Cruor Extrahorum

#3375-Alarm Saucepan1
#614Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#208Bjorn's Hammer2
#232Boris's key lime1
#423Boris's key lime pie1
#925Boris's ring1
#2773Boss Bat britches1
#1016Cloaca grenade9
#620Cloaca-Cola c-rations5
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#904Cloaca-Cola knapsack1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#1238Cold Hots candy1
#272Crimbo ukulele1
#3597Crown of the Goblin King2
#1494Dr. Hobo's scalpel1
#1389Dyspepsi grenade3
#655Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations4
#1405Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1416Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#857Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack1
#1375Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#580Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#1785El Sombrero De Lopez1
#1602Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#775Jarlsberg's earring1
#204Jarlsberg's key lime1
#396Jarlsberg's key lime pie1
#943Knob Goblin love potion2
#152Knob Kitchen grab-bag1
#723Lucky Surprise Egg1
#394Miniborg laser1
#443Miniborg stomper1
#405Miniborg strangler1
#1841Mr. Mediocrebar12
#164Penultimate Fantasy chest216
#1462Retenez L'Herbe Paté1
#2164Rock Pops7
#1610Scalp of Gorgolok2
#734Sneaky Pete's breath spray1
#212Sneaky Pete's key lime1
#399Sneaky Pete's key lime pie1
#574Tiki lighter1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#2224ancient unspeakable fruitcake3
#1079annoying pitchfork1
#2064astronaut pants1
#1766awful poetry journal2
#965baby killer bee7
#185baconstone earring1
#407baconstone pendant1
#5943badass belt3
#961barbed-wire fence1
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#1062bell-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#1462black plastic oyster egg2
#2088black polka-dot oyster egg1
#659black striped oyster egg8
🥈blue traffic cone1
#385bottle of single-barrel whiskey3
#450bowl of lucky charms1
#588bronze breastplate1
#1819can of Binarrrca1
#644candied kobold4
#2874candied yams1
#3286candy cane4
#1784candy stake4
#1705chaos butterfly1
#1187cheap plastic bottle opener4
#1660cheap toaster1
#254cheap wind-up clock1
#1062chef's hat1
#409chocolate spurs1
#57clockwork counterclockwise dome2
#47clockwork doohickey2
#102clockwork hat1
#747clockwork key1
#101clockwork pants1
#159clockwork sphere1
#154clockwork trench coat1
#38clockwork widget4
#691cocoa egg9
#621coconut shell30
#595coffin lid1
#154cool mushroom17
#168cool mushroom casserole1
#163cream of pointy mushroom soup1
#1292dead guy's watch1
#1238disassembled clover6
#1639doll house1
#398dope gangsta bling-bling2
#1978drywall axe1
#313dusty eighth thoracic vertebra1
#229eXtreme nose ring1
#487enchanted toothpick2
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#1829fancy chocolate2
#928fat stacks of cash4
#303fez of etymology1
#209filthy hippy poncho2
#246flaming mushroom11
#105flaming mushroom wine4
#426frilly shirt1
#367frozen mushroom6
#152fruit basket1
#236fruit bowl1
#1363furry fur2
#2296fuzzy dice3
#1349ghuol egg1
#1452giant discarded plastic fork4
#1253giant needle1
#2534giant pinky ring1
#3938gingerbread bugbear1
#3042gingerbread horror2
#209gingham blouse1
#469gnauga hide8
#693golden ring40
#1168goth kid t-shirt1
#1909green beer1
#3140grue egg5
#197hamethyst earring1
#263hamethyst ring1
#5204handful of confetti1
#455heavy metal sonata1
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#305hovering sombrero1
#728hypodermic needle1
#909ketchup hound1
#559lavender polka-dot oyster egg5
#1123lead necklace2
#1371length of string4
#936little paper umbrella9
#1435loaded serum blowgun2
#1976lucky rabbit's foot1
#384magic lamp1
#1050magical ice cubes3
#750many-eyed glasses1
#575mauve paisley oyster egg5
#335meatcar model1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#152muculent machete1
#1565mushroom fermenting solution1
#1679mylar scout drone1
#1822off-white plastic oyster egg2
#865oriole-feather headdress1
#1889oyster basket1
#2716pet rock1
#681pirate shirt1
#1498pixellated candy heart3
#273pointy mushroom9
#294porquoise necklace1
#846potato sprout2
#1614prehistoric spear1
#730prosthetic forehead1
#1303rag doll1
#962razor-sharp can lid1
#1513red paisley oyster egg2
#285rewinged stab bat2
#609rice bowl1
#750ridiculously huge sword6
#665ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon1
#366ring of adornment1
#338ring of fire resistance1
#341ring of gain strength1
#860ring of half-assed regeneration2
#414ring of increase damage1
#72roll of drink tickets2
#461sabre-toothed lime cub1
#104sequined fez1
#2571shiny ring2
#891silver shrimp fork1
#943skeleton key1
#509skewer-mounted razor blade1
#1806skull-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#383small leather glove2
#909sock monkey2
#281soggy wofl t-shirt1
#93spicy mushroom quesadilla3
#1397spooky bicycle chain1
#1368spooky cosmetics bag1
#1485spooky eggnog4
#1478spooky hockey mask1
#1307spooky mushroom6
#288star shirt1
#280star starfish1
#331stinky mushroom7
#249stinky mushroom wine1
#1866string of blue beads3
#1715string of red beads4
#3170stuffed alien blob1
#1265stuffed doppelshifter7
#2033teddy bear1
#500teeny-tiny ninja stars1
#965ten-leaf clover3
🥇time sleigh1
#140time sword1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#382tiny knife and fork1
#625tiny ninja sword1
#3936tiny plastic Black Knight1
#8186tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#4234tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#3953tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser1
#3860tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#8249tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#3963tiny plastic beanbat1
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8217tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8088tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#3859tiny plastic goth giant1
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#3893tiny plastic handsome mariachi1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#3891tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box1
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#4343tiny plastic pastamancer1
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#4450tiny plastic seal clubber1
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#8133tiny plastic star starfish1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#3860tiny plastic taco cat1
#4478tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#694tiny shaker of salt3
#477titanium assault umbrella13
#2298tofurkey gravy2
#1884tofurkey leg3
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#2209toy jet pack1
#2475toy ray gun1
#1190toy soldier1
#1384toy train1
#1336toy wheel4
#479tree skirt1
#3145tree-eating kite1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#2167valuable trinket3
#2589vibrating cyborg knife1
#192warm mushroom10
#1246wolf mask1
#932wooden block2
#509wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie2

Wow, that's 923 items total!

what items are this player missing?