
#703Angry Farmer candy83
#1741Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air1
#46Cerebral Crossbow8
#815Crimboween memo13
#1785El Sombrero De Lopez1
#497Elfin shortbread1
#237Happy Birthday, Claude! cake6
#127Kevlar balloon1
#246Knob Goblin Uberpants2
#164Knob Goblin learning pill1
#152Knob Kitchen grab-bag1
#2246Mob Penguin cellular phone1
#171Mr. Balloon1
#1462Retenez L'Herbe Paté1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#273Valentine's Day cake2
#306abominable snowcone51
#275alphabet gum6
#1251ancient unspeakable fruitcake5
#53angel-food cake1
#409anniversary balloon2
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#323astral mushroom32
#996astronaut pants6
#549awful poetry journal133
#1849baby killer bee1
#352baconstone bracelet1
#133badger badge1
#1646bag of airline peanuts3
#664balloon monkey2
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#521bell-shaped Crimbo cookie2
#1022bi-lateral logic compressor1
#1818black paisley oyster egg2
#1462black plastic oyster egg2
#1182black polka-dot oyster egg3
#1901black striped oyster egg2
#1297blood flower2
#811blue paisley oyster egg5
#1675blue plastic oyster egg2
#1242blue polka-dot oyster egg3
#604blue snowcone5
#1113blue striped oyster egg4
#141blue-frosted astral cupcake10
#3682bottle of goofballs3
#1070bottle of single-barrel whiskey1
#450bowl of lucky charms1
#448box of sunshine781
#231brass stinger2
#247calle de miel with a fly in it1
#634can of Red Minotaur4
#114can of fake snow3
#2395can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce2
#1674candied yams4
#230candy brain16
#993candy cane35
#3109candy stake2
#1823cheap plastic bottle opener1
#595coffin lid1
#508colored-light "necklace"1
#57deadly nightshade1
#41devil's-food cake1
#1956diamond necklace3
#1076disturbing fanfic26
#173dope gangsta bling-bling6
#211double daisy2
#141eXtreme nose ring2
#3267easter egg balloon4
#280evil googly eye15
#2681evil teddy bear1
#145exotic orchid1
#1794fake hand1
#1009fake plastic grass1
#1146fancy but probably evil chocolate5
#787fancy chocolate4
#305flashing novelty button4
#268floral print shirt1
#1242fuzzy dice5
#1921ghost cucumber1
#376ghuol guolash19
#1887giant pinky ring3
#82gilded lily1
#536gingerbread bugbear44
#2302gingerbread horror3
#2658googly eye1
#637goth kid t-shirt4
#882green balloon1
#1297green beer5
#842green snowcone1
#120green-frosted astral cupcake11
#3141grue egg5
#328hamethyst necklace1
#570harem girl t-shirt1
#48heart-shaped balloon1,000
#50herb brownies437
#1135herbal stuffing6
#318hippy herbal tea1
#70homeopathic healing powder4
#682irate sombrero1
#1831jazz soap1
#1485lavender paisley oyster egg2
#1590lavender plastic oyster egg2
#711lavender polka-dot oyster egg4
#1764lavender striped oyster egg1
#735lead necklace7
#1750length of string1
#1942loaded serum blowgun1
#81loathing eagle baby-doll shirt2
#1725logic synthesizer1
#433long-stemmed rose2
#726mauve paisley oyster egg4
#1188mauve plastic oyster egg3
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#1370off-white plastic oyster egg3
#1733off-white polka-dot oyster egg1
#1582off-white striped oyster egg1
#259orange glowstick8
#860orange snowcone1
#81orange-frosted astral cupcake18
#682personalized birthday cake2
#82pink-frosted astral cupcake15
#517pirate shirt2
#1498pixellated candy heart3
#386portable corkscrew18
#811potted cactus1
#208potted fern3
#1589pretty flower4
#685puce paisley oyster egg4
#1069puce plastic oyster egg3
#2252puce polka-dot oyster egg1
#658purple snowcone5
#140purple-frosted astral cupcake11
#1303rag doll1
#90rat head balloon1
#1513red paisley oyster egg2
#1840red plastic oyster egg2
#676red polka-dot oyster egg5
#1646red striped oyster egg1
#308rhinestone cowboy shirt1
#609rice bowl1
#305right half of a heart necklace2
#101roll of drink tickets1
#3636rubber WWBD? bracelet1
#3658rubber WWSPD? bracelet1
#1806skull-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#237slap and tickle with a fly in it1
#1097sleeping snowy owl1
#1348sock monkey1
#281soggy wofl t-shirt1
#216souvenir ski t-shirt3
#1975spade necklace3
#184spaghetti with Skullheads5
#778spectral pickle9
#706spooky eggnog8
#1131squashed frog1
#210string of blue beads47
#265string of green beads41
#266string of red beads39
#4852stuffed Cheshire bitten7
#4526stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech8
#3170stuffed alien blob1
#6976stuffed angry cow3
#4575stuffed astral badger8
#7027stuffed baby gravy fairy3
#907stuffed can of asparagus2
#4157stuffed cocoabo9
#718stuffed dodecapede3
#4621stuffed flaming gravy fairy8
#4594stuffed frozen gravy fairy8
#499stuffed ghuol whelp2
#3614stuffed hand turkey12
#4578stuffed mind flayer8
#83stuffed sabre-toothed lime1
#4332stuffed scary death orb9
#4800stuffed shoulder parrot1
#6370stuffed sleazy gravy fairy4
#4144stuffed snowy owl9
#3598stuffed spooky gravy fairy12
#1457stuffed spooky mushroom5
#5736stuffed stinky gravy fairy5
#3056stuffed undead elbow macaroni15
#424stuffed zmobie2
#2033teddy bear1
#269teddy bear sewing kit1
#148thought balloon1
#508three-tiered wedding cake1
🥇time sleigh1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#312tiny maracas2
#3991tiny plastic Cheshire bat4
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#2897tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer2
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#1808tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo2
#2623tiny plastic accordion thief2
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#2512tiny plastic angry goat7
#1823tiny plastic baby gravy fairy10
#2513tiny plastic barrrnacle7
#2569tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar2
#2012tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball9
#1501tiny plastic cocoabo12
#1819tiny plastic coffee pixie10
#2685tiny plastic disco bandit2
#2847tiny plastic fuzzy dice6
#3964tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick4
#1657tiny plastic ghuol whelp11
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#2026tiny plastic grue9
#2706tiny plastic hermit2
#3971tiny plastic howling balloon monkey4
#6072tiny plastic killer bee2
#1222tiny plastic leprechaun15
#2516tiny plastic levitating potato7
#3974tiny plastic mosquito4
#1797tiny plastic pastamancer3
#4798tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime3
#2642tiny plastic sauceror2
#4450tiny plastic seal clubber1
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#2876tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton6
#2014tiny plastic stab bat9
#4890tiny plastic star starfish3
#2894tiny plastic sweet nutcracker2
#2657tiny plastic turtle tamer2
#1238tofurkey gravy6
#1236tofurkey leg6
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#2209toy jet pack1
#2127toy mercenary1
#2475toy ray gun1
#77toy six-seater hovercraft1
#1384toy train1
#1821toy wheel1
#479tree skirt1
#253tropical paperweight2
#1255vampire duck-on-a-string5
#90white Canadian50
#902white balloon1
#350white chocolate and tomato pizza6
#1935whoopie cushion1
#1222wooden block1
#1042wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#2048yellow plastic oyster egg2
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#1946yellow snowcone2

Wow, that's 3,938 items total!

what items are this player missing?