bobble-hip hula elf doll

bobble-hip hula elf doll

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Clearly, this is one of those handcrafted pieces of art that tropical island natives have been making for ages. There's nothing about it that suggests it exists purely to exploit tourist demand. It's a little elf in a grass skirt and a Crimbo hat, and when you shake it, the elf's hips bob up and down suggestively. Suggestive of what, I'd rather not say.





#4Keptuvis and Zanchvegas9




#7Mistress of the Obvious and Mystic_Potato7


#9FrankNBeans, General_Herpes, IdHitIt, Wadjet, eav, padmaclynne and willied16


#16Karmelya and Stargazer675


#18Attila, Francisco101, Junpai, Saskapampy, aaaaaaargh, hotdeth and kashara4


#25AmpleHacksaw, BB Karo, Bandanaman, BronMac, Caseman09, Claudia_Balzac, Crazy As Pants, Donavin69, Grimdel, Gunny Roxx, HeavnzRogue, Incarante, John Watson, Kittenbabble, KiwiGuy, Meru la Renat, MrsPresident, OHogan, PetesSake, Poncho the Sane, Prima Vera, ScoutOwl, TKman1111, TarapinTerror, TeddyRaptor, Thraxus, ThunderGate, Ticket, ballzy8, cheshirecat387, hagrid333, josyjoker, mrsnelson, raspberrybuddha, tHe_pOst and weird3


#61Aeslyn, Alder, AlmAlphiA, Amandine, Archipelago71, Azarael, Bangaroo, BillabonG, Bloodlust, BobbleheadJesus, BuyMEaRound, Cey, Cobra8644, Crack Jackie, Critchley, Cuz, Darmut eDrien, Darth_Davey, DeathofPasta, DickLeaky, Doxical, DrunkenStupor, El_Pirateo, FengShuiNinja, Ferrex, FettucineQueenie, Gemdrina, Gnot, Hardy24, HellFyre, Hern Domnor, Hojo Hominygrits, Hos_Kryptic, Janno, Jared_Allen, JenZahara, JunChieve, Kara Rae, Le Canard, Leg o Lam, Lord Budroe, Luc1fer, LustyPirateWench, MARCkind19, Mac_Gyver, Malevolus, Mariance, MayaOwhy, Megasonicry, Mike Czech, MrAdventurer, Mr_Jiggy, NML Manticore, Nick the Nieve, Nikademus, Nohbody, Oldsfrk, PC_Goldman, Paper123, Peachy Princess, Plummy, Quaxalot, Ranava, RebelWolf, Rikmach, RobotMachine, Rutger von Horeburg, Samos, Sausage Link, Sendaben, Sethari, Shadowlord, Somnolent, Sp8z, Spiffie, SquishSquish, Succubus, Suendenbock, TalonTaltos, Tara the Inept, Tarotina, Tazy, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, Thistlehair, TwITty, V a n e s s a, WetRats, Wilbur, aldervan, alfabit, anakha, animallvr8, badaduci, dfens73, eibbeD, fbt, fyre_tzygrax, geopetal, hellskidoo, ilda, jWang, jcrkk, kevtron, kryXtyn2, lowrez, mmcbride, noodleEd, nvx, pyrochild42, the strongest guy ever, will4545, wombatiam and zwier2


#174AC_Goldman, ADeadHeart, AEMMac, ATrain64, Aamrie, Accordion Abuser, AccordionBoy, AceLogan, Aces44, Acorn Express, AdiosPantalones, Adran, Aerin Frost, Aetuneo, Agent006, Ahorriblesn, Airika, Akieal, AlBassoon, Aleke, Alfredo_of_Earl, AliceCat, Allora, Alqarine, Althalus Kirvar, AltheWeird, Alvdbar the forager, Amandas_Lover, Amazonian, Ameliorate, Amontillado, Ana, Ancient Cheese, Ander Exelion, Andranovich3, Angel Hair, AngrySeal, Annaliese, Anouris, Anti_MacGyver, Antunar, Apple Pie, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, Archham, Ardsnard, Aremedis, Ark42, Arket, ArmAstevs, Aro CantCatchABreak, Artie Effham, Arwen48, Ascensor, Ashallond, Ashfox, AsiTtlEr, Asimantos, Assur, Asterea, Astin, Astrocette, AtlanteanScion, AverageJoe, Avisamo, Aximili, Aylic, Azrane, Azreal, BAbyDufus, BSOD, BUTTONS13, Babaganoosh, BabyGirlTigger05, BabySmasher, BabyStewy, Bacon Stoned, Bad Hat Harry, BadSquirrel, Badfurday25, Badmojo, Ballsworthy, BanditAlt, Bannana, Bare_Bear, Baron von Chickenpants, BaronMalakai, Barrow_Troll, BarrytheFerret, Batwood17, Bawb, Bawb21, Beaverhausen, Beljeferon, Bellae, Belzebubba, Berith, Bernoulli, Betty Page, Biblio1, Big Al, Big Coffin Hunter, BigBadWolf, Binaanne, Biohazzard, BirdofPrey161, Bizarro Murphy, BlasphemousPhilosopher, BlindChaos13, BlindOne, Blizzard, Bloodwiggle Bob, BlueBurro, BlueObsidian, Bob8, Boberalla, Bobje Ratata, Bobvs, BoiRDee, Bonepuppet, BonesHurt, BoozerBear, Boozman, Brainiac, BrassDogma, BraydenKyler, Bricbrac_Madley, Brirad, Brom the Wise, BrvYnky, Buckley, Bufferin Head, BurntKechup5, Butt Pirate, Buzzbuzz, C00L, CA Dude, CBParker, CK_, CMOT Dibbler, CREaMchEEsey, CaelDranwylr, Calypte, Canada Joe101, Cantaloupe, Cantryboy, Caplin, Capnplague, Captain Iron Skull, Captain Scotch, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainRondo, Captn Strapon, Carny Asada, Casey Of The Amazon, Cashflake, Cassandra, Cat_Killer, CathyOak, CecilBTurtle, Celestria, Celsey, Cereal Killer 024, Cerie, Chalky, ChaosDestroyer, ChaoticGalen, Charasan, Charles Bronson, ChasteGalahad, CheGuevara, Cheerio, Chelonia, Chendo, Chetta, Chez, ChiefWelliger, Chim, Chocolatethunda, Christoph, ChynaRose, Cicadalek, Clackling, Cloony, Club, Clubbrz L337, Clubz, Cnorgard, Cobain Dougans, Cobwebs, Comm911, Communist China, Corran, CorranH, Count Scrofula, Crackgnome, Crawldad, Crazy1, CreOsOTe, Cres, Crip Walkin Santa, Croft, Cucumber Stan, CyberTurtle, D L, DDRking, DGag453, DISCokeir, DaBaddestHic, Da_Poofhead, Daffrid, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Dallbun, Damascus, Danger, Dante Kinkade, DarkDeath, DarkDraconius, DarkSpuddle, Dark_Future, Dark_Horse, Darkhorn, DarkmeatDuck, Darkside_of_AH, Daron, Darren1004, Darth Elmo, DarthB1, Darth_Noodle, Dazzle, DeadMan75, DeadlyVirus, Deadman Andy, DeathAngel, DeathEmperor, DeathKnight668, Deckard, Decomposer, Deeliteful, Defenseman, Deimos, Demonic, Der Zilla, Der_Koenig, Derrikan, Dessalvara, Deth Halo, Dethanc, Devdogg, Dexorcyst, Dhampire73, Dhivael, Diamond Stud, Dingo69, Dirty Immigrant, Disco Dancing, DiscoAsco, DiscoFevaDiva, Disneeyore1, Diss, Dita of the Motley, Dizzit, Django, DocSauce, Doctor Nick, DoctorRotelle, DoctorWeebl, Doll, Don Quai Poncerello, DonPeredor, DoomKnight2, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr Strange, DrBeard, DrEvi1, DrTee, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, DraconisUK, Drew Carey, Dribbling Bacon, Droidlocks, Duddy01, DumstaDunka, Dun, Duty, EarL LLama, EbolaWoman, Eddie Trojan, Edwizzle, Eighty, Elfea, Elffie, Elmo_The_Thundergod, ElronBean, ElroyJetson, Elsynoodle, Embrio, Emerilla, Emhgee, Enameless, Enitsirhc, Enkidubious, Entish Power, Envoy, Ephraim, Eplixx, EquiLeen, Ereinion, Erik Raven, ErisDiscordia, Eroquin, ErsatzHipHop, Escaflowne, Escalibor, Esdor, Eve DE, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Ewie, EyeYam, FMtheGood, Fadecaw, Fallen2004, Far Fallen, FarStrider, Farfalla, Farfalle al Dente, Farfetchedchild, FatBagel, FauxPasIII, Fawn Dew, Fazool, FeaRLeSS_Gaia, Felicity, Felina Gnome, Fenser, Fetish Chini, Ffnnuuuubert, Fianor, FinalRagnarok, FirmaMentalFalcon, First Tenor, FirstMateNora, Flabberjack, Flashback73, Flinguine, Fluck You, Fluffman, Foggy, FoneBone, FooBarBaz, Fopeboy, Foryst, Foxgirllover123, Framistan, FranDeNut, FreakyJax, Freman, FriedBrownBacon, FriedSteak, Friznik, Frobisher, Fronobulax, Froogle Man, Frozen Flame, Funky Thief, FurryBird, Garnet Rene, Gauln, Gedren, Geebee, Geldar, Genbu Cosplayer, Genea, Ghorroj, GhostRider, Gilgameshback, GimpGuru, Gingdingthing, Glamhag, Gleezus, Glukthar, Gobbla, Goldlocks, GondomWing, Gone, Goodch, GoodnightMonkey, Gorillaz2D, Gourdy, GpHerder, Gracefire, Gracie Law, Graymalkin, Greenarchist, Greenday2005, Grinder, Gringo, Gringo Ibn Castle, Grizzor, GroggBeoir, Grogum, Grokly, Grommitt, Gruh, GryWizard, Gulper, Guri, Guy Bone, Guy999, GuyWith4Arms, Gwinnifred, GwynDragon, HBar, HCN, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, Halfdog, Halfwayhouse, Haminiyah, Hamperster, HansGruber, Happy Monkey, HappyHead, Happymans, HatesAllHumanity, Hawkhunter217, Hawkie, Hawksmoor, Hayashida, HazelRah, Head_Moid, Hecatomb, Helicobacter, Hellmar, Hemorrhagic Hobo, HereTicSaint, Heresy, Hetchman, Highwaywoman, Hilkam Torso, Hinz, Hippie Smoke, Ho Slappa, HomeyDaClown, HotCha0, Hulihuli, Hulyen, Hunkpapa, I Am Robot, I be Will, IAmtheDisco, IceWorm, IcyStikDude, IdlnPb, Idran, Ilidon, Illarion, ImJohnGalt, Imitation Plastic Bobba Fett, Infernaldoom, Inferno_dmn6, Ingar, InnocuousEve, IntellectualWhore, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ironfist, IsidoreStabby, J Jiggalicious, J1mmy, JK Phoenix, JW2008, Jacque_D_Charlo, Jadyte, James Lovelock, JamiriQue, Jander, Janine White, Jansu, Jarod Smith, Jaster Mereel, Jay Peg, JayPro22, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jedi_Knight, Jef, JekCromium, Jelly Tostada, Jellyman, Jizwink, Jizz Master Zero, JizzMasterZero, Jmoen, Joe Bobfred, Joe Presto, John Ramen, JohnDoe244, Johnny the Johner, Johnz the Grey, Jonny Extreme, JonnyBoy1977, Jonze, JoshZero, JoshuaGrey, Joyce100, Juroma, Justarius, Justice1234, Justin Credible, JustinCarto, KaTy, Kaaewen, Kaas Chuig, Kaboon, Kaelis, Kaetarin, Kaloula, Kami_no_Musha, Kareth, KarneLoki, Karrde03, Kastaguy, KateKarnage, KatrOen, Keator, Kegger, Kelyn, Kelyva, Kennedy5, Keranita_ye, KiKiStarE, KimmyRocks, King Hustle, King Puff, KingFelix, Kipatsu, Kit Snicket, KitiaranYC, Kitsunegami, KittYhm, Kitty Baggins, KittyEatsYou, Klutzygirl, Kneegrow, KnifeCzar, Knight of Neit, KnuffleBunny, Kobra, Kojoro, Kolcat001, Kool23kid, KorTehGehn, Kottonmouth, Krinex, Kuno, Kuranes, Kwycstix, KyRoS, LIVERflukes, Ladril, Lady Bladethrust, Lady Dragon, Lady Tomo, LadyDelilah, LadyKalessia, Laeren, Lalique, Landar, LanstuL, Lasko, Laughingman, Lavaweasle7564, LdySaphyre, LeMuffin, LeafRivr, Lehks, Leicontis, Leinenkugel, Lente, LeperChaun, Lew_b81, Lewy210, Liddabird, Lightwolf, Likal Coraer, Lil Nietzsche, Lillith, Linguinelad, Linnay, Listen2Reason, Loachette, Locke1127, Logmo, Lolyes, Lonestar, Longuine, Loqub, Lord Finisher, Lord Ron, Lord Stefano, Lord Travothious, LordBobXIII, LordPatriarch, LordSurge, Lord_of_Ants, Lost, LoxMaster, Loxodonta, LucyNaiad, LunaWolvesMan, Luxxor, Lycanthra33, LyingSage, Lyxia, MALORKIS, MAnicDepressive, Macdaddy, MadMad, Maefaye, Maeldwyn, MagFitch, Magic2729, Magiric, Maguma, Maharet, Maikeruu, MalLardo, Malik, Maloki, Malosavich, Mansausage, Marcella, Marchelute, Marconius, MarcyRoni, Margulies, Maria Krystiana, Maria Pesto, Mariani, MarinaraMario, Marm, Mars the Infomage, MarshWiggle, Marshall, Martavius, MaryAnarchy, Mastahmah, Master Bates, Master Polka, MasterGuru, MasterPython, Master_of_monkeys, Mathias186, Mathnerd, Matmoncoo, Mayfly182, Mayting, Mc7Man, McDutchy, Me Hokkien, Me33333, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Meiana, Meister Katzhandler, Mekare, Melvin DoOver, Meowchi, Mercurious, MiB, Miatog, Michel, Mikel, MikeyTsi, Miles OToole, MineralWater, Mingha, Minijohnny, Minor Annoyance, Mirounga Masher, Misha_Z, Miss Sexualconduct, Miss Sky, Mitheor, Mizem, Mme_Defarge, Mogdor, Mogwai_Hunter_99, MolotovH, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeeBuddah, Monkey Porkchoppy McMooch, Monkey Snort Soul Killah, MonkeyChipsNDip, MonkeyThatIsToxic, Monster Hunter 2, Monty the Zamboni Driver, MooFrog, Morac, Morgad, MostEvilerOne, MotoInushonen, MoxFulder, MoxieDoxie, MoxiousMonkey, Mr Mart, MrEff, MrMantastic, Mr_Black, MrsPeel, MsNibble, MsNicole, Murnjendoof, Murphus, Musica, Mybloodyself, Mynar, Mystia_Wildfire, MysticPearl, N3RD, Naelyn, Nalsa, Nanimonai3, Naros, Narth Vader_v2, Nasher, Nate Pyrokai, NateTheMediocre, Natedogg, Nathanl, Nathyn, Necrophage, Nectaris, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Neotemplar, Nextkiller, Nicarra, Nick1995, NickHab, NightHunter, NightRipper, Nightvol, Nihilistiskism, Nik, Nikodemus, Nimnak, Ninja Karl, Nirsh, Nitethorn, Nitride, Noahs Ark, NoctiBeard, Nohurtme, Nora Batty, Nosebeard, Noskilz, Not Quite Zen, Noxiouszema, Numfar, Nuurgle, Obituary, OhMahGourd, Okke, Olekeg, Oliver Klozov, OmegaZone, Omegatank, Ominous, OminousJackal, Onionne, Oopsiedaisy, Optimus747, OracleofDreams, OrangeHoch, OrangeSlice, Originalcyn, Orlando, Osbert, OvergrownGoblin, OwlBiter, P4UL, PFC Walker, PRIME1, PSY, Paalikles, Pacone, PanSolo, Panasonic Penguin, PansieMan, Pantless Pete, Parco Molo, Parmesan Marshmallow, PastaLaVistaBaby, PastaWoman, PastaiestChefEver, Pastamama, PastryPusher, PemyJay, Penelope X, Perchorin, Perin, Perkk, Petrus, Phantom Stag, Photon Chang, Phrim, PicklEtank, Pidgeons, PigRAT, Pixsi, Pizzaboy, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, PlunderBunny, PokeyMan, PollyEster, Pollywog, Ponsawan, PoobahMa, PorcupineSpader, Poring Slayer, Porphyrial, Prince_Ragoczy, Princess Molly Monkey Pants, Princess Petunia, Princess Sunshine and PrincessLizzie1
