La Fantasma y La Oscuridad

La Fantasma y La Oscuridad

🥇Mistress of the Obvious2,696


















#11Tokyo Baby259


#12phantom fox223




#14Parco Molo181








#18Rokov and testostronaut154




#21gross dude144






#24Splotz and Stabotron135






#28HackandStabby and Lorad125




#31The Possum Trot120




#33Pando the Gourmet117








#37ErnieR and Lime_Burner111




#40sleepy G107






#43Bobje Ratata and Wheremydemonslie104


#45Zombie Feynman103


#46Darkling, Weird Alexis and caducus100




#50DellyBelly and KTara98




#53I am here_why, I said therefore and hellmut96






#58Aro CantCatchABreak and Ernie Maskelyne92






#62Babaganoosh, Noskilz, Now I know why, Pumpkinheadme and Tibbiara86


#67Pokey the Brave and Tom80885


#69rosa blanco84


#70Sweet Honey83


#71Stan Maskelyne82


#72Drewsie and Rokusho99981


#74Lady Tomo80










#79Gullwhacker and LastChans71




#82Grellden and Kilcannon68


#84Rev Maskelyne and Sceptileus67




#87Delilah Jones62






#90Generic Hero56


#91DJ Dungeon and Talonic55




#94Irritant and spaghettigirl53




#97QueenOfTheNight, Shoop8000 and Sololord48


#100Immelan and Roland Of Gilead45




#103DVB and Infopowerbroker41


#105Mana Yachanichu40






#108DuRhone and LumberingOaf34








#113cubeof11 and myxlplyx28




#116Erichwanh, Zs bee and thor from the village in the n26




#120Magister30, Requium and liffe24


#123Magnus Thunderblade and enigmator22


#125ARthuR the human and Retro_Thrusters21


#127Lord_Josh and lopey19




#130Foxy Boxy17


#131Athanatos, Boxy Brown, Hsilwo, Kara Rae, Naked Knight, Tatami and legom716


#138Dizhei and jon diaz15




#141Junestar, Samotheus, Snott, Zeklan and lich13513


#146Lizmeis, Mirrorshades and lupus412


#149Chelonia, Dogola, Donavin69, Grim Digger, MysticalMolly, Oldsfrk and Princess Erin11


#156Antic the Fearless, Lord Stefano, Lysander2, Snugglypoo and petreska10


#161Asixton, Baltar, Sal the Rapacious, SnackAttack, Zirrrus and beaverface259


#167DaBaddestHic, Eohdorr, Jehanmandeville, Nightvol, Ranzer and Sakurabisu8


#173DancesWithTrekkies, Destre, DirkDagon, Gatito, Itsatrap, Misha_Z, aenimus and mskc7


#181Kurtispj, Mongrel the Apathetic, Pettry La Dishe, PolyesterMan and Rabbit House6


#186Bioland, Crabcancer, FunRunningBotGuy, HMSRobotman, Infernau, Kneegrow, Lush Slacker, Wheezer, Yatsufusa, andreaes, cymen, gulaschkanone and hiimchels5


#199CaptainRondo, Grantasaurus, Joquie, MrSqueezeBox, OHogan, Terrapin_Man and koneone4


#206AtlanteanScion, Big Evil, Galapagos James, Lord_of_Ants, MeLcator, Ms Bus Driver, Talsgar, darabont, eXtyNT, miniLizmeis, mockable, pgunn, poorlydrawnman, scudunculus, sensibleb and thexmanlight3


#222Bob the Not Very Good, Crono725, Damasta, DiscoFevaDiva, Godspeed, Hanson The Mighty, Keldar the Unbrave, NotHere, PJ45, Skittius, Sprite Lee, TAFKAP77, Wolfman6666, disco basket, eav, gaihtf and queenoftheNAUGHTiez2


#239Aerin Frost, Al Frodo, Alldarker, AlteredState, Aybara, B A Takaline, BanditAlt, Beavis P_Ness, Biff Demiclaws, Boesbert, Bradley Morris, Brenea, Brirad, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, Charasan, ChevellemanX, Cobwebs, Crazy Larry, Creelie, Dah Cheese, Desmondman1, Dessalvara, Doom_367, DosBoot, Emerilla, Ezandora, FredericaBlue, FrenchiePoo, Fronobulax, GGXTCC, Greeny30, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, HappyDeadChicken, Harry Canyon, Hexatomb, HotCha0, Hulinut, IAmtheDisco, Idran, Idu, Jashler, Jaylee, Justin Smoak, KamikazePilot, Kastaguy, Kharmic Justice, Leaper, Lendezco, LiamAndMe, Lichylich, MOTH, Master Grimwulf, Mc7Man, Mco, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Melvin DoOver, MiB, Mike Antleg, Mister Edge, Mme_Defarge, Morgoth1145, Mystif, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, NeverWashThis, NightRipper, Ninja Karl, Nodosaurus, Noirlecrow, Nonia, Olorin, OnyXx, Out Of Adventures, PanSolo, Pasticles, Perkk, Phantom Stag, PigRat, PsyMar, Psychonaut, Putricia, QVamp, Qpnaosc, QueenBea, ROdger_FLint, Rasslindad, Razorbell, Red Cup, Rejem, Reso, Reuben Sammitch, RubyLucky, Ruto, Ryo_Sangnoir, Samog, SisterCoyote, Skipr, Smackers, Snarkypants, Soba Rigatoni, Space Ace, Spenk Bengalu, Stupid_hippy, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, The Mountebank, The Other None, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, The_Dancing_Viagra, Thor, ThrowAChairAtMe, TriggerOfHel, Van Diemens, Vorzer, Yarple, ZaphodB42, Zauc, Zerous, Zolobatron, aaaaaaargh, agargan, akiraadam, apisguy, coffindodger, dorian78, eXtYnt2, emiT, jWang, l33t_7h3iF, meatcheese, noinamg, octopodey, proven, runeslayer, salticid, shengii, windracer and xKiv1
