The Nuge's favorite crossbow

The Nuge's favorite crossbow

🥈Derek_M_Taylor and kirahvikoira4


#4LaNz, Peth Avenfield and iTz_Danny3


#7Angeloss268, Mistress of the Obvious and epicmudkipz2


#10Archham, BlueAppo, Clopedion, Daron, Dessalvara, Donavin69, Eddie Trojan, Emerilla, Gorrilla Hands, Hamfish, HobNobber, HumanSlayer, Hunior, IMdemondog, Irides, JAD, KaniBal Klown, King, LeMuffin, Lilkeith07, Mac_Gyver, Mahir, Mc7Man, Mme_Defarge, Noirblood, Nonia, Pastahead, Perkk, Piccy, Poncho the Sane, Rabbit House, Ryo_Sangnoir, Shizzle42, Sir Scrumtulescent, Skf, Spiffie, Spygame, Thelonious, Trexx, Waffles Delgado, Wallace, Wonky Legface, benchilada, caducus, coyotik, eddo, lovebite, lupus4, mflGrMp, payguhn, rifforama, setevik and tbell301
