walrus ice cream

walrus ice cream

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Don't worry; this isn't a scoop of walrus-flavored ice cream. That'd be disgusting. No, this is ice cream that's meant to be eaten by walruses (walri?), so it's clam-flavored. Nummy.

🥈Trans Tomboy168




#4Buffetty, Darkling and caducus100




#8Mistress of the Obvious73


















#17Esmi and chikensrule23




#20TQuilla and coolestrobot19






#24Poncho the Sane and zelabxela16


#26BrassOnes and Mr Ernest13


#28Izhebel and factbot12


#30Archipelago71, Longuine, Magnus Thunderblade, MysticalMolly, Princess Erin, Raudy Gabriev and iepiat11


#37Lord Stefano and sharing_14_smiles10




#40DaDuke, Magister30 and c0zm08


#43Daisybelle, Larsi and Temha7


#46Xande1 and slotwin6


#48Bioland and Somebody3145


#50DarkSpuddle, Food Reef, Maxmaker, Saufia, Skent, Xopher_tm, ghienel, gianterq and ora henry4


#59Baradur, Bluewoods, Brushie, Dungeons of Doom Potion, Keldar the Unbrave, Mayting, Meridian, OldBobLeashed, Sal the Rapacious, Sinister Loathing, Spectrolite, crystal_ingram, glaucos, linakrade and thexmanlight3


#74Alex Spence, AridWaste, AvocadoPirate, Babaganoosh, Bauble, BongSwatMatt, Brady the Bold, Caplin, CaptainRondo, Chicken in Black, Convictoria, Darksealer, Don Quai Poncerello, Dragon W Riter, DuRhone, Enameless, Evangelist_Nine, Farflier, Felisleo, Free Martha, General_Herpes, Ipskulin, L1BBERAToR, Lake Snow Killer, Lepton614, Lungbutter, Mac_Gyver, Mars the Infomage, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mr_GlitterBall, Muhandes, Nerdyfro3, Nescire, Noskilz, Oldsfrk, QVamp, Sir Hassel of Hoff, Solve_Omnis, Stalh, Stormcaller58, Susannah, Valryia, andreaes, barBara strisaNd, conversation killer, hotdeth, jcrkk, ladderman, micros the tiny, mwahaha, myrth77, payguhn, pyrostick, rpxx, soloman van catz, testostronaut and tuqui1glitch2


#131A2Z, Abarth, Adonisrules, Akael, Akrim, Alan Gorealan, AnchoPete, Angel_of_Life, Archon386, Argrus, Arithil, Artie Effham, Arties Son, Athanatos, BC_Goldman, Badde Hugs, Bandoneon Bandit, Betrayer, Betty Page, Bewitched, Black Belt, BlackfireTheUnmaker, Blit, BobDragonslayer, Bobson, Borishaughingoff, Botassium, Brannon, Brew Geared, Brirad, BunBun, CA Dude, CafeBabe, Carnot, Cedric E Collingswood III, Charasan, Club, Cnorgard, Corona Mortis, Cratus, Crimbo Bandito, Curbludgeon, DaBaddestHic, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Danielle Marie, Delilah Jones, Dessalvara, DiliGent, DocRosey, Doctor Nick, DoctorWeebl, Donavin69, Dorngen, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doz, DrEvi1, Dragonmaiden, Duster, Dzurlord, Eclipsing, ElGrande, ElVatoLoco, ElleMinnowPea, Emerilla, End of Time, Enevhar, Eoghnved, Escaflowne, Evil Taco, Fafallina, Fartmonster, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Felix Croc, Fenghuang, FhThD, Framistan, FredStadler, Froggie Legs, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, GGXTCC, GadTheHero, Garthim, Gayle, Gbuphallow, Glenugie, Gracefire, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Greeny30, GrendelPrime, Gretta Dean, Gryphtronic Maven, GuardianofFreyja, Gunthar the Huge, Gurei, GustAvuS, Guy Bone, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, Hamusutaa, Happimael, HappyDeadChicken, Happychaos, Head_Moid, HubertCumberdale, Hulyen, IAmtheDisco, Icon315, Idran, Impalator, Indefinida, Inego, Isibeal, JRRTolkienNut, Jacky Faber, Jacques Pepin, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jef, Justin Smoak, Kaboon, Kareth, Kaspersai, Kemistry, Kilbia, KillerNoj, KoL Honey, Kwasahn, La Zania, LeafRivr, Lemonpie, LiamAndMe, LlamaMonkey, Loachette, Lonefire, Lord Noob, Lord_of_Ants, Lynxa, Malik, Man Who Go Boo, Managwa, Master Grimwulf, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, MeatGiveaway, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mellissaleo, MelonCollie, Melvin DoOver, MiB, Minerslave4, Mishau, Mme_Defarge, MokuMinion, MotherMary13, Mr Bignuts, Ms Adventure, MythicGavin, Nanimonai3, Narkybeast, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, Ninja Karl, Not Quite Zen, Oizzader, OnyXx, Owlish, PSY, Parsley, Pedeka, Perkk, Phred Green, Phrim, Pineapple of Despair, Pizzleman, PokeyMan, Prim120, Pronell, Psychonaut, Pumpkinheadme, QLou, Qpnaosc, QueenBea, Razorbell, Rejem, Retro_Thrusters, Rinnith, RisenJihad, Ritzenbunnik, RubyLucky, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryo_Sangnoir, Saint James, Scattaloquarious, Sea_clothes, SealClubberForLife, Shafedog0, Sir Indy, Sir Jefe, SkullRock, Smiling Spectre, Smokey_Jose, Snott, SnottyRag, Snugglypoo, Soba Rigatoni, Sololord, SpamNinja, SparkleBeast, Splendor, Splotz, Spy Donkey, Stabotron, StaticMan, Sunesi, Swashbuckler, TH1CC, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TakeHeart, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TamerAlt, Tazy, Terrapin_Man, Teto, The Mushboom, The Smutographer, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, TheVillageIdiot, The_Dancing_Viagra, TillyMcMuffin, Tim the Unchanter, Tommy Wiseau, Totentanz, Tr3mere, Troo, TurtleSpirit of Lich, Tzabor, VaginaEnvy, Van Diemens, Vandermonde, Vigilamus, Vindaloo Indaloo, Vorzer, Vuvuzela Virtuoso, Wagr, Walrus Partay, Xaositects, Yatsufusa, Z_Bvrvkrt, Zamira, Zanchvegas, Zauc, Zermelo, a_ripple, agenT 99, alBATross, amytrip, anitert, apisguy, baby eater, bbhunghk, blitsnik, calculon26, cattus in divum, chalon9, cognophile, corneliusv, coryvanmeter, cukky, dornbeast, ds13j, dumpybabe, flerdle, gaUsiE, gonzo1399, iaruk, intrepidcat, ireJ24, jWang, jasondrew18, jeanbern, john1008, jon diaz, kingalbundi, kissenger, kw07, larsi_kolbot, limpkraker, lupus4, mARty mcfly, mat9h, mei, mitouro, mmcbride, moxbox, munkeee, my ledge ends, opacus, pOOpty_pOOp, pOOx, papst, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, randaccss, raynstorm, rickyfingers, rpgmarker35, runeslayer, sWITCHie, salticid, santifaller, shengii, snarfies, termagant, theDUDEster, the_P_O_E, tiny plastic Charlie Sheen, wakela, whizdad, wildflowered, windracer, worthawholebean, xKiv and yeagermyster1
