ectoplasmic orbs

ectoplasmic orbs

🥈Mistress of the Obvious1,469














#9Hanson The Mighty562






#12Galapagos James320


#13Mongrel the Apathetic310


#14Keldar the Unbrave292






#17Sal the Rapacious266
































#33Magnus Thunderblade111




#35agargan and rgarz196












#42Poncho the Sane78








#46Altoholic and MeLcator60






#50Solve_Omnis and Webley53


#52GpHerder and lupus448






#56BanditAlt and Loathario43






#60Geske and aenimus34


#62Bobje Ratata, Zanchvegas and apisguy33




#66Kaspersai and Mac_Gyver21




#69Miss Informed and Yatsufusa13


#71Ms Bus Driver12


#72Candice Dick, Donavin69, JoeCorden, Kneegrow, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, SnackAttack and Unconventionable11


#80Lord Stefano10


#81Archondelnoche and MrSqueezeBox9


#83Chas3 and Romeo6148


#85The EEK Mosquito7


#86ARthuR the human, GLWill, Guthrum, Prickle, nachothesecond and sensibleb6


#92JCS, LetsT, NobGobbler, PolyesterMan and tobymAc5


#97ChevellemanX, Varennarai and bergelveist4


#100Bubba9265, Choolies, Drag0n, JR Trolkin, Kalos Kentaros, Oldsfrk, Soba Rigatoni and TamerAlt3


#108Data the Corrupted, Delilah Jones, Dessalvara, Muush, Nodo2, Phantom Stag, Rathskellar, Samog, Shoop8000, Tolim, Vigilamus, cubeof11, davidsan, not Zdrvst, pLaster and queenoftheNAUGHTiez2


#124Al Frodo, Aldarana, Alf, Allora, Alucir, Arties Son, Aybara, Beavis P_Ness, Bortlby, Brandon Koh 1, Brirad, BrittyBear, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, CaptainRondo, Charasan, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Dragonchild_Von_Talemore, ElVatoLoco, ElronBean, Emerilla, Erebus2161, Framistan, Greeny30, Grooob, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, Isibeal, Jashler, Jaylee, Justin Smoak, Kastaguy, Laa, Lendezco, Lord_of_Ants, Lucelle Ball, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mellissaleo, MiB, Mike Antleg, Mme_Defarge, Moggil, Natedogg, Necrophage, NightRipper, Ninja Karl, Nirsh, Nodosaurus, Nonia, Paradoxtim, Pawlifer, Peace and Love, Peanut Butter Shelley, Perkk, Princess Erin, PsyMar, Psychonaut, QVamp, QueenBea, Razorbell, RedIrish, Rejem, RubyLucky, Russano Greenstripe, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, SealClubberForLife, Sherissa, Sir Dinklege, Skittius, SnottyRag, Splendor, Stan Maskelyne, StanTheManly, Styre, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TaPol, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, The Other None, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, TigerMom, Tigger101, Tim the Unchanter, Totentanz, Tykinruoka, Vorzer, Wes Aaronson, Wombatling, Zauc, Zolobatron, Zoolagarl, acm, baixar, bnlcaholik, burgie12, coryvanmeter, daanolav, eddie_hitler, hotdeth, jWang, proven, runeslayer, scorpionxx, shengii, shkspr, taltamir and xKiv1
