
#266Cloaca grenade66
#376Cloaca-Cola c-rations10
#534Cloaca-Cola fatigues5
#999Cloaca-Cola helmet2
#167Cloaca-Cola knapsack18
#610Cloaca-Cola shield4
#256Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife3
#246Doc's Miracle Cure5
#297Dyspepsi grenade47
#214Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations13
#770Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues3
#522Dyspepsi-Cola helmet5
#251Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack11
#567Dyspepsi-Cola shield4
#579Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#1600Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#415Knob Goblin elite shirt13
#435Meleegra™ pills19
#936Mob Penguin cellular phone14
#93Mr. Accessory Jr.1
#262Now and Earlier15
#1201Retenez L'Herbe Paté2
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#643Warm Subject gift certificate26
#811amulet of extreme plot significance8
#1067bell-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#998blood flower4
#3304bottle of goofballs4
#2907box of sunshine31
#2745candy cane6
#227cheap plastic bottle opener26
#154clockwork trench coat1
#176coconut bikini top1
#1263doll house2
#680drab sonata2
#47empty blowgun60
#652enchanted toothpick1
#2520fancy chocolate1
#324filthy hippy poncho1
#792foolscap fool's cap1
#427frilly shirt1
#441ghost cucumber100
#456giant discarded plastic fork22
#3307gingerbread bugbear2
#491goth kid t-shirt7
#774green pixel22
🥈green traffic cone1
#602handsomeness potion1
#570harem girl t-shirt1
#124heart of rock and roll1
#563iron pasta spoon9
#1103kneecapping stick6
#1209length of string6
#960loaded serum blowgun4
#239lovecat tail4
#593mafia aria34
#865oriole-feather headdress1
#832oyster basket4
#665penguin skin37
#84penguinskin mini-skirt1
#1060personalized birthday cake1
#679pet rock11
#103petrified time4
#397picture of a dead guy's girlfriend2
#1207piece of wedding cake1
🥇pirate hook1
#335pirate shirt5
#289pixel hat1
#163pixel pants1
#211pixel sword1
#99pixellated candy heart210
#361plastic passion fruit4
#214plexiglass pinky ring1
#134questionable taco4
#866rag doll2
#807rib of the Bonerdagon2
#10rose-colored glasses1
#840scroll of pasta summoning9
#1284shiny ring14
#426sleeping snowy owl7
#713sock monkey3
#1203spectral pickle2
#396spooky bicycle chain6
#730spooky cosmetics bag3
#292string of blue beads38
#301string of green beads37
#317string of red beads34
#615stuffed doppelshifter20
#424stuffed zmobie2
#924support cummerbund4
#287supportive bra6
#1003teddy bear5
#8195tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#4313tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#4232tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#6126tiny plastic angry goat2
#6148tiny plastic barrrnacle2
#1718tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar3
#8181tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#4878tiny plastic cocoabo3
#8225tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#6187tiny plastic fuzzy dice2
#8065tiny plastic grue1
#4600tiny plastic hermit1
#6152tiny plastic howling balloon monkey2
#6080tiny plastic killer bee2
#6177tiny plastic leprechaun2
#8106tiny plastic levitating potato1
#6167tiny plastic mosquito2
#2601tiny plastic pastamancer2
#8104tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#2644tiny plastic sauceror2
#4906tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton3
#3310tiny plastic stab bat5
#8143tiny plastic star starfish1
#2899tiny plastic sweet nutcracker2
#1832tiny plastic turtle tamer3
#701toy soldier2
#478tree skirt1
#439urinal cake3
#1045wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#192zombie pineal gland22

Wow, that's 20,653 items total!

what items are this player missing?