The Emperor's new shirt

The Emperor's new shirt

🥇dune rune456


🥉Mistress of the Obvious16






#6Aunt Bettie and PachINKOid11


#8Lord Stefano10




#10Misha_Z and Mistress Darkmoon8


#12Godspeed and Viridis7


#14DuRhone, SwordsRCool, burrows and thelagmonster6


#18CafeBabe, QueenOfTheNight and Tevya5


#21BuRNJoB420, Samitchdoo, Smiling Spectre, The Mushboom, cobain dougans and tHegERb4


#27Archon386, Arket, CorneliusTBadger, Framistan, Hasand, JudySeagram, Julitewn, Macaroni the Bent, Major Meat, MickyPain, Oldsfrk, Snugglypoo, YanYing and jeanbern3


#41Amish Information Systems, Athanatos, BabyScarface, Bobje Ratata, Cobwebs, Cruithne, Curbludgeon, Evil Taco, Fearborn, General_Herpes, Hairshirt, Iridia, JoVapa, LaRoni, MotherMary13, Nashtinka, Nikademus, Noskilz, OHogan, Odd Alfred, Pastahead, Philosofik, Professor_Underscore, SRO, ShakenNotStirred, Skent, SomethingSnappy, Sprite Lee, Talsgar, Terrapin_Man, TheMediocreSpork, Thicc Lizzie, TwoLions, Vighugr, Violet42, garanimalstains, hekiryuu, maxsnotwick, peter_damien20021 and the1pro2


#81Agburanar, Ahorriblesn, Alan Gorealan, Alucir, AnxiousHyrax, Archham, Argrus, Aro CantCatchABreak, BakaGaijin, BanditAlt, Bob the Warrior Queen, Bortlby, Brirad, Busch Light, COUNT SAUCEY, Camaxtli the Mighty, CaptainRondo, Charasan, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, CombatWombat, Cpow83, Cryanger, Cypher3, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Deatvert, Deedsy, Dessalvara, Donavin69, Doz, Drar, Durf, Eclipsing, EddieBrock, ElenaMarie, Emerilla, Eroquin, Euan McLeod, FoxtrotUniformCharlieKilo, Foxy Boxy, Fronobulax, Galapagos James, Gatito, GoodKnYght, Greeny30, GrendelPrime, Grimhelm, Groshing, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, HadesSL, Hanson The Mighty, HappyDeadChicken, HastiferArken, IAmtheDisco, InsomniAxeMurderer, InspectorX, Irresponsibility, Ixidor1219, Izhebel, JDubbaYo, JackalKat, Jantastic, Jef, Jehanmandeville, Kari Filth, Kastaguy, KatieDragomir, Keogh, Killer Leader500, Kneegrow, Kreegah, Kugli, Kuile, Kurtispj, Laa, Lady Tomo, LeafRivr, Leannan Sidhe, Lizmeis, LlamaMonkey, Lord Piff, Lord_Towers, Lucelle Ball, Lxndr, Mac_Gyver, Madchipmunk, MarxLenin, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Melvin DoOver, MickeyG42, Mike Antleg, Minnakht, Mishau, Mme_Defarge, Mr Nooodles, MysticalMolly, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, NightShayde, NightmareRaptor, Nodosaurus, Oroku Saki, PanSolo, Parco Molo, Perkk, Piccy, Prim120, ProfessorKilljoy, Psychonaut, Pumpkinheadme, QVamp, Qeekl, QueenBea, Rain, Rainmaker709, Ransak_the_Elder, Rathskellar, Retro_Thrusters, Riget123, Rokov, RubyLucky, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, Sacreth, Sal the Rapacious, Sans the Comic, SauceAlt, Seradina, Shoop8000, Snott, Soba Rigatoni, Solve_Omnis, St Thomas Pornificus, StrongDurf, SupernovaMe, Swez, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TheArtfulDodger, TheLetterM, The_Pwner, ThiefAlt, Tibbiara, Totentanz, Trebble, Tuhka, Uriel3ca, Velestian, Vorzer, WaFFle_Reaper, Warren, Wes Aaronson, Worp, Wyvern Soul, Yatsufusa, Yendor, Zauc, abbywill, aenimus, agargan, burgie12, caducus, darabont, dumfulio, eXtyNT, eppin, exkep, hUntanoMAD, hotdeth, iaruk, jWang, kirByllAmA, krae, lich135, lupus4, motoXXXozzy, nq2holic, octagon8, payguhn, proven, psYcho_strEsS, quwertie, runeslayer, sensibleb, slappy_THE_cat, sopporo, sub, tbell30, tbell31, termagant, testostronaut, theDUDEster, turtleloid, txranger, wakela, whizdad and xKiv1
