
🥇Arr, M80199,000
#23Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (crumpled)1
🥇Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 (used)2
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 (used)1
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 (used)1
#859Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette4
#296Thwaitgold amoeba statuette2
#659Thwaitgold butterfly statuette2
#707Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette3
#1420Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette1
#1948Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette1
#143Thwaitgold listening bug statuette2
#629Thwaitgold mosquito statuette1
#390Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette2
#246Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette8
#30Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette42
#816Thwaitgold slug statuette1
#1956Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette2
#812Thwaitgold termite statuette5
#213donated booze45
#319donated candy20
#227donated food42
#144duct tape wallet12
#194ert grey goo ring1
#198fancy seashell necklace86
#60fat wallet32
#8food drive button1
#87half of a gold tooth48
#24handful of tips161
#97huge gold coin101
#118massive gemstone33
#167old coin purse88
#137old leather wallet98
#82pile of gold coins46
#60pixel coin12
#82pixellated moneybag19
#80really nice lump of coal1
#47roll of meat8
#192shiny stones38
#138solid gold bowling ball134
#87solid gold jewel11
#482steamy ruby1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#43tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#41tiny plastic Penny1
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#54valuable coin35
#529valuable trinket147

Wow, that's 200,310 items total!

what items are this player missing?