Lindsay Spears

#784ASCII shirt1
#570Argarggagarg's fang3
#684BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt1
#614Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#2709Baron von Ratsworth's monocle3
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#1922Bonerdagon necklace2
#1678Boss Bat bling1
#2407Codpiece of the Goblin King1
#2886Crown of the Goblin King4
#2662Disco 'Fro Pick1
#1415Dolphin King's crown2
#738Dr. Hobo's scalpel4
#1652Drowsy Sword5
#1675Iron Beta of Industry1
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#878Jocko Homo's head2
#1057Knob Goblin scimitar1
#724Krakrox's Loincloth1
#2321Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet6
#1199Nickel Gamma of Frugality2
#1610Scalp of Gorgolok2
#471Sinful Desires1
#1939Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette2
🥇Trivial Avocations board game1
#704Typical Tavern swill2
#1148adorable seal larva2
🥇all-year sucker1
#656ammonite fossil5
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#478asbestos sword1
#4729badass belt6
#136beer-scented teddy bear5
#859belemnite fossil2
#389black kettle drum1
#185booze-soaked cherry2
#3305bottle of goofballs4
#680bottle of pirate juice1
🥇bowl of oriole's nest soup3
#671burst hellseal brain3
#4785candy cane1
#996cheap toaster2
#864cool whip1
#253corned-beef Reuben3
#516depleted uranium seal figurine1
#548divine blowout1
#1164drywall axe6
#1302empty agua de vida bottle1
#761fake blood1
#4735fuzzy dice1
#813giant discarded bottlecap5
#1516giant discarded torn-up glove1
#1479giant pinky ring6
#3938gingerbread bugbear1
#429goth kid t-shirt9
#499grave robbing shovel1
#3471grue egg4
#263hamethyst ring1
#3245handful of confetti6
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#272imp unity ring6
#6ittah bittah hookah1
#284jungle drum1
#1423kneecapping stick3
#1202lucky rabbit's foot4
#359mysterious silver lapel pin3
#1850obsidian dagger6
#749old sweatpants78
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#103paperclip cape1
#91paperclip turban1
#101paperclip-on tie1
#688pat-a-cake pendant1
#665peanut brittle shield1
#248pog #01 (spider)4
#298pog #02 (Knob goblin)3
#295pog #03 (warwelf)3
#247pog #04 (skleleton)4
#178pog #05 (ninja snowman)6
#261pog #06 (filthy hippy)4
#211pog #07 (orcish frat boy)5
#169pog #08 (hellion)6
#265pog #09 (pirate)4
#228pog #10 (hobo)5
#261pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress)4
#913pool cue2
#1613pork elf goodies sack1
#385pygmy blowgun2
#278pygmy spear1
#1016red class ring1
#665ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon1
#554right half of a heart necklace1
#366ring of adornment1
#721ring of half-assed regeneration3
#663roll of toilet paper105
#3659rubber WWJD? bracelet1
#1021rusty chain necklace1
#1671seal-clubbing club1
#68sealhide moccasins1
#301sealhide seal doll1
#2137shiny ring4
#301shredded hellseal hide15
#620silver shrimp fork2
#1677solid gold bowling ball5
#2379spectre scepter6
#821spiked femur1
#277spooky staff1
#273stone banjo1
#8938stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#8863stuffed angry cow1
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#7027stuffed baby gravy fairy3
#7024stuffed frozen gravy fairy3
#8978stuffed hand turkey1
#8910stuffed mind flayer1
#8943stuffed scary death orb1
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#5603stuffed snowy owl5
#8891stuffed undead elbow macaroni1
#269sucker bucket1
#257sucker hakama1
#219sucker kabuto1
#278sucker tachi1
#144tainted seal's blood2
#818ten-leaf clover5
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#220tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#2307tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer3
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#214tiny plastic MechaElf1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#237tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#243tiny plastic animelf1
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#4595tiny plastic hermit1
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#225tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#313tiny plastic trollipop1
#446torn hellseal sinew7
#923trilobite fossil1
#1541unusual disco ball1
#1408useless powder11
#667vampire collar1
🥇wand of fudge control1
#1015white candy heart2
#805white class ring4
#249white hat hacker T-shirt5
#853white sword1
#395wool hat3
#1158wrench bracelet1

Wow, that's 559 items total!

what items are this player missing?