🥇 | charx | 33,333 | |
🥈 | BoozerBear | 31,337 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | mwahaha | 5,500 | ⤴️ |
#4 | APPLE BLOSSOM | 5,000 | ⤴️ |
#5 | SABER | 2,340 | ⤴️ |
#6 | Birdy | 2,328 | ⤴️ |
#7 | Mistress of the Obvious | 2,246 | ⤴️ |
#8 | efot | 2,241 | ⤴️ |
#9 | nOeYeDbUdDaH | 1,861 | ⤴️ |
#10 | drF | 1,427 | ⤴️ |
#11 | The Great Moose | 1,198 | ⤴️ |
#12 | IndianJack | 1,124 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Cialan and DarkSpuddle | 1,000 | ⤴️ |
#15 | Dilhole | 900 | ⤴️ |
#16 | CreOsOTe | 892 | ⤴️ |
#17 | KnightOfTheRound and So and So | 888 | ⤴️ |
#19 | FiSh_ErMaN | 722 | ⤴️ |
#20 | Punchessa | 615 | ⤴️ |
#21 | Mariance | 545 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Pastahead | 538 | ⤴️ |
#23 | Doktor Noodles | 500 | ⤴️ |
#24 | Leinenkugel | 495 | ⤴️ |
#25 | mumbeeni | 493 | ⤴️ |
#26 | Bo Peep No Sheep | 468 | ⤴️ |
#27 | pLaster | 447 | ⤴️ |
#28 | Loathario | 430 | ⤴️ |
#29 | Dr_Frankenpaws | 423 | ⤴️ |
#30 | Cthon98 | 419 | ⤴️ |
#31 | TheGreatOne | 404 | ⤴️ |
#32 | BrassOnes | 397 | ⤴️ |
#33 | Balthock | 364 | ⤴️ |
#34 | Vulcan | 350 | ⤴️ |
#35 | harrytaco | 331 | ⤴️ |
#36 | Salad_Dodger | 323 | ⤴️ |
#37 | fear | 313 | ⤴️ |
#38 | Ninja_Squirrel | 310 | ⤴️ |
#39 | Nydgill | 305 | ⤴️ |
#40 | Koremitsu | 300 | ⤴️ |
#41 | Kitcats | 288 | ⤴️ |
#42 | Leg o Lam | 286 | ⤴️ |
#43 | toefungus | 269 | ⤴️ |
#44 | Skent | 263 | ⤴️ |
#45 | Zeklan | 257 | ⤴️ |
#46 | melegacy | 252 | ⤴️ |
#47 | pebbles420 | 250 | ⤴️ |
#48 | Death Job | 235 | ⤴️ |
#49 | Shelly1205 | 231 | ⤴️ |
#50 | Albenis and TrueEeviL | 222 | ⤴️ |
#52 | TRINdar | 218 | ⤴️ |
#53 | Jebustheathiest | 204 | ⤴️ |
#54 | Porphyrial and bicostp | 200 | ⤴️ |
#56 | ThursdaysKat | 190 | ⤴️ |
#57 | thewolfboy | 184 | ⤴️ |
#58 | JoeyX | 179 | ⤴️ |
#59 | mrsChewie | 177 | ⤴️ |
#60 | SpinneNetz | 170 | ⤴️ |
#61 | zhuge | 167 | ⤴️ |
#62 | SwordsRCool | 166 | ⤴️ |
#63 | YinofYang | 162 | ⤴️ |
#64 | suicidalsue | 153 | ⤴️ |
#65 | MoxieDoxie | 151 | ⤴️ |
#66 | EggNogIceCream and VelmaVelma | 146 | ⤴️ |
#68 | General_Herpes | 145 | ⤴️ |
#69 | BrickTracy | 141 | ⤴️ |
#70 | Victorinox and mk98mod4 | 135 | ⤴️ |
#72 | PuppyKisses | 133 | ⤴️ |
#73 | Buddhakan | 127 | ⤴️ |
#74 | AlmAlphiA and Gourdy | 125 | ⤴️ |
#76 | Snail Eater | 124 | ⤴️ |
#77 | Tara the Inept | 121 | ⤴️ |
#78 | AbuGhrabPrisonGuard and Boofalo | 118 | ⤴️ |
#80 | Crease | 117 | ⤴️ |
#81 | QueenOfTheNight | 115 | ⤴️ |
#82 | Nikademus | 110 | ⤴️ |
#83 | Depro Fundis | 108 | ⤴️ |
#84 | Noskilz | 106 | ⤴️ |
#85 | IggyPup, Luc1fer and Thingy | 104 | ⤴️ |
#88 | Talon__crow | 103 | ⤴️ |
#89 | Jigga k, Spungle and kirByllAmA | 101 | ⤴️ |
#92 | Darkling, GypsyMoth, Olafoob, Paintball09, Satanzlilkittie, TyeDyed Smiles, Uncle Albert, caducus, gamma_RAy, kwylf, xsneAkeR07x and yayamcg | 100 | ⤴️ |
#104 | Banukas and BlazeDak | 99 | ⤴️ |
#106 | CancerMan | 97 | ⤴️ |
#107 | Azraela and Tricksy | 94 | ⤴️ |
#109 | Olorin | 93 | ⤴️ |
#110 | vulvacrust | 91 | ⤴️ |
#111 | Sanguina | 88 | ⤴️ |
#112 | Isladar | 87 | ⤴️ |
#113 | BenzDoc and Sarafina826 | 85 | ⤴️ |
#115 | CBParker and trustno1 | 80 | ⤴️ |
#117 | Brat forcE and Dadacanaidu | 79 | ⤴️ |
#119 | Kreegah | 74 | ⤴️ |
#120 | piperfan | 73 | ⤴️ |
#121 | OMNIsemaj | 72 | ⤴️ |
#122 | innle | 71 | ⤴️ |
#123 | Betrayer, Dave of the Hill People, SportGuy and eXtremist69 | 69 | ⤴️ |
#127 | Supremenexo | 68 | ⤴️ |
#128 | GruntPuppy, Six Ferrets and jryee | 67 | ⤴️ |
#131 | Cobain Dougans, Dikiyoba and Marmot | 64 | ⤴️ |
#134 | Godfighter and Meranna | 63 | ⤴️ |
#136 | WOG | 62 | ⤴️ |
#137 | Nitethorn and teh0mega | 60 | ⤴️ |
#139 | Ravag3r and Wagr | 59 | ⤴️ |
#141 | josyjoker and rando | 58 | ⤴️ |
#143 | Hulihuli and imperator | 57 | ⤴️ |
#145 | Marlee and keBec | 55 | ⤴️ |
#147 | miso saucy | 54 | ⤴️ |
#148 | Bambii and TehUberAnge | 53 | ⤴️ |
#150 | Rice Merchant | 52 | ⤴️ |
#151 | CANADiAnlover, PhotoFlow3, TuzlaRuja, freedoM_Justice, howlin_mad and narlie | 51 | ⤴️ |
#157 | Adamar, AlreadyDead, Brother 0, CottonMouth, Framistan, Galapagos James, Gemini_Mind, Kernal, Kulthozuer, Langoroth, Levis501, Ming Merciful, PastryPusher, Rev Nada Z Zilch, Sister No, SpartanJohn117, The Treasurer, Thok, Tobias, Turtlebella3, Vanri, VorpalRat, Yatsufusa, bmb, buxtehude, metamay, omg_thats_so_funny and senorheadbang | 50 | ⤴️ |
#185 | DoxieDog and icy toes | 48 | ⤴️ |
#187 | Chelonia, Knitbone and VAH | 47 | ⤴️ |
#190 | Bastet, Boris53, Calatan, Carrackus, FreezerBurn and mage_kane | 46 | ⤴️ |
#196 | Quilby and jcrkk | 44 | ⤴️ |
#198 | ARthuR the human, Kattarena and whizdad | 43 | ⤴️ |
#201 | Edwizzle, Ritzbitz, d00bie and dune rune | 42 | ⤴️ |
#205 | Quothz, Ultranibbles and omegageek | 41 | ⤴️ |
#208 | Fasta, HoundDog, Maruzze and diSCwORldiaN | 40 | ⤴️ |
#212 | Scattaloquarious | 39 | ⤴️ |
#213 | MadamMayhem, Quixote113 and Shuggoth | 38 | ⤴️ |
#216 | Kissu, Kolusius, badaduci and jimmy_hoffa | 37 | ⤴️ |
#220 | Do Not_uhm_I told ya, JustinCarto, Raylin and TamerAlt | 36 | ⤴️ |
#224 | Kareth and blink182forme | 35 | ⤴️ |
#226 | Max52, Rhotax and thetasig | 33 | ⤴️ |
#229 | Jusano, eav and murphs | 32 | ⤴️ |
#232 | Cappas420, Delia Darby, GryWizard, Pasta Thief, habeansha, motelia and wOrMz1989 | 30 | ⤴️ |
#239 | AlDente, Blue Dragon, Darth Elmo, Padoogie, ViletChild and babs2005 | 29 | ⤴️ |
#245 | CyberWocky, Hugs_Rule, Klutzygirl and dogzcatz | 28 | ⤴️ |
#249 | Darklor, Dumnomii and nerfherder | 27 | ⤴️ |
#252 | BankofStonered, Bellae, Bobje Ratata and homefrombasic | 26 | ⤴️ |
#256 | Cryanger, FMtheGood, Giselle117, LustyPirateWench, Mongrel the Apathetic, Snugglypoo, Wheremydemonslie, lich135 and mtiger | 25 | ⤴️ |
#265 | aliendial | 24 | ⤴️ |
#266 | Boesbert, UnDucky, delvis_one and muntingdalaga | 23 | ⤴️ |
#270 | Far Fallen, Lilandra, Matricii, SquidMan and mark315 | 22 | ⤴️ |
#275 | Gaunt, SilverbackTiger, Teyrnon and testostronaut | 21 | ⤴️ |
#279 | Chasing, Danger Mouse, Kaos_Demonik, Keldar the Unbrave, Mars the Infomage, Pussywillows, TheDotGamer, Yurie08, allie, goldfischegirl and uncle | 20 | ⤴️ |
#290 | Clan Mule, DarthB1, Fneeee, MARCkind19, Mac_Gyver, Nachtmahr, Toric, Truckdriver999 and hotdeth | 19 | ⤴️ |
#299 | CA Dude, HansGruber, Kelyva and crystal_ingram | 18 | ⤴️ |
#303 | Allen_36s, BuddhaTech, Daye, Not That Kat and Phoenix Flame | 17 | ⤴️ |
#308 | Angua von Uberwald, P1ayer, RGlock, Sylph Aldente, Wr3cktangle and apisguy | 16 | ⤴️ |
#314 | Magister30, Onyx, SatireSloth, countblah, drg, rowanthorn, within temptation and xanth8631 | 15 | ⤴️ |
#322 | Bite, Chili man, HotChick, Kristopher Sallee, Lycanthrope13, PezGirl, Pumpkinheadme, Sakon777, TheGreenLing, Tiny Plastic Lehks, mmcbride, silly_na and unisus80 | 14 | ⤴️ |
#335 | BluePearls, Dadaca, Gladriel, LuckyPuck, Sifter, Stabotron, The Ghostly Shadow, Valarauko, bLObStER111, infernokrusher, micros the tiny, mylittlesister, rcl1917 and warlord 0f mars | 13 | ⤴️ |
#349 | Akrim, Athanatos, Eroquin, Foxy Boxy, Kaas Chuig, LiamAndMe, NewTexas, Romeo614, Squidoo, Starfevre, The Lucky Striker, Yavnik, demeon and fordxf | 12 | ⤴️ |
#363 | Aife, Androcles Antepasta, Archipelago71, Betty Page, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, Clubbrz L337, DYLAN, Donavin69, DrWolf, DrewT, Ghosttech, Happy Bunny, Lewis123, Magnus Thunderblade, Monkeyboyjp, Moosenoise, MutatedMonkey, MysticalMolly, NeuroticPunk, OldBobLeashed, Pompo_Schmelkin, Princess Erin, ROCKlobstER3, SchwahXP, SnackAttack, Sondroch, Sopoforic, Stalh, Tom808, TropicalPineapple, Uurson, Waldergrave, Water Bear, Zerai, blahloki, katneedscrack, maliphik, ozelot, polly chrome, questlove, seong lIkes bulls and spooky kid | 11 | ⤴️ |
#405 | A Naked Jew, Angra Mainu, Baughbe, Blackened White, Cathowl, Chineselegolas, Confuzed, Cristao, Escaflowne, FLH, JTJ, Jakalilly, Lord Stefano, LukeMcNuke, MoonEgg, Pakem, PokeyMan, PowderedToastMan, RedJack, Septh, ShoTheBandit, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, TinyZu, Turnpike7a, Weird Al Yankervick, circeramone, miniStroni, sirdanile and unsavoury_charlatress | 10 | ⤴️ |
#434 | Anarch, Andis, Benedictine Monkey, Bioland, Clan Bank, EddyGaluszka, Ilidon, Lydia Vigrid, MrAnnouncer, Riddick09, SanjisAngel, SmileyByte, Void Runner63, ceryneia, crimbux baller, lhart7907, malphador and nordmert | 9 | ⤴️ |
#452 | Anne with an e, Crazy8, IngaTBW, Ladle of Demiclaws, Mayfly182, PrinceCandyAss, ShineyBucket, Snork Maiden, Ubiq, Webley, agargan, gEtofFmelUCkycHarmS, linzic, medusa and xEggy | 8 | ⤴️ |
#467 | Babaganoosh, Derdrom, Falkor, Grantasaurus, Meister Katzhandler, Punsoe, QLou, Retro_Thrusters, Roxx, Sirploko, Supermooer, ZombieKiller13, annu, bungLZOR, elarrina, muskratlove, rand and rgarz1 | 7 | ⤴️ |
#485 | Cayce, Dachau LOrange, Dedsox, Halueth, Kugli, NukeDeth, Peace and Love, PleasEaThat, Rebel SMURF, Requiter, Robotic Disco Zombie, Roger Ramjet, SBD, SUspiCious looKING GAL, Silas_L_Denturez, Solve_Omnis, StorellaDeville, Sweetstuff, TastesLikeChicken, Wylin, dennisrmull, mintgiraffe and raynstorm | 6 | ⤴️ |
#508 | Beastyclaire, BigdoG, BroKor, COsjrsW, Caillean, Chedawan, Dik, DiscoDoris, Edgar_the_Wallaby, Family Of Salsa, FriarPop, ICS KID IMPOSTER, Imorphiac, LadiRose, Lady of Luck, Lungbutter, MariaSoulLess, ModeSix, Molofish, Moonflame, MrCreasote, Ms Bus Driver, Pablo, QuiCksteR, Roary, SexyMomma, Shinebox, Smarmalicious, TurtleGirlPower, Viki, bocaj, cranberryfitsnappy, damondude627, dennisrmulljr, jenrose, john1008, jolly man, lupus4, princess poopoo, sbEr and zillah80634 | 5 | ⤴️ |
#549 | Damom, Dragoonz, Dysamyne, Foggy, Gryphtronic Maven, Hagen Black, Hastings, Jacquelyn Hyde, KING Eggas, Kaspersai, Kneegrow, LordPatriarch, Maclind, Mad Dudy, ManaPool, MariposaTheMonarch, Mirsadies, Mogwoggle, Moongoyal, Mr_Happy_Boy, OHogan, PastaiestChefEver, PringlesRock, Rudiger Skeiyer, Sandpapyrus, SarTokos, Sennin, Slym, Takuma Sato, TheBarracuda, Vlad the Inhaler, Water Dragon, Wets Ocsid, Wildcat_693, bob128, cahtbot, jlchamberlain49, johndollop, ladderman, more better, rutted road, snarles2, tanstaafl, the_Drow and tsubume | 4 | ⤴️ |
#594 | Balaam, Choolies, Culculhen, Daveki, Doctor Nick, Dustrider, EarWaxMax, EmoReject, Espieglerie, JCS, JR Trolkin, JThizz, Kbpikachu, KentKronos, LordOfCreepers, Maganash, MaxEarWax, Miss Informed, Missqt, NaZa_Rey, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Pepto, Shantalya, SilentMystFaery, Spaceboy9702, Suspect, TenSense, Termin8tor, The Ghosty, TheBrent, Tic, aenimus, bobtheparrot, darius180, e7ora, fatesjoke03, jspr, kingPOGo, racheldancer and rhod_hook | 3 | ⤴️ |
#634 | AKU, AccordionBoy, Aere0n, Alecat, Antfattener, Artie Effham, BraydenKyler, CaptainAhoy, CastrationFairy, Chaiden, ChevellemanX, DARK_sephiroth_1, Dangerrune1, DarkNewton, Deffener, DevilCreme, Devious Dave, Douglas Hossenfeffer, EddieLoo, Empathy, Engorged Weapon, FairiesWearBoots, Fossa, Gargonite, HNWombat, Habib the Unsightly, Hasand, Hunkpapa, Jaylee, Jeny, Jenya, Jidam, KOL of the Wild, Kalismaal, Khavren, KingFelix, KnightofCheese, Knux7, Kottonmouth, LadyWolf, Livnmenwalk, LooTin LennY, LotsaHair, Lytsu, Macanoni Mom, MadddddDog, Makatiel, Marina, Maschette, Mathfalda, Mikemtl, Mitsy, Mystic_Potato, Nanimonai3, Presence, Rakkasan, Razorbell, Rolling Golem, Saddy, Sherpafish, SoupSalad, Spatwaddle Crindle, Spikeboi2007, Stifer, SuperDood, Svidrigailov, TangledKarma, The Hoff, The Zany Potato, Tibbiara, Tut, TwnK77, Wang Yangming, art_bohemia, cakyrespa, completebastich, cubeof11, hitmanbobson, iceice babY, kissenger, mylittlebrother, pestodigator, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, shkspr, slotwin, smurgle, swallybee, tHeEvIlIsHiE3 and wexer9 | 2 | ⤴️ |
#723 | Ace_krusher, Acorn Express, Adam_Cot, Adeleine, AdmiralBob, Adric, Aeodan, Agapanthus, Ahzander Ranning, Ainast, Aione, Al Dante, Al Frodo, Alakeni, Aldarana, AlexTheCoolestness, Alf, Alldarker, Allikat, Allora, Allypeanut, Alphastrike, AmericanStoner420, Amrothlin, Anavrin, Anghild, AngryFurrTortellini, Ankopitch, AnomTheTerror, Arckanghel, Ardlen, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Ariovrak, Arkohn, Arkose Realgar, Armak, Arties Son, Aryck, AshtonSinclaire, Asinine, Astin, Atan, Avanar, Aybara, AylaCaveChick, Azoun, Azuriel, B A Takaline, B R D, BUrNingdeSire, Baconpig, Badfurday25, BanditAlt, Bari DaBlenda, Baron von Chickenpants, Bean, Beavis P_Ness, BeccaBecca, BeefThief, Beethoven, BegginScamminARCampinMallbot, Belior, Benjamin Brown, Betmen Brkic, Bewitched, Big_Mike_55, BillyWin, Birgette, Bitsy, Bizarro Murphy, Bjorfrend, Black Easterling, Blit, Blizzard, BlueThunder, BlueWasabi, Blythe, Bobathan McJekt, BogusOpus, BongSwatMatt, BoredBandit, Bortlby, Bozo the Ozob, Bradley Morris, Brainsander, Brannon, Brickiemon, Brickus, Brirad, Brobdingna, Brother John, BuRNJoB420, Bubba_G, Bufferin Head, Burninator, Bursley, CGSFSS, CK_, CREaMchEEsey, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Cakoluchiam, Callaway, Candice Dick, CannaBouy, CapHector, Caplin, Cappy Carl, Captain Funky, CaptainCharisma, CaptainRandom, CaptainRondo, CatsCat, Catscan, Ceasarious, Ceelgohsplatt, Cepa, CfAcTor3000, Chaotic Chili, Charasan, Chartan, Cheesecookie, Chicken in Black, Chimera77, ChucksAFreak, Chucky_Pain, CiZjiB, Ciahwye, Clemmy the Spotted, Club, CodSmack, CogitoErgoSum, ComfortMitchell, CookedRose, Coquet Coquette, Cosmosis Kwik, Costanzafaust, Cravence, CronoTalon, Crowpaw, Cruor Extrahorum, CsCaudata, CucumberJones, CuddlyBear, Culnar, Cuzzybro, D Huntress, DHon, DJ_Axon, DTMaster, DaBaddestHic, DaMonkeyMan, Daav, Daeg, Dah Cheese, Dakios, Damascus, Dane Cook Maniac, Dane Rain, Dangerpin, Dark Sapphire, Darkenmeat, Darkrift, Darmut eDrien, Darth Milo, DataVortex, DeadMan75, Decomposer, Defenseman, Deimos, Delilah Jones, Demon Lord And Master, DenMark, Dernic, Desion, Dessalvara, DestinyScarlatti, Devore, Dexter_02005, Disowned, Doc Noc, DocterDJ213, Doctor Fabolus, DolphinSpider, Domina Trixie, Doodlebug, Dorkomatic, Dr RedRum, DrBoneGagger, DrEvi1, DrZaius, Dreabob, DreamertK, Drondh, Dropzone, DrunkenDude, DuchessRaven, Duckie Sweetleaf, DuctTape, Dungeon Princess, Dyann, EbolaWoman, Edith Massey, Efficacy, Eggcentric, El Funko, ElGrande, ElVatoLoco, El_Shaddai_666, Elayne, EliBeth, Elle Mariachi, ElronBean, Elsynoodle, Emerilla, Emhgee, Emperor Zeta, EmphalerFish, Enameless, English, Entropicangel, Eohdorr, EquiLeen, Erebus2161, Eron, Eta Carinae, Evangelist_Nine, EvilLlama, Eyescream, Faded, Faeriechik, Faoiltiarna, Fartmonster, Fawfulhasfury, Fearium, Fenghuang, FettucineQueenie, Ffnnuuuubert, Fintulax, Firvagor, Flurry, Foole, Foos Bobaganoosh, ForcedToWork, Foxman, FreAkWerKs, Freddy the Dook, Frediablo, FrenchiePoo, FroggyMan, Fronobulax, Frood, Fryer, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, GMoneyClip, GWAR, Galuda101, Garath_McGrath, Garg Thanothorp, Garle, Garthim, Genshibakudan, Geologygirl, Giglipuff, Gleezus, Glerf, GoLucky, GodScream, GoddessNix, Godspeed, GoldenTEE, Gollum, Gothmog1065, Gracious Cymbals and Gravy Error | 1 | ⤴️ |