evil googly eye

evil googly eye

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This is a small, plastic, transparent disc with a smaller, black, and equally plastic disc inside. It's only unusual in that it glows red when you get close to it, and in that it moves even when nothing's shaking it.

You could use this to anthropomorphize just about anything. Well, anything corporeal. It'd be hard to attach it to, say, guilt, or agoraphobia, or something.

🥈Tiny Plastic Grimmy5,942


🥉Rev Noodlyson4,986








#7Chrono Mage1,561


#8Raph Fury1,314




#10Mistress of the Obvious657




#12Killa K477


































#29brent ObeRLin148






#32Rip Green131








#36Item Dude117


#37Lord Jareth116


#38Evil Monster113


#39Mala the Sad112
















#47APPLE BLOSSOM, Bacon Stoned and caducus100






#52Friznik, PaSTE and hagrid33385








#58Arthas, Bingohost_age, Noskilz and gunfighter77


#62Goldorak and idIOtpLaYeRx76








#67Jinya, LordTJ, Narth Vader_v2 and Shevy71


#71Patamunzo Lingananda70




#73Friar Bacon and Snugglypoo68


#75Juntao and LobsterHime66




#78Autumn1983 and Elfea64


#80DiscoFevaDiva, Drucifer and Fredmaehn62




#84MrSnerg and Yukinator59


#86Issira and TwirlyRotini57


#88Antfattener, JohnPatrickMCP, Qdo and Samanthra56




#93Brap, Thigwig, verbena128 and whizdad54


#97DaGreatMomoVII, Juanita Cuervo and LunaWolvesMan53


#100Banker Bob and rhod_hook52




#103BobbyMcBain, DeathAngel, GiveMeANameDammit and Spappy50




#108Ahzander Ranning, Suendenbock, art_bohemia and namblue1048




#113CousCous and red grog46




#116Athanatos, Family Of Salsa, WelcomeToEarth and evldrag44




#121Bare_Bear and Lucius Brimstone42


#123Anarch, Cisco, Gunny Roxx and Jingo41




#128Eddie_Polka, Vaginal Bloodfart and glaucos39


#131AlmAlphiA, PastaiestChefEver, Slippyriffic and Wednesday38


#135Crowther, Poncho the Sane and Trumper37


#138BronMac, Kara Rae, Smiley Doobinator, Vorbis and ispep198236




#144Mr HeadCase, RiceMerchant, Yellowdog and oogabooga34


#148Oldsfrk, Oliver Klozov, WalterEgo, jackofalltrades and rexfelis33


#153Baltar, Barbari0n, Gregstrom, Lord of the Souls, MayaOwhy, Mulvaney, Necco Wafer, chestah and ikazuchi32


#162Devilpapaya, Moxious Monkey, Rouver, RustyPilotWrench, Shagie and diSCwORldiaN31


#168DiscoToon, Gawea, SuperAscender, Tibbiara and firstplaceloss30


#173DakX, Luxxor, Skent, Traverser and akiraadam29


#178Dark_Horse, Dik, ghienel and mara jade28


#182Dr NutButter, Hedera, Kalliandra, Mekare, Tara the Inept, h00k and jlc227


#189Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Kitrin_Nailo, MysticMelvin, Sallymonella, Spiffie and Trump26


#195ChaseCross, Chips, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Iffrat, Le Canard, Requium, Schwetty, ewokpylon, kingPOGo and moobs25


#205Ceelgohsplatt, Othar, TheLetterKay, pantsthief and uncle24


#210IncyWincyQuincy, Jman22, Nextkiller, Weldsoft and hipernerd23


#215FauxPasIII, Kae0s, NeoOfTheWilderness, SealClubber363, Sen, ShadowbladeZero, booberrymel and reX kwon22


#223FFL2and3rocks, Marluxia, TomTurbo17, Toric and payguhn21


#228Binaanne, Devan, ElCankerSore, Ewie, Garblesnarf, Malik, RavenMemory, TsunemonoPinku, Wheremydemonslie and ablotial20


#238Framistan, Jizwink, Ninja Karl, pLaster, phishfOOD and sensibleb19


#244Bungee, GondomWing, LemonLimePirate, Mars the Infomage, Nightvol, Stik guy, Tom808, Triffels and starscribe18


#253Bandgor, GligSith_Tcharf, Goodch, Kerallyn, PrehensileSpine, SaitoLoather, Sir Jimeth, Tasha8834, Tuffy and dreamisle17


#263Ajaxis, ChesterArthurXXI, Club, Critchley, FlySox, Kytlan, Late nite Ramen, Marm, Mynar, NetBoi, Normanreedus, OracleofDreams, Rutiger, Sheb, SuperGillies, Xortag and mix master k16


#280AetherWind, Arc9, BoiRDee, Bubble Girl, Grizzor, Habby, HardcoxDevi, Hooky the Hooker, Inuyaustin, Mesth, QuiCksteR, aquaphase and bawb215


#293Bingo the Clowno, BraveSirRobin, FiNnighan britton, Glitch 319, Gobbla, Jack S, LordPatriarch, Mexximan, PatrickChua, Razorbell, Spaceboy9702, Vesiv, Wadjet, Zirrrus, rtaylor, veganicus, wexer9 and will454514


#311Cookiecutter, Dakotadog, Desert Nomad, DeviSevere, Farfetchedchild, Fat Ninja, Hawkie, HushAngelico, JulianGitche, KingArthur, Knight_of_Nee, Kyrbis, Lord Baldrick, Mana Yachanichu, Marlow, NewTexas, OGready, Ravenous, Rixius, SadOatcakes, ShaggyJDub, Stargazer67, Surviver, Thelaan, WhiteWizard, baby eater, dSt3313, happycabbage777, lupus4 and shadman13


#341AeriusPrimus, Brat forcE, Derdrom, Dierdra, General_Herpes, Glukthar, Junestar, Lady_Deimos, Lance_Winstar, Lyle332, Merik, MysticPearl, Nashtinka, PetesSake, Rutger von Horeburg, Saberclaw, Shlhu, Simon the Mystificator, Sp8z, Spooky666, Stu Like Whoa, T_RIZZLE, Tristis, Tyrol Garamonde, Vaikyuko, Xmasreturns, Xyrn, Zeryl, chrissy mcgrade, dirka15243dirka, forskinski, jimmyBUFFET, kormu11, taltamir, theMalcolite and thexmanlight12


#377Archipelago71, ArgonZero, Badgerman of DOOM, Betty Page, CaptainGoogle, Clubbrz L337, Cogito Ergo Sam, DeathKnight668, DocValance, Donavin69, Doz, Error1, Gerg Sathoms, Ha1Ha1Ha, Hamperster, I be Will, ImperialBest, Kingpepe, Kurtle, Longuine, Lord_of_Ants, LuvLuvChef, Matt the Fish, MissPolka, Monkeyboyjp, Moxious Mystery, Murphus, Nanky, Quietust, Ragin_Rigatoni, Roger_B3, Salydra, ScoopKW, SiG, Siloslider, Simon Orbit, SlowMotionMagic, Sunpocket, TarapinTerror, Teapot, Tekisui, The Hunter of Thompson, ThunderGate, Tiny Plastic Jyxtrant, Tortica, Tsade, UncleBen, Vendrak, Waddle Dee, Widget1985, Wildcat_693, cubeof11, evilzombieking, fatalerror42, jho mamma, jimmy_hoffa, kirByllAmA, mmcbride, moop, sillyMoose, silly_na, sombrehippie, spooky kid, swankidelic, weird, xxsuccubusxx and zeeT11


#444Aaeth, Alexandrine, Boxwood, Cockroach, DrunkDuckie, Entish Power, Erik Von Cloobbin, Escaflowne, Hardy24, Harris Pilton, Ibaslomofo, JanvierBellefeuille, Kairen, Keptuvis, Lauts, Liquid Sasquatch, Lord Stefano, Maeldwyn, Mercenary9, MonkeyThatIsToxic, Panasonic Penguin, Pastatizer2, Perkk, Provoke, ROdger_FLint, RShellNZ, Randeath, Rebel SMURF, Rocket Man, Shellie_Webster, SkyHouse52, Slet Varthash, Smurty, TehMla, TheMakeOutHobo, Thraxus, ThunderSource, Tiny Plastic ThunderSource, Trullum, Vidalia, WhiskWoman, Wizunon, Xanthia_Althor, Yoshiko11, Zalan, Zounds, bibichka, bingoking2099, blornferter, d_w, habeansha, inuss352, jaqueitche, kissenger, melonmuncher, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, sauce_u_too, tigerkitty and tuesday12310


#503AClanIsWeBot, Alannus Mirage, AngrySeal, Aro CantCatchABreak, Ascensor, ChaosShadowflare, CrazyBrain, Dingo69, FurryBird, GAH, Gamerman, GuyWith4Arms, Hen3ry, InkWax, Justice1234, KINGoftheKONGo, Kilovian, King Stupid, Ms Bus Driver, Nectaris, Okramiman, Poo Poo, RedMage13, Sasori_uk, Selerik, Soylent Black, Sparklebat, Spoon37, Tajer, Therum, Triskelion, Wintermute, blade740, blik, bluedancer, bogseyluke, brirye, d00bie, emerson, fyre_tzygrax, hokeywebb22, idgrave, lonerbear, renji, slojopo and treebiter9


#549Benihime, Bombastus, BraydenKyler, CathyOak, Chicken n Dumplings, Devaan, Diellan, Ebeneezer, ErikTheRed, FluffyThumbTacks, Girmluhk, Highwaywoman, Jadyte, JoeyBaggadonuts, JohnCub, Justin Credible, Kipling, Master Polka, NEURION, Nuke, PlutoniumBoss, QubitsLie, Rumour Rhemer, Sau_Kazumi, ShaayLa, Singular Quartet, Snarfla, Southwest, SultanSalami, Tes, Tiyanath, Torquemada, WhoAreU, caliope, creepysusie, december_saige, esko, imperator, jmkg, karmasuttra, l4g0s, mumbeeni, peacespiral and septimus8


#593Bloodyfish, Buggs Piggy, Chasing, Chickenkong, Clubberella, Cosmosis Kwik, Crystal8645, DJ Dungeon, Drealicious, Dyann, Fenwald, FreakerHax, Generic Hero, J Mo, Joebob, Kishibe, LdySaphyre, Lizmeis, LoxMaster, Mac_Gyver, Meggery, MotoInushonen, Ominous, PrincessMisery, RightWingConspiracy, Sal the Rapacious, SarielDi, SealLover, SiN wYrM, Snapperjack, Tamsin, TaranWanderer, TeddyRaptor, The DMD, The Fist, TheLetterM, The__Monkey, Timo Tolkki, Vixxxy, boyrdee, charm, coolguy00001, dennisrmulljr, elle_belle, evilsquirrel, hahabood, nikkiq, nrpgnome, o0Succubus0o, schmedy, sdaisyk, tarfu92 and unknownZ7


#646AKU, Beatdown, Beljeferon, Bernoulli, BoBoTheBum, Boberalla, Chadomancer, Ciggtrek9, Corvett, Dan Dancing, Danimaniac, Deeliteful, DoctorChef, DrewUTLaw, El Juno, Elfy, ElronBean, FitzY, Flowerchild2600, Frediablo, GhostRider, Goldilocks, Graf von Steiff, Hison, IpaIpa, Kamikaze777, Katrina Semolina, Kobra, KolalaKitty, Kytelae, Loathario, Lumeria, Magiric, Maria Krystiana, Me33333, MoxiousMonkey, Mukiba, NML Manticore, Neithyme, Neotemplar, Pidgeons, Plankton Demigoddess, Rahenna, Ralph The Wonder Llama, RazorbackX, Roller, Setral, Shai, Smackers, Tatsuya, Telsa Dragon, TheBrent, TheSilentMantis, The_F34r, TinaMarieF, Traven1, WetRats, Wraithtech, XiLe, aerozeppl, aldervan, amplitude, dunnman94, edman18, emposseble, evil bat witch, fordxf, geopetal, h0m3r, jISm bArd BrUNel, jackenape, jbnimble, magnetman, plk, raynstorm, rogue of Doom, soelo, the strongest guy ever, warjunkie and weyr6


#726AdmiralKit, AgentRocko, Aras, Ark42, AsiTtlEr, Axilla Schmutz, BLAARGON the 1337, Bad Hat Harry, Biggen01, Bizboo, Blue Dragon, Bruce the Hoon, BucephalusBouncingBall, Clackling, Crazy As Pants, CrazyWeirdo, Dark Frank, Dark Trooper, DisComBoBulAteD, Dreamtears, Drooid, Edgar_the_Wallaby, El Vibrato, Elation, Electra, Elektra, Elle Driver, ElleBee, Foxfire the Dorky, Fredrica, GMK, Heffed, HelloTomorrow, Hemorrhagic Hobo, Hero Protagonist, Hetchman, Hubert Farnsworth, Jaladan, Jebustheathiest, Jidam, Joe_da_thug, John Watson, Jolan, KikiVonHuffleburger, Kongar, Lady Tomo, Lathrodec, Legend Killers, LeperChaun, Loincloth Boy, MALORKIS, Mage_of_Flames, MeJimo, Miss Sexualconduct, Moosenoise, MzSwan, Nalsa, PAK215, Perpetua, Pieguy259, Quaxalot, Rdnckj258, Retro_Thrusters, Roga, Roy, Rubius, Runus, S3w3rGn0m3, SalMonella, SchrodingerCat, ShawnD, SheBopHeBopAWeBop, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, Straif, TBrownMtG, TangledKarma, Terry, TimScheff, TullyLao, Victorinox, Viki, Visconti, Volante, VorpalRat, Yukimeister, Zeitgeist, asmanla, bizjeff, boy howdy, cHOColUSt, chibiscuro, completE_WOrKs, discodude2020, feveR, fl0aty, ford_me, jackal73, kemoore86, meh_64_12, menggu, mervella, questlove, rzst, shaggy100, shameonme, spellzabith, stillgotit, teh swabs, umfum and winna5


#836AccordionBoy, Ace_Element, AleCross, Alex Blaine Layder, Alphastrike, Barrysoff, Betafish99, Big Gun, Bigquack, Blazin4Flazzin, Boesbert, Cepa, CoronaDude, CrackHead FTW, Cubiclegirl, Darth_Davey, Deimos, DerekNJ, DisFreak, Dribbling Bacon, DulocInfoKiosk, Edwizzle, FarceFenrir, Fawfulhasfury, Fearium, Flashback73, FriarPop, General Tak, Gil Galad, GoZ The Great, Grimmie, Grrlvert, Hari, Ho Slappa, Hume, Isibeal, Itsatrap, JBreeze, Jeffro, Joe Bobfred, JustinCarto, Kintexu2, Kit Snicket, KonviK36s, Kurtispj, LT_Vicious, LadyWolf, Linkman95, LogicalMadness, Lorc, Malaclypse, Marchelute, Mishey22, Miss Chievous, Mitheor, Mizer_E, Morloki, MrMojoJojo, Nate Pyrokai, Noahs Ark, Nobodys Hero, Nomnominus Rex, NooDel, Nymall, OkbYe, PSY, PaganRain, Pantless Pete, Phoenix55, Pimpy the Pimper, Pixel Knight, PrecioSura, QGrav42, Rhps_Elf, Rokusho999, Salvationist, Sayick, Sevir, Slap101, Spiff, TeePee, TheCloverMan, TheDanceWarrior, Tirtuatha, Tyrone_Jones, Ultranibbles, Whap son of Thrap, YinofYang, Zerai, ZuzusPetal, agargan, bea girl too, chanaleh, chuckbarris, completebastich, d_ER, dantewyrmfoe, deadturtle_net, engdaddy, evil_dead, ghot1, gingerhat, gunners74, howlin_mad, illie, jWang, katneedscrack, lazysloth, madamkiss, mrPaulie, mrf, muhs420, purdyview, rosa blanco, royalpurpleDiamond, schmy, serion, serq, squalleohart, sub, sweettooth_tm2, tehlola, tush the pastagirl and whofarted4


#960AHHKellyClarkson, Aleke, Algor_Langeaux, Amaya Rain, AmpleHacksaw, Ander Exelion, Ankopitch, Annalia, AntiMoron, Aravis Tarkheena, Audioman, Aviendha, BMWracer0, Bananahead12, Batwood17, Biffle, BlaDeeBlah, Buckley, Bury_Your_Dead76, Chalks, ChaosDestroyer, Chetta, Chili Mac, Chocolatethunda, Choochoobear, Claudia_Balzac, Craftage, Cuthbert_Allgood, Dallbun, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Doctor Nick, Drefan_Rahl, Duhric, Dwaggy, Ekeinos, Fallen2004, Feminine Dave, Fylgia, Ganusay and Gunther Maplethorpe3
