Libram of Resolutions

Libram of Resolutions

🥈Mystic_Potato and mwahaha6


#4Buzzbuzz, Catatonia and Hippie Dude5




#8Artie Effham, BlindOne, Draven1, Jer the Red, Mhoram, PachINKOid, StalkingOfAshles, Stand and Deliver, dfens73, justhappytobehere and sciFIwiZ3


#19Antichoirist, AtlanteanScion, Diane, DoctorRotelle, DuRhone, Eniteris, GuidoTheWiiFetishist, Hojo Hominygrits, JenZahara, Mad Dudy, Nanimonai3, Nescent, PokeyMan, Rammerking, Terrapin_Man, Very Flash, Yohman, Zaranthos, cowmanbob, eav, eibbeD, fabrezio, hotdeth, jcrkk, kahroo, lechef, milkywhite, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, shaft007zz and wile E Quixote2


#49Aleman, AlephYin, Arbos, Archham, AstronomyKing, Augon, Bacon Stoned, Bandanaman, BanditoburritO, Bashy, BenzDoc, BigdoG, Biohazzard, Birdy, Bjornhilde, BuyMEaRound, CaptainRondo, Cat_Killer, CathyOak, Cratus, CursedGrimoire, DaBaddestHic, DeathBlast, DerMagus, Diabolico, Dread Pirate Roberts1, EaterOfSorrow, Emerilla, Emhgee, Escaflowne, Eyeball, False Dragon, Fe1nt, Fish_and_Chips, Food Reef, Fredrikson, Froogle Man, GSPS, GT1, Ganguran, Gauln, Gracefire, Grimdel, GroggBeoir, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hamo_Boy, Hoboscat, HubertCumberdale, IceColdFever, Immelan, Isladar, JanvierBellefeuille, Jesus, Jill the Fool, Johnatton, Jugger14, Kayvon, Kyp_Durron, LaNz, LadyDelilah, LiamAndMe, Lord Kick in The Butt, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord_of_Ants, Mac_Gyver, Man Mobile, Mariani, Marm, Master Betty, Mc7Man, Merric, Michael Landon, Michifus, Mistress of the Obvious, Mitchell, Mme_Defarge, Mr Hardnoodle, MrPresident, Mud Duck, MysticalMolly, NightRipper, Nikademus, Oldsfrk, PSY, Pastahead, PenguinColor, PhilThese, Pixsi, Princess Erin, Pumpkinheadme, Qen, Rizzy, Rotini the Moist, Rutger von Horeburg, Sandish, Seahawk, Secevalliv, Sennin, Shoop8000, Skent, SkyElf, Spiffie, Splotz, Spygame, Stabotron, StonyTina, Superbuck, SuzyQs, SwinginCelt, THE Duke of Doi Tung, Tanivan, Tazy, Tenebrius, TheLetterM, TheNice1, Thozmp, Thyforrest, Tommy82, Tor2ga, Tricksy, Tsade, Tz_BG, Tzabor, Vandaahl, Volc, VoraciousVulva, Warped12002, Xaxor, Xortag, Yarple, Yendor, Zarqon, ale, allen_zhangcool, alsam, baddddmonkey, caducus, dagwoodmcd, de nisovan, desala, ds13j, eiderdown, eusst, fezzer, flowerbed, futinc, fxer, graethynne, jWang, jenrose, mjn73178, nevena, nevun, nivgod, phel, rehbdan, ryo, sAuRman leRoux, sky88rule, soul knight, tindrum, twx, whizdad, wombatiam, wumbology and zmobieDementor1
