yellow traffic cone

yellow traffic cone

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This is a big cone of bright yellow plastic. You have no recollection of how or where you got it, but it's like I always say -- it's not a good night unless you end up with a traffic cone! If you used one of these in the snow, would it be a yellow snow cone? No, no it wouldn't. It'd be a yellow traffic cone in the snow.

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#38AL13N, Aces44, AelfRhian, Aldieb, Aldus, AlephYin, Altarious, Alyssa, Amontillado, Amundain, Angel of the Night, Anouris, Aquajana, Aramada, ArchangelUK, Archham, Ardis, Ardsnard, ArgonZero, Aro CantCatchABreak, Asataper, Asdfghx, AtomicPopcorn, AubriAnne, Audioman, Avenflame, Ayden, Azar, Azreal, BEndER, BabyStewy, Barf_de_Bard, Baron von Wurlitzer, Bazo, BeefBurglar, Beelzebubble, Betelgeuse, Betrayer, BettyLou, Bezron, Bitter Hawk, BlackenedHatter, Blazing Star, BlondeUser, BobbyCorno, BogusOpus, Bonnikers, Boo_Hiss, Bounty_Hunter, Bourrin, Brainsander, Brinta, Burning_Heat, CAPSLOCK, Caplin, CaptainCharisma, Catypoo, Celestria, Chimera77, Circe, Cobbee, Costanzafaust, CrAzYApE, Crimbo Bandito, CriticalGirl, CyberWocky, Cybergoat, D Kline, DaGimpster, Da_Gimp_1, Da_Gimp_2, Dane, Dark Guyver, DarkPrinceJobe, Darkeagle, Demonic, DerDrache, Derdrom, DerekNJ, Disco Sam, DiscoToon, DjinnGin, Doctor Brew, Doctor Fabolus, Doctroid, DoggyStyle, Domloid, DonnaMatrix, Dorozhand, Doug Dancer, Dr Moxie, DrMoulet, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Draven1, DreadStar, Duder, Dumnomii, Duncan Donut, Dungeon Princess, Dv8Angel, El Dude, El Juno, Elle Mariachi, ElronBean, Emtrey, EvilLlama, Eyeball, F0XY, Falcons, Fallen_angle, FarCrySmokeStack, Farren, Fate8, Fawfulhasfury, Feanor of Valinor, Firheruwen, Flabberjack, FluffyThumbTacks, Fluffymuffin Cocobutter, Foamy The PastaMancer, Framistan, Frisbee, G30RG3, GadTheHero, GamerGeek, Gardner, GoldenTEE, Gorgonzilla, Grandpa Fussandput, GreyBeer, GrokTheMad, GtM2, Gulf of Roo, Gunther Maplethorpe, HOldeRofSecrEts, HUNCH, HaikuPoet, Hairykais, Halibut, Happy Maul, HappyWino, Henry Pastamancini, High Priestexx, HotPasta, Hstaphath, Humiliations Galore, Idle Hands, Improbable Kate, IndyClub, IpaIpa, IreHoo, IronicChef, IvanStang, JAHruleU, JBreeze, JFish, JLE2, JRSiebz, Jacque_D_Charlo, Jago_ji, JaguarRL, Jamaican Castle, Jamesio, Jan Ravolta, Jaspers_shadow, Jedi Peacekeeper, Jill_Bob, JpgJpg, JulesDeNile, Justin Credible, JustinHead, Kakophonus, Kamekichi, Kastaguy, Katanga, Kattawynn, Keator, Keptuvis, King Texas, KingDobbs, Kingfox, Kinnah, Kinor, Kisa, KittenOfDoom, KittyAZ, Klowns, Krakula Whoretron III, KrazedKris, Kukie, Kymme Fury, LLamaman58, La Zania, Lady Eboshi, Lady Ladle, Lady Shortbush, Lady Tomo, LadyCovington, Laplaya, Late nite Ramen, Leadman, Legalpad77, Legeevil, Lenny, Lenzor, Lerxt, Lewy210, LiamAndMe, LiberaChe Guevara, Lightwolf, Lilkeith07, Longuine, Lord Dougal, Lost Guy, Lucinda, Lucky06, Lukifer, LustyPirateWench, Lyreb, M347B3gz0r, MULTIVAC, Maau, MadMad, Magic_Ladle, Malatise, MandaBear, MarijuanaGoddess, MarinaraMario, MaryAchi, Master Polka, Meery Nara, Melindria, MemoryLaneClosed, Meru la Renat, MiNiZ, Michael Landon, Mikemtl, Minijohnny, Misanthrope, Mishlan, MissPolka, Mizem, Mojonic, Mongo42, MonkeyChipsNDip, MonkeyPunch, Mortimer Snerd, MrForklift, MrKeen, MrSnerg, NAUSE, Nameless Pete, Naughtydog, Necrophage, NegativeBisector, Nekosoft, Neopifex, NevilDenJacobi, NiNjA DeAtH, Nienor, Nitocris, NoodleQueen, NoodleWoman, Noonan, ODiva, Olendiek, Ometeotl, Onionne, Opus, Orion137, Oriongal, Owner of the Club of Doom, PacHINKOid, Pan, Paprika, Para Fert, Paraquat, Pasta Pants, Pastahead, Peachy Princess, Peanuts_1987, Pepto, PhatStreet, Phixius, Phrim, Pickle Head, PicoDynamite, Pigeon Point, Pocket, Poncho the Sane, Presto Ragu, PsychoDad262, Pun, Puppet Master, PuppetMaster, Qooroo, RabbitAvenger, Rainbow Warrior, Rathskellar, Red_Zinger, Renee47, Repo Man, Rev Noodlyson, Rickton, RigorMortis, Rigundon, Robot_of_Dawn, Roobarb, RoofieRaccoon, Roxx, RunninSausages, Rutabega, SadMonkey, Sadako, Sai Guru, Sair, Salpen, Salva, Sarghi, Saskapampy, Sasori_uk, Sassamatass, Satanzlilkittie, SatireSloth, SaturdayNightFever, Saucebot2000, ScLoser, Scarface80, SeltzerDuke, SenorCardgage, SentiuS, Sentry22, Sexy Sly Fox of Charmingness, ShinMonkey, Shogun42, Shortcake4167, Shwagg, SilliuSSodduS, SingleServing, SirEaves, SkeletonFred, Skycruise, SleepingHare, Smacktard, SmarmKing, Smok3y, Snott, So and So, SofaKing, SonicBoom, Sony11, SouPYdreck37, SoupMama, Specialmopfoot, Stacita, Star_Kiss, StickDaddy, Stickie Pants, Stickly_Man, Stint, Sunne of Kornne, SuperJen, Syko, Synamon, TC0418, Tadell, Tanamoril, TangoGoblinDancer, Tarragon, TavernWench, TerRrapina, Termaine, TexTchDd, The Invincible Swimming Gecko, The KoL Foundation, TheDevilsTears, Throgdor, ThrowAChairAtMe, ThunderGate, Thunderclees, Tiny Plastic Armak, Tiny Plastic Nevil, Tiwaz, Toric, Tortuca, Trog Dor, Tsunami Sagatar, TsunemonoPinku, TullyLao, Turok, Tuvoc, TwoDrink, Ultra Violet, Vanir, Vardis, VelvetRibbons, Veracity, Virnomine, Viro Norag, Vlad, Vodkadian, Voodoo_Child69, Vortexxar, Wank, Wargolem, Warka, WavyGravy, Wendella, Werebear, Westcliffe, WiZ, Wierd Ali, WildEep219, WizKid24, Wylin, Wyrmhaven, WyrmhavenII, Xinic, Yankovik, YellowPanda, YerrikTheRealBad, Yetipants, Young Nastyman, Yukon, ZZards, ZachsMind, ZamfirZam, ZeddWhyte, Zindelo, a test account, abstruse, acidsugar112, amplitude, anakha, anticosmo, apROcalypSE, babyslave, bad_mOjO, badmonkey32, bc2, benderama, blue_canary, broke robot, bungLZOR, caSUNSET, candi kisses, carcher, cfm, chatbat, chingaso_, copperbottom chef, crnvlfrk, cuddlysteve, dao jones, demiurgician, destroyerbeacon, dfens73, dibkins, donatebloodplease, drug addict, ePeterso2, electricsushi, eusst, exorcist666, f51_CenT, fireandflowers, frozen_dreamz, funkarella, gagarin, gamma_RAy, gman1966, grblpwr, grimwald, gruesomeentree, gunfighter, h0m3r, herbhead, hippy, howlin_mad, hviw2, iMAGE, iamtheblues, imperator, imthebigchief, insert cool name, jalandy, jaundice, jessidances, jetdragon, jim_the_unhappy, jimbey, jimmyjimmy, johnnyBbad, jonsi_4, jrock81, justhappytobehere, kahroo, kahroo12, kalysto, kcfin, kycks, littlesweetpea, lokki, loppy, magnetman, marijuana, marijuano, maryjane666, maxguy56, mechapanda, mediaboy, melissa militia, mflGrMp, monkey with a gun, moonbuggy, mule1, n3bul4, natedog2023, nostalgia, nvx, ojready, omg_thats_so_funny, oranje, pandaba, penguinGRI, philbb, pikey, pogojoe, poofster, psilocybin, pussypants, racesun, raynstorm, redm, roobies, rotinisha, rungekutta13, s00thsayer, sawsea, schmedy, shortytss, sifl491, silkie kitty, silverwolf727, singswithmoxie, sinupret, slugBoy, snappingturtleman, speared, squishy_one, stepinrazor, stile58, stivO, stregatta, superiority, sweetie, swirthjord, tHe_pOst, tbc, tbell30, tilley, tout chose, ucdoorman, vidboi, wexler, wishtct, wrigglybits, zonkttc and zootaroonee1
