dull fish scale

dull fish scale

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This fish scale is really dull. I mean... it just... sits there.

🥇Man Mobile1,300,000










#7Sal the Rapacious7,226


#8Mistress of the Obvious6,969












#14Lord Enzo2,921




















#24Galapagos James840






#27Don Quai Poncerello707






#30Buff Muscularo613




#32crash bang boom541








#36Artie Effham461


#37Olaf the Hungry439




#39KaniBal Klown429
























#51Hallan Meras and agargan274






#55Mongrel the Apathetic252










#60Pig For Brains223




#62Plucky and bergelveist209


#64Onion Dagger201








#68Late nite Ramen182












#74Franco the Corsair159


#75CA Dude142


#76Misha_Z, TTBoyArDee and Viridinia140














#85apisguy and rivet rose iv121








#90Gustavef and Kneegrow113


#92Magnus Thunderblade, MinaPoe and Poncho the Sane111




#96The Heap109




#98Terrapin_Man and ballerina101


#100ArsianDuck, Club, Darkling, Dimloep, caducus and strawdog100


#106Fish Food23092




#108BlackThunder and andreaes88






#112Cold Pizza84




#114bluedancer and sfwarlock76


#116Atronach and Bobje Ratata74






#120LastChans, Space Ace and Stormcaller5870


#123crystal_ingram and goodknight69


#125Elishatheman, bisky and pisksy68




#129ElronBean and Pedeka65


#131Mars the Infomage and queenoftheNAUGHTiez64


#133kitty puncher 363




#135Cinagro and allen_zhangcool61










#141DarkLady, Lost Gypsy and binarybookworm52


#144Damic, Moxious Monkey, Rikmach and icKygiRl51


#148Martavius, Moraglar Khilen and Tz_BG50




#152McFishy, cubeof11 and ladderman48






#157Eivindur and Kareth45


#159Djinn the Third and Kaas Chuig44


#161Farflier, Sir Sir for Sure and WorkerDrone43


#164Fokai, Wintermute and iMMASMASHYOFACE41


#167Castiel, CoupleK and Jeddiah40


#170DeeDee and Master Grimwulf39


#172Cryanger and Cthulu_Zombie38


#174Dire Seaslug, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Pumpkinheadme and Wylin37




#179Darth Steve, antic THE FEARless and salome35


#182Babaganoosh and Kurtispj34


#184Phantom Stag33




#186Ishna Herny31


#187Darth Elmo, Lotta Potz, Qwerky, Sir Jefe, StaffordMeister and Voldreya30




#194Candice Dick, LoverPrimeNumbah, TheBrent and smurgle28


#198Jehanmandeville, Miss Tarball, Stabotron, muskratlove and slotwin27


#203General_Herpes, Lungbutter and Malik26


#206Electro, Luc1fer, Snapperjack and mwahaha25


#210Aldarana, Circe, Frodo Ramone, Grizzled the Grizzly, Jill Apagos, Retro_Thrusters, Targrod, chickstar, iamSoupCombust and l4g0s24


#220BenzDoc and Braxi23


#222Oldsfrk, Pasta Thief and TheSilentMantis22


#225Brew Geared, FrenchiePoo, Mansausage and bobsyouruncle21


#229Cinder, Salsa Picante and bumblebea20


#232Drag0n, Lagorio, MikeMillsJr, WalterWongC, fatesjoke01 and unisus8019


#238AlmAlphiA, BabaRam dAss, Dik, Jidam, Pertelote, SpyderMunkey and star fury18


#245ElVatoLoco, Greycloak, Leon, Lewdguini and Malathos17


#250CreOsOTe, Gweedus, Karamazof, Me33333, OHogan, hoyifung05 and rapty16


#257NewTexas, hoyifung04 and santifaller15


#260Defying, PopeHope and malalalalenanana14


#263EarWaxMax, Hermster, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Mugglywumply, PegLeg, SignorSenor, Tom_the_Dancing_Bug, jackenape, koneone and xheathenx13


#273Brat forcE, Darmut eDrien, HIYOUYOUSUCK, glaucos, lonerbear and me the CAT12


#279Archipelago71, Bean, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, Clubbrz L337, Donavin69, DrewT, Jeny, Lokiator, Lord_of_Ants, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, PokeyMan, RazorGerbil, SnackAttack, Thud the Barmaid, Water Dragon, lhart7907 and the_Khamul11


#298ARthuR the human, DosBoot, GecoLupesco, GpHerder, LetsT, Lord Stefano, PassionFever, Truckdriver999 and nimrod_110


#307Gloria Teasdale, Jack Flandars, Olorin, SBD, Sir Nighcrawler of wormhole, Strych, Tariya Bonedigger, TastesLikeChicken, TeamDave and Webseer9


#317Boboe, ChaseZ, Chicken in Black, Destre, Forrozeiro, Kaspersai, Kayess, Musikat, NooDel, Ramonphilius, Sunday, Valryia, Wes Aaronson, completebastich, jadefishes, more better, myrth77 and tanstaafl8


#335Alf, Brass_Bandito, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dysamyne, Hanson The Mighty, Jzzybbe, LntiX, Mitza, Rayi, Schmaltz, Sklar, Tasogare101, VelmaVelma, Weird Alice, darkraven, home_grown75 and mylittlesister7


#352Bad Clown, CBParker, Caplin, Lana Sorcery, Now I know why, Raudy Gabriev, Revane, Rosa Noodlemeister, Sennin, ShoTheBandit, Sprucer, erTEST1, faire isle mittens, muskratlike, mylittlebrother, oompa, rcog, sensibleb and whiskey0026


#371Angetet, CoconutHalf, King_of_Fate, Muhandes, Noodlehead, The Cowardly Swagman, TipsyBandit, Viki, eibbeD and howlin_mad5


#381Aduine, Chewbud, Decomposer, Dorkomatic, Dyne A Might, Jashler, LustyPirateWench, MaxEarWax, Miss Informed, PolyesterMan, Saran, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, The Funktipus, Tia the Fish, aClArie, john1008, medusa, pLaster and teke1844


#400BadTrillian, BigSchtick, Boxy Brown, BrassOnes, ChubbsMcKenzie, Dudicle123123, ELROSS, FatQuack, Felisleo, Geremiah, Highwaywoman, Hulyen, JR Trolkin, Kill Snowly, LuckyPuck, Macdaddy, Mad Dudy, PixySnot, Rhyet Swordmistress, Silverhands, Solve_Omnis, The Cereal Killers, Wildcat_693, case, jlc2, mr0t, serengeti and suwakia3


#428Arties Son, Baranduin, BeefThief, BigdoG, Buckley, Danza, Derdrom, DrBoneGagger, DreamTune, Eron, Evangelist_Nine, Frxnix, Guppopolis, Habib the Unsightly, Hunkpapa, JCS, Joggeline, Keldar the Unbrave, Misti, MooCow1, PinballLizard, PrinceCandyAss, Soba Rigatoni, StuStu, Svidrigailov, Third Burglar, Vivasor2, delvis_one, dumpybabe, h00k, harald2012, jcrkk, kissenger, littlemissy, madamkiss, maliphik, pestodigator, shkspr, sultry and zoidman2


#468Aetch, Al Frodo, Aldus, Alex Spence, Alldarker, Allora, AltheWeird, AnchoPete, Androcles Antepasta, Antunar, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Arkose Realgar, Army, Ashles, Asinine, Avanar, Aybara, Azagoroth, Azoun, B A Takaline, Badde Hugs, Baltar, Baron von Chickenpants, Beavis P_Ness, BjM, Black Swordsman, Blauqy, BlindMonk, Blit, BongSwatMatt, Boondog_Dan, Bortlby, BrainpanSonata, Brandon Koh 1, Brannon, Brickus, Brirad, Buff Alo, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, CaptainRondo, Chaiden, Chaos_Rabbit, Charasan, Chartan, Chelonia, CodSmack, Convictoria, CsCaudata, CuddlyBear, Dah Cheese, Damascus, DefiniteOtaku, Delilah Jones, DellyBelly, Dessalvara, Dikiyoba, Disco Sam, Doctor Nick, DrEvi1, Drema, Drondh, El Lombris, Emerilla, Enchilada Sauce, Eoghnved, Escaflowne, Evil Spawn of Molly, FMguru, Faded, FairyCharmed, Fearium, Fenghuang, Firbaelvan, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, Garthim, Ghent, Gildon Dancypants, Gimp, Glerf, Gracefire, Grand Puuba, Greeny30, Gustalph, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, HappyDeadChicken, Hrag, Idran, Ironbar Blackfinger, Irritant, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Isvarka, Jaydog, Jaylee, JohnDoe244, Justin Smoak, Kaboon, Kaljatukku, Kallious, KamikazePilot, Kanco, Kastaguy, Katarra, KillerNoj, KnifeDancer, Koriandr, Kwycstix, Ladril, Lady Bladethrust, LameGuy, Lendezco, LepRECon, Lerxt, Lina_Meatverse, Loachette, Lord Noob, Lucelle Ball, MadddddDog, Maduo, Magnamanus, Marge, MarxLenin, Master Mizara, Mathwega, Maxstick, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, MechBane, Meester Slow, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, MiB, Mike Antleg, MissHap, Mme_Defarge, Moggil, Mondor, Motley Twit, MoxFulder, MrDeFault, Mr_Master, Muffin Break, Mynar, Myspace_will_end_the_world, Mystic_Potato, Mz_NuNu, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, NightShayde, Nimnak, Ninja Karl, Nirsh, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Nonia, NotsupposedtobeherE, Numeron, OmegaZone, OneToMany, OnyXx, Optimus747, Originalcyn, Osbert, PSY, Pajspaj, PatcheyePete, Pawlifer, Penguin Overlord, Pennergy, Perkk, Phlylgenion, Phrim, PigRAT, Pineapple of Despair, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, Princess Erin, Professor Jumbo, Pronell, PsyMar, Psychonaut, QGrav42, QVamp, Qpnaosc, Quaxalot, QueenBea, QuiCksteR, Quothz, Rathskellar, RawManiac, Rebel SMURF, RedIrish, Repo Man, Reuben Sammitch, Ritzenbunnik, Rogorx_THEmadd, Roma, RubyLucky, Russano Greenstripe, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, Samog, Saucy Sauceror, SchadenJason, Scroffy, Sea Otters, SealClubberForLife, Selenia Wolfwood, Shellie_Webster, Sherissa, SilverbackTiger, Skipr, SkullRock, SnottyRag, Somber Goat, Somebody314, Sophonax, Souper Tuna, Splendor, Spunky, Squall Thrawn, Squire of Loathing, Squirt Shorts, Stan Maskelyne, Stinkman06, Styre, SweeneyTodd, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TaPol, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tarpy, Teronic, That Guy Person, The Grand Ragu, The Indomitable Hump, The Mushboom, The Other None, The PLANET Pluto, TheDotGamer, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, The_Hick, TigerMom, Tim the Unchanter, Timemutt, Tom Waits, Totentanz, Towanda, Trek Terp, Trompe Loeil, TurdHerder, TurtleGirlPower, TwoDrink, Tykinruoka, UBEL, Unconventionable, Vaneswprd, Vekel the Man, Vitrier, Vlinderke, Vorzer, Wagr, Wapow, Witchy, Wombatling, Wr3cktangle, Xiombarg, Yatsufusa, Z3RO, Zauc, Zeklan, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zolobatron, Zoolagarl, alfabit, allmitybob, amegalily, baixar, benchilada, blue waka, boyrdee, bulbocapnine, burgie12, cakyrespa, ccox10, chanaleh, chica, cnutt, copperbottom chef, corneliusv, coryvanmeter, cullythecat, dEMIT, daanolav, davidsan, delFuego, delFuegoBM, disco flying monkey, dragin204, dremel, duck3, e_maleficent, eskimodave, gaihtf, hotdeth, j01041999, jWang, jalana, jamie101022, jetboy99, jzen, kaihern, liliaceae83, llahbocaj, malphador, meatcheese, mhwombat, mhwombats notsoevil twin, micros the tiny, moddey, morwen, narutobambu1, nospiNe, octopodey, pOOx, pandaba, pariswhitney, polka dots, ribzer, rickyfingers, rpxx, runeslayer, scalesiAn, scorpionxx, shengii, skywise13, snarfies, trillian1977, turgy22, twinkel, us3r1d, wednesdaylol, windracer, wudy, xKiv, xephyne, xtuesdayx, zmb and zombiedust1
