tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven

tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven

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This is an incredibly detailed tiny plastic figurine of Lord Spookyraven. Every wrinkle and cobweb is rendered in amazing tiny plastic clarity. They even captured the murderous gleam in his eyes. In fact, this tiny plastic creep gives you the tiny plastic creeps.

The bottom of the base reads "Series 2, 3/64 (R)."

🥇Howard the Duck and Pastahead8




#5Buzzbuzz, Mistress of the Obvious and TheForce5


#8Darmut eDrien, General_Herpes, IntellectualWhore, Joell, MoxieContin, NotArgent, Tavares, Tia the Fish, bad_player, hedgyman2, tpthe1pro and vulvacrust4


#20Papilionoidea, Park, Portis51, Pumpkinheadme, Wolfman X, niotrul, noodleEd and prETty3


#28Archipelago71, AuntBeast, BennyBlades, Bors, Bubba9265, Caveman1337, Charles Q Beef, CreOsOTe, Cri, DiscoShen, Diss, Doktor Noodles, Doodooking, FrankNBeans, Greylin, Grunk McSaucy, HighPriestessOfTinsel, IngaTBW, KittYhm, Kittenbabble, LEMMING53, Lexicon, Lord Budroe, Lord Stefano, LordRehan, Meat_Curious, Michael303, MomMoMoke, Moonshae, MrAdventurer, Mr_Parks, NiciG74, Nohbody, NotaSandwich, Oracle_163, Paygunn, Quagdogg, Radcliff247, Ravenous Muffin, Sal the Rapacious, Sarah Palinz Ego, Serinity, Swinka, arioch78, blik, demonizer, fleshy, killerwill, l337 h4xz0r, l4g0s, littlebitofSonshine, matrixdesignkidd, nymni, siege72, silly_na, spectacular_fantastical_1 and thug4less2


#85APOCALYPSE THROB, ARthuR the human, AZNnarutoXnoobSLAYER, Aardwark2001, AaronBSam, Abby Normal, Accidentaldente, Accordiologist, AccordionMaster_3, Ace Palarum, AcedWhenGrim, Acklebar, Adatur, Aeslyn, Aeyt, Agape, Agda, Agent Oracle, Ahorriblesn, Aickman, AinaGrey, Akrim, Al the Credit Dependant, AlanaLlama, Alaric Rex, AlecGW, Aleril, Alfagetti, Alfhild, Alldarker, Allen_36s, AlmostMeek, Amaya Rain, Amos Trask, Amy_Won, AnEvilTwin, Andranovich3, Androcles Antepasta, Anduin, Angra Mainu, Anguaskye, Angus_McSpleen, Anne with an e, Anorexia, Anouris, AnubisTutankh, Arbos, ArcTheLad, ArchangelUK, Archham, Archon386, ArgghFW, Ariellah, Arijimenez, Arkannoyed, Arnida, Aro CantCatchABreak, Artie Effham, Asgoth, Asinine, AssClown, Asshysteria, Asterea, Astinex, AtArAxiA, Atillo, AtlanteanScion, Atronach, Aunt Bettie, Aurick, AvalonHunter, Avohir, AxiS Shadowbane, Axt71, Azarael, BabelFist, BabyGirlTigger05, BaconCheeseBurger, Bahumut, BakaMan, Bandanaman, Bao, BarArdo, Baree, Battleduck, Bealzabub, Bean, Beavis P_Ness, BeavisuhhButthead, BeefBurglar, Belial the Truthful, Beljeferon, BenzDoc, Beren LeStrange, Bernardo, Bespite, Biffle, Big_Papa_55, Big_Rob, Bigba Dron, Bigquack, Bigun, Bill Belichick, Billybob VI Esq, BillysBalloon, Biohazzard, Birgette, Blackwood, Blanky, Blasmeister, BlindDrunk, Blondie, Bloodyfish, BluJay, BlubberFeast, BlueBaker, BlueOx, BobDragonslayer, Boba Tjock, Boesbert, Bofink, BoiRDee, Boilermaker, BongSwatMatt, BonkBonk, BonsaiPlatypus, BonyM, Boogiecleaver, Borommakot_15, Bou77, BoxerBoy, BraksDad, Breaker of Balls, BriteSponge, Brocktoon, Brone Filius, Brulak, Bruscettalia, BrvYnky, Bucky Lazac, BudLife453, Buddhakan, Budselect, Bullson, Bunegeria, Bungee, Burning Monkey, Bushido Brown, Butt Pirate, Butterz, BuyMEaRound, CALVIN THE CAT, CBomb, CK07, CK_, CONKER420, CSS_puke, CaPiCoChEf, Cabal, CaineCollin, Caldric, Camaxtli the Mighty, CancerMan, CannonFoddah, Caplin, Cappy Carl, Captain Kirk, CaptainRondo, CaptainUrsus, Carly, Carrackus, Carthen, Castiel, Catatonia, Catatonicmonkey, CathyOak, CatsCat, Catypoo, Cavatellia, CelexaMaris, ChE clarinetist, Chade, ChanceMacdonald, CharlG, CharlesBumgaurd, CharlesMartel, Chartan, CheGuevara, Chelonia, ChesterArthurXXI, Chewbud, Chili man, Chinizz, Choo Choo, Christineressiatulanie, Click_Clack, Clone547, Cloony, Club, Clubbrz L337, Cmac, Cobwebs, Cod, Coorong Jack, Costanzafaust, CottonMouth, Cousin_Daisy, Craggle, Cranstonn, CrashCoredump, Cratus, Creepy_Doll, Creinu, Croft, Crono666, Crusader Rabbit, Cub, Cunningham, CuteShark, Cyris Flare, D L, D3tox, DAMNEDguy, DJ_Tobymac, DMeleedy, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Dakios, Damocles, Damonicus, Dan Delion, Dangerpin, Dark Grapefruit, Dark Guy177, Dark Lord Poofy, Dark Sapphire, DarkStanley, Darkfacimile, Daron, Darth Lenore, Darth Twinkie, Darththrash45, Darutad, DataVortex, Dave of the Hill People, Dcglenn, Deadfishcafe, Deadly Dusk, Death Job, Decaying_corpse, Deckard, Decomposer, Deimos, Dement, Demonsquiggle, Depro Fundis, DerMagus, Derek_M_Taylor, DernBosway, Desiderata, Dessalvara, Destirinity, Detain, Dethmonky66, Deus Ex Machina, Devan, Dexorcyst, Dibbin, Dibzannia, Dinsdale67, Disco Stewart, Disco_she, Diva, DnDnerd, DocRosey, Doctor Nick, DoctorTee, Doctor_Mubobo, Dogola, DonPedroPJ, Donavin69, Donnie Drakon, Dorkomatic, Doughy Goo, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr Capitalism, Dr Danger, Dr n00b, Dragons Midnight, Draken222, Drezor, Drizzit, Drothar the Omniscient, Drowned Sword, DrownedWoods, Ducky, Dudenacious, Duffinator, Dungannon, Dust, Dwandalar, EPsonIC, EXOR169, EarthStone, Edain, Eddie Trojan, Efftien, EggNogIceCream, Eglath, EgregiousNess, Eire, El Guapo, ElPolloDiablo, Elcid_Barrett, Elemenstor, Elfrado, Elgarth, Eliahna, Elitany, Elsinor, Emerilla, Emhgee, Emperor Hirohito, Entropy Chef, EricMills, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Escaflowne, Etienne De Crunaeyere, EvilBabyDoll, FaNgA, Fabio11234, Fallen Angel Doll, FamousMortimer, Fandral, Fanhuil, Fasta, Fengshoe, Fepel, Feralmonkey, Ferdawoon, Finners101, Firheruwen, Flegel, Flita, FnordInABox, Foggy, Fordor the Chevy, Forsquilis, Friday the 13th, Fronobulax, Fundamagargle, Fyrn, G1R, GF Borton III, GSPS, GaUSIE, Gaffa, Galapagos James, Ganguran, Garble, Garjon, Gaston, Gathrod, Gaucho, GemmaRose, Giggs, Girl Hitler, Gladjaframpf, Glib_Rogue, Goatmeat Pete, Golianor, Gomezz16, Goozman, Gorrilla Hands, Goth, Gragaband, Grandpa_Jeb, Grave The Doomed, Gravymaker22, Grimdel, Grimhelm, Grommit, Gruh, GryWizard, Gu0y1, Gulf of Roo, Gun_Mage, Gurps Runal, Guthlaf, Gwydion, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hachtman, Hairshirt, Hamo_Boy, HansGruber, HappyDeadChicken, Harru, HasteBro, HastiferArken, Havaroth, Hawksmoor, HeavnzRogue, Heimdall, Hellionmage, Hepcat Merkin, HereTicSaint, Higardi, HoneyPredator, Hoochie Koochie, Hooloovoo42, HotCha0, Huff, HundredWattWizard, Hustle, Hutchimus Prime, IAmtheDisco, IMTEHWALRUS, IMdemondog, Ibex, IcLubYou, Icarius, Icedge5, Idle Rage, Idran, Iggie2, Il Cazzo, Ilenore, Ilidon, IndigoJordan, Ineffability, Infernau, Infinius, Infopowerbroker, Inspector Gadget, Invariel, Iskaffe, Isladar, Isvarka, Ithanox, JB77, JCS, JRSiebz, JacoUuU, Jadyte, Jaeda, Jag2k2, Jalapeno, Jamesacus, JanvierBellefeuille, JarlFenris, Jaromil, Jay Peg, JayCrow, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jdan, JeSSie07, Jechor, Jeff_3PO, Jenner, JennyUnderpants, JerichoShade, JerkyTheJerk, Jherskow, Jimborov, Jinzo Fusilli, Jixnoob3, John Shaft, John274319, Johnny V, Johnz the Grey, Jojo Ironface, Jonze, Jorgensen, Jpnkn, Jubber Ray, Juha, Jujudragon, JumboShell, JumpUpAndGetDown, Junkiefish, Jusano, Ka Naram, KaTy, Kabal_Klaw, Kaen, Kairu, Kalen Noreth, Kaloula, Kamekichi, Kami, Kammy, KaneGreyfeather, KaosFreak, Karbadin Herttuatar, Kareth, Kartal, Kasseri, Kastaguy, Kate The Great, KathDrag, Kathy Rhindhoops, Katsuya4044, Kazyr, Kegger, Kembial, Kev2426, Khilante, Khoo, KidoftheThird, Kime, KingOfMalkier, KingPlum the Nth, KingSaxomo, Kisanthe, Kitschycat, Kittwin, Klubbern, Kneegrow, KnifeCzar, Knitbone, Kojoro, KookieKidz, Kreegah, Kria, Krinex, Kristyalmighty, Kristyl, Kueh, Kvice, KweenIsabelle, KydrouKair, Kyler Thatch, Kyndi, Kyta, La6, Ladler, Lady Arsenic, Lady Bladethrust, LadyAquamarina, LadyGangles, Laevateinn, LarfSnarf, Laurenthegreat, LeMuffin, Leader Benevolent Leader, LeafRivr, Leinenkugel, Lemonfresh, Leonardo Da Turtle, Leopold Jimmleson, Levykid, Lew_b81, LiamAndMe, Lierne, LilithTaveril, LindyK, Linguinelad, Linnellia, LiquiduS, Lis, LlamaDude, Llamoo, Loachette, Locke Brigand, LocustReign, Lokiator, Lolly_Lives, Long John Coldfront, LongJacket, Loopuis, Lorad, Lord Finisher, Lord Zathrus, LordBobXIII, Lord_of_Ants, Loretta McFunk, Lotan, Lothair, Louie Looter, Love Rhino, LuMagoo, LucasYeo, Lucca, Lucelle Ball, LuckyPuck, Lukari Voltine, LumberingOaf, Lundarian, LustyPirateWench, Lycanthra33, MCScaredOfBees, MIdgetNNja, MaKayla, Mac_Gyver, Maciandubh, Macren, Maczimus, MadBrain, MadonnaOfTheWasps, MagFitch, MageOfSpoons, MageRed, Maguma, Mahi_mahi_wings, Maikeruu, Major Woodrow, Makoiyi, Maliciousmomo, Maloki, Maltonite, Malyce, Mamasita, Manbat, Maniac Paul, Mappuzzle, Marcella, MarcyRoni, Maria Pesto, Mariani, Mark Ryden, Mars the Infomage, Marshplank, Martel, Masozai, Master Bates, Master Tortellini, Matricii, Mayoress, Mayting, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Meat Team, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Melindria, Mella, Melvin DoOver, Merlenyn, Mezmorizor, MiB, Michifus, Mifdsam, Mikemtl, Mikko, MiniLizard, Miridian, Misha_Z, Miss Informed, MissbHaven, Mister_Turd, Mistress Darkmoon, Mlady_Leander, Mme_Defarge, MoholyNagy, Molotov Cocktease, MolotovH, Mondavidave, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyMan200, Mony Tanero, Morbid_Deus, Morgan Blair, Morgan_Phoenix, MorpheusLOP, Mossberg, Mosy, MotorcycleMatt, Motty, MoxieMozzie, Mr Knee, Mr Mart, MrPratt, MrSock, MrTowel, Mr_SqueakyOs, Mrmongoose, Mscspr, Muffin Break, Mugglywumply, Muhfin, Multi Pepsi Can, Murzahn, Muscle Mctuffing Puff, Mustard, Mybloodyself, Mystic Knite, Mystic_Potato, Mystical_Phloyd, MzSabrina2, Mz_NuNu, NEURION, Naigg, Nanhydrin, Nanimonai3, Nashtinka, Nassive, NateDog, Natedogg, NemYo, Netheron, NeuroticGalen, Newman, NewtTheGreater, Nick4925, NickHab, NightRipper, Nihilistiskism, Nikademus, Nikodemus, Niktu, NjordSifusansoo, Nomad, Nomnominus Rex, Nora Batty, Norah, NovaKnight21, NoxNecronis, Numeron, OHogan, Oboe Master, Olaf the Hungry, Oldsfrk, Oldy, OmegaZone, OneTonTomato, Optimus747, Ordog, Originalcyn, OrochiDP, Ortega2go, Oska, Otter13, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, Otto_Germain, Oyster on a Half Shell, OzoneB, PKS1234, PLUTONIUM, PSY, PWNED, Padoogie, Pallidyne, PanSolo, Pants_O_Rama, Paragon99, Parallelogram, Parastra, Parco Molo, Paroni, Partasah, Pasta Thief, Pastalpal, PcPirate, Pennelahpy, Perkk, Perren, Persephone, Phanpy, PheloniusFriar, PhilThese, Phineas P Fignuts, Phred Green, Phunky D, Picklez, Pieces, Piefight, PigRAT, Pioc, PixySnot, Pizzaboy, Pizzleman, Plasmodium, PlastikObst, Poison_Taquito, Polyphema, Poncho the Sane, Prefect, Prima Vera, Princess of Bel Air, Prinney, Professor Nutbutter, Pronell, Protector of Felines, Pryderi, Psychonaut, Psykosin, PurpleDragon317, Puud, QFionaFraser, QGrav42, QRedhead, QVamp, Quarklop, Quataar, QueenBowie, QuiCksteR, Quickbaby, Quicklime, Quisar, Quothz, RAWberry400, RaZ, Rabid Alpaca, RadRad, RadSkeleton808, Rainmaker709, RaisingOphelia, Rand0m__her0, Ransak_the_Elder, Rastanarcharismarx, Raullen, Ravensdance, Razgriz, Razorbell, Reaper Hippie, Reaper_Monkey, RedIrish, RedSix, RedWheatie, Reiko Ishikawa, Repo Man, Revtodd, Rezwolf88, Rhatt, Rhytox, RichardRahl, Ridley X, Riff, Rigatoni Rex, Rigga Tony, RigorMortis, Rigsby, Rinnith, Ritzenbunnik, Rivian, Rj87, Roa, RobN, RobbyAnalog, Rodde, RogerMexico, Rogorx_THEmadd, Rogueling, Rokov, Rolagza, Rongar, Rooh, RopeBert, Rosa Noodlemeister, Rosarinita, Rotund, Rrah, Rubius, RubyLucky, RubySprinkles, Rungalo, Runus, Russer Butter, RustyToes, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryuusei, SABER, SCOTTICUS, SUGbert, Saanen, Sabazius, Sacreth, Sagachaca, SaintOBanion, Sammie, Sanji the Chef, SantasAssassin, SaskiaSalsoul, Sauroni, SavvyCavvy, ScaryStickFigureGuy, Scattaloquarious, Schnozz, ScotlandsFinest, Scrabblewench, Screw_You, Sean Clannery, Sean12349999, Selen, Sennin, Septus, Serenia, Seri, Sethari, Setzer_Eldricht, Severed, SexyMomma, Sezja, Shadiyah, Shadow Tera, Shadowcast, Shadowsinger, Shake Zula, Shaya, Shelbert Turtleton, ShineyBucket, Shizandra, Shoop8000, Shrulia, Shupiker, Sicila, SikSyko, Silent Lucidity, SimbaTrooper, Simopen, SinisterUrge, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, Sir Nighcrawler of wormhole and Sir Phil Shady1
