sensitive poetry journal

sensitive poetry journal

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This is a journal full of the type of poetry that rhymes "moon" with "spoon" and "June." If you hadn't yet realized that "love," "dove," and "above" rhyme, this is definitely the poetry for you. It's basically a collection of greeting cards in book form.

To clarify, the journal itself isn't particularly sensitive. You can insult it all you want.









#6The Big O462




#8Mistress of the Obvious188




#10Killer Tune166






#13caducus and somebody third100


#15Von Bek81




#17Niven the Squeamish and ooshNaga71


#19MonsoonCrafter, Vampiregrrl and whizdad63




#23King Stupid54






#26Poncho the Sane47








#30Gauln and Nectaris43






#34CrypticEllipsis and Snugglypoo32






#38Boxy Brown25




#40MyMilkshake, Viridinia and sensibleb21


#43Le Canard and Pastahead20


#45Keranita_ye, Parse and brent ObeRLin19


#48Hastings, Scattaloquarious and pringlesguy18


#51Hunkpapa and Noskilz17


#53Sir Isaac Newton, completebastich and mskc15


#56Ace Palarum14


#57ARthuR the human, Strych, Zanchvegas and raynstorm13


#61Davolta, Terran Karapace, salticid, thudean and tindrum12


#66Bearskinrug, Donavin69, DrewT, LiamAndMe, Longuine, Magnus Thunderblade, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, Olorin, Phil_N_Groovy, Princess Erin, Quothz, Valarauko, WhyMan, agargan, spooky kid and tanstaafl11


#83Bjornhilde, Diabolico, EddieLoo, Egrim, Escaflowne, GadTheHero, JoseCuervo, Lord Stefano, Magister30, Solve_Omnis, lupus4 and pLaster10


#95Hairshirt, Mystic_Potato, Retro_Thrusters, Tyche, Xander Whilkes and queenoftheNAUGHTiez9


#101Androcles Antepasta, BabaRam dAss, Kolyn, Mac_Gyver, Stargazer67, TerraAire and sfwarlock8


#108Darmut eDrien, DosBoot, Kareth, LustyPirateWench, Mars the Infomage and Pumpkinheadme7


#114Binaanne, BlueWasabi, EbolaWoman, Ferrex, GpHerder, Raventhief, Splotz, Ubiq, Wylin, Zounds, fuwafuwa, intermIssion, myrth77 and slotwin6


#128Akrim, AlmAlphiA, BuDnOtBuDDy2, GMoneyClip, Juanita Cuervo, Lord_of_Ants, MI4 REAL, OHogan, Pendulass, Rumour Rhemer, Sau_Kazumi, The Poet, ToeOfYoda, Ultranibbles, Viki, Ynrikan, eav, madamkiss and syxx5


#147Benihime, BoiRDee, EaterOfSorrow, Ender Alexander, FatQuack, FesteringFeste, GSrider, Galapagos James, General_Herpes, OrphEe, Rayi, SuzyQs, Testocleese, The Hogfather, TheSilentMantis, Vesiv, aenimus, dedhed, girlina, stuffandthings, unisus80 and xapnomapcase4


#169Alexandrine, Ancientofearth, ArchangelUK, Bloodwiggle Bob, Bobje Ratata, BrickTracy, DJ Dungeon, Defying, Delilah Jones, Efilnikcufecin, Felina Gnome, JR Trolkin, Kayess, Mongrel the Apathetic, PassionFever, QuiCksteR, Redcap04, Sequel, Slet Varthash, Snarla, TNGRspacecadet, Thud the Barmaid, Tilde the Hyphenator, Tony Danzig, Trumper, Zanch Pornoflict, Zerai, chikensrule, dumpybabe, edman18, kidMissile, kirByllAmA, piLyongpiLay, picklesnoot, pisksy, wildrose and xephyne3


#206AccordionBoy, Adam Sandler, Amaris, BigBabySweets, Bigdaddy913, BigdoG, BranNew, CA Dude, CBParker, DarkAndBright, Defenseman, Diatonic, Dik, Don Quai Poncerello, Elishatheman, ElronBean, Flybynight, Fneeee, FrenchiePoo, Froggie Legs, Gabkin, George Gay, Gretta Dean, HansGruber, Hanson The Mighty, Ibaslomofo, JCS, Jidam, Karrde03, KingFelix, Kipling, Kitrin_Nailo, Kneegrow, Kreegah, Magic2729, Malik, Meat_Curious, Meester Slow, MiniMeat, Obscurite, Oldsfrk, PastryPusher, PixySnot, Ramonphilius, Rudiger Skeiyer, Sarafina826, ScratchMe, Skent, Sprulle, Sputnik, Svidrigailov, Terps, TheBrent, Underaling, Viral_Effigy, Wagr, Whuknose, Xaositects, Yandolino, Yarple, ZeroGman, cnutt, draghkar, iMMASMASHYOFACE, jcrkk, koitsu, me the CAT, mervella, neuRosia demenTaTas, octopodey, reinstag, totalnerduk and vpnLibrarian2


#279AccordionStu, Achmedkhalim, AgentRocko, Akeldama, Al Frodo, Aldus, Alice Dente, Allora, Anastasia Blackthorne, Arch Wizard, Archipelago71, Arckanghel, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Artie Effham, Ashles, Asinine, Asmyr, Astin, Athanatos, Avanar, Aybara, Azoun, BanditoburritO, Bart Logan, Beavis P_Ness, Betty Page, BlindMonk, Bloodlust, BlueSeashell, BlueThunder, Bo Peep No Sheep, BonesHurt, Bookworm5991, Boondog_Dan, Brannon, Brew Geared, Brickus, Brirad, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, Caplin, CaptainRondo, CelticAire, Charasan, Charliss, CharmingMimi, Chili Mac, Circe, Club, CodSmack, Cookiecutter, Cosmosis Kwik, CreOsOTe, Cryanger, CuddlyBear, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Dakios, Damascus, Damic, Danger, Dante5454, Daps, Daultimate, DeDiddlyDawg, Decomposer, Derdrom, Derrikan, Derwolf, Dessalvara, Detrius, Dierdra, Disco Princess, Doctor Nick, Douglas Hossenfeffer, DrEvi1, DrHaggis, Dragonchild_Von_Talemore, DreamTune, DuRhone, Dushy, Dyann, Eagleracer, Edwizzle, Eetchoo, El Gigante Elegante, El Lombris, El Vibrato, ElVatoLoco, Elsynoodle, Emerilla, Emhgee, Endo, Eoghnved, Evangelist_Nine, EvilBear, FaderGladiator, Faeya, FarmerDan, Ffnnuuuubert, FiNnighan britton, Fig Bucket, Foggy, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Fredrikson, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, GLWill, GecoLupesco, Giobblin, Gleezus, GoDream, Goobertina, GoodnightMonkey, Gorillo, GotMilk2, Gracefire, Gracious Cymbals, Grand Puuba, Greeny30, Grokly, Grooob, GryphonSlade, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, Habib the Unsightly, Halfwayhouse, HappyAmerican, HappyDeadChicken, HellboundIam, Hellhyena, Hinz, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Hypgnosis, IAmtheDisco, Idran, Idu, ImJohnGalt, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Issira, JackTheRipper, Janine White, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jehanmandeville, Jenn654, Jesusisagurl, Jimbo the Gullible, JohnDoe244, Johnz the Grey, JoshuaGrey, Jpatton, Kami_no_Musha, KamikazePilot, KaosFreak, Karmelya, Kaspersai, Katarra, Keator, Kensoir, Keynes, King Texas, KingDobbs, KnifeDancer, Knight of Columbus, Koentinius, Kruntus, Kwycstix, Ladril, Lady Bladethrust, Lalorelei, Lauramac, Legomancer, Lendezco, Leo Pard, Leona Helmsley, Lewdguini, Liam, Lilandra, Linguinka, Liz79, Loachette, Loper, LorD420, Lord Noob, Lord Travothious, LordBobXIII, Lordhyperion, LoverPrimeNumbah, Lufskar, MGYoda, Magnamanus, Mansausage, Marcella, MaxEarWax, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Meery Nara, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Megarop, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, MiB, Mighty Kes, Mike Antleg, Mikko, Milo Jones, Mirth II, Misha_Z, Miss Informed, Miss Moxie, Mitchell, Mme_Defarge, Moggil, Monkeyboyjp, MotherMary13, MoxFulder, Mrmongoose, MugWump, Mulvaney, Mushashi, NamelessAngel, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, Neithyme, NeuroticPunk, NewOdyssey, NightRipper, NightShayde, Nimnak, Ninja Karl, Nocturnal_One, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Noip, NoodlyAppendage, Odd Alfred, Olaf the Pantsless, Old Ned, Olesmiley, OmegaZone, OnyXx, Optimus747, Originalcyn, Osbert, PKS1234, PSY, PanSolo, Perkk, Pertelote, Phantom Stag, Phlylgenion, Phrim, PinballLizard, Pineapple of Despair, PirateRee, Pizzleman, Placet, Platina, PollyEster, PorcupineSpader, Prim120, PrinceCandyAss, Prince_Ragoczy, Prodical, Pronell, Psyche, Psychonaut, Pudvirus, Pukebeard, QVamp, Quafferbrau the Mush, QueenBea, Quimble, RDOlivaw4, Radcliff247, Rainribbon, Rami Noodle, RazorbackX, Rebel SMURF, RedIrish, RedJack, Repo Man, Rissika, Ritzenbunnik, Roga, Rooh, Rosarinita, RubyLucky, Russano Greenstripe, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, Sadako, Sal the Rapacious, Salsa Picante, SandyFlash, Sasori_uk, Selidiana, Sheik Ahmed, Sir Jefe, SirSwank, Skin Deep, SkullRock, SkyElf, SmarmKing, Smarmalicious, SnackAttack, Snapperjack, Sneako Burrito, Soba Rigatoni, SonDEnise, Sophonax, Southwest, Soylent Black, Spiggot, Spindle Legged Stork, Splendor, SpringaldJack, Spudgy, Squall Thrawn, Stabby Pete, Stabotron, Sue Filli, SweeneyTodd, SweetChicken, SylvieMyrtevik, THE Duke of Doi Tung, THEeggplantWIZard, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tarragon, Tatasha, Tee, Teronic, Terrabull, Terrapin_Man, Tesa, The Amazing Steve, The Lifestyle, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, The Mushboom, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, TheDotGamer, TheLetterM, TheVillageIdiot, The_English_Language, The_Herald, The_Hick, The_SLY_Raven, TiCaudata, TimCruz, Toe Knee, Tony Riga, TurtleGirlPower, Tuuli, Twinsom, Tykinruoka, Tz_BG, Unluckycat, Vaan the Nasty, Valryia, Vorzer, Wembley Fraggle, WiseFather, WorkerDrone, Writhe1313, Xaod, Yatsufusa, YdCaudata, Zarqon, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zero Cool, ZmFlavius, ZombieKing, Zucker, adwriter, alLumiNUM nAiL, aldervan, alfabit, angiemoonpie, apisguy, avRAGEjoe, badfae, bananaconda, benchilada, burgie12, cabybara, cakyrespa, cameron, ccox10, chaos_assasain, chaosagent, chaossoulja, chud, clacklack2, clemson, corneliusv, coryvanmeter, crystal_ingram, d00bie, daanolav, darius180, davidsan, delFuego, delvis_one, desala, emiT, evilmetaldork, fl0aty, flareplay, floriSSanTTi, glaucos, goodknight, grapey, hax0r, hohofolderol, hotdeth, howlin_mad, iconoplast, infernokrusher, jOgel, jWang, jalana, jamie101022, jaycdu, jlc2, jzen, kissenger, la fee Verte, lycrashampoo, magic miss ile, maliphik, meatcheese, micros the tiny, moddey, morwen, mrf, nATEn53, njpath, nospiNe, oMa, ohNOanotherPUTZ, pOOx, pandaba, pariswhitney, payguhn, pheanix, proven, quoisme, redundantswami, rickyfingers, riebeck, rpxx, runeslayer, santifaller, shengii, shkspr, slopmaster, slugBoy, spemik85, tHejudOMadOnna, the LAGbeast, theFallaciousFetusofFury, the_vegan, thebrucolac, trillian1977, twopakadaybitch, vampyro_chick, wednesdaylol, wudy, xKiv, xsvenn, yoshIeGGY, youngbull88, zacius, zoidman and zwiz1
