, Mr Knee, MrFatso, MrSqueezeBox, Mrs Rittenhouse, Ms Bus Driver, Muush, Mystif, Nachunte, Nerdyfro, Nikademus, Noskilz, Nostus, NotaSandwich, OOnuthin, Ogmok, Omgaporing, Onilinkx, PacHINKOid, Parastra, Patamunzo Lingananda, Patchy, Perkk, Phantax, PheloniusFriar, Phillammon, Phrunicus, Pineapple of Despair, PolyesterMan, ProfessorKilljoy, QLou, QVamp, Qalthos, Queen Diem, Queen Zo, Quickbaby, RNGHeHateMe, Rainborn, Ralar, Rand0mmaN, Random Lee, Random String of Letters, Rejem, Rhitvor, RichardRahl, Rinnith, Ripkus, Rufus T Firefly, Ryo_Sangnoir, SOOLAR THE SECOND, Sairindhri, Sal the Rapacious, SalMonella, Samitchdoo, Sans the Comic, SarcasMage, Sayomi Kuronuma, SchrodingerCat, Shadow_Lugia, Shadowsinger, ShadyCheez, ShakenNotStirred, Sharky, Sichel, Sines314, Sir Biff, Sir Indy, SisterCoyote, Skent, Skipr, Skuke Lietalker, SleepingHare, Slick Sam, Slugshadow, Smackers, Snott, Soft Drive, Splotz, Sputnik, Stalh, Stereo Therapy, Stormcaller58, Strappy, Stroganof Guy, Stylus_Index, Styre, SuperYepa, Superechidna, Sven of the Dead, Tastee Boi, Terrapin_Man, The Patron Saint of Depravity, TheArtfulDodger, The_jb5000_battledroid, Thelonious, Theoklymenus, Thingamore, Thinker2112, Thoth19, TillyMcMuffin, Tissen, TomTurbo17, Totentanz, Trebe, Trinity_Dalfae, Turtlini, Uncle Ruckus, UnnAmed004, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Valdus, Vampirate, Vandire, Veeder, Velvet Knight, Ven Naul, VerySarcasticOne, Vindaloo Indaloo, Volvo, Weakling, Wendel XD, WhoWantsToKnow, WhopperJr, Whym, WreckedEm, Xenthes, Xevabis, Xilundra, YankaTexee, Yarvin, ZaphodB42, Zinc Saucier, Zinnia, Zirrrus, Zog_the_Flatulent, Zulu Romeo, axecat, bSmith, babberton, billybobfred, blaisenwolf, bum51, c2t, caroldanvers, chickenmaan3, ckb1, cometdave, crimbohemian, crystal_ingram, cyborgstan, darknessfalls90, de nisovan, deathshade, destroyerbeacon, digitrev, dotts, dragonbane79, eQerxar, eXtyNT, eppin, erct657, estrojenn, exkep, fewyn, fuzzything44, glebs, hallehoopma, hekiryuu, hellboy12, herocaim, hngkong, iaruk, icy toes, isNot, jeanbern, jodez4, kagero, kirByllAmA, koneone, kwhauck, lACEy jONEs, larsi_kolbot, lkgundel, lordsuZAKU, lupus4, mcscootagu, mr patterson, neugents, nq2holic, octagon8, octopodey, padth, panne, rainierburger, rickpay, roTINHell, rufuskin, salticid, scorpionxx, sensibleb, sephy2006, stealthhunter, taltamir, theDork, thelagmonster, tkrun42, umnitza, vega, viandebaiser, virGINmary, windracer, wrldwzrd89 and zeroflexflyer6


#605Anthony Bourdain, Ayana, BDluttrull, Badassimus Prime, Beavis P_Ness, Biff Demiclaws, CafeBoob, Captain Scotch, CaptainCavemaniac, Chili man, CoupleK, Dirk Dinkler, DosBoot, Eddie Trojan, Eevilcat, Findali, Giestbar, Gryphon_2, Javamonkey, Jibbly, King Stupid, Linknoid, Pedersen, Saucemaster Dan, Sprocket14, Triffels, TriggerOfHel, VioletRay, Wyvern Soul, Zerous, alBATross, chalon9, dextrial, didion, disco basket, dterphraud, harumph, idk anything, mangofeet and xrm15


#645AzAngel, BarArdo, BaronessRatsworth, Bassvamp, Beige, Boogiecleaver, Caitt, CaptainSpam, Chiasa, DJ Dungeon, Dashzap, DrthTater, Duckmartins, Duke Larry, Dylea the Metal Weaver, Elachim, Galapagos James, Ganomex, Graymalkin, HastiferArken, Hustle, James1011R, Joquie, Kenosaki, King, King Dave, Lena Linguine, LinkFromLoZ, Loathmast, Lord_Towers, Loys, Major159, Master Tortellini, Millavanilla, Mogling, Oldsfrk, Ryebread, SamhaineTsuke, Stingerano, Tarrah Ryza, Tawt Strat, The Full Metal Archivist, Tz_BG, Volc, VonZero, Vulcan9009, Wolfboss, Zorns Lemma, abigailbrand, ademarco, gxam, hotdeth, imnotapinata, kurtASbeStos, nardo polo, no one 1, payguhn, termagant, the Left Hand Jack, whizdad, worthawholebean and ztrauq4


#707Aldo13, AltheWeird, BacchicApollo, Beldur, BigLebowski1, BlueAppo, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, BubbIeWrap, Cactus Pillow, Charasan, Chipchaw, Chocolust, Coorong Jack, Cruithne, CrzyMdScntst123, Dominion, Dubs Freely, Dysis, EasilyDistracted, FSM Worshiper, FinaiAttack, Four Fig Newtons, Freckleguy, Fujiko, GamesMaster, General_Kurt, Gerbilman, Gloria Teasdale, Grantasaurus, Guthlaf, Handhand, Happydance, Hunkpapa, Icon315, Janus_Stark_, JayPro22, Jugger, Kabiffany, KingBobson, Logan Five, Lord_of_Ants, Mangled Pumpkin, MayaB, Mellissaleo, Myrmaker, Nerdyfro3, NoctiBeard, Nodosaurus, Noone, Omnibus, Oneshot, Padoogie, Paugus, Perire, Pienewman, Pithlit, Plethora, PsyMar, Psycomaniac, RandomExtremity, Ridiculy, RouxBrewer, Sacreth, SandyFlash, Sarcasm, Sassy Staci, Scarf, Sexy Lexy, Shure Song, Sloon, SneakyPeter, StopThatTimeRave, SweetChaos, Thruddle, Thunderbeef, Tremayne, VanDamien, Violet42, WiseFather, Xanulin, Ypp, Zasqdddas, Zombie Feynman, cymen, darabont, deathsausage, emc2, emiT, ichi, kokille, lazy_fire, lethalbyte, lopey, maxsnotwick, minion1stclass, phyllis dietrichson, pyroxgame, s l e e t and xwingace3


#806ALAVG, ANameILike, AXEBLADE, Additional Pylons, Aeralis, AntiErr, Arzea, Asdfghx, Astorius, Avandor, Barry Noodlebrow, BlackVelveteen, Bo Peep No Sheep, Boogee_Man, Boozy Weather, BowToChris, Capoke, Captain Yaksworth, CoolandAverageGuy, Corporal Pibb, CrassMandoo, Creepermania9, DanaO, DeGrassi, Derpins32, Dirty31, Discomuffin, Djansou, Dr Danger, Dr Ragon, Dreamtears, Dryke, Dudefromaway, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Faustisnot, Ferocion, FetusXmas, Figfewdisgewd, Flumpmaster, Footstorm, Frosty Fox, Garlyle, Gatito, George P Burdell, Golfball, Goobertina, GorgeousGeorge, GrayVTrain7, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Griffonics, Hairshirt, Hawumph, Howdy Masterson, Hsilwo, ILILILI, Iridia, JamesMatte, Jams, Jezdar, Kafl, Kana, Kariolo, Kayamba, Khavren, Kincaid, KittyFreeze, Kriana, Laserrobotics, Leviathon220, Llonys, LordGrape, Lysander2, Makito, Matt_afi, MeLcator, Meaticus, Megarop, Merlinus Pastorian, Mezzo_soprano, Mike Antleg, Minerslave4, Mobilis, MooFrog, Mooker, MrCrayon, Mr_GlitterBall, Myrtle, Nashtinka, NeoDream, Nerdyfro2, NeuviIlette, Ninjazombie, NotHere, Nurse Janeway, Odd Alfred, Oliver Sudden, OokamiNya, Paran, PassTheRemote, Philosofik, Phred Green, Pokey the Brave, PolkaNDBack, Prestige, Psyche, Rabbit House, Ragarth the forgetful, Referencer, Riley37, River_Song, Roguebandit, Saddler, Sativarg, Scrabblewench, Seaxburh, Shadoweh, Sial, Silvermoon13, Sinthos, Smithengarde, Snugglypoo, Son of Yoduh, Spindle Legged Stork, Stan Maskelyne, StuTissimus, SuperJen, Sven Northwest, SwenQ, Tectle, TeeEmEff, TehxDownfall, Terps, That Name Is Already Taken, The Hangman, The Nekomancer, The Queen of Rock, The Serised, The Warden, TheBluePhantom, TheGreatReferencer, Thud the Barmaid, Tom42, Uriel3ca, Versil, Vesuvion, Vigilamus, Wallace, Whale Clubber, Wolfman6666, Zarr, Zeklan, ZodiacZero, ann ihlator, arbalaragan, biggreencow, blacksands, breakingamber, ceramic windpipe, dark lich of doom, darkgreycat, deadprettysoon, dr3wrocks, e7ora, eskimodave, iMegan, invader doom, jmasta, kissi1977, koutetsu, l33t_7h3iF, lma0nade, lorien, magyk285, mastermauler4, miniLizmeis, nixon66, peter petrelli, sassy staci2, tHegERb, themildone, theredjames5, vertmem and woem2


#989A Gressive Coffee Addict, A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aaramir North, Acrinde, Aggie Punbot, Aivilo, Akatosh, AlanQSmithee, Amarand, Amish Information Systems and Amra1
