

Wiki linkwiki

No, these aren't leftovers from last month's Feast of Boris -- this is a wad of soft, snugglable, humble, and lovable cotton stuffing. You could certainly stuff a tofurkey with this, if you wanted to do so. It would probably make it taste better.









#6Mistress of the Obvious1,776






#9Mars the Infomage1,128




#11brent ObeRLin931










































#32Tiny Plastic Grimmy229










#37Frenchy McFrench205
























#49BuRNJoB420 and flowered angel144


#51APPLE BLOSSOM and Anouris143




#54Oldsfrk, Shellie_Webster and quoisme141




#58Turtle Tike136


#59FluffyThumbTacks and TaDaah135


#61Aerodynamic Trunks123




#63Gunny Roxx and Sparkle McGee118






#67A Killer is Me115


#68Quixote113 and Smurt114


#70Baltar and Wurzel112


#72Sasori_uk and Thok111










#78Gawea and madamkiss103




#81Bacon Stoned, ElCankerSore, FoolOfPoop, P1ayer, SnowAngel, Unluckycat, caducus and sinupret100




#90Blizzy, Poncho the Sane and Tibbiara95








#96Master Bates88




#98Necco Wafer and Talwraith86




#101Calatan, Danger Mouse and bobdindian83


#104Rutger von Horeburg and Webley81


#106FFL2and3rocks and sawsea80






#110Bobje Ratata, SealLover, gunfighter and snstrx77






#116PsiStarPsi and hotdeth73


#118Dr NutButter, Fylgia, Hooky the Hooker and Panserbjorne71






#124J03_M4M4, SassyMcAsspants and cjswimmer68


#127DerMagus, Manze, Master Polka, Nobodys Hero, veganicus and xxarMAGEddonxx66






#135Magic2729 and SilverbackTiger62


#137Magister30 and mumbeeni61


#139BeefBurglar, Jeffie, Tape Ball, VikingGoddess and ianlafo60


#144JohnRock and Maminka Muminka59


#146Hoshi and Whiteking58


#148Rezia and Skylancer104857657


#150MrKeen, RoboChicken, Sparklebat, phoenixash90 and whizdad56


#155Babbat56, Fellatrix, Kayarath and Tornprog55


#159Beljeferon, Dark_Magic and HappyHead54


#162Antipode and SatanicJellyBean53


#164Oliver the Freeway Kitten and Rock Fazer52


#166AccordionBoy, Charles Bronson, Dungeon Princess, Shlhu, TheBrent, ladderman and stone515051


#173Club, Late nite Ramen, QuicksilverFox85, Rouver, SeDemon, Weebler, slack and webojunk50


#181Akuji, Clarrissa Lockjaw, art_bohemia and jonnyjonny49


#185Chalks and Fluffmullen_the_Bad48


#187JBreeze, Killa K, Renee47, Stargazer67, ZeroAxl, jmkg, penguinofdoom and silly_na47


#195Anarch, Bootz, Derekwr and ElronBean46


#199Big Boss, Diss, Noskilz, OldBobLeashed, Raventhief and goldfishblowfish45


#205Clan Mule, Grokly, Mosquito and Salad_Dodger44


#209Bigquack, Naamah, Spoon37, WeyrWomanAnna and corpa43


#214AltheWeird, CROTCHGOPHER, Marxorcist, Onyx, ScUd RuCkInS, Sella and noodle nymph42


#221Ahz, Boylestad, Mortimer Snerd, That One Guy23 and raynstorm41


#226Marmot, Ominous, PsykotiK, Teese and issarocks40


#231Carl Pants, Dyann, Grusharaburas, Hellif, Sal the Rapacious and Tom80839


#237DISCokeir and katwinx38


#239Boris52, MrFantastic2005, NotAnother1, Sir Jefe, Solve_Omnis and TinOmenWorlock37


#245Disneeyore1, Nanimonai3, Pringle and midnight breeze36


#249AlkalineTrio, Augon, ILuvLyndsey, NoRrisTheNooDleyDooDler, PandaParade, Rabi the Sheath, Skyth Aegi, Yunzer, pooppants and valdamos35


#259CPF, Carbono, Cow of Lost Light, Discovery, Gengis, Karubidiumeleaux, LavenderRose, Lightwolf, Lyle332 and Silas_L_Denturez34


#269Calais, Darkwulf, JustChill, Lorc, Marm, MrsPresident, Pantistain, Rubius, Simon the Mystificator, TheCakeBoy, Witch Childe, Wizunon, boyrdee and redmergoddess33


#283Eddie_Polka, Fneeee, KoLAddictIsMe, Laquicha, Loathario, Sophinator, sfwarlock and snpr32


#291Bloodyfish, Ninja Karl, Sallymonella, jackenape, jadziadax, skulz13, thebanjoman and verticalx31


#299Arc9, Babaganoosh, Bamump, Bare_Bear, Mikelio, Pimpy the Pimper, Skulth, Sunrise, Tindomerel, Vanir and bazfum30


#310Clemmy the Spotted, IngaTBW, Jaxom, Jim477, MARCkind19, Penelope X, abbey, d_w, drg, jlc2 and setrius29


#321Arwenita, Evil_Angry_Hobo, FatQuack2, Fianor, KoolfuZ, RedPhred, Tara the Inept, Yavnik, completebastich, ironbob, leluna and timble228


#333Booty Hunter, ImanAA, Keptuvis, Lord Tasbo Tavoc, Pesto_San, Yukon, bungLZOR, capn_melonmuncher, cmdr_monkey, freakspeak and smacfarl27


#344Bleeding Pineapple, ClericRiff, FERNANDO bono, Georgerwocky, MrAnnouncer, PixySnot, Sichi, TimScheff, Yendi, meganirene and menggu26


#355Bloodroot, Budselect, Chanmani, ChevellemanX, Depro Fundis, Fredrica, Gansta22, KouKen, Kytlan, LilSnarfer, Lobo The Geek, Mistress Doom, Mulvaney, Nomnominus Rex, PsymonM77, Sau_Kazumi, WhiteStorm291, dfens73, meggiemay, misterLEE, stuffandthings, wexer9 and wildflowered25


#378AquaticRes, Capt_Itchynutz, Cepa, ClimOx, Dexanth, Dreadful Penny, Korlon, Mansausage, dAnnYbCP, jcrkk, slojopo, stuffeddiscodoris and willied124


#391Boman, Crostatino, Flashback73, Ichiban Dashi, Idle Hands, Lauren_zi_an Wormhole, Platinastar, Pugnax, RenegadeChic, Scattaloquarious, Shwagg, Wizard_Hat, dennisrmulljr, namblue10 and spaghetti23


#406AppleBottom, DWRye, Doctor Fettuccini, Fallen2004, FrogNinja, Gerg Sathoms, GryWizard, IamNOBODY, KumihO, Roy, Sativarg, Sir Jimeth, Sweet Daydream, Toric, V3it Thug, Vike, Wagr, cukky, firstplaceloss, funkarella, jotajota and moxom_s22


#428Antfattener, BrassDogma, CollectAllFive, Framistan, Kamael, KillerBaboon, Mac_Gyver, Optimus747, Paksukainen, Phelonius, Sad Monkey, SkudMastaFlex, ThorthePenguin, TwirlyRotini, Viridinia, flamin_scotsman, future_cow, mRbLonDE and rounDchilD21


#447AccordionStu, AelWyn, Betty Page, Brat forcE, ClaudioFratelino, Flange_Of_Destiny, Freerefill, Fuhransi, Gamerman, Hadrien, Jabbie, Lizmeis, Lomithral, Ransak_the_Elder, ShadowsLight, Splotz, TeePee, Teenr0cker, TurtleGirlPower, Yaro, c00lb0t, garanimalstains, imbrium, luxbane, minders, mrf, pantsthief, thekingofmean and vlord20


#476BabySmasher, Beka, DakX, Dakotadog, El_Pirateo, Farfalle al Dente, Hagen Black, Haroldus, Hison, KolalaKitty, MeatMachine, MrSqueezeBox, Naners, Oggy McOggogg, RcGuy10, Secret_treaties, Sklar, Smacktard, Supreme, Ubiq, Victorinox, YellowSnowCone, ZenKiller, biff, fly_boy42, gargirl, jackal73, kuini, plaid and rosa blanco19


#506Ahante, CaptainCharisma, Character of Loathing, ChooseOne, Glitch 319, Itsatrap, Mass Fizzy Orange Pop, Merihand, RUMlEY, Ravenous, Rickton, Ryanbomber, Soul Shard, Teaxe, Water Knight, cubeof11, fastfido, h00k, johaneth, painic, peregrinekt, persephassa, saphfieryangel, shorebot whizky and vanis18


#531Bado Aureo, Batwood17, Bob the Toothbrush, Danger, Garfnobl, Kegger, Merlin_02_2002, Merr, Misha_Z, Orion137, PhotoFlow3, QueenOfTheNight, Rgon, SadOatcakes, SnakeDog, Thepersonwhohatesyoubestest, Yarple, agargan, caelea, cubby, cyborgstan, dingleberry, feAr_tOwn, lupus4, mathwhiz23, n0tnam3d, soelo and yonpytr17


#559AKU, Adran, BarbarianBob77, Bung the Elder, CBParker, Chadomancer, Drowned Sword, Elsynoodle, Eseche, Evileness, Gwenevire, Legato89, Lytsu, Mynar, Nate Pyrokai, Olorin, PSY, Poohat, Raylin, Rev Noodlyson, Rita Rehab, Rongar, Rudiger Skeiyer, Sendaben, SerpentRose, Show No Mercy, Smackers, Tarl, Third Burglar, Vollrath, blood_butterfly, eSoPHoRiC, karmasuttra, padlock, puddin_up, schmedy and williabr16


#596AelfRhian, Ashes, Binaanne, Borishaughingoff, Boxwood, CA Dude, Captain Iron Skull, ChaseZ, Chasing, ChesterArthurXXI, Decos, DiscoToon, FireFreak91287, Fremen, Grandpashelbs, Grizzor, Ibaslomofo, Jag Pasta, Jidam, Juror 2, Migetman, MyraFloren, QuiCksteR, Quinlan, Ramonphilius, Sean_Seannery, SourMilk, Southwest, The Destructorator, Triffels, Veldrin, VooDooQueen, ZaxCoding, blanketgirl, bluedancer, cumsomme, debbie chinique, idamay, ignace the great, kingdonvito, mechapanda, phrainck and weyr15


#639CannonFoddah, Free Martha, FyggNuuton, Goldilocks, Harizuki, J Mo, James St James, JawG, John Shaft, Kabocha, MrMojoJojo, PaganPrincess, Phaet, PleasEaThat, RileyMonster, SoulCatcher73, Stu Like Whoa, TunaTaco, aenimus, caliope, ex luther, fugarqueen, rufuskin, slotwin and soaK14


#664AlmAlphiA, Aviendha, Borachio, Brew Geared, Brown Eyed Phoenix, Catbiri, Dibbin, Elemenstor, Elfy, EvilPorate, Hairshirt, Hnetu, JOssiE, Jeramiahh, Juanita Cuervo, KatetOfTheRose, Kipling, Krendel, LustyPirateWench, Mana Yachanichu, Maurin, MissPolka, Mr HeadCase, Nectaris, Ninjah, Nitride, Obfusjake, Orochi, PinballLizard, Rufus the Sequenced, Sadako, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, Squall Thrawn, The Righteous Fist of Justice, Thelaan, Thurlingdrome, Vaikyuko, Yandolino, brirye, cvutsin, dman2kn1, feedhead, harpot, justhappytobehere, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, knlbr, l33t_7h3iF, lonesome soul, mk98mod4, ora3seis, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rintaun, sombrehippie, some newbie, splinter, the_postman, vliam, zhuge and zip the toneless13


#723Angry1, Archipelago71, ArgonZero, Artie Effham, Autumn1983, Azzedar, Basket__Case, Cafenoire, Celtic_Draegoness, ChaosTheDarkMage, Chili Mac, Chocolust, Clackling, Cowbell, Derdrom, DrHaggis, Drag0n, EdFox, Farfetchedchild, General_Herpes, Ghalleon, GoodnightMonkey, Green Lemur, Halueth, HansGruber, HyacinthineMoon, JudySeagram, LastChans, Mamph the Maladjusted, Mayoress, Merik, Mr_Bojangles1, Nathew, ParallaX, Phaete, Pirate_Ninja, PrehensileSpine, Quickbaby, Redeemed, Rizzen, Sephirotic Kitten, Snugglypoo, Spartandude, Thalia Nox, Ultranibbles, Uurson, Wally Okernbacher, amokk, daefni, droid, frankenchrist, godsnails, mx indigo, nikkiq, shepherd and zaksquatch12


#779Athanatos, BinaryBeast, Boognish, Bruscettalia, Clubbrz L337, CreOsOTe, Cuthbert_Allgood, Dallbun, Darth Steve, DeathStyles, Decapitator_Of_Souls, Dirx, Donavin69, Dragoon398, Fiery1, GUnitGangsta, Greenarchist, Ha1Ha1Ha, HazelRah, Ima Bycch, JT_the_Mighty, Jaybone, Kara Rae, Kaymania, Kerplunk44, Kerrigan, Liadan, Liefizul, Longuine, Luke, LunaLu, Mad Dudy, Magnus Thunderblade, Mizterry, Mlady_Leander, Modern Hydra, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkeyboyjp, MootMonkey, Nikkifer, Ninjafan, Nyra, OOgy, OhMyDaughter, PathetiC, PurplePussyCat, Pyromania, Ramentok, Shia Lily, SnackAttack, Sondroch, Squids, Tard, Tarragon, ThunderGate, Tinner, UncleBen, VsO3, Wulfwyn, XiLe, Xxxhclxxx, Yakubyougami, Zelynda, Zhimena, alfabit, cakyrespa, catbeef, fringsguy, hairgirl, ibbieta, jho mamma, kormu11, larky lion, maluenda, meh_64_12, missmellieb, mothramon, noodlerama, sacred_kitty, siniam, spooky kid, swankidelic and thexmanlight11


#862Aldieb, Alfredo_of_Earl, Automatic Jack, BallerinoDiCielo, Barrow_Troll, Carbohydrates, Daddy_O, Darmut eDrien, Delia, DocValance, Draven1, Dreamtears, EhSteve, Escaflowne, Fopeboy, GligSith_Tcharf, Happyhamster, Heffed, Ike, IntellectualPanther, Issira, JsnFargonaut, Kana, Ken Saubbie, KiKiStarE, Lauts, Lemoniade, Lord Stefano, LuvLuvChef, Maau, Mad Hamish, Maharet, Malicious Tubbs, Mantic, Marge, Meridol, Mikkjel1, MugcakeMoo, Mundoasesino, Nardolin, NotArgent, Perkk, Piefight, PodVon, Pompo_Schmelkin, Provoke, Qointom Lyth3, Raefyn, Ragnok, Ratenela, Rhianna, Rizel, Rogue79, STARbeast, Sanguina, SchrodingerCat, Sennin, Septh, ShineyBucket, Spanky McSpankenheim, Spunky, StinkyWizzleteats, Tempus, The Love Samurai, Tiyanath, Tyrol Garamonde, Wirer, Wylin, Zoner, ZuzusPetal, aldervan, anALTyrant, danlimski, green_demon, matter over mind, mervella, newtoallthis, noob_meat, octopodey, payguhn, rhod_hook, sauceclubber, spriteless, svtisme and tanstaafl10


#947Amazonian, Aras, Argwarg, Arkohn, Aro CantCatchABreak, AspDIY, BlueThunder, Bob_Pesterfello, Captain Target, CaptainUrsus, CobaltDawn, CrazyMidget, Crida, Curly Howard, Damasta, Doggie Bear, EddieLoo, Edwin the Pastinaceous, ElissaYoung, Flanders, Gehanii Grimsane, Godspeed, GorgeousGeorge, Gouku, Graf von Steiff, Gravinatrix, Hern Domnor, Higgy, Hot Mamma, Jingles, Kapi_K, Kitschycat, Lance_Winstar, Leanna, Li ReN, Lord_of_Ants, Lungbutter, Malik, Marchelute, Martavius, Master Grimwulf, Melvina, Metraxis, Mistral, Monster Hunter 2, Moosenoise, MzSwan, Nooboguy, Nuke, PrecioSura, Princess Erin, Pyren and Rigby9
