rusty grave robbing shovel

rusty grave robbing shovel

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This is a shovel used for robbing graves. Too bad it can't also be used as a figurative shovel, for burying the guilt you'd feel if you ever used it. You could give yourself a fantastic dose of tetanus with it, though. That might make you feel better.



🥉Alfredo Garcia9,833














#10Mistress of the Obvious1,666


#11Mikemtl, Phillllllllll and runelguy1,337














#20Ford McDonald825










#25Poncho the Sane605


#26s l a y e r590






#29Clan Mule357
















#37General Disorder225












#43Sal the Rapacious183




#45Bobje Ratata166












#51Esthier and PolyesterMan143


#53FMtheGood and john1008138




#56Artie Effham134




#58Keldar the Unbrave130










#63Ms Bus Driver and Ultranibbles120




#66Giselle117, Gravy Master12, Optimus747 and xain116




#71Ninja Karl107






#74CA Dude102




#76Darkling, Friznik, SnowAngel and tR1n1Ty100




#81Ander Hammer92












#87Fluffmullen_the_Bad and Paran73


#89Magic2729, eXtremist69 and raynstorm69




#93Angry Villager65


#94Galapagos James63






#97BlueThunder and Mad Dudy59


#99Mongrel the Apathetic57


#100Edwizzle and Mordras DelZyr54


#102Dik and Olorin53




#105Deimos and MonkeeBuddah51


#107DeathKnight668 and Mega Ogg Boolbar50




#110Aife, Bonnikers, Tolim, Underlord76 and chaosagent48




#116Amarand and TheDotGamer46


#118Higgy, Jehanmandeville and Perchorin45


#121Vigilamus and reinstag44


#123Mars the Infomage, SuperTurkey and glaucos43




#127BabySmasher, CottonMouth, Einhart, PsychicBlade and Stabotron41


#132KageOokami, Lungbutter and TCA Stash Guy40


#135LiamAndMe, Pumpkinheadme and SatireSloth39


#138Radio Chat, Ramonphilius, Thingy, dune rune and epithet38


#143Hastings, Wylin, slugBoy and tanstaafl37


#147Rogorx_THEmadd and crystal_ingram36


#149Chineselegolas, Miridian, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, Vampira and eibbeD35


#154Ceelgohsplatt and OHogan33


#156Barrysoff, Katie Scarlett, Mad Mortician, Raylin, SaitoLoather, The Ghosty and ladderman32


#163Candice Dick and GligSith_Tcharf31


#165BigSchtick, Wildcat_693 and maliphik30


#168Cookiecutter, DeDiddlyDawg, Wolfman6666 and c00lb0t29


#172BlueWasabi, Chasing, Fearium, Randomloser, Yandolino and skulz1328


#178Bob the Undertaker, Darmut eDrien, MasterOfPolka, MissGnomer and Zerai27


#183HansGruber, Knitbone, RUSTneverSLEEPS and Sir Loogey Du Phlegm26


#187Tara the Inept, TheSilentMantis, Trumper, X666X and jlchamberlain4925


#192Animus, Gollum, Kemistry, SauceAlt and Thigwig24


#197Family Of Salsa, Kool23kid, Simon the Mystificator, cakyrespa, crash bang boom and nordmert23


#203AgentRocko, Antfattener, ShoTheBandit and gottasing22


#207Banker Bob, Hamusutaa, HappyBizu, Kaos_Demonik, Mystex, NecrO anseM and cukky21


#214Anarch, Cobain Dougans, IntellectualWhore, Jidam, Lewdguini, Salsa Picante, completebastich, edman18 and santifaller20


#223MrKeen, PrinceCandyAss, Raventhief and Snapperjack19


#227Angetet, Kspades, Pimpjuice, SchrodingerCat and Sylph Aldente18


#232BanditAlt, DevilishOne, Loachette, Moosenoise, Quimble, aenimus, dcfiregirl, the_me, theflamingokid and unisus8017


#242BrassOnes, El Vibrato, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Neithyme, Notwau, PokeyMan, Valarauko, darius180, farmGirl, habeansha, kidsampson, thesandslv and tight_wad16


#255Calatan, Grandpa_Jeb, I g g y, IndieRockToker, JediKnight219, Kinttavo, Monarch309, Raguel, Shaydn, SteemerClams, Torquemada, gen0615, grimwald, hotdeth and i8HunanFood15


#270AlmAlphiA, Athanatos, Avatar, ElronBean, IncyWincyQuincy, Mystic_Potato, Nymall, Oldsfrk, Smellypharterer, Vacuumus, amrodg, jcrkk and kissenger14


#283Cantaloupe, Cthulhu Kid, Destaven Fireheart, Disco Sam, Friar Bacon, Jimmy da Pooh, Kneegrow, Miss Informed, Rabi the Sheath, Razorbell, Thelaan, Ugmo Joe, Wintermute, ikazuchi, rowanthorn, silly_na and thebanjoman13


#300Androcles Antepasta, BarbarianBob77, CoffeeShopFrank, Cryanger, EddieLoo, Flegel, GwynDragon, Le Canard, Minon_of_Vorad, Msyjsm, Slugfly, Talon__crow, TerrapinVox, TurtleGirlPower and a6stringronin12


#315Afenot, Akeldama, Archipelago71, Betty Page, Brat forcE, DarkFall, Diellan, Donavin69, GecoLupesco, Issira, LoneWolf1541, Lord_of_Ants, Monkeyboyjp, Princess Erin, SnackAttack, Sondroch, TheMightyDOOM, eav, h00k, jimmy_hoffa, spooky kid and zcearo11


#337Escaflowne, Fylgia, JoFjOf, JsnFargonaut, Kaboon, Lord Stefano, Matricii, Pippington III, Plucky, Quothz, Redcap04, SBD, SapphirePhoenix, Sau_Kazumi, Skin Deep, Teyrnon, Ubiq, Wyked2, adsynth, blueflamingo, bmb, jlc2, l4g0s, mellorisagayafrobear, pOOx, slotwin and topp_dogg10


#364Altoholic, Baughbe, DarkNewton, Devilpapaya, Eron, Greycloak, Kareth, Keator, LordOfCreepers, MariposaTheMonarch, Minke, MrBiggg, Normanreedus, RileyMonster, Rumour Rhemer, RuthlessX, SassyMcAsspants, Silas_L_Denturez, Truckdriver999, cheshirecat387, commiefalcon, d00bie, linzic, maryjane666 and mwahaha9


#389ACMuseum, ARthuR the human, Accordion Abuser, Albenis, BabaRam dAss, Bewitched, BlackThunder, DancesWithTrekkies, Dane, Diamond Stud, Ducky, Fneeee, Idle Hands, Kruntus, Lord Zathrus, P1ayer, Senor Velasco, Slamboy, Sowyrd, Stargazer67, Steal My Toast, Turbuchai, WaxDragon, Zermelo, case, delvis_one and rhod_hook8


#416Arket, Avanar, Bubbersworm, Caplin, DarkWeasel, EggNogIceCream, Eoghnved, Faded, Farfetchedchild, Gourdy, JizzMan, Kaspersai, KendricksRedtail, Magnus Thunderblade, MeLcator, Nanimonai3, Peu4000, Plexter PoinDexter, Rasputina, Rayi, ShenanigansMaster, Smoking_GNU, Suspect, Ukyou, Wagr, X The Exterminator, cnutt, dammed if I do, eskimodave, mhwombat, nimrod_1, poola and stone51507


#449Agent006, Backbacon Bob, Blue Dragon, Damasta, DeMoNiKoN, Doctor Nick, Dorcas, DreamTune, ForcedToWork, Hlover, IceScorcher, Knux7, Leatherback Jack, NTesla, Nightfire, Oveja, Phantom Stag, Rogue Specter, SirSpanksAlot, Sjakie, Squid, StaffordMeister, Stickie Pants, Strych, Trullum, Vlad the Inhaler, Widget1985, Xaositects, Yarble, debbie chinique, fuwafuwa, iMMASMASHYOFACE, jon316, mrf, pestodigator, sauceclubber, sensibleb, snoggo, the_postman and xapnomapcase6


#489Anne_Tipahzto, Astin, BatWinger, BeefThief, Bobofred, Danger, Darkwing, Davrick, Debobe, Delilah Jones, Dysamyne, Forkbomb, GLWill, High Tower, HikingPete, Hunkpapa, I_am_the_Night, Kaas Chuig, KoL Demon Slayer, Kytlan, Lady_Deimos, LazyStarfish, Mouser, MurderMaid, Pertelote, PseudoShadow, Rebel SMURF, Regnar, Retro_Thrusters, S3phirothsdemise, Snuckies, SwordsRCool, The Masked Shovel, Valryia, VicciousPoo, Viki, justmatt9283, micros the tiny, ragnar0K, selkiexangel, spankeyhamsbro and uptight flea5


#531Antunar, AquaticRes, Betelgeuse, BillieJo, Bodito, BonesHurt, Cold Pizza, DarthB1, Destre, Dexorcyst, DrewT, Fart Smeller, Fellatrix, Hairshirt, Jokko, Kizehk, Klide, LINGUINI, LisaTheMad, LordPatriarch, MadamMayhem, Me33333, Meester Slow, Mentaiko, Mirsadies, Mulvaney, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Oatgan, Olmec, Orochi, PassionFever, Phuata, Pompo_Schmelkin, Rachiannka, RedJack, Septh, Space Ace, Tiny plastic raging vole, Toasterboy, Trompe Loeil, Turkney Sol, Vauran, Veszerin, Warped12002, Webley, WeeBuffBot, Yuzuru, annu, blocko, chanaleh, dennisrmull, eggibagga, gargirl, hoyifung04, ironbob, karma_247, kartez, lillian, pianomaster42, sfwarlock, stpatgirl1987, wza and zer0cha0s4


#594Alex Spence, Ashles, Atomic Dog, Bam_A_Pinniped, Beswycke Bechamel, Bigun, Bradley Morris, ChaosTheDarkMage, Chucky_Pain, Cogniwhat, CyberWocky, DanHibiki, Daphen, Dinosaur Dentist, Eetchoo, Fenric, Geologygirl, Glerf, Gryntin, Hainab, Hallan Meras, Hidesunset, Highwaywoman, Huntergap, IMJack, JCS, JR Trolkin, Jared_Allen, KOLOKI, Karrde03, Lady Auron, Marquis de Carabas, Martavius, Mayoress, Mr Nooodles, Nuclear Griffon, Otterbee, Pantless Pete, Quafferbrau the Mush, Raian, Roger_B3, Roller, Salayer, Schlicke, Sennin, Shortcake4167, Skent, Starfevre, Terran Karapace, The Destructorator, TheGreenLing, The_Smartass, Tirg08, Ty_Sylicus, WakeoftheBounty, WolfLady, Woodrow, XT_m_n_tx, Zerstu, aClArie, aNTiMaNceR, clovisbum, demeon, eRiCtHeGoD, fatesjoke01, fl0aty, growl, hellfire15, jaelkw, jessishere, kslash1, mage_kane, malphador, man of justice, minhLONG, molly999, msterri, saronite, sombrehippie, steveO, suPer mACho MAN, swift001, xephyne, xstream587 and zombiedust3


#679Allikat, AnKayelle1, AndromacheNoble, Attila, Avigdor, BAHUMBUG, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, Baranduin, Baron Von Oglethorpe VII, Blizzard, BlueHat, BoredBandit, Brap, CaptainRondo, Casteel, Cecil B Demented, Cinder, Cockroach, Cprime101, CronoTalon, Crystal8645, Deadlykill7, Defenseman, Demeos_9999, Derdrom, Derekwr, Dimloep, Discord_Times, Disowned, Doc Noc, Doggie Bear, Doom Lord, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Drag0n, Dropzone, Duhric, DycesKynes, English, Etheralled, Fafara, Fionnira, FireFly 3000, Fitje, Fluck You, Frediablo, FrenchiePoo, Gamgron, Garakain, Gaunt, Gavin, HNWombat, Habib the Unsightly, HoboBob24, I be Will, Ibaslomofo, Ivan the Ignoble, Jashler, Jaylee, Jigga k, Kalismaal, Kayleigh, Keranita_ye, Kilashandra, Kmart Unit, KyRoS, LastChans, Lucelle Ball, MCsalsa, Makatiel, MiniLizard, Miss Booger, Morbid_Thoughts, MotherMary13, MoxieMozzie, MrsDarcy, Mud Duck, Muttolomule, Natashaa, Noonan, Nulldata, Nyra, Obscurite, Oopsiedaisy, Pakem, Paradoxtim, Phanpy, Pierce_Talon, PimpAssMoFo, PixySnot, Presence, Quackosaur, Qwerty255, RazorbackFan, Roland Of Gilead, RustyPilotWrench, SCJohns, SJSkydiver, Sarafina826, Scorpion, Sephris, Serasia, Shellie_Webster, Skabetti, Slithre, Smiling Spectre, Soft Noodle, Steven Q Urkel, StinkyChip, StuStu, SultanSalami, Svidrigailov, Sweetstuff, Talsgar, The Ambassador, The Mushboom, The_End, ThiefDude, Thundernuts, Thyralya, Tigro, Triple Option, TullyLao, TurtleTamyr, Tyrmon, TzTok Jad, Uberw00tage, Uurson, Vetr, Webbi McDuck, Zanch Pornoflict, Zarethor, Zenzizenzizenzic, abyssus, aceatheart262, apisguy, arabstrap, autochthonous, clarisdatcom, davidsan, december_saige, eddieray, fatesjoke03, hokeywebb, hyper, iceice babY, jay 55555, jrbmc2, maelstromata, me the CAT, misterhola, moop_12, morwen, neuRosia demenTaTas, odaffer98, onicoe, pyro fr3ak, quinn_julia, robolobster, rocketyam, rukheotw, shkspr, tHeEvIlIsHiE3, thE_nekO_jimboB, thebrucolac, thoughtstipated, tool man, trafficjam29, valdamos, zeldaroolz and zoidman2


#849Abbyrod, AbuBamsry, AccordionBoy, Acorn Express, Ada Min, Advn2rgirl, Aeodan, Aerdrie, Aere0n, Agent Smith, Ailhanna, Ainosenshi Noni, Aiwe, Al Frodo, Al_Diablo, Al_Khowarizmi, Alcolmiztli of the Equator, Aldarana, Alexandra Knight, Alf, Alldarker, Allora, Almost Last, Alucir, Alwaysheaven, Ampersans, Amrothlin, Ana Ng, Anabel Leigh, AnchoPete, Angel of Music, Angelina2, Ankopitch, Annalia, AnomTheTerror, Apathy McGee, Apparitional, ArchCrazyFool, Arckanghel, AresGodOfWar, ArgUS5, Argrus, Arkose Realgar, Aroura, Arry Potter, Arties Son, Arya Stark, Asereth, Asinine, Asmoridin, Astraleaf, Astralwolf, AtalayaLeda, Awkes, Aybara, Azoun, Azuriel, B A Takaline, BDF Loathers, BRRITO, BSOD, BUTTONS13, BabyBees, Bad Hat Harry, Bad man, Badde Daria, Badde Hugs, Bang Boom, Baron von Chickenpants, Bartuf the Strongest, Bassvamp, BeatlesRock4, Beavis P_Ness, BeccaBug, BeerHead, Bellae, BenBen47, Benihime, BenzDoc, Bilbo, BillyBob101, Bindoil, Bizarro Murphy, Black Easterling, BladesIV_II, BlindMonk, Blit, BlueHeart_627, Bob, BobSagetBees, BobTheFlish, Boberalla, BongSwatMatt, Boondog_Dan, BorDeaUX523, Bortlby, Boxy Brown, Brandon Koh 1, Brannon, Bratensaft, BraydenKyler, Brickus, Brirad, Bristelle, BrittyBear, Bruleemix, Bruuser, Bubba9265, BunnyFuFu, Bury_Your_Dead76, Busybyeski, CGSFSS, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Camlost, CapHector, Captain Champagne, Captain Sensitive, CaptainRandom, Cardinal Fang, CatsCat, CelticAire, Chainblade, ChandelierSwallows, Chaotic Chili, Char Takeo, Charas, Charasa, Charasan, Chartan, Chatty, Cheeseboyardee, Chelonia, Chimera77, Chrysthanium, Claudia_Balzac, Clevinger, Clown420, Cocomotion, CodSmack, Cogito Ergo Sam, Cosmosis Kwik, Costanzafaust, Coup de Grace, Crimedog, Cristao, Crusader Rabbit, CsCaudata, CuddlyBear and Curly Howard1
