Buddy Bjorn

Buddy Bjorn

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Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your familiars even closer. That's what the old adage says, right? Well, this device lets you keep your familiars so close that they'll constantly be breathing down your neck. In a good way.

🥇Hippie Dude, eusst and x1a44
#4Abikum, Artie Effham, Dave of the Hill People, Mistress of the Obvious, PacHINKOid, eav, lizARdking24, nivgod and wile E Quixote3


#13AFaKaz, Bashy, BjM, Donavin69, Hunior, Lord_of_Ants, Man Mobile, MrAdventurer, PhilThese, PokeyMan, Rammerking, Straha and shaft007zz2


#26AK_Nick, Adamantois, AelfRhian, AlephYin, Andranovich3, Angry McSmashface, Arbos, Archham, Archipelago71, Ashmodel, Azarael, B A Takaline, Bacon Stoned, Bandanaman, Bobje Ratata, BuyMEaRound, Buzzbuzz, CK_, CONKER420, Chelonia, Club, Cool Guy Crew CFO, Crapstorm, CreOsOTe, Cryanger, DeathBlast, Dessalvara, Diane, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Ducky, Fepel, Fronobulax, GT1, Gogoglovitch, Graev, Guy Bone, Guy999, Hamo_Boy, Jaylee, Jehanmandeville, Jellyman, JenZahara, Jherskow, Joell, JoshuaKing, Kari Filth, Kayvon, Kneegrow, Kyekeiko, LaNz, Legalese, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord T1000, Mac_Gyver, ManaUser, Maximillian the Red, Mc7Man, Merric, Michael Landon, Mister Manager, Mme_Defarge, Mr_Parks, Mr_World, MysticalMolly, Neogeo, Noirblood, OhMahGourd, Oldsfrk, PeKaJe, Piefight, Pixsi, Princess Erin, Psycho Sledge, Rainmaker709, Raullen, Rodde, Roguebandit, Schlurp, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, Shayol Ghul, Shoop8000, SisterCoyote, Skent, Spiffie, Splotz, Spygame, StalkingOfAshles, Stand and Deliver, StolenSoul8, Stupid_hippy, Tazy, Terrapin_Man, TheGreatReferencer, TheLetterM, TheLoathingFoundation, Thucber, Trexx, Tz_BG, ValentinaSnow, Vanquished2, Viral_Effigy, Vorzer, Wolfman X, Xande1, Yarple, Zinnia, caducus, cowmanbob, dementia13, ds13j, eiderdown, everLast, hotdeth, iTz_Danny, jWang, jenrose, lazy mork, lupus4, meatcheese, mflGrMp, payguhn, phel, scratch, tHe_pOst, wakela and windmilan1
