KoL Con X Treasure Map

KoL Con X Treasure Map

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This is a treasure map with Xs all over it, to let you know that there's treasure everywhere. Much like the treasure mammals who attended Con X, you'll always find the good stuff if you follow this map.


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇Anita Coffee, AtlanteanScion, Bob the Joker, CapHector, CaptainSpam, Carslyle, Crono666, DataVortex, Dizhei, Dryhad, Eph, Fevervignettes, Fusilliban, Goobris, Jaylee, Lxndr, MOTH, Mukiba, P3T3Y, PSY, Pantsless, Pithlit, Ravengyre, ShinyPlatypus, SuppinStrange, WhyMan, ailUrodRaGON, basbryan, chris_wass, fewmets, liffe, sutaru and thE tRAveLiNg RetArD1