duct tape

duct tape

🥇Exonerated Muppet Dancer32,123






#5Papa Yataco7,232








#9Mucky Pup3,461








#13Sherm Firmwood2,535










#18Darth Elmo1,912






#21Meester Slow1,553


#22Blade of Fate1,500








#26Mistress of the Obvious1,396


















#35I am here_why1,255












#41Baron Mind1,111


#42MI4 REAL1,100


#43Lord Stefano1,010




#45BlackDragonKZ, El Geedo, Goldorak and SkullRock1,000
















#56Foxy Boxy891








#60Louis of Apshai and donutking797






#64Hellion and Sifter777


#66Murphy Brawn775








#70Coochie Coochie Coo754






#73Hare Raiser745




















#83Simon the Mystificator626












#89CMOT Dibbler598


#90Bobje Ratata593






#93GT1, Vulcansaur and Yubi Shines555






#98crash bang boom542






#101Mr Ernest538






#104Howard the Duck521


#105faa Gamer510










#110InvIsIble and Krayons469










#116Space Ace427


#117Barfomit, JayMetalGuitar and No One420


#120BuRNJoB420 and ducttapebandit417






#124BloodDoner and jackal73411




















#135Lance Dickson385


#136A Gressive Coffee Addict383






#139Corielle, IncidenceOfRealism and PrinceCandyAss380














#148Major Meat365






#151Keldar the Unbrave, Miss Tarball, Oroku Saki and RobN359






#157JoebobVillaret and Neutron Star333








#162CA Dude320




#164Becca_007 and Kugli310




#167Lake Snow Killer, Modgnik and Pendulass304








#173apisguy and siledre298






#177The Bonerdagon292










#182BigSchtick and Dolaq280








#187Mongrel the Apathetic266


#188Jehanmandeville, LarfSnarf and Padoogie265










#195Invisible Unknow and Sinead O Colander251


#197Madelyn North248






#200jho mamma235








#204Smelli Kat227










#209Babaganoosh and timetorun219




#212Dazzle, ZmFlavius and lonerbear215


#215Cyan Luna213






#218the great spartan202




#220Kreegah and multi420200












#227Que Chan Mok190




#229FearlessX and msterri186














#237Ravious, Winsome and estherlxl177


#240Antfattener and Yarple176




#243Casca, Show, TheBryant, Tokeylicious, Tricksy and mskc172






#251Armourboy and Froggie Legs167




#254Axilla Schmutz and LeoGeo165




#257Aaiy, Edmund Fitzgerald, Sans the Comic and WhiskeyZours161


#261Goofyye, Master Grimwulf, sarspastic and u_so_dead160


#265HorseloverFat, Keogh, Mehified and Tzabor159




#270Choolies, Lungbutter and poorlydrawnman156








#276Cristao, TVirus26 and dumpybabe151




#280Barryson and DarthThaddeus149




#283PolyesterMan and SmileyByte146


#285AssClown and Raldo144




#288Tel, dennisrmull and xsneAkeR07x142




#292SpiderVeins McGee and dune rune139


#294BobSomething and Oakleaf138




#297Agburanar, DrunkDuckie and Immelan136






#302Jomeo and Paran133




#305BanditAlt, VaginaEnvy and cathogen131


#308Benevolent Familiar, SchwahXP and StylesRockman130








#314Miakel and slugman126


#316Brew Geared and prETty125




#319Sor Na Shannen123


#320Anesthesia, Farflier and azureskies122


#323clatra and gorrer121


#325Busch Light, Don Quai Poncerello and Obnoxio The Clown120


#328El Vibrato119






#331Izhebel, Not and mangofeet116


#334Astari, Foggy and Ukluk Slugthrower115








#340Celebmacil, Death by Gnocchi, Krukedogg and ThiefAlt111


#344Edwin the Pastinaceous, Ibaslomofo, ShieldMaiden and The Hoff110


#348LizardKing and Zeklan109


#350CafeBoob, GizmoHopes and Satoshi108


#353Sennin, muskratlike and pantsthief107


#356Duddy01, Lewdguini, ThePeace22 and Ucibius106


#360Bazo, Dyann, LilyNoire, Seth_OS and Synthetik105


#365Cupcakes of Hell and Dician104


#367DiablosMinion13, Dirty Immigrant and Ramonphilius103


#370Flinga and Jzzybbe101


#372BunnyleFey, Charlatan, DaGimpster, Darkling, Leviathan90, Piefight, Spunky, TheHermitsShadow, TiffanyB, caducus and mylittlesister100


#383Kara Rae, MonkeyLlama, Skent, amanojaku and darkgreycat99


#388Amarand, Engineered Waltz and flykitty98


#391Ceasarious, Devd, Disky and Meat_Curious97


#395ACMuseum, Levykid, Olorin and SandyFlash96


#399Atomic Dog, Brat forcE, PokeyMan, Siennaschall, gleeman, horkman and meee95


#406Avia and LustyPirateWench94




#409Chineselegolas, Itamaram, Jherskow and Ms Bus Driver92


#413DrunkenBob, Luc1fer, Stick Holigan, StinkyWizzleteats and brent ObeRLin91




#419Rebel SMURF, garanimalstains and glaucos89


#422Late nite Ramen, LiamAndMe, alan0823 and jenrose88


#426Boadicea, Fish Food230, badaduci and erTEST187


#430Boyscout, Corwin, Hectoro, JayDuck the Mildly Interesting, Mansausage and Rsm_lazarus86


#436Baranduin, Hunkpapa, Kneegrow and Liv85


#440BabySmasher, Sal the Rapacious and webgecko84


#443Bibicu, Bruscettalia, CharliePaige, Malakite1976, Rav E Oli and darkzelkova83


#449Pumpkinheadme, TamerAlt and girlina82




#453High Voltage, Snapper Head and SpecialK80


#456Athanatos, Poncho the Sane and davidsan79


#459Cheloni, Eoline, PathetiC, teh_pjotorer and whitebear78


#464FatQuack, Salvador, Terrapin_Man and Zeenon77


#468Mitchell, bunter and malphador76


#471BaBaBing, BlackThunder, CrypticEllipsis, Whiskaz and tim_teh_pwner75


#476Arc9, Illuminatus_XXIII, entchen, shanabanananut and webeme74


#481AltrashiKurobara, Me Hokkien, MorriesOtherAccount, Rain, Sapphyria, mrf and rpxx73


#488Agliata, Bleuheartawoofer and Bunkertor772


#491Boxy Brown, Rooster21 and totalnerduk71


#494Filmore, Northern Sahaqiel and surfer treecko70


#497AvocadoPirate, Puttan Esca, Ulysse, biggie528, blider and eXtremist6969


#503Boondog_Dan, MauveBerry, Zair, eav, lifebloods pet and snatchbeast68


#509Salsa Picante, cheeser, dontSing, gottasing, sassy111 and wavedash67


#515IceColdFever, Muluk, bruteforcePWNsYou and kidMissile66


#519HHHolmes and morvita65


#521Jasonbot, Quimble, Wolfman6666, chaos_assasain and muskratlove64


#526Burninator, IAmtheDisco, Lord Kick in The Butt, Redeyedpreacher420, Sweet_n_Evil and noodleEd63


#532BoJengels, Bomber, Dytrppr, Keranita_ye, Mystic_Potato, TIny PlaStic impY, alacrity and eFloss62


#540Jigga k, MissPolka, Newbot and Soubrette61


#544SupermanCY, TeamDave, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE and ikazuchi60


#548Daja, Damic, IP_69_16_150_196, Morganfyre and canniBALLS59


#553BeerHead, Eriadan, Josim, SuperDood, SweeneyTodd, Ultranibbles, kol_orphan, madamkiss and schneepat58


#562MadddddDog and MarcyRoni57


#564DraconisUK, Kostej Kostejsson, Mars the Infomage, MightyTurtle, Rasputina, RedNeckReb, Robby Rocketpants, Shadow_Knight, Tectle, ThisisKyle, Valarauko, Zantele, lordsuZAKU and warebar56




#579Azatoth_Zombie, Evangelist_Nine, Evil Dead Ned, Littlegett, Markisnitch, Snarf the Saucy, Tsuki, azunak, clashingharmony, darius180 and nimrod_154


#590BeefThief, Kintoncloud, Le Canard, Myznil, Prefect, Zucker, crazyeddy and kiril1553


#598JizzMasterZero, Kamikaze Assassin, Redeyedpreacher, SRO, TheNuge, chessducky, jcrkk and locavoracious52


#606BlueWasabi, Daphen, SilverbackTiger, Terps, Vedekka, doublefistodoom and p4dd051


#613Astin and TaDfG50


#615Accordion Abuser, Brick Chicken, GCByzantine, Klutzygirl, Kspades, Nymall, RedJack, RenRetard, Samotheus and neromike49


#625Nickie, Troeke, Zariaidan and blik48


#629BongSwatMatt, GpHerder, Kethy, Ninja Karl, NoctiBeard, foozbat, jackstraw, slotwin and txster47


#638Chickenbox, Deimos, FatQuack2, Right2Wrong2000, Slavoc, Verdict, bdftesla, motoXXXozzy and shameonme46


#647AgentOfGrey, GentleFluter, Ghent, Gluek, Jubblegum, Loach king, Nectaris, astronaut and maniac140045


#656Barsteward Raz, D Luded, Solotheus, ladderman, unisus80 and wickedspikes44


#662Archipelago71, Carnivorous Sheep, Katrinesse, Lilandra, Little Kara, Marshall, PsychicBlade and Senor Velasco43


#670Alaric Rex, BOOgieBabe, CaptainSnarge, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Espieglerie, KittyEatsYou, Melindria, Shugenja and insecticon300042


#679Andrella, CogitoErgoSum, Gehanii Grimsane, Niner, OuO, Revier, Tullybright and brendon_is_gross41


#687Almar Zamasee, ChumpChange, Crysalim, Da_Gimp_2, Disco Dancing, Jannifer, Nossidge, OHogan, Thrincold, Water Dragon, crimsonblind, kevincoleslaw, marshaul, sweet maple, swrittenb and w_ron_g40


#703Daniel Lockheart, Dragoon Sage, Dreldan, Hoshi Hanami, LongBrulee, Paanin Diaz, SirSwank, Tess LaCoil, blue_canary, chaosagent, eMick and fugitive24739


#715Abnegazzar, Bightchee, Crimbo Bandito, Djabsolut, Mauve the Impaler, Mawhani, Nalsa, Sobriquet, StormCrow42, The_Egan, Thowra, Yarrim, cooky monster, omgwtfBBQ1234567890, shaggy100 and trotskie38


#731Blart DudaBarra, Ceelgohsplatt, Ekis, Gaunt, KnifeDancer, Ovid, SBD, Yavnik, Yurick, eskimodave, kemoore86 and sfwarlock37


#743Acoustic_shadow, Ass Pounder, Jay Peg, Knitbone, Richard Saucer, bbblg, brightmeadow and the_postman36


#751AdenOvirus, Androcles Antepasta, Faded, Grollo, Invisible Unknown, Legalese, Moe Himself, YuriaTayde, blueberry, gnoCCo and kirByllAmA35


#762Altoholic, D3tox, Firebyrdx, Morahs_Sale_Multi, Nion, Rand0m__her0, crystal_ingram and setarip34


#770Dignity God, FairyCharmed, I be Will, LetsT, Pelsboble, Reddot, SilentFoot, StrLikeCrazy, Strych, The Mushboom, howhowhow and santifaller33


#782ADA WONG, AnxiousHyrax, Birdy, Mowglia, Mudflail, Plutarch, Ravenskya, Spiff, TheNice1, Thortheus, Tyrmon, Zob Rombie, copperbottom chef, kissenger, nymersi, phreeq and tiNyplAsticcRaCkdealer32


#799BobbyJones, Bran Mak Mufin, CBParker, Delecti, Fronobulax, Naudiz, Nucleartoad, PandaPants, The Frito Bandito, Wednesday, XYK0N, cbia and tanstaafl31


#812Aegis Black, Aevum Decessus, Atronach, CaptainChaos, Castle Greycat, Darmut eDrien, Gehenna, John Shaft, Muffin Break, Riashi, Slippery Elmo, Steam, Viridis, VoltTacklE, WishfulSinful, Xclockwatcher, YinofYang and worthawholebean30


#830Aldarana, DuRhone, GheyRay, Higgy, Imitation Plastic Uncle Crimbo, InvalidComponent, Metal_Mickey, Peanuts_1987, Whispers, Xenosis, jenkinsda99 and l4g0s29


#842Angua von Uberwald, Artful Dodgerr, Chef Wolfgang, Dan The Third, Dinpig, Downsy_Daisy, EvilKOLBot, Guppopolis, Jeoru, Jubala, MattScott, Pickledorange, Rayi, Shytalk, Slip_N_Slide, Tenebrae, rutted road and sciFIwiZ28


#860AmandaJo, BenzDoc, Chrysalis, Fish_and_Chips, FrankNBeans, Frisbee, Frodo Ramone, Higardi, Kreamer, Kwok, Lyk2no, Nikolita, Ranged Lunatic, Ransak_the_Elder, Raszlo, The_Grexican, VelvetDreams, WeatherWarrior, gamma_RAy, mtnfs, salticid and zombiedust27


#882Afrogumby, Anne with an e, Chili man, Jill Apagos, Mystery8226, Natano0, Roma, Sweet Ducks, Tolim, punicron, schmedy and wakela26


#894Alakeni, AlienMarky, Azatoth, Billad1, Bobsuruncle, Clandestine, Donavin69, Lalarcy, MaxiVisVires, Sapper, Taest, Tannerhaus, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, Wintermute, bcia, gabrayle, hEyWood22, noinamg, samancha and theDork25


#914Bork, Cheesy One, Cousin_Daisy, Danza, DeDiddlyDawg, Deathridge, Destiny420, Digan, Doodle Bob, Drinkerbell, Inurbase, Jemini, NeuroticPunk, Phlylgenion, Quackosaur, Rigorn, Verdigris97, completebastich, drabber, eibbeD, gingerhead, hpmons3, oMa and slag24


#938A Player, AccordionStu, Azarael, Bogtha, ChesterArthurXXI, Culculhen, Durf, Eviljuanita8, Faloran, IngaTBW, LlamaMonkey, Lothario Squeezebox, Luc2fer, Magorly, Mubobo, OLBuick, Obsidean_00, PastryPusher, Pun Zmobie, Son of Bogtha, Targrod, Yandolino, bwned, cimoi, clippershipp, howlin_mad, kmanq, mnkymnky243, mumoi, myrth77, nomoi, octopodey, pamoi, remoi, superfuzzball and t4kato23


#974Beastyclaire, BlueThunder, Clarinet, Daisy_Dukes, Dungy, Ketoes13, Layton Draxby, Lorelai, Olidimarra, Olmec, PlutoGang, PoiPoi, Ray_DK, Rumour Rhemer, Squall Thrawn, SuantKaliMa, UGZ_Log, Vighugr, Windigo, Zurim, case, legom7, neromike2, rcl1917 and siege7222


