Elf Guard tinsel grenade

Elf Guard tinsel grenade

🥈Mistress of the Obvious665








#6Nomnominus Rex160








#10Mr Knee102


#11Kemistry and ThunderGate98




#14Galapagos James93










#19Hanson The Mighty71


















#28Keldar the Unbrave39




#30Chynn and MzSwan37




#33ARthuR the human and Misha_Z32


#35Leg o Lam31


#36Spramen and muhs42030


#38Not Me Yet and Spleenmaster29




#41Zelda Ziti26


#42Cedric E Collingswood III, Indivisibility and The Possum Trot25


#45JuneM and Junestar24


#47AssTractionHero and Shade0623


#49Crumbling Buttercookie, Dark_Adonis, LivingHat and lopey22




#54Kulthozuer, Siloslider, Slowmo10, Wolfman6666 and lupus420


#59MeanBean35, Simon the Mystificator, Warballs and myu2k219




#64OGL and rum tum17


#66KidoftheThird, Laggycat, hamphrus fiddler, loathingers, mARty mcfly and riebeck16


#72Superechidna and wertyloop15


#74Fronobulax and Shindhila14




#77Indigo Delta, Nikademus and Squeegee McDoo12


#80Araym, Gurei, Magnus Thunderblade, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, Princess Erin, The Investor, Vitellozzo and luscious11


#89Drar, Kristyl, Lord Stefano, Sunesi, ainya, the_loath_ranger and w_ron_g10


#96Antic the Fearless, Aro CantCatchABreak, LasagnaAddict and liffe9


#100Lord_of_Ants, TamCoan and jsmit1007owns8


#103Gunthar the Huge, Nescire, SnackAttack, jOgel and vrdt7


#108Glitch, Hasand and sensibleb6


#111Getafix, SalMonella, eav, grovel, rgarz1 and rulerofsmurfs5


#117Candice Dick, Felix Croc, Howdy Masterson and myxoma4


#121Porny Stroker and Tigger1013


#123AlmAlphiA, Captain Sensitive, CrashCoredump, DeDiddlyDawg, Devil Spawn, Dysis, Ibaslomofo, Jdan, Kastaguy, Laser Turkey, LorraineSwanson, Oldsfrk, PacHINKOid, Pumpkinheadme, Skent, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, apisguy, invader doom, lethalbyte, snow_clone and txranger2


#144Al Frodo, Baltar, Beavis P_Ness, BlueBaker, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CalvinTheHobb, CaptainRondo, Chelonia, Chesed, ChesterArthurXXI, Curbludgeon, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Desmondman1, Drasc, DudeMcBob, Dumbo, Duskaco, Eddie Trojan, Emerilla, GeneGene, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, Ima Blonde, Itsatrap, JAD, Jef, Jeff_3PO, Jillstopher, John Tesh, Justin Smoak, Kenosaki, Kneegrow, Kuile, Lord President, LordHorst, Lynnielily, Meester Slow, Megabuster, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, Natedogg, Ninamo, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Nuggetflump, PanSolo, Philip Henslowe, Pigrat, RawrPepsiCola, Ruler_of_Hell, Ryo_Sangnoir, Saddler, Sandish, Schweetie, ScoopKW, Scrying, Sebmansigh2, SeerSaraph, Serhina, Servius, ShadowMonkey1224, SisterCoyote, Snugglypoo, Spicy Noods, Styre, SyrDotric, The Mushboom, The Other None, The Patron Saint of Depravity, The Phantom Wiggler, The_Dancing_Viagra, Theophrastus, Thundernuts, Tony Riga, Tykinruoka, Vuvuzela Virtuoso, Wombatling, WonkerBonker, WreckedEm, Zanthia, Zinnia, agenT 99, bnlcaholik, busstop82, cathartes, darknessfalls90, ddumoor, dewfew, eXtyNT, erct657, gatekeeper66, hellboy12, mockable, panic lord, runeslayer, smallpoxstudying, spacecheng2, surrealkitten, swordswinger, thexmanlight, veshkali, wakela, windracer and xKiv1
