🥇 | art | 17,499 | |
🥈 | artoo | 17,000 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | Expensivy | 16,917 | ⤴️ |
#4 | SoftwareGuy | 16,495 | ⤴️ |
#5 | Asgard, DeepThought, EagleOfThor, Violist and wonko | 16,000 | ⤴️ |
#10 | FistOfDoom | 15,000 | ⤴️ |
#11 | Mistress of the Obvious | 5,469 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Mac_Gyver | 5,300 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Pumpkinheadme | 4,631 | ⤴️ |
#14 | Whitefiver | 4,452 | ⤴️ |
#15 | PhilThese | 3,877 | ⤴️ |
#16 | dagwoodmcd | 2,400 | ⤴️ |
#17 | queenoftheNAUGHTiez | 2,201 | ⤴️ |
#18 | eav | 2,200 | ⤴️ |
#19 | Tibbiara | 1,705 | ⤴️ |
#20 | Nikademus | 1,681 | ⤴️ |
#21 | Artie Effham | 1,568 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Zavulon | 1,515 | ⤴️ |
#23 | kirByllAmA | 1,509 | ⤴️ |
#24 | PokeyMan | 1,500 | ⤴️ |
#25 | LastChans | 1,474 | ⤴️ |
#26 | Scattaloquarious | 1,300 | ⤴️ |
#27 | the_loath_ranger | 1,254 | ⤴️ |
#28 | Snugglypoo | 1,248 | ⤴️ |
#29 | Snarkypants | 1,142 | ⤴️ |
#30 | aenimus | 1,007 | ⤴️ |
#31 | eon | 1,004 | ⤴️ |
#32 | Wheremydemonslie | 959 | ⤴️ |
#33 | Dorngen | 951 | ⤴️ |
#34 | testostronaut | 941 | ⤴️ |
#35 | Noskilz | 875 | ⤴️ |
#36 | agargan | 843 | ⤴️ |
#37 | Inconnu | 793 | ⤴️ |
#38 | LiamAndMe | 774 | ⤴️ |
#39 | Donnikko | 680 | ⤴️ |
#40 | giygus007 | 668 | ⤴️ |
#41 | Nfika | 636 | ⤴️ |
#42 | dumpybabe | 617 | ⤴️ |
#43 | mskc | 516 | ⤴️ |
#44 | Oldsfrk | 511 | ⤴️ |
#45 | futinc | 508 | ⤴️ |
#46 | Kugli and The Possum Trot | 500 | ⤴️ |
#48 | MrTester | 483 | ⤴️ |
#49 | Foggy | 368 | ⤴️ |
#50 | Gofer | 352 | ⤴️ |
#51 | mara jade | 311 | ⤴️ |
#52 | Optimus747 | 308 | ⤴️ |
#53 | Onion Dagger | 300 | ⤴️ |
#54 | Poncho the Sane | 296 | ⤴️ |
#55 | Dae su Oh | 285 | ⤴️ |
#56 | Sololord | 270 | ⤴️ |
#57 | DarkSpuddle | 262 | ⤴️ |
#58 | Circe | 258 | ⤴️ |
#59 | beowuuf | 234 | ⤴️ |
#60 | BlueThunder | 212 | ⤴️ |
#61 | Skent | 202 | ⤴️ |
#62 | redfoxtail | 192 | ⤴️ |
#63 | siege72 | 191 | ⤴️ |
#64 | Kill3rQu33n | 190 | ⤴️ |
#65 | zmobieDementor | 187 | ⤴️ |
#66 | General_Herpes | 182 | ⤴️ |
#67 | osc630 | 174 | ⤴️ |
#68 | Archmage84 | 168 | ⤴️ |
#69 | chimericthorn | 163 | ⤴️ |
#70 | PastryPusher | 157 | ⤴️ |
#71 | SwordsRCool | 156 | ⤴️ |
#72 | Byoho | 142 | ⤴️ |
#73 | Disowned and Elmo_The_Thundergod | 133 | ⤴️ |
#75 | cubeof11 | 132 | ⤴️ |
#76 | nerfherder | 131 | ⤴️ |
#77 | DosBoot and Pesto Presto | 130 | ⤴️ |
#79 | Hulyen | 120 | ⤴️ |
#80 | Deimos and Sirploko | 111 | ⤴️ |
#82 | Grizzled the Grizzly and busdrivertohell | 109 | ⤴️ |
#84 | lich135 and whizdad | 104 | ⤴️ |
#86 | Darkling, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Gourdy, KHAAAAN, caducus and jadziadax | 100 | ⤴️ |
#92 | iBlackSheep | 99 | ⤴️ |
#93 | Nanimonai3 | 97 | ⤴️ |
#94 | Kreegah and bz_sleeper | 92 | ⤴️ |
#96 | Yarple | 89 | ⤴️ |
#97 | yardbird G08 | 88 | ⤴️ |
#98 | Ana | 85 | ⤴️ |
#99 | staygold | 75 | ⤴️ |
#100 | Jdan and Terrapin_Man | 73 | ⤴️ |
#102 | lupus4 | 70 | ⤴️ |
#103 | Drar and hotdeth | 66 | ⤴️ |
#105 | LuckyPuck and Mighty Joe | 61 | ⤴️ |
#107 | Siloslider | 60 | ⤴️ |
#108 | Tannerhaus | 57 | ⤴️ |
#109 | Kyta | 55 | ⤴️ |
#110 | WeatherWarrior | 54 | ⤴️ |
#111 | StorellaDeville | 53 | ⤴️ |
#112 | KTHippo | 50 | ⤴️ |
#113 | Bobje Ratata | 48 | ⤴️ |
#114 | I Wrestled A Bear Once | 46 | ⤴️ |
#115 | Misha_Z | 45 | ⤴️ |
#116 | Jherskow and salticid | 44 | ⤴️ |
#118 | Tingle | 42 | ⤴️ |
#119 | Andyzero | 41 | ⤴️ |
#120 | Castiel | 40 | ⤴️ |
#121 | VelmaVelma | 38 | ⤴️ |
#122 | glaucos | 37 | ⤴️ |
#123 | tekDragon | 35 | ⤴️ |
#124 | Vanir and suicidalsue | 34 | ⤴️ |
#126 | AnxiousHyrax | 30 | ⤴️ |
#127 | bunter | 29 | ⤴️ |
#128 | Nymall | 28 | ⤴️ |
#129 | rgarz1 | 26 | ⤴️ |
#130 | MotherMary13 | 25 | ⤴️ |
#131 | Pastahead, Weird Lou and raynstorm | 24 | ⤴️ |
#134 | Magister30 | 23 | ⤴️ |
#135 | eibbeD | 22 | ⤴️ |
#136 | Mud Duck and TimmyKiller900 | 20 | ⤴️ |
#138 | Davolta and Poseur | 17 | ⤴️ |
#140 | EarWaxMax | 16 | ⤴️ |
#141 | AssClown, Draconik, Keldar the Unbrave, NewbieFoundation, Taylorwulf and Truckdriver999 | 15 | ⤴️ |
#147 | Kneegrow and Wagr | 14 | ⤴️ |
#149 | Bigger_Dick, Solve_Omnis and crystal_ingram | 13 | ⤴️ |
#152 | Convictoria, Splendor and slotwin | 12 | ⤴️ |
#155 | Archipelago71, Chicken in Black, Donavin69, M4ST3R_Elf, Mega Ogg Boolbar, PacHINKOid, Ragazi and dune rune | 11 | ⤴️ |
#163 | Cat Noir, DeDiddlyDawg, LeafRivr, Lord Stefano, Peace and Love, TastesLikeChicken, TheBrent, andreaes, cukky and jero | 10 | ⤴️ |
#173 | Lord_of_Ants, Magnus Thunderblade, The Annihilator and Unconventionable | 9 | ⤴️ |
#177 | Master Grimwulf, bobsyouruncle and mylittlebrother | 8 | ⤴️ |
#180 | Athanatos, Bristelle, Penne Basil, Targrod, Tom_the_Dancing_Bug and apisguy | 7 | ⤴️ |
#186 | Cookie, Foxy Boxy, JCS, PurplescreamII, Troeke, sciFIwiZ and sensibleb | 6 | ⤴️ |
#193 | ARthuR the human, Caplin, Ceasarious, Cyan Luna, Dikiyoba, GryphonSlade, Higgy, JB77, KuanKYH, Magic2729, Meat_Curious, Retro_Thrusters, Shadow_Lugia, Sinister Loathing, Spartaaa, Viki, Viridinia, jenrose, more better and winna | 5 | ⤴️ |
#213 | Akrim, Alex Spence, Hnetu, Lord_Teroh, Mars the Infomage, Metal_Mickey, Mongrel the Apathetic, Stabotron, Stewmoni, Thadril, Zeklan and katcob | 4 | ⤴️ |
#225 | Alf, Boesbert, Cold Pizza, Figfewdisgewd, Hunkpapa, JR Trolkin, Livnmenwalk, Mana Yachanichu, Slick Devlan, canniBALLS and scudunculus | 3 | ⤴️ |
#236 | Arties Son, BigdoG, Caitt, Chineselegolas, D Luded, Derdrom, Fartmonster, IncredulousPanda, Jaylee, Kneef, Lxndr, MaxEarWax, Miss Informed, Mystic_Koolaid, Nodosaurus, Normanreedus, PrinceCapsaicin, Ransak_the_Elder, ShenanigansMaster, The Mushboom, Tigger101, Welcome to KoL, jcrkk, jlc2, kirahvikoira, mylittlesister, sauceclubber and sdaisydaisyk | 2 | ⤴️ |
#264 | Al Frodo, Aldarana, Amagalan, AresGodOfWar, Aschen, AtlanteanScion, Azoun, Bassvamp, Beavis P_Ness, BenzDoc, Betty Page, BorDeaUX523, Brandon Koh 1, Brannon, Brickus, Brirad, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, CaptainRondo, Charasan, Chartan, Choolies, Club, Cnorgard, Cobain Dougans, Crusader Rabbit, Cryanger, DJ Dungeon, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Dessalvara, Disc the Band, Doctor Nick, Don Quai Poncerello, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr Ragon, DrEvi1, DreamTune, EggNogIceCream, ElVatoLoco, Elmobobo, Emerilla, Escaflowne, Evangelist_Nine, Evanzedd, Firbaelvan, FlySpha, Framistan, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, Galapagos James, Garthim, Glitch, Gracefire, Grantastic, Greeny30, Grief, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, HappyDeadChicken, Idran, Ironbar Blackfinger, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Isvarka, Izhebel, Jaydog, JediKnight219, Jef, Jitsaki, Joe the Boss, Justin Smoak, KamikazePilot, Kareth, Kastaguy, Kenshin93, KillerNoj, Kly, LastResortMan, Lendezco, Leo Pard, Level 9, Levykid, Liam, LissaGail, Loachette, Loathmast, Lord Kobel, Lord Noob, Lucelle Ball, Luka Nox, Lungbutter, M41C01M, MTM_Fminus, Marlon Shakespeare, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Megarop, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, MiB, Mike Antleg, Mme_Defarge, Moongoyal, Mozaria, MrDeFault, Mugglywumply, Mystic_Potato, MysticalMolly, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, Nikolay, Ninja Karl, Nodo2, OHogan, Olekeg, OmegaZone, OnyXx, Osbert, PSY, PanSolo, Perkk, Pineapple of Despair, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, Popp, Pronell, PsyMar, Psychonaut, QVamp, Qpnaosc, QueenBea, Radiopulse, RazorGerbil, Rebel SMURF, RedIrish, Repo Man, Ritzenbunnik, Roland Of Gilead, RubyLucky, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryllwyn, Ryo_Sangnoir, SBD, SDLynn, SadOatcakes, Sal the Rapacious, Sceptileus, SealClubberForLife, Sexy Gecco, SexyMomma, ShadowWolf, Sherissa, Shoop8000, Sklar, SkullRock, Snickkerz, Spamantha, Spicy Noods, Spunky, StaffordMeister, Stan Maskelyne, Styre, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TRex7, TaPol, Talsgar, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TheJebi, TheLetterM, ThePeace22, ThrowAChairAtMe, Tim the Unchanter, Tuesday Night Fever, Turtle Pigeon, Tykinruoka, Tze, VanDyre, Vandermonde, Vorzer, Webley, WeirdAss, Wolfman6666, Wystan, Xclockwatcher, Xiombarg, Yatsufusa, Zanbatouza, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zolobatron, Zvetiki, alegna, averyL, bLObStER111, baixar, burgie12, burgin, ccox10, chica, corneliusv, davidsan, eggibagga, fuzzymulti, jWang, jlchamberlain49, kayly_, kissenger, lhart7907, magic miss ile, meatcheese, mhwombat, mmcbride, morwen, naqibam, nicekitty, noinamg, pLaster, pOOx, payguhn, puppyland8, ribzer, rickyfingers, rpxx, santifaller, saucyBABE, shengii, shkspr, silly_na, snarfies, sup3r4wsumd0nny, theflamingokid, theopenandclosedbook, thor from the village in the n, us3r1d, viandebaiser, vidja, vpnLibrarian, waterlogged, windracer, xKiv, yeagermyster, zoidman and zombiedust | 1 | ⤴️ |