stone of eXtreme power

stone of eXtreme power

🥇Danielle Marie71,637






#5Unlikable Heretic13,670






#8Mistress of the Obvious3,769














#15Flaaron, Mikemtl, Phillllllllll, Soul Crusher, TheBub and runelguy1,337




#22TacO 4 BeanY1,200








#26Thingy and wishtct880




#29Clan Mule651




























#43Drucifer and kirByllAmA301








#48crash bang boom240














#55KumihO, PsykotiK and There are some that cal me Tim207


#58High Lord Akkarin204






#61Luc1fer and Wolfman X188








#66Lord Enzo173


#67Bobje Ratata172










#72Poncho the Sane and Ultranibbles152








#77Mega Ogg Boolbar144


#78MeLcator and tanstaafl139




#81CerebralMindDrone and TheBrent133










#87Master Grimwulf121


#88Nitride and ikazuchi120


#90KoL Miners Daughter119


#91Sal the Rapacious117








#95Niwatori, OHogan and Retro_Thrusters111


#98aja miner110




#100Bad Clown107


#101HoboHunter, King Texas and Optimus747106






#106Ceelgohsplatt, Eggwhite, Raylin and The Simmies103


#110LotsaHair, SaitoLoather and testostronaut102




#114BeatMaster, DarkSerge, Darkling, Eomer, Jasonbot, SnowAngel, Three_Leaf_Ivy, caducus and moxom_s100


#123Angel of Music and MrKeen99








#128Dik and Ufta94




#131MonkeyChipsNDip and mrf92






#135CBParker and Master Bates88






#139Artie Effham and Barrysoff85


#141Mac_Gyver and SEBulba84


#143Peter North, Wagr and ironbob83


#146Babaganoosh, Dangerpin, Mad Dudy, Ms Bus Driver, Olorin and Wylin82




#153Mongrel the Apathetic and completebastich79


#155Midgy, SatireSloth, Seravadon and TheLostAlliance1378


#159BigAl, Brat forcE, Squall Thrawn and SqueezyBabe76


#163Boxy Brown and HippoMan74






#167Gollum, kirahvikoira and mskc70


#170Club, Jill_Bob, Palladium, eXtremist69 and lupus469


#175Kool23kid, Toric, iambob and nimrod_167


#179Androcles Antepasta, Vigilamus and WalterEgo66


#182DraconisUK, MarinaraMario and spriteless65






#187CA Dude, Fuhransi and master599762


#190BlueThunder, Chili Mac, Ramonphilius, SpAghEttI RaVeN and Tara the Inept61


#195Galapagos James, SchrodingerCat, gwesj, john1008 and poorlydrawnman60


#200GryWizard, Jehanmandeville and Nishio59


#203BarbarianBob77, Grunj, Oldsfrk and Raefyn58


#207Pennelahpy, Xahil and nerby57


#210Family Of Salsa, Keldar the Unbrave and Miridian56


#213Brestok, Gracious Cymbals, RikAstley, TerraAire, kidMissile and kycks55


#219Cookiecutter, DreadStar, Neenie2, PokeyMan and Rogue Cat54


#224FearTheClown, GzKemp2, Jusano, Kargos, SilverSword, Two__T, crystal_ingram, olleH and the real EBT53


#233Lance and cakyrespa52


#235LordPatriarch, Msyjsm, Munge and pnaermao51


#239CreOsOTe, Dirty Immigrant, Scattaloquarious, YorickU54 and glaucos50


#244Poeun, Terrapin_Man, hotc17 and muskratlike49


#248Laurelly, Paran and zwier48


#251Lord Zathrus, MoxieDoxie and Wolfman666647


#254Hyperhail, Mrmongoose and Quackosaur46


#257Bellae and FerrusManus45


#259Destirinity, Miss Chievous, Sennin and maladJUSTedSocIaLLY44


#263Dibzannia, Higgy and Lungbutter43


#266Bob_Pesterfello, IntellectualPanther, Jidam, PowderedToastMan, QLou, Redeemed, Zermelo, ladderman and zogzog2242


#275CrashCoredump, Lil L8 and hotdeth41


#278BlueWasabi, Davolta, UglyPanda, cukky, howlin_mad and madamkiss40


#284Blue Dragon, CottonMouth, PrinceCandyAss, PuppyKisses, fsfwannabe and stone515039


#290Cedric E Collingswood III, Kizehk, Skent, jlchamberlain49, slojopo and that geology chick38


#296Pumpkinheadme, oh_the_WIT and sinupret37


#299Chadomancer, Cyan Luna, Wolf Kain and jcrkk36


#303Chef Raz, Darmut eDrien, Gaunt, Greystoke, Mars the Infomage, Pimpjuice, Saucy_ash, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, StinkPickle, jimmyjimmy and knightdt35


#314Doogmonger, HellBane, MasterOfPolka, Razorbell and prosTITurtle34


#319Anarch, Andyzero, Ballrag, CaptainSpam, DarkLord75253, Sowyrd, Tableau, Torquemada and Trullum33


#328Miss Informed, POIEDa, Redcap04, Truckdriver999, Ubiq, lopey, petreska and slotwin32


#336Athanatos, Garakain, Greycloak and Violetsareblue31


#340Bo Peep No Sheep, CaptainRondo, Dae su Oh, Delilah Jones, Fylgia, Lanista, SBD, Zanelron, c00lb0t and paradoxoffire30


#350Azuka, ImperialBest, MariposaTheMonarch, Rabi the Sheath, Stargazer67, Tanivan and lordpaw29


#357AgentRocko, ElronBean, LilLisaLuna, NineTailedFiend, TheSilentMantis, amrodg, maliphik and markc728


#365Gil Galad, Sting88, Teyrnon, Third Burglar, Trumper, kaoskiller1, l4g0s, reinstag, skulz13 and sombrehippie27


#375ACMuseum, BenzDoc, Damasta, Garath_McGrath, JoeyBaggadonuts, LiamAndMe, Ninja Karl, Quixote113, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, Tolim, VeIStrAn, darius180, meganirene and nordmert26


#389Astin, CoffeeShopFrank, DanHibiki, Dyena, KyRoS, MrBiggg, PhotoFlow3, acollectorisme, mflGrMp and njpath25


#399AKU, Chandor, Muffin_Man2, Saxylady, Trunkssj, case, jenrose, metamay, micros the tiny, muskratlove, pLaster, rowanthorn and soldieroffortune24


#412Aeneas, Magic2729, MajorBrain, Mystic_Potato, Natlach, NegativeBisector, Webley, Wintermute, XxXianna, hAcKeR and horkman23


#423AlmAlphiA, Bristelle, CrazyKats, Don Gotti, Evictus, Flurry, Hippasus, Hobbleknee Smashencrush, Lamer xxiixx, Lauren_zi_an Wormhole, MaxEarWax, Meridian, Newominus, apisguy, kebabguy, piratesbooty and sciFIwiZ22


#440Chasing, Chineselegolas, Cybergoat, DoctorQuijote, Edwizzle, FerntASTica, Fokai, GruntPuppy, Kreegah, LunaWolvesMan, Mossimus, Pestilence, X666X, geopetal, h00k, mr0t, redguard44, rihel3, theflamingokid and varooka21


#460BoboMonkey, George Gay, Jimmy da Pooh, Lady Halftoadling, MeatTenderizer, Orochi, Wadjet, Zeklan, Zoreo, billybob joebob harris, goblinishgoblin, pacmandisser77, starscribe and voodoostruck20


#474BillDaKat, Darth Milo, DoxieDog, FMtheGood, HansGruber, IggyPup, Kaboon, Kaspersai, Kneegrow, LazyStarfish, Lorad, Mulvaney, Neithyme, Pringle, Silas_L_Denturez, Underlord76, Xentrix, annu, bicsta, iMMASMASHYOFACE, mumbeeni and siniam19


#496AndromacheNoble, BlackThunder, Butt Pirate, Caplin, Celebmacil, Dungeon Princess, Flegel, GligSith_Tcharf, KendricksRedtail, LoverPrimeNumbah, SinfulWolfie, Slugfly, Stabotron, Stupid Fast, TurtleTamyr, Ultionis, minders and sauceclubber18


#514Anne_Tipahzto, BEndER, Buck Turgidson, Calatan, Crazy Lou, Darth Steve, DeDiddlyDawg, Mythman99, NolanShields, Pasta_Alfredo, RileyMonster, blueberry, ghostboots, kartez, pOOx, shanabanananut and unisus8017


#531AnKayelle1, BanditAlt, BigSchtick, DarthB1, Hastings, Highbeam, IncyWincyQuincy, Jacque_D_Charlo, Jakalilly, Kaiten, Martavius, Nanimonai3, Ominous, Pakem, Wes Aaronson, oneequalstwo, santifaller and sitrukpc16


#549Amarand, ArneBarne, Baron Von Oglethorpe VII, Biblio1, BronMac, Cappas420, Damic, Diellan, DrWolf, Eriadan, Gengis, HoundDog, Knitbone, LustyPirateWench, Maruzze, MurderMaid, Oveja, OwlBiter, Potlug, QueenOfThePasta, Smarmot, Taliescent, Talon__crow, chanaleh, raynstorm, selkiexangel, thesandslv and w_stanton15


#577Aviendha, Barbari0n, Catmanten, Cheesecake102, Cogniwhat, Dibzdevil, Doodlebug, FrenchiePoo, General_Herpes, Illarion, Kyzcreig, MadddddDog, Malicious Tubbs, Meowchi, Sanguina, Shadowstorm, Slamboy, Theophrastus, Uurson, WakeoftheBounty, mervella, mk98mod4, myrth77 and schrodingerscat14


#601Archondelnoche, Banker Bob, Claudia_Balzac, Cryanger, Cthulhu Kid, Destaven Fireheart, Duder, Gimp, Mr Goat, Ocean Angel, Phantom Stag, Quothz, ShoTheBandit, Telekinec, Thelaan, Tiny plastic raging vole, feytenet, no_good_4_me, sleepyjason and xheathenx13


#621Aroura, Disowned, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, Green Lemur, Infinite12, Klax, Minon_of_Vorad, Mirsadies, Morganfyre, Otterbee, Pheonexus, PixySnot, PlumptiousCat, PodVon, PoobahMa, SauceAlt, Shire Beyay, Simmu, ThiefDude, ThunderGate, Treefrog, Valryia, Wildcat_693, Zeitgeist, chaosagent, grimwald, jon316, justmatt9283, little lisa, saronite, silverboy, wwwbandagerockcom, zakthe2nd, zcearo and zoidman12


#656Archipelago71, Avanar, Betty Page, BillieJo, COmMiejAp, ChaosTheDarkMage, ChooseOne, Clubbrz L337, Dexorcyst, Donavin69, Earth3141, Eron, ForcedToWork, Garfnobl, Gluek, Gourdy, Gypsy Swingtoes, HazelRah, IceScorcher, JediKnight219, JulesDeNile, LimboLimboLimbo, Lord_of_Ants, Marlowe, Meester Slow, Minke, Monkeyboyjp, SEPfield, Sau_Kazumi, Senor Velasco, Sondroch, StaffordMeister, Xaositects, Z_Bvrvkrt, deaD_Guy, laynieJ, spooky kid, suicidalsue and woods11


#695Alf, Bigger_Dick, Cayce, Demeos_9999, Derekwr, Devilpapaya, Escaflowne, Frediablo, John Watson, Juroma, Klide, Lord Stefano, Not That Kat, Nyec, Pippington III, Septh, SpitinThyme, Starfevre, Teazzer, Thaddeus, Tracytoo, Tz_BG, Vivasor2, WetRats, Zootch, anahera, black_hawk, chrissy mcgrade, d00bie, fuwafuwa, hardcoredeathpuppy, incredibles12345, jlc2, lorenzo, mussels and rylie10


#731AccordionBoy, Bobofred, Caitlin11, Cobra8644, Daav, Farfalla, Grantasaurus, Grief, JTJ, JoMardie, Karrde03, Leatherback Jack, Oforf, PieGuy42, Pulin, Rayi, Riddick09, Roquaren, ScotlandsFinest, Shinebox, Smarmalicious, Steal My Toast, Themrog, Vodeeb, WeeBuffBot, Yavnik, alreadytaken, bunnygirl202, bunter, chebutykin, demarcis, hoyifung04, kof, l337_p5yc0, mark315, pestodigator, setrius, spanky26, squawk, syxx, xapnomapcase and xephyne9


#773Agent006, Angetet, BurgEr mEisteR Meister burgEr, Cres, DarkWeasel, DarknessTurtle, Darren1004, Davrick, DreamTune, DuctTape, EddieLoo, Hulyen, I be Will, Itsatrap, Jeffie, Kaos_Demonik, King_of_Fate, Lalorelei, Loachette, Lush Slacker, MagonKody, Mentaiko, OhMyDaughter, RustyShacklford, Snuckies, Thane, Thurlingdrome, Vampqueen, Vauran, XT_m_n_tx, aenimus, cruxas, delvis_one, edman18, fatesjoke03, kidsampson, magusauce, mylittlesister, ragnar0K, redmergoddess, sillyoldwoman, smokeyliker, stpatgirl1987, suPer mACho MAN and zillah806348


#818Ace Palarum, Amandine, Anghild, Arc, Ass Pounder, BigdoG, Bonnikers, Choolies, Cold Pizza, Defenseman, Deffener, DemiseMeatFarmer, DevilCreme, Drazool, Droidlocks, Dysamyne, Eoghnved, Forkbomb, Geske, Gohan4, GorillaZ, Huntergap, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Kalliandra, Lord Tasbo Tavoc, MightyIsobel, Mistress_Shock, OldBobLeashed, PirateRee, Queubus, RuthlessX, Sarafina826, Shadowglaze, Smellypharterer, Stanley the slight, Suspect, Tgc, Valarauko, Yoohoo, Yuzuru, beansprout, c3l14, canowhoopass4, cnutt, copperbottom chef, eddieray, kheelmaster, kissenger, larky lion, msssterri, msterri, muwhaha, pdubs, purdyview, theasswhisperer, turtlelove101 and werefish7


#875Aelin, Aetheri, Aldarian, Antunar, Ashles, Bart Logan, Bork, Brady the Bold, Brain, Catan, Cinder, Cowdude101, Curly Howard, DEATHUNIT, Dane, Dante Kinkade, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Dr_Frankenpaws, Dysis, Farfetchedchild, GSX, Goofyye, Hlover, I Do Not Have a Name, Jism2, Kitcats, Lady SUMMERbrook, Laria, Leonich, Lilandra, Mighty Kes, Peachy Princess, Ray_DK, Reki, Schmaltz, Scorpion, Sephris, Skytripa, Sumire, Sunne of Kornne, Swinka, Synamon, Terry, The DMD, The Great Went, ThiefAlt, VicciousPoo, Yandolino, b3ni, chazard20, filafal, girlina, idiotboxer, kaboom23, moxie is pwn, payguhn, racheldancer, redm, sensibleb and xanth86316


#935AbuGhrabPrisonGuard, Albenis, Alters, Angra Mainu, BeTheFish, Beswycke Bechamel, BoredBandit, BraydenKyler, Brialta, Cheese Invader, DancesWithTrekkies, Daphen, DisComBoBulAteD, Disco Sam, FactWino, Firesparx518, Friar Bacon, Geologygirl, HappyBizu, Hyperla, I_am_the_Night, Jessor, Jib555, Kaolla Su, Keator, Kelpie C Waters, Krystyn, LINGUINI, Liz79, Lost Gypsy, Mampf, Mellicious, Mother G1, Mr_A, NML Manticore, Natashaa, Nomnominus Rex, Oriongal, Procrusty, Pudvirus, Queen Sugar, Raistlin, Redhandedstealer, Rizzen, RoboChicken, Rothus, S3phirothsdemise, ScoopKW, SlappyJack, Smiley, SnuggleFluff, Spifuzz, Stevoid, Stormtyrant, Strych, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, TheRealTeacake, TzTok Jad, Uberw00tage, ViRtUaLheretic, Victorinox, Viki, Winsome, YfoogtheGlandular and aceatheart265
