warbear empathy chip (used)

warbear empathy chip (used)

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This is a little chip from a warbear computer. It's got a pink heart printed on one side of it, and a smiley face on the other. And inside, wires covered with your brain goo. You should really either clean it or never let anyone else use it, and let's be honest -- you're not going to clean it.



🥉Mistress of the Obvious4


#4BaronessRatsworth, Beljeferon, Cheesecookie, Dafro, Fundamagargle, Galapagos James, Hairshirt, Izhebel, PacHINKOid, Pumpkinheadme, SadOatcakes, ShinyPlatypus, TheArtfulDodger, TheNovaci, Zinnia and j010419992


#20A Gressive Coffee Addict, A2Z, AXEBLADE, Adamantois, Adeeda, Adelberta The Feckless, AdjectiveFool, Agburanar, Ahorriblesn, Ahuilztli, Akael, Akrim, Alan Gorealan, Aldo13, Aldous Moxie, Alldarker, Alpha Omicron, Alsier, AmaryllisOrbem, Andalusia, Annuzzi, Anonymous Git, Anthony Bourdain, Anti Love, Antic the Fearless, Aramada, ArchangelUK, Archipelago71, Archon386, AresGodOfWar, Artie Effham, Arties Son, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Ashles, Asimantos, Asixton, Asmodais, Athanatos, AtlanteanScion, Aubra, Augon, AvocadoPirate, Ay7k, Babaganoosh, BabyScarface, Bale, Baltar, Bashy, Batisaw, Bayushi, BeautifulNova, Beavis P_Ness, BenBenX, Bigquack, Birdy, Bleeko, Bob Dole, BobaJames, Boesbert, Boogaloogaloo, Boogiecleaver, Borishaughingoff, Brady the Bold, BranNew, Brirad, BuRNJoB420, Bubicus, Busch Light, BuyMEaRound, Cannonfire40, CaptainLoud, CaptainRondo, CaptainUrsus, Cedric E Collingswood III, Celtic, ChE clarinetist, Chadomancer, Chaosblackwing, Chartan, Cheesy Noodle, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, Chezyourmom, Chocolust, Chromatic Walnut, Chunky_boo, Chyld, Clawleone, Club, Cobain Dougans, Cookie, Cosmosis Kwik, Cranstonn, Crawldad, Croft, Crumbling Buttercookie, Cryanger, CrzyMdScntst123, Curbludgeon, Curt, CyberWar, CyroN, DALEKSECOND, DaBaddestHic, Daelm, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Daltonator, Dannyb0y, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkSpuddle, Dark_Adonis, Darzil, Dashzap, Dave Lister, DeadlyAngel, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, Deathman_Elf, Delilah Jones, Demonsquiggle, Derbina, Des804, Dessalvara, Destre, Dimaran, DirkDagon, Doc Greasy, DocRosey, Donavin69, DoodyHed, DoubleGold, Dr Ragon, DrKirre, Drag0n, Dread Gambit, DreamBreaker, Drok, DuRhone, Dysis, EarthStone, Eclipsing, Eevilcat, ElectricChairJ, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Emerilla, Emhgee, End of Time, Enfant Trebleble, Ereinion, ErisDiscordia, Ermidor, ErnieR, FetusXmas, Ffthed, Fire Knight, FoxtrotUniformCharlieKilo, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frank Shliman, Fredmaehn, FurballNinja, Furbulae, Fuzzinskaya One Eye, G1R, GaUSIE, GamesMaster, Ganomex, Gawea, Gedren, Gemelli, Gen Eric Cola, General Buzz Grunt, General_Herpes, George P Burdell, GeorgieG, Glitch, GoodEats, GorgeousGeorge, Greenozzy, GrendelPrime, Grogum, Groshing, Gullwhacker, Guvnor Butterfingers, Guy Bone, H473N4, HOldeRofSecrEts, HadesSL, Hakar, Hammered, Hamo_Boy, Hamusutaa, Handhand, HappyDeadChicken, Hasand, Hedgemonster, Hepcat Merkin, Her Likkle Baby Lion, High Voltage, HowardthyDuck, Hsilwo, ILILILI, Infernau, Infopowerbroker, Ingemarr_Dinkyweiner, InsanityPrelude, InspectorX, Inyrra, Iridia, Irritant, Ishamaell, Isladar, JD McSquinty, JDubbaYo, JLE, Jack S, JackalKat, Jadiepoo, Jaylee, JazzyJ, Jdan, Jeedai, Jeff_3PO, JenZahara, Jessalyn, Jill Apagos, Jinzo Fusilli, JoVapa, Joell, JonathanWu, Joquie, JoshuaKing, Kafl, Kaine, KaosFreak, Kari Filth, Karl Marx, Kastaguy, Kemistry, Ken, Keogh, Ketchupynugget, Ketvanin, Khlamedaea, KillxthexJoy, Kirana, Kneegrow, Knud, Kriana, Kulthozuer, Kurtispj, Kvice, Kyta, LaRoni, Lady Doughnutpants, Lady Tomo, LadyDragon, Landamus, Larsi, LastChans, LastMinuteName, Lia_Sang, Lincoln Home, Linknoid, LizardKing, Lokiator, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord0216, LordVyle, Lord_Josh, Lord_of_Ants, Love Me, Luke, Lungbutter, Lxndr, Lynnielily, Lzygenius, M4ST3R_Elf, MOTH, Mac_Gyver, Madame Lalott, Major Meat, Malhavok, Mana Yachanichu, Managwa, Manendra, Mara _Jade, Marion Blainvillea, Marm, Mayoress, Mc7Man, Meat Maid, Meester Slow, Megabuster, Mellissaleo, Merlinus Pastorian, Metal Invader, Micah Page, Mideon, Mifdsam, Mirrorshades, Misha_Z, Mister Jinkles, Mister Tambourine Man, Mme_Defarge, Monoceria, MontyPythn, Moon, Morgana Rose, MotherMary13, Motrax, MoxieMolly, Mr Bignuts, Mr Ernest, Mr HeadCase, MrFatso, Mr_GlitterBall, Mr_Parks, Murphalicious, Murphy Brawn, MzSwan, N00bWelcomer, Nachunte, Nanimonai3, Nannachi, Natedogg, Necrophage, Nemmie, Nerdyfro, NeuviIlette, NewTexas, Nightvol, Nikademus, Ningirsu, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Noskilz, NotARealBear, Nox Ultionem, Nychiesel, Nymall, OOnuthin, OlgaSmash, OminousJackal, Onilinkx, Orelle, Osobayasan, Owlish, Oztrich, PHILTHy, PSY, PandaParade, Pants_O_Rama, Parastra, Parco Molo, Pasta Thief, Pastahead, PatTheGreat, Patamunzo Lingananda, Paugus, Pawlifer, Perkk, Phanpy, Philosofik, Phred Green, PokeyMan, Poncho the Sane, Poolala, Poot, PresidentCorporal, Prim120, ProfEssorjEllybEaN, Professor_Underscore, Pronell, Psychosis730, Punchcrush11, QVamp, Quickbaby, RICKErscotT, RNGHeHateMe, ROdger_FLint, RacWade, Ragazi, Ranava, Random Lee, RandomDewd, Rat_Hunter, RebusSohal, Redski, Rei_Jin, Retro_Thrusters, RichardRahl, Rick Tyger, Rikmach, Rinnith, Robacon, Roman_the_evil, Rosarinita, RubyLucky, Ryebread, Ryo_Sangnoir, SRO, SalMonella, Samitefan1, Sassy Staci, SchrodingerCat, Scrabblewench, Sean Clannery, Searph, Serhina, ShadowWolf, ShakenNotStirred, ShawnD, Sheber, Shire Beyay, Silverclaw, Sir Hassel of Hoff, Skent, Skippy Zippy, SkyElf, Snott, Snugglypoo, Soft Drive, Soleil Bellefontaine, Soulesslife, SpiritOfTheForest, Splendor, Splotz, Spramen, St Thomas Pornificus, Stalh, Starbearer, StaticMan, Strappy, Straywolf, SuperSwimmer1650, SuperYepa, SupremeKingTom, SwordsRCool, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TPlunkette, TVirus26, Talsgar, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tania Australis, TaraMANe, Tatorlicious, TawnyBrawn, Tellah, Terrapin_Man, The Buccinator, The Chort, The Hangman, The Predator, The Rogue Fedora, The Wishing Well, TheBrent, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, The_Dancing_Viagra, The_SLY_Raven, Three_Eye, Tibbiara, Tim the Unchanter, Tombsice, Totentanz, Tourmie, Trevor Hynes, Triffels, Troo, Turbulent Squirrel, Turtlini, Tyme, TyphoidMary, Uriel3ca, Vallinek, Valmo, Veracity, Vernatio, Viper20, Viziertim, Volc, Volteccer, Volvo, Wagr, Warren, Werebear, Wheezer, White Candy, Windom, Wiseworm, Xandor, Xantaxar, Zanthia, ZaphodB42, Zarqon, Zasqdddas, Zeklan, Zelda Ziti, Zerstoren, Zeuxippe, Zinc Saucier, Zog_the_Flatulent, Zolobatron, Zulu Romeo, abcq2, adeyke, agargan, amytrip, angietron, apenny, bad_player, basbryan, billdred, booberrymel, branmart, burrows, caducus, cakeytaste, cameron, cattus in divum, chalon9, chinadoll, ckb1, cptjsparrow, crystal_ingram, cubeof11, cymen, dapanda, deathsausage, dementia13, devjoe, dingleflopper, dirac, disco basket, discordance, dlo_olb, dorian78, drunken_irishman, eQerxar, eXtYnt2, eXtyNT, echomikeromeo, enigmator, eppin, erTEST1, evilmoxie, failingsilently, fewyn, fret669, gatekeeper66, gianterq, glimb, hekiryuu, hellskidoo, herocaim, herpman, hideouspenguinboy, hiimchels, iaruk, icy toes, ilana, ilana2, jewells of cheese, jon diaz, jonsi_4, kaotix, kbe, kinglink, kirByllAmA, larsi_kolbot, legom7, liffe, lupus4, maggotheart, master5990, mat9h, meatcheese, mei, mhwombat, mooingsheep, mx indigo, myrth77, ora henry, padth, peter_damien20021, phantom fox, psychoPath, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, roTINHell, runeslayer, salticid, saucyBABE, saynotocomicsans, scorpionxx, scudunculus, sensibleb, shod, slappy_THE_cat, slotwin, spencedawg, stuffandthings, tHE eROsIoNseEker, tHegERb, takenoko, takeyourtoast, talas300, taltamir, termagant, thelagmonster, threebullethamburgler, verbim, vpnLibrarian, whizdad, windracer, wombatticus, wrldwzrd89, xDanELx, xKiv and xoutkastx31
