Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog

Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog

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This is an unspoiled catalog still in its original packaging, straight from peppermint magnate Salton Pepper. It's in such good condition that it makes you wanna shoop.

It's a pretty short catalog, since the only thing you can order from it is a packet of peppermint seeds. Salton Battery's Catalog of Blunt Instruments is far thicker.

Gives this item when used:



🥉Buzzbuzz, NullusAnxietas and Zanchvegas5


#6Abikum, BlueThunder, Catatonia, Hippie Dude, Ugmo Joe and hohofolderol4


#12Artie Effham, Banana Lord, Birdy, Draven1, DuRhone, Mad Dudy, PacHINKOid, PhilThese, Stand and Deliver, blik, dfens73, eav, queenoftheNAUGHTiez and scratch3


#26Aeslyn, AtlanteanScion, Biohazzard, Eniteris, Fearborn, Fish_and_Chips, Froogle Man, Ganguran, GuidoTheWiiFetishist, Hojo Hominygrits, HubertCumberdale, Ingemarr_Dinkyweiner, Insanely Crazy, Leopold Jimmleson, Maddog Doan, Melon Squeezer, Merric, Mhoram, Nescent, PlastikObst, PokeyMan, Rammerking, Rutger von Horeburg, StalkingOfAshles, StonyTina, ValentinaSnow, Very Flash, Yohman, Zaranthos, Zinnia, baddddmonkey, eibbeD, fabrezio, flowerbed, hotdeth, jcrkk, kylemug, shaft007zz and wile E Quixote2


#65Aleman, AlephYin, Alodar, Amagalan, Angry McSmashface, Anselm, Anthalessa, Antichoirist, Arbos, Archham, Ardsnard, Asinine, AstronomyKing, Bacon Stoned, Bandanaman, Bashy, Beljeferon, BigPickle, Big_Papa_55, BigdoG, BlindOne, BloodyJakeKidd, Cairnarvon, CaptainRondo, Chelonia, Club, Cnorgard, ColdLakePromontory, Coogi Hat, CoupleK, CursedGrimoire, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Darkling, Darth Elmo, DeathBlast, DeathKnight668, Deranged Cat, Dessalvara, Diabolico, Diane, DocSauce, DoctorRotelle, Donavin69, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Dragonlady, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Dreldan, Emanon176, Emerilla, Emhgee, Ephesos, Escaflowne, Eyeball, F00daholic, Facetious, Fe1nt, Femtotechnician, Firemummy, Food Reef, Fredrikson, GSPS, GT1, Gracefire, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Half Man Half Biscuit, Hamusutaa, HelSub, IceColdFever, IceWorm, Idran, Imperial Exchange, Infopowerbroker, Isladar, JanvierBellefeuille, Jatrader, Jaylee, JenZahara, Jesus, Jherskow, Jill the Fool, Johnatton, Jugger14, Kayvon, Keptuvis, KingArt, Knitbone, Kyekeiko, Kyp_Durron, LAnGadof, LaNz, LadyDelilah, Lazer, Liam, LiamAndMe, Liv, Loachette, Loathsterson, Lord Kick in The Butt, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord_of_Ants, Mac_Gyver, Mairsil, Man Mobile, Mariani, Marm, Maximillian the Red, Mc7Man, Michifus, Miridian, Mistress of the Obvious, Mitchell, Mme_Defarge, Moonflame, Mr Hardnoodle, MrAdventurer, MrPresident, MsNicole, Mybloodyself, MysticalMolly, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, NightRipper, Nikademus, Ninja Karl, Norah, OHogan, Oldsfrk, Olorian, PSY, Pan, PaperCut, Pastahead, PathetiC, PeKaJe, PeaGravel, Perkk, Piefight, Pixsi, Poncho the Sane, Princess Erin, PuppyKisses, Raevis, Rainribbon, ReisenFig, Rigatone the merciful, Rogorx_THEmadd, SaintDogbert, Sandish, Sennin, Serhina, Seyjan, Shoop8000, Sichi, Sir_Banks_Alot, Skent, SnackAttack, Snugglypoo, Spiffie, Splotz, Steam, Steestee, Story, Superbuck, SuzyQs, SwinginCelt, TCA Stash Guy, THE Duke of Doi Tung, Tanamoril, Tanivan, Tazy, Terrapin_Man, The Weretree, TheBrent, TheLetterM, TheNice1, Tor2ga, Tricksy, Turtle Poey Poey Poey Poey, Tz_BG, Tzabor, Uncle Evil, Unluckycat, Vinylshaker, Vodkadian, Warped12002, Xortag, Yendor, Zarqon, ZiggyZagnut, Zucker, aarkwilde, ablotial, ale, allen_zhangcool, caducus, dagwoodmcd, de nisovan, desala, drunkl, e7ora, eiderdown, eusst, fknslacker, freedoM_Justice, futinc, futottARyu, fxer, graethynne, hadech13, jWang, jenrose, kahroo, mjn73178, nevena, nivgod, pantsthief, phel, rehbdan, rjhills, sage1125, saldon, saneroz, sarspastic, sciFIwiZ, sky88rule, testostronaut, tindrum, twx, whizdad and wombatiam1
